Tyler Harp is a seventeen year old male born and raised in a small town called Gulf Breeze in the panhandle of Florida. At a young age, Tyler was exposed to the harsh truths and re...view moreTyler Harp is a seventeen year old male born and raised in a small town called Gulf Breeze in the panhandle of Florida. At a young age, Tyler was exposed to the harsh truths and realities of life: death and love. As a young teenager, he experienced the deaths of a couple of his uncles, his grandparents, and a child hood friend. When high school started, he was already mature. Freshman year, he experienced another friend's death. That same year, he experienced his first love, and the loss shortly after. He became what one would call 'emo.' Presently, he is still as mature as ever, more actually, and sees life on a lighter side after finding God junior year.view less