Affectionate dogs

Affectionate dog breeds are characterized by their strong bond with their owners and their desire for closeness. They love to spend time with their humans and often show their affection through constant physical closeness and attention. These dogs are ideal for people who are looking for a loyal and loving companion who prefers to be by their side at all times. Here we introduce you to particularly affectionate breeds.

Loyal companions who love closeness

Affectionate dog breeds are known for their close bond and strong affection for their humans. They feel most comfortable when they can spend as much time as possible with their owners and show their attachment through constant physical closeness, eye contact and the need to always be close to their owner. Such dogs are not only wonderful family members, but also ideal companions for people who are looking for a loyal companion at their side.

What makes a dog affectionate?

Affectionate dogs are characterized by a strong attachment to people. They develop a deep emotional connection with their owners and often do not want to be left alone. These dogs are known to focus on their humans and always want to follow them - whether from room to room or on walks. Their loyalty and faithfulness make them ideal dogs for owners who want to spend a lot of time with their four-legged friend.

Who are affectionate dogs suitable for?

Affectionate dog breeds are ideal for people who can invest a lot of time and attention. They are ideal for singles, senior citizens or families where there is always someone at home. They are also often very popular as therapy dogs, as they develop a close emotional bond with people and show a high degree of empathy.

Challenges with affectionate dogs

Despite their loving nature, affectionate dogs can also be demanding. They tend to show restlessness or even develop separation anxiety when separated for long periods of time. It is important that these dogs learn early on to stay alone for short periods of time in order to avoid stress-related behavior. Good training and a lot of patience are the key to having a balanced and happy dog.

The 15+ best affectionate dog breeds with pictures

In this blog post, we introduce you to the most affectionate dog breeds. From small, cuddly companions like the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to large, affectionate breeds like the Golden Retriever - each of these breeds brings their own brand of loyalty and affection. Discover which breed suits you best and gives you the most closeness and loyalty!


Schöner gestromter Whippet läuft auf einem Feld mit Löwenzahn Depositphotos / BiancaGrueneberg

The Whippet is a medium-sized, affectionate and gentle sighthound that is known for its strong bond with its humans. He loves to spend time around them and displays a calm, loving nature. Despite his quick nature, at home he is a cuddly and loyal companion who seeks to be close to his family.

Petit Brabançon

Porträt eines kleinen brabanischen Hundes auf dunklem Hintergrund, Profilansicht Depositphotos / alexspdz

The Petit Brabançon is a small, affectionate and people-oriented dog that is known for its cheerful and loving nature. He forms a close bond with his family and loves to be around them all the time. With his playful and loyal nature, he is an ideal companion for people looking for a cuddly friend.


Porträt eines Malteserhundes im Winter im Freien Depositphotos / Laures

The Maltese is a small, affectionate and loving dog that is known for its affection and close bond with its humans. He loves spending time with his family and is always friendly and playful. With his gentle nature, he is an ideal family dog and loyal companion for anyone who appreciates closeness and cuddles.

Bedlington Terrier


The Bedlington Terrier is a medium-sized, affectionate and gentle dog that is known for its friendly nature and strong family bond. He loves to spend time with his humans and is both playful and cuddly. With his loving nature, he is an ideal companion who fits in well with families and always seeks to be close to his owners.

Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherd beim Coursing Depositphotos / riha.martin13

The Australian Shepherd is a medium-sized, affectionate and intelligent dog that is known for its strong bond with its humans and its eagerness to learn. He loves to be active, is highly adaptable and constantly seeks to be close to his family. With his playful and loyal nature, he is an ideal companion for active people.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier


The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a medium-sized, affectionate and loving dog that is known for its strong bond with people. It is friendly, especially towards children, and always seeks to be close to its family. Despite his strong appearance, he is a gentle and loyal companion who prefers to be by his owner's side at all times.

Braque du Bourbonnais

Neujahrs- und Weihnachtskonzept mit Braque Du Bourbonnais Hund im Schnee Depositphotos / jevgenijazukova

The Braque du Bourbonnais is an extremely affectionate and loyal dog that forms a strong bond with its owners. These dogs are known for their gentle and friendly nature. With their loyalty and patience, they are ideal companions for people who are looking for an affectionate dog that is always loyal and loving both in the family and in everyday life.


