Dr. Salem Rao is an internationally renowned environmental scientist, with a career spanning twenty-three years. He is the recipient of numerous awards. In 2006, at the age of seve...view moreDr. Salem Rao is an internationally renowned environmental scientist, with a career spanning twenty-three years. He is the recipient of numerous awards. In 2006, at the age of seventy-one, he became a certified personal trainer and later became a pro trainer with one of the largest fitness organizations, Canfitpro, administering courses and exams for prospective trainers. In this short time, he has been recognized for his abilities and accomplishments. Canfitpro awarded him the Rookie of the Year Pro Trainer Award in 2008. He was also nominated for the Participant Choice Award for the year 2011, and he won this award in 2012. At the age of eighty-two years, he is truly an inspiration to all aspiring fitness.view less