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The Heist: A Novel
The Heist: A Novel
The Heist: A Novel
Audiobook12 hours

The Heist: A Novel

Written by Daniel Silva

Narrated by George Guidall

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Gabriel Allon, art restorer and occasional spy, searches for a stolen masterpiece by Caravaggio in #1 New York Times bestselling author Daniel Silva’s latest action-packed tale of high stakes international intrigue.

Sometimes the best way to find a stolen masterpiece is to steal another one . . . 

Master novelist Daniel Silva has thrilled readers with sixteen thoughtful and gripping spy novels featuring a diverse cast of compelling characters and ingenious plots that have taken them around the globe and back—from the United States to Europe, Russia to the Middle East. His brilliant creation, Gabriel Allon—art restorer, assassin, spy—has joined the pantheon of great fictional secret agents, including George Smiley, Jack Ryan, Jason Bourne, and Simon Templar.

Following the success of his smash hit The English Girl, Daniel Silva returns with another powerhouse of a novel that showcases his outstanding skill and brilliant imagination, and is sure to be a must read for both his multitudes of fans and growing legions of converts.

Release dateJul 15, 2014

Daniel Silva

Daniel Silva is the award-winning, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Unlikely Spy, The Mark of the Assassin, The Marching Season, The Kill Artist, The English Assassin, The Confessor, A Death in Vienna, Prince of Fire, The Messenger, The Secret Servant, Moscow Rules, The Defector, The Rembrandt Affair, Portrait of a Spy, The Fallen Angel, The English Girl, The Heist, The English Spy, The Black Widow, House of Spies, The Other Woman, The New Girl, The Order, The Collector, and A Death in Cornwall. He is best known for his long-running thriller series starring spy and art restorer Gabriel Allon. Silva’s books are critically acclaimed bestsellers around the world and have been translated into more than thirty languages.