Bild von einem reinrassigen belgischen Schäferhund, der mit einem Malinois und einem Rottweiler spielt Depositphotos / cynoclub

The Rottweiler is an extremely affectionate and loyal dog, known for its strong loyalty to its family. Despite its powerful appearance, it shows remarkable gentleness and is very patient with its owners. With its protective nature and natural caring nature, the Rottweiler is the ideal affectionate companion that reliably protects and loves its family.

Biewer Terrier

Schöner Biewer Terrier Welpe Depositphotos / Dasha9534

The Biewer Terrier is an extremely affectionate and lovable dog, known for its strong bond with its owners. These dogs are very loyal, friendly and enjoy being close to their family. With their gentle and even-tempered nature, Biewer Terriers are ideal companions for people looking for an affectionate dog that integrates well into a harmonious home.

Bichon Frisé

Die Hunderasse Bichon Frise auf grünem Gras Depositphotos / DevidDO

The Bichon Frisé is an extremely affectionate and playful dog, known for its friendly and loving nature. These dogs develop a strong bond with their owners and are very loyal. With their gentle nature and sociable nature, Bichon Frisés are ideal companions for people looking for an affectionate dog that fits in wonderfully with families.

Shih Tzu

Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Leber,Begleithund,Gras,Spielzeughund,Schnauze,Sportliche Gruppe,Shih tzu, Pexels / Pexels

The Shih Tzu is an extremely affectionate and friendly dog, known for its strong bond with its owners. These dogs are very loyal, loving and enjoy being close to their family. With their gentle nature and sociable nature, Shih Tzus are ideal companions for people looking for an affectionate dog that will integrate well into any home.


Weimaraner Hund und trockener Baum Depositphotos / Drago_Nika

The Weimaraner is an extremely affectionate and loyal dog, known for its strong bond with its owners. These dogs are very friendly, loyal and enjoy being close to their family. With their fun-loving and outgoing nature, Weimaraners are ideal companions for people looking for an affectionate dog that is both active and loving.

Shorthair Vizsla

Kopf,Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Leber,Pflanze,Kitz,Begleithund,Arbeitstier,Schnauze, Depositphotos / Julia700702

The Shorthaired Vizsla is an extremely affectionate and loyal dog, known for its strong bond with its owners. These dogs are very friendly, loyal and love to spend time with their family. With their fun-loving and active nature, Shorthaired Vizslas are ideal companions for people looking for an affectionate dog that is both energetic and loving.

English Pointer

Hund englischer Pointer stehend im wilden Wald unter Kieferbaum Depositphotos / Liramaigums

The English Pointer is an extremely affectionate and loyal dog, known for its strong bond with its owners. These dogs are very friendly, intelligent and enjoy being close to their family. With their hard-working and loyal nature, English Pointers are ideal companions for people looking for an affectionate dog that is also full of energy and love.

Welsh Springer Spaniel

Liebenswerter süßer welsh springer spaniel, aktiver glücklicher gesunder Hund, der draußen spielt. Depositphotos / Elis.kadl

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is an extremely affectionate and loyal dog, known for its friendly and loving nature. These dogs are very loyal and develop a strong bond with their owners. With their energetic and hard-working nature, they are ideal companions for people looking for an affectionate dog that is both active and full of affection.

French Bulldog

Hund, Bulldogge, Arbeitstier, Ohr, Fleischfresser, Rehbraun, Hunderasse, Begleithund, Spielzeughund, Schnurrhaare, Depositphotos / AllaSerebrina

The French Bulldog is an extremely affectionate and loyal dog, known for its friendly and loving nature. These dogs are very sociable, playful and develop a strong bond with their owners. With their calm nature and loyal disposition, French Bulldogs are ideal companions for people looking for an affectionate dog that is both happy and relaxed.

