Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens

the letterbox

Dear Cricket magazine,

I have a few questions: How do you get the stories and poems for your amazing magazines? Do authors just send them in and you accept or reject them? Or do you hire authors to write them? And do you get the artwork in the stories from the authors who write them? What is the process?

Mary Clare Draganowski, age 13 St. Paul, Minnesota

Dear Mary Clare,

Authors from all over the world email us stories and poems. We choose the very best ones for our magazines. We also reprint some things from library books. After a story or poem is selected for an issue, Cricket’s art director asks an artist to illustrate it. Our art department has files of art samples from hundreds of artists with varying styles of work from which to choose.

After working through all the steps of selection, layout, and proofing, it’s always exciting and satisfying to turn the pages of the finished magazine!

The Editors

Dear Everybuggy,

How old are you? I like to read your books. They’re great so far.

This winter it snowed four

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