Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens1 min read
The Weird Sisters’ Spell
Double, double toil and trouble;Fire burn and cauldron bubble.Fillet of a fenny snake,In the cauldron boil and bake;Eye of newt and toe of frog,Wool of bat and tongue of dog,Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,For a cha
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens1 min read
Midnight Cat
In the shelter, caged, she cried,“Let me out.” I touched the pawpoked through the bars to reach my hand,set her free and brought her home. Midnight cat, black on black,yellow eyes wide, undersizedbeauty, frail, with blunted tail.Played through my day
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens4 min read
Cricket League
Hermione G., age 9Spring, TX A Life in Secret Wandering through the woods,A calico cat goes,Looking for a home,Between the winter snows. Lurking in the shadowsOn little cat feet,Hides this little figure,So soft, so sweet. Bethany B., age 11Fort Mill
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens1 min read
Going Batty
It’s not so easy being meI am a threatened bat, you seeNot many think I’m very cuteWith stringy wings and fuzzy suit I should be loved for how I tryTo eat the pests that multiplyI nightly dine on bugs that biteBy echo-dining while in flight The far
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens1 min read
Old Cricket Says
IN 1588, WARSHIPS of the Spanish Armada sailed against England. Bristling with swords, pikes, grappling hooks, and cannons, it was a huge fleet: 130 ships. Carried aboard to catch mice was one tailless cat. King Philip II of Spain believed his sea po
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens4 min read
A Purr-fect Way to Build Up Bones
WHY DO CATS purr? We have wondered about that soft and soothing sound since cats became our companions over 5,000 years ago. You’re right if you think that cats purr because they are happy and content. Cats choose to purr, just like you choose to lau
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens1 min read
GoblinsOn the porchesGlare with slitted eyes,Waiting for their callers:Children in disguise. Throats ofLiquid fire,Eyes of candle flame—Demons in the darkness,Pumpkins when they’re tame.■
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens8 min read
Animal Magnet
MY NAME IS FAUNA, but Mom and Dad sometimes call me Magpie since I talk a lot. They call me “animal magnet,” too, because animals like me. I don’t mind at all because I like them, too. In fact, what I really, really want is a pet of my own. My dad ha
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens1 min read
Cover And Border
Daniel Krall grew up on a small farm in Fontana, Pennsylvania. He spent a good part of his childhood acting out one-kid plays in the woods and dueling with trees and squirrels. His love for imagining things led him straight to the drawing desk. He at
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens1 min read
Tarantula Terrors
1 envelope dry yeast 1 ½ cups warm water ¾ teaspoon table salt 1 ½ teaspoons sugar 4 cups flour 1 egg coarse-grained salt cooking oil muffin tins large mixing bowl small bowl pastry brush 1. Preheat oven to 400ºF. 2. Turn muffin tins upside down and
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens2 min read
Favorite First Sentences
“Now, for those of you who know anything about blind children, you are aware that they make the very best thieves.” PETER NIMBLE AND HIS FANTASTIC EYES (Peter Nimble Adventure, Book 1) by Jonathan Auxier submitted by Molly Sailors of VA “It was my au
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens1 min read
Ugly Bird's Ghostly Crossbird Puzzle
1. _______ house4. Smaller than a forest6. Fairy _______7. Fear of spiders: arachno_______11. To perform or accomplish13. A large stone14. Untidy17.Opposite of nay19. _______ hang in haunted houses23. Old witch25. “Quoth the Raven, ‘_______ more.’”27
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens7 min read
The Owl In The Henhouse
IT HAD ALL gone wrong right from the start. Kishna had so looked forward to meeting his cousin from the city, exactly his age, whom he had not seen since they were practically babies. There’d be so much to share, or so he thought. How excited he had
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens7 min read
SIMON LAY IN the wheat field, hidden from the eyes of anyone who might happen to pass by. He was plucking stalks of wheat and linking the straws together to make a circular network of spokes and struts, trying to distract himself from worrying about
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens6 min read
The Pirate King
IF IT WERE up to Dad and me, we would have all kinds of pets. We love animals. But every time I ask for a cat or a dog, Mom says, “Katie Plante, you know it wouldn’t be fair to have a pet with nobody home all day.” Somehow, even though Dad and I outv
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens1 min read
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens
