Contact us

Can’t find what you're looking for? Get in touch with us online or by phone.

You may find the information you need, or where to find it, is on one of the 2 pages listed below.

  • To find information on aspects of environment and heritage that are not handled by our department, visit our Find information webpage.

If you can’t find what you need on the pages above, you can get in touch with us online or by phone.


General queries

Biodiversity Offsets Scheme Help Desk

Heritage NSW

Please include what you are enquiring about in the subject line.

Website feedback

You can give us feedback about our site, report website problems or suggest improvements to our website using our online form.


Main switchboard

Biodiversity Offsets Scheme Help Desk

Environment Line

The Environment Line should be used for enquiries relating to the department’s work in the following areas:

  • damage to Aboriginal Cultural Heritage
  • animals and plants
  • Parks, reserves and protected areas
  • air quality
  • water
  • fire
  • land and soil
  • energy
  • sustainability.

The New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA) operates a separate Environment Line. This can be used for reporting pollution in New South Wales 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Heritage NSW

Deaf, hearing impaired and speech impaired access

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service.

  • TTY users, phone 133 677 then ask for the number you want.
  • Speak and Listen users, phone 1300 555 727 then ask for the number you want.
  • Internet relay users, connect to the NRS then ask for the number you want.

Other important contacts

Report pollution in New South Wales 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Environment Line

Phone: 131 555 (local call from landlines in New South Wales)
or 02 9995 5555 (from outside New South Wales)

Email: [email protected]

Reporting littering from a vehicle

Report littering from a vehicle using the website or a mobile app.

Industry notification of pollution incidents

Go to Protocol for industry notification.

Visitor centres | Local offices

Contact the Parks Line for information about facilities and closures as well as brochures and maps.

Phone: 1300 361 967 (local call from landlines in New South Wales)

Annual Pass Contact centre

Phone: 1300 072 757 (local call from landlines in Australia)


Find information

Find information about environmental and heritage issues.

Media Branch

Email: [email protected]

Go to the News page.

Branches, units and staff within the organisation can be contacted via the main switchboard.

Phone: 02 9995 5000

View a list of all offices.


Make a positive difference and contribute to preserving our environment.

Public consultations

Comment on proposed plans, policies and legislation.

Service standards

When we receive an enquiry through our website, we will:

  • aim to respond to simple enquiries within 2 working days 
  • aim to respond to more complex enquiries within 28 working days. 

If you provide input to public consultations through our website, we will:

  • confirm we have received your input
  • tell you how your input will be used, where possible. 

If you conduct transactions with us online, we will:

  • confirm we have received your transaction
  • for transactions involving payment, provide you with a receipt number. 

Please note: these service standards apply only to forms and email addresses on the website. Emails sent directly to individual staff members are not necessarily included.