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Rating: 4.46 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I purchased this book with the intent of enjoying an easy, mindless, and entertaining read. After a brief hiatus from reading, I was simply looking for a book that was easy to follow and had a simple structure. The Heist was exactly what I was looking for. The Heist was my first exposure to Daniel Silva's series featuring Gabriel Allon as spymaster extraordinaire. I am giving the book 3 stars simply because it is not my preferred type of fiction and is just too plain. There are no underlying themes or artistic colorations of any kind. On the other hand, given the genre this book is in, I am quite sure it is a 5 star book all the way.Silva does a great job of relating current events with the fictional characters and places in this book. The leadership in Syria is, in fact, very disturbing and The Heist portrays this country and its people very soberly and realistic. Gabriel Allon is a Jew working for the Israeli intelligence service. The persecution of Jews is a common theme throughout the book.It is difficult to give an academic, in-depth review of a book of this type. It is what is it is - simple entertainment with the help of some major international current events as a backdrop. I doubt I will read another one of Silva's books unless I simply want to read another mindless piece of entertainment some day. I am sure that day will come but, until then, I think I will stick to books that inspire and fulfill me in some way.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Once again art restorer and former Mossad agent Gabriel Allon is trying to do what he likes best, restore a damaged old master, this time an alterpiece in Venice. Unfortunately, his friend;, London art dealer Julian Isherwood has gone to Lake Como to appraise some pieces, at the request of an unsavory associate, and discovers a body. In order to save Isherwood from being convicted of being the killer, Allon is asked by Italian authorities to find the killers and as well as a Caravaggio painting that has been missing for several decades. “Each year thousands of paintings and other objets d’art went missing from museums, galleries, public institutions, and private homes. Estimates of their value ranged as high as $6 billion, making art crime the fourth most lucrative illicit activity in the world....” Allon’s search takes him and his team members to several European countries. In the process of trying to learn the identity of the collector who may have the painting, he decides to smoke him out by offering another priceless masterpiece for sale. We learn why people will steal art objects from museums and how art forgers create forgeries good enough to fool the experts. The description of making a forgery is described, though not in as much detail as given in THE ART FORGER. The use or misuse of the international banking system is also highlighted as Allon tries to trace the source of the money being used to purchase stolen art masterpieces. I found the trade near the end of the book to be unrealistic: It could have been made for a lower amount.THE HEIST includes some of Silva’s philosophy and subtle wit: “...Remember..., everything I told entre nous.” “It shall never pass my lips.” “Swear to me....” “‘You have my solemn word....’ Then, after finishing his drink, he told everyone in the room.” “It seems difficult to imagine, but there was once a time when human beings did not feel the need to share their every waking moment with hundreds of millions, even billions of complete and utter strangers....In the online age, it was more important to live out loud than to live with dignity. Internet followers were more treasured than flesh-and-blood friends, for they held the illusive promise of celebrity, even immortality.” As in all of Daniel Silva’s books in the Allon series, this one is well-written and fast-paced. Unfortunately, it also includes unnecessarily short chapters, often several chapters that take place in the same location with the same people at the same time. I always lower a rating because I think that practice is insulting to the intelligence of the readers. For more information about Caravaggio, another relatively recent book is Matt Rees's A NAME IN BLOOD.For readers interested in learning more about art restoration, the Cleveland Museum of Art is currently (until September 14, 2014) restoring a Caravaggio’s Crucifixion of Saint Andrewin a public gallery so visitors can watch as the work progresses.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This 14th book is a fun read--Gabriel is on his last caper before becoming the head of the Israeli Intelligence Agency. (I don't really believe that it will be his last, do you?) The first part of the book is rather boring and deals with art restoration. I began to wonder if it were an art book. Then, it picks up as the head of the Italian art police persuades our hero into looking for a rare painting stolen decades is still loping along. Then, the action gets a little better. When the "office" gets involved, then we're back into Silva's best. Gabriel masterminds a scheme to seize $8B stolen by the Syrian government. As in many other novels Gabriel has always time to visit his first wife and one wonders why? It's a book about spies, dictators, a little art, some current events and quite a bit of excitement. There are references to action from the first 13 books and I wish that I'd read them all before this one.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Another excellent book in the series by Daniel Silva. I never tire of his primary character and cast of Israeli intelligence operatives. While Silva's style does not keep you guessing until the very end, he does have enough twists and turns to keep you unsure of the entire final outcome - Well Done !
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Gabriel Allon is once again drawn into helping solve an international theft of a famous painting and finds himself tracing billions of dollars being used to finance the brutal dictatorship of Syria. Not quite as gripping as previous Silva novels, but no less enjoyable or readable as the author has managed to weave a very interesting tale of international embezzlement along with Allon's pursuit of the stolen painting, which leads him to many other problems along the way. I would like to see more of Allon's character expanded in future novels with the upcoming birth of his children with Chiara, and how his family will tie in to his passion (restoring paintings), and his duty (chief of Israeli intelligence). I can see some tense times ahead for Allon as Silva continues to bring to life these wonderful characters.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoy Silva's Gabriel Allon stories, and this was no exception.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    good story have not read any other book from this author. really enjoyed. the story just kept right on moving.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Gabriel has been collecting a large list of ‘friends’ whose sense of right and wrong and what laws to abide vary greatly. This time around he gets them all to help him pull off the worlds biggest heist. He started it all because he friend Isherwood happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.Julian Isherwood went to a villa in Italy to discuss the sale of some artwork and what he found was artwork of a different kind. The man he went to see had been beaten to death by professionals. This put Julian in a bad spot and it was used to get Gabriel to look into the matter. Apparently the dead man was a fence for priceless stolen paintings, and the rumors were he was selling a very sought after piece, which might have something to do with his demise. Someone has been buying up all the stolen artwork they can lay their hands on and this is a common way to for rich to hide money for safekeeping. Gabriel gets all the criminals he has had associations with together to put on a sting like none other. The first order of business is to try and identify this mysterious buyer. To do so, Gabriel needs a very tempting piece of artwork, and the easiest way to get to get a stolen painting to sell, is to steal one.While I like all of the Gabriel Allon books I have read, this is one I’ve enjoyed reading the most. I don’t mind the dark ones, with the gruesome details of death and torture, but this one proves Gabriel doesn’t need it. I do like how each book in the series targets people and places to showcase the terrible things governments and other groups do to people because they can. Silva is trying and I believe succeeding in bringing to light many atrocities that have and continue to happen around the globe.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Well, I'm sad because I've finished Silva's newest book and I don't know when there will another. The Heist has many of the same characters and intrigue as his earlier works and thus, is a bit predictable. But I don't care. Lovely, descriptive writing with none of the foulness in language or sexual nonsense the majority of today's authors feel necessary to include. I admire Silva greatly for that and wish it would rub off. If you're a great writer and come up with great plots like he does, it is not necessary.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoy this series which stars Gabriel Allon, an Israeli spy and art restorer. You always learn something about painting and art restoration and there is always an excellent mystery to boot.In this installment Gabriel is working in Venice restoring a picture in a church when he is asked to get involved in clearing an old friend of a murder charge. The murder victim was a former British spy and art dealer was suspected of dealing in stolen art and, in particular, Caravaggio's Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence. In clearing his friend's name Allon discovers works of art that have been covered over by new paintings but not the Caravaggio. To flush out the Caravaggio painting Allon cooks up a scheme to steal another painting (Allon carefully says borrow, not steal) and offer it to the underground market. It appears that the Syrian dictator is involved so Allon then decides to steal the money stashed away in foreign banks by the Syrians. So there are a number of heists involved in this plot and I guess Silva invites us to take our pick as to which one the title refers.Fast-paced and set in multiple locales from Tel Aviv to London, you are not going to be bored listening or reading to this book. I listened to it narrated by George Guidall and enjoyed it hugely.