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Bellfor dog food: test and experience report

The Bellfor brand advertises that it protects the environment in the production of its pet food and that it sources all the raw materials it needs from regional farms.

Bellfor: The environmentally friendly dog food supplier

The renowned Bellfor brand stands out for its outstanding commitment to preserving the environment. Their pet food products are known for being sourced exclusively from regional farms. Bellfor thus positions itself as a leading provider of eco-friendly dog food. In addition, Bellfor offers an innovative and sustainable alternative in the form of dog food made from insects. With this product line, which is available in several varieties, Bellfor was the first company in Europe to enter completely new territory in 2016. The individual varieties and their specific ingredients are examined and explained in detail below.

Bellfor dry food: Heath Feast.

For pet lovers looking for a cold-pressed dry dog food made from high-quality ingredients, Bellfor's "Heide-Schmaus" is an optimal choice. This food is characterized by the following features:

  • High-quality meat: the feed consists of food-grade lamb and rabbit meat. Slaughter waste is completely avoided.
  • For nutritionally sensitive dogs: since the food is grain-free and gluten-free, it is also suitable for dogs with nutritionally sensitive requirements.
  • Rich in vegetables: In addition to meat, the food contains many other ingredients, including potatoes, peas, tomatoes, carrots and desugared beet pulp.
  • Skin and coat health: Thanks to ingredients such as salmon oil and flaxseed, the health of the skin and coat is promoted.
  • Balanced Nutritional Content: With a protein content of 22 percent and a fat content of 13 percent, this food is ideal for adult dogs with an average activity level. The high calcium content of 1.8 percent supports dogs' bone health.

Bellfor insect food: Naturgut feast

If you are looking for a particularly sustainably produced dry food option that has an extremely low allergy potential, Bellfor's insect food is the right choice. The "Naturgut-Schmaus" impresses with the following properties:

  • Main protein source insects: The feed consists of a remarkable 82 percent insect protein, using the meat of larvae of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens).
  • Rich in fruit: the feed contains a variety of ground fruits such as apple, mango, plum, banana and cranberry.
  • Variety of tastes: although the insect food might not be immediately palatable to every dog, there are numerous dogs that just love this food.
  • Healthy and allergy-friendly: Undeniably healthy in any case, it could be the ideal food especially for dogs with allergies.

Bellfor wet food: The country menu

Bellfor's range includes not only dry food options, but also wet food varieties. In particular, Bellfor's "Landgut Menu" attracts attention, as it represents another multi-faceted insect-based option that uses the same type of insect (Hermetia illucens, Black Soldier Fly) already found in the aforementioned dry food.

Bellfors "Country Estate Menu" is characterized by its exceptional quality. It is grain-free, which makes it a suitable choice for dogs with grain intolerances or for those following a grain-free diet. These features underscore Bellfor's commitment to providing dog food that is tailored to the specific nutritional needs of our four-legged friends.

Another notable aspect of the "country estate menu" is the absence of artificial additives. Bellfor attaches great importance to naturalness and sustainability and therefore does not use artificial preservatives, colorings or flavorings in the production of its wet food. Thus, the company guarantees that your dog receives only the best from nature.

Also in terms of odor intensity, the "Landgut Menu" can score points. It has an unobtrusive smell that is pleasant for sensitive human noses, while remaining appealing to the much more odor-sensitive dog noses.

In addition, practical experience has shown that the "Landgut Menu" is very well tolerated by most dogs. Both in terms of taste acceptance and digestive tolerance, the food proves to be an excellent choice, making it a reliable option for daily feeding. Due to the use of insects as a protein source, Bellfor's wet food can also be an interesting option for dogs with certain meat allergies or intolerances.

In summary, Bellfor's "Country Estate Menu" is a sustainable, natural and well-tolerated wet food option, which is characterized by the use of insects as a protein source.

Bellfor treats: Sustainable enjoyment for your dog

Bellfor is also true to its motto of sustainability when it comes to rewards and snacks for our beloved four-legged friends: Bellfor's wide range of products also includes insect-based dog treats, following the trend of environmentally friendly and sustainable pet nutrition.

Bellfor's insect treats are made from the same fly larvae already known from the above-mentioned foods. They are an excellent source of high-quality protein, which is essential for the health and well-being of our dogs. Bellfor Insect Treats therefore provide a valuable source of protein that is also perfect for dogs with common meat allergies.

In addition to this high-quality insect protein, the treats also contain a carefully selected combination of carbohydrates derived from potatoes, tapioca and peas. These not only provide the necessary energy content, but are also easily digestible and therefore particularly gentle on the sensitive dog's stomach.

But Bellfor has not only thought about the proteins and carbohydrates. The treats also contain flaxseed oil. This is known for its high content of important omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids are important for a variety of health aspects in dogs, including skin and coat health, the immune system and the cardiovascular system. Due to the contained flaxseed oil, Bellfor treats therefore actively contribute to the health care of your dogs.

Most importantly, Bellfor has completely eliminated grains in the production of the treats. They are therefore suitable for dogs with grain allergies or intolerances and can be fed as part of a grain-free diet.

Overall, Bellfor insect treats thus represent a valuable addition to your dog's main meals. They are not only tasty and well tolerated, but also healthy and sustainable. As a result, they help to reduce your dog's ecological pawprint without you having to sacrifice the pleasure of pampering and rewarding your four-legged friend.

An overview of Bellfors specialty foods: Targeted nutritional supplements for different needs.

Bellfor not only specializes in staple foods, but also offers a variety of different products in the area of nutritional supplements. Each of these specialty foods targets the specific health needs and challenges dogs may have at different life stages and situations.

One such product is the "Kidney Strength" supplemental food. This food is specially formulated for dogs with weakened kidney function. It consists of a herbal mixture that includes nettle, parsley, ginger and marshmallow root. This food is designed to promote detoxification processes in the kidney and support the overall health of the dog's organ. It can be easily mixed with regular food and helps improve your dog's vitality and well-being by strengthening his kidney functions.

For dogs that are recovering from an illness and may be suffering from fatigue, Bellfor has developed the "Immune" powder. This product is designed to strengthen the dog's immune system and can be easily mixed into the food for several weeks. The powder contains insect protein as well as a number of nutrient-rich ingredients, including nettle, sea buckthorn, rosehip and propolis produced by bees. The latter is known for its antibiotic and antiviral properties, which can help support the immune system.

Also in the range is Bellfor's "Vermal" powder, a natural remedy for the prevention of intestinal parasites. It contains pumpkin seeds, coconut flakes, oregano, worming herb and ginger. These ingredients can help reduce the likelihood of dogs becoming infested with parasitic worms or other intestinal parasites, such as giardia.

But Bellfor doesn't just have suitable solutions for adult dogs; the youngest members of the family are also catered for: Bellfor also offers puppy milk. This is made from whole goat milk powder and is rich in protein, which is essential for rapid and healthy growth of puppies.

So, in summary, Bellfor offers a wide range of specialty foods that target the specific needs and health challenges of dogs in different life stages and conditions. These products can be a valuable complement to the main diet and help promote the health and well-being of your dog.

Banner: Shutterstock / Switlana Sonyashna
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