CRICKET STAFF Stacey Lane Smith EditorKathleen Andersen EditorAnna Lender Art DirectorPatrick Murray DesignerCarolyn Digby Conahan Staff ArtistDeborah Vetter Senior Contributing EditorJulie Peterson CopyeditorHayley Kim Assistant EditorJulie Alissi P
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens6 min read
The Fish Who Shook The Earth
A LONG TIME ago in Edo, Japan, the god Kashima sat in his shrine, as still and heavy as a statue. His shrine stood atop a large hill, and through the doorway he could see the patchwork of farms, rice paddies, and wooden huts spread out below. A peasa
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens7 min read
The Letterbox
Dear Everybuggy, This is the first time I’ve written, but I’ve wanted to ever since I got my first Cricket mag in summer 2023. I LOVE to read. Whenever someone asks for my favorite book, I start rattling off a list of six series. It’s impossible to c
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens1 min read
Cover And Border
Alison Jay was born in Hertfordshire, England, and grew up in Derbyshire. As a child she always loved drawing and painting, particularly animals, and she still includes animals in her work whenever possible. Alison studied graphic design in London an
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens1 min read
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens
CRICKET STAFFStacey Lane Smith EditorKathleen Andersen EditorAnna Lender Art DirectorPatrick Murray DesignerCarolyn Digby Conahan Staff ArtistDeborah Vetter Senior Contributing EditorJulie Peterson CopyeditorHayley Kim Assistant EditorJulie Alissi Pe
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens1 min read
Forgetting My Part as I Practice for the Play
My linessink under the surfaceof my mind,rise and sink again,like bobbersdipping with the weightof nibbling trout.Words,what mystery fishdeep in my brainis pulling youdown?■
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens1 min read
Old Cricket Says
IT’S A MAGIC moment. A hush comes over the theater audience, the lights go down, the curtain goes up. Comedy or tragedy, opening night on Broadway or the class play in your school auditorium—there’s no business like show business. But who began it? I
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens9 min read
Cricket League
Cara C., age 9Shaker Heights, OH The Misplaced Slippers Cara was excited to use her new ballet slippers. Ballet lessons were in thirty minutes, but she couldn’t find her slippers anywhere. She’d left them outside her ballet bag, but they were gone!
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens5 min read
Break A Leg, Macbeth (shh!)
IT’S 1606. THE stage is set, and the King’s Men players are costumed and ready to perform a new play before King James I at Hampton Court in London. The play, written by their director, William Shakespeare, is Macbeth. (Shh! Don’t say that!) However,
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens5 min read
Lucy Larcom: Mill Girl Poet
LUCY LARCOM WAS once one of the most famous and beloved poets in America. Today she is best remembered for her autobiography, A New England Girlhood, which tells about her growing-up years as a mill girl, toiling in the dusty and noisy cotton mills o
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens3 min read
A Sense of Direction
“CROSS TO DOWNSTAGE right from upstage center, and don’t turn your back.” If your first thought is “Huh?” it’s time you learned about stage directions. Stage directions are instructions an actor follows in performing a play. They help the director te
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens1 min read
The Fabric of Our Lives
EVERYONE KNOWS that “clothes make the man”—or any person, for that matter. So let’s examine what our glad rags, or fine clothes, are made of. Many fabrics are named after the places where they were first produced. Calico, for instance, originated in
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens1 min read
Ugli Bird's Superstitious Crossbird Puzzle
1. Luck or fortune4. Charm worn to ward off evil or bring good luck7. The walls have _______8. Bad omen: an ill _______ blows9. Destiny10. Astrologers interpret the influence of _______ on human affairs14. Wagers16. Number of years since your birth17
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens7 min read
Finding the Perfect Sandy
“ASHLEY! OUR SANDY is singing again!” The stage manager called to me, and I moved to the wings to watch. While our star, Kayla, was belting out “Tomorrow,” the hound sitting next to her had decided to chime in as well, his earsplitting a-roooo echoin
Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens7 min read
In Pursuit Of A Pig
WHEN I CAME forth, thinking to empty my boat and go a-meditating along the river, I learned to my chagrin that Father’s pig was gone. He had leaped out of the pen sometime since his breakfast, but his dinner was untouched. Here was an ugly duty not t
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