More from Angels on Earth magazine

Angels on Earth magazine1 min read
Angels On Earth Magazine
President & CEO John Temple Senior Lead Editor Colleen Hughes  Creative Director Kayo Der Sarkissian Editorial Team Morgan Beard, Meg Belviso, Sabra Ciancanelli, Sabrina Diaz, Kimberly Elkins, Amanda Ericson, Celia M. Gibbons, Lisa Guernsey, Jane Hae
Angels on Earth magazine1 min read
Heaven’s Music
BAM! BAM! BAM! The MRI machine started up again, and I flinched. I didn’t think I could take being trapped in the long, narrow tube one second longer. I was only 11, and already scared because I’d be having surgery for my scoliosis in a few weeks. Su
Angels on Earth magazine2 min read
Down To Earth
Did you ever get a call from a friend, agree to do a favor, hang up and immediately ask yourself what in the world you were thinking? First of all, I never talk on the phone while driving—even hands-free—but for some reason that evening, I hit the an

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