•  (715) 852-6600


Logan Horn

Kathleen Thorn

“All careers mean business!”
In case you haven’t heard, accounting is HOT!  In 2005, accounting became the number one major on college campuses.  Why?  Because accountants are in high demand.  And, because accounting offers graduates a variety of jobs in every type of organization in the public or private sector.  Jobs are easy to find and secure.
According to a major study conducted in 2007, nationwide, entry-level staff accountants make an average of $48,000 a year, and auditors make over $69,000 when they start work in the U.S.  CPAs make the highest salary of all: with 30- to 39-year-olds earning $105,000 versus non-certified accountants  at $75,000.
Clearly, high school accounting is not for back-office bookkeepers!  It is for college-bound graduates who are planning dynamic, strategic, lifelong and lucrative careers.