Spinone Italiano

Ein großer, pelziger italienischer Spinone, der auf der Jagd nach Vögeln ist, schaut nachdenklich und wachsam, als er sich aufrichtet, um zu sehen, was passiert. Depositphotos / nikolai.hamel

The Spinone Italiano is an extremely affectionate and loyal dog, known for its gentle and friendly nature. These dogs are very loyal and develop a strong bond with their owners. With their patient and even-tempered nature, Spinone Italiano are ideal companions for people looking for an affectionate dog that is both calm and full of affection.

French Pointing Dog (Pyrenean type)

Französischer Vorstehhund Pyrenäen Typ, Erwachsener liegt auf Gras Depositphotos / slowmotiongli

The French Pointing Dog (Pyrenean type) is an extremely affectionate and loyal dog, known for its gentle and friendly nature. These dogs are very loyal and develop a strong bond with their owners. With their patient nature and hard-working nature, French Pointing Dogs are ideal companions for people looking for an affectionate dog that is also loving and attentive.

German Shorthair

Brauner Deutsch Kurzhaar Vorstehhund. Ein muskulöser Jagdhund steht an einem Punkt im Feld zwischen dem grünen Gras. Ein sonniger Frühlingstag. Depositphotos / Vitalii_Mamchuk

The German Shorthaired Po inter is an extremely affectionate and loyal dog, known for its strong loyalty and willingness to work. These dogs are very friendly and develop a close bond with their owners. With their intelligent and even-tempered nature, German Shorthairs are ideal companions for people looking for an affectionate dog that is both active and loving.

Standard Schnauzer

Bild eines Standardschnauzers, der über einen Holzbalken springt Depositphotos / Madrabothair

The Standard Schnauzer is an extremely affectionate and loyal dog, known for its strong loyalty and friendliness. These dogs are very sociable and develop a close bond with their owners. With their energetic and hard-working nature, Standard Schnauzers are ideal companions for people looking for an affectionate dog that is both alert and loving.

English Cocker Spaniel

Englischer Cocker Spaniel im Garten Depositphotos / CaptureLight

The English Cocker Spaniel is an extremely affectionate and loyal dog, known for its friendly and sociable nature. These dogs develop a strong bond with their owners and are very affectionate. With their gentle nature and playful disposition, English Cocker Spaniels are ideal companions for people who are looking for an affectionate dog that integrates well into the family.

Long-haired collie

Hund,Rough Collie,Shetland Schäferhund,Fleischfresser,Collie,Pflanze,Hunderasse,Begleithund,Gras,Hütehund, Depositphotos / baronb

The Long-haired Collie is an affectionate and loyal dog that bonds strongly with its family. With its gentle nature and intelligent disposition, it is an ideal companion for families. This patient dog shows a lot of empathy and loves to spend time with its people. However, the Long-haired Collie needs regular exercise and grooming to maintain its harmonious nature.

Shetland Sheepdog

Shetland Sheepdog beißt in eine menschliche Hand Depositphotos / huettenhoelscher

The Shetland Sheepdog is an affectionate and loyal dog that forms a strong bond with its family. With its intelligent and sensitive nature, it is a wonderful companion for families. This hard-working dog loves to be active and shows a lot of energy. The Shetland Sheepdog is an attentive dog that is characterized by its gentleness and alertness.


Herbstporträt eines schwarzen Groenendael-Hundes mit orangefarbenem Hintergrund. Working Agility belgischen Schäferhund groenendael Porträt. Schöner junger, lächelnder und glücklicher belgischer Schäferhund mit herbstlichen gelben Blättern Depositphotos / icemanphotos

The Groenendael is an affectionate and loyal dog that is very attached to its family. With its intelligent and sensitive nature, it is an excellent companion for active people. This hard-working dog shows a lot of energy and is both a protective and loving partner. The Groenendael needs regular activity and a close bond with its people.

German Wirehair

Deutscher Drahthaarvorsteher am Fluss stehend Depositphotos / eAlisa

The Deutsch Drahthaar is an affectionate and loyal dog that forms a strong bond with its family. With its hard-working and intelligent nature, it is ideal both as a hunting dog and as a family companion. This energetic dog shows a lot of determination and loves to be active. The Deutsch Drahthaar needs plenty of exercise and activity to stay happy.

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