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This series remains compelling and fun. It's the Super Jews vs. evil. In this case, the bad guys are Sryian's loyal to Assad, and the Syrian government thugs are the reincarnation of Nazi evil. In this work, as in previous titles, Israel, via the super-hero main character, makes a preemptive attack. The curve ball here is that in so doing he compromises one of his team who falls into the bad guys hands, and Israel must undo the damage it caused to get the hostage back. There's no perception that an unprovoked preemptive attack might be evil in itself and there's certainly no criticism of Israeli occupation politics or its wars in Gaza. Like in an old-fashioned cowboy movie, the Israelis always wear the white hats and the villains the black hats. The Israeli intelligence community can so anything. Silva's big on establishing parity with other intelligence agencies; in this work, for example, he intersects with the Italians, Swiss, and Great Britain, and the hero is treated as one of the better players on the field. He's supported by the same crew as in the previous books (as well as reveiving aid from the demi-monde including a Corsican assassin, and a French art thief, a forger and others), and don't ever bet against the good guys. But the hero also has this other avocation of restoring old-master art. This allows art history to permeate the stories providing a "good" side to human behavior to match the torture and murder. James Bond is a similar character to the hero, as is Jack Reacher and the Mission Impossible team. It's all very plot driven and as easy to get down as a great beer on a hot day. But there is no suspension of disbelief as there's never any doubt as to who will ultimately win and save the world from yet another sociopath. This is prime beach reading--even in the dead of winter.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Loved the audio when there was dialogue and discussion of the actual movements as well as the action, but I, unfortunately, don't know enough history to make perfect sense of the more historical details in the book---definitely my fault, not the author's!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great! Gabriel's prepared to take over the Office. Opportunity for recovering stolen painting leads to a middle east connection of huge impact.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Great book. Hard to keep the intrigue going with the same set of characters. Very enjoyable read
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Daniel Silva is my favorite author of this genre. His character Gabriel Allon is so unique, intense and unforgettable that you can not find anyone in Hollywood to do him justice if this story was made into film. I am just sorry it took me so long to find him.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Daniel Silva is an excellent writer. While the first chapter of The Heist was a bit difficult to settle into, by chapter 3, I was very much enjoying the story and Daniel Silva's easy pace. The characters are fun and the story enjoyable to watch unfold.I must also respect Silva's awareness of the atrocities being committed globally, and the compassionate way in which he approaches them.What I did not feel, however, was much anxiety over the character's well-being or safety, which I believe should be a part of any spy/conspiracy novel. Even lacking the "Thrill" factor, I enjoyed the book and would recommend it for a fun summer read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I've read all the Gabriel Allon books by former journalist Daniel Silva——my guilty pleasure——and this ranks in the middle of the pack. The novel has a lethargic start, the first 200 pages or so is the famous Israeli spy (now slated to become Chief of the Office) searching for a famous Italian painting, but not, at first, because there is much at stake other than the painting. However, when the stakes are raised (no spoilers here!) the novel takes off and dives right into the center of Middle East issues on the world stage today.In addition, and this is my quibble as a writer——get a better title. This title is used up, obvious, a title for even a lesser book, or maybe this is just that. Read for the last three-quarters of the novel. Enjoy the summer!--Caroline
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was like the greatest hits of Gabriel Allon - Silva brought back the best of the best secondary characters from previous novels: Christopher Keller, Don Orsati, the goat (!), Maurice Durand, Julian Isherwood, Christoph Bittel, and Viktor Orlov, in addition to the brilliant cast of King Saul Boulevard. He worked them all together beautifully into a taut international thriller that had me on the edge of my seat. Perfection.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Silva's Gabriel Allon books are easy reading, with lots of interesting spycraft along with, particularly in this case, some stuff about the world of Art.In this book, Allon is taking a break from his stressful life as a spy and assassin, caring for his new wife who is pregnant with his children. But his friend Julian Isherwood stumbles upon a gruesomely murdered ex-spy, and Allon is enlisted by the Italian art crime authorities to uncover the location of an important missing painting connected to the victim. This leads him to a Syrian banker who is laundering and hiding the money of the unnamed ruler of Syria (obviously Assad), and he launches an operation to take that money.As usual in this genre, it describes the frightening efficiency and competence of the Israeli security service. And of course things always have to go wrong in spite of well-laid plans.I've only read one other of these books; what I like about Silva is that endings are hard to predict- not because there are wild, unexpected twists, but because Silva is not dedicated to ensuring the reader a clean and happy ending. The other side is competent too, so it feels like victory is not assured.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very enjoyable!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Daniel Silva never disappoints. Intricate plots, great descriptions of locales, an art history lesson and an up to date recounting of politics.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Ongoing series, #14, may be a transitional title in the series as characters age. There are some who claim redundancy in the titles but there are reasons for that. This title continues to use near history, socio-political / geopolitical events / conditions with art restoration thrown into the mix. I have no problem with character descriptions being repeated as everyone has not read the entire series. I like the characters and what they go through to achieve positive goals.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Love the Allon series - waiting for new book to be released
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Another excellent novel in the Gabriel Allon series by Daniel Silva. This one enlightens the reader on the situation with Syria and its ruling family. While looking for a stolen alter piece, Gabriel works to pull off a heist worth billions of dollars that belong to the ruler of Syria. Gabriel's wife, Chiarra, is still pregnant with his twins, and hopefully, the poor woman will finally give birth in the next book. Lots of good reading and perhaps not quite as much violence as usual. Highly recommended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I felt that this book was a very good addition to the Gabriel Allon books. I especially it when the emphasis is on art and not on violence. I have read them all and I am eager to see if the series will switch directions when Allon becomes the Director.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Gabriel Allon series is one of my personal favorites. This book continues his story and involves another international art theft and murder. I found that I enjoyed this book less than previous in the series because it felt a bit stale. It seemed that almost every character Allon had met in previous books made a return to play a minor role in this story. Many of them weren't necessary, and I almost feel as if the author was pandering to his audience. The story itself dragged for much of the book, but the last 100 pages had its usual action and unexpected resolutions. The personal story of Allon moved along and was satisfying. I think I would have given this three stars as a stand alone novel, but bumped it to four because of how much I enjoy the series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The fourteenth book of the Daniel Allon series begins with a murder investigation surrounding a stolen painting and becomes a mission to hunt down the hidden assets of the Syrian president. Gabriel Allon displays his talents as an art restorer, investigator, and Israeli intelligence operative. The story begins when Gabriel attempts to save Julian Isherwood from jail by agreeing to recover the most famous missing painting in the world, Caravaggio’s Nativity. While on this search he recruits the help of a German naturalized citizen, Jihan Nawaz, whose family was the victim of a major massacre in her Syrian hometown. Numerous old favorites from prior series make an appearance here but the most compelling characters of the book are Gabriel and Jihan.

    Gabriel Allon has an incredibly complex personality, which makes him more empathetic, and believable. He sometimes makes mistakes and allows himself to be haunted by the loss of loved ones. One of the most poignant scenes in the book is when Gabriel visits his first wife, Leah, who was scarred emotionally and physically by a terrorist bombing where their son was killed. It is heart-breaking to see Leah’s struggles with psychotic depression and witness her as a prisoner to the past. Leah very rarely makes an appearance but when she does she can still pack quite a powerful punch for long time readers.

    As always I learned a lot about famous paintings and artists. I found myself googling a number of the paintings referenced and that seemed to add some extra enjoyment to the story for me. The plot line is action packed and filled with intrigue and suspense. Normally this would be a five star read for me but for the very first time I felt like I'd already read this story. It's hard to keep a character fresh after fourteen books and by the end of the book you realize there will soon be lots of changes in Gabriel's life that will potentially open up some great possibilities for future books. I'm still a fan and Silva can count on me to pre-order his next Gabriel Allon thriller.

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this book although not as much as the others in this series. Silva included a lot of history about the conflicts in the Middle East which was interesting but I would rather have had more story of Gabriel and his team at work in the field. It looks like the team will be retiring soon. I love the descriptions of the cities and the art restorations, and the interactions of the characters. Mr. SIlva excels at those. I look forward to the next book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An enjoyable Gabriel Allon book. Art theft and forgery mixed with international finance.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Thrilling work and suspense throughout the book very well read