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Basic Option Volatility Strategies: Understanding Popular Pricing Models
Basic Option Volatility Strategies: Understanding Popular Pricing Models
Basic Option Volatility Strategies: Understanding Popular Pricing Models
Ebook167 pages2 hours

Basic Option Volatility Strategies: Understanding Popular Pricing Models

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About this ebook

Now you can learn directly from Sheldon Natenberg! In this unique multimedia course, Natenberg will explain the most popular option pricing strategies. Follow along as this trading legend walks you through the calculations and key elements of option volatility in this video, companion book, and self-test combination.

Get The Full Impact Of Every Word Of This Traders' Hall Of Fame Presentation.

You'll learn:

Implied volatility and how it is calculated, so you can find the best positions;

What assumptions are driving an options pricing model to be ahead of the trade;

Proven techniques for comparing price to value to increase your number of winning trade;

How you can use probability to estimate option prices to increase trading income.

Spending time with a trading legend is usually a dream for most traders, but this is your opportunity to get the inside tactics of one of the most sought-after educators in options. With the personal touch of his presentation, Natenberg's educational tool gives all traders, beginner to advanced, access to the powerful insights that can bring ongoing option trading success.

Release dateSep 27, 2012
Basic Option Volatility Strategies: Understanding Popular Pricing Models

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    Book preview

    Basic Option Volatility Strategies - Sheldon Natenberg

    Table of Contents

    Publisher’s Preface

    How to Use this Book

    Meet Sheldon Natenberg

    Chapter 1: The Most Important Tool for Any Options Trader

    Your Goal Is Not to Cut off Your Hand

    Black-Scholes: The Grandfather of Pricing Models

    The Fundamental Elements of Any Pricing Model

    Chapter 2: Probability and Its Role in Valuing Options

    Overcoming the Subjective Nature of the Process

    The Problem with Probabilities

    You Can Agree to Disagree

    Expanding the Realm of Probabilities

    What Constitutes a Normal Distribution?

    How Distribution Assumptions Affect Option Pricing

    The Symmetrical Nature of Distribution Curves

    Chapter 3: Using Standard Deviation to Assess Levels of Volatility

    Standard Deviation

    Volatility Numbers Are Fluid

    Adjusting Volatility for Differing Time Periods

    Examples of a Standard Deviation Conversion

    Verifying Volatility

    Chapter 4: Making Your Pricing Model More Accurate

    Some Essential Adjustments to Your Volatility Input

    Key Differences in a Lognormal Distribution

    When the Market Disagrees With the Models

    Chapter 5: The Four Types of Volatility and How to Evaluate Them

    The First Interpretation: Future Volatility

    The Second Interpretation: Historical Volatility

    The Third Interpretation: Forecast Volatility

    The Fourth Interpretation: Implied Volatility

    Checking the Inputs: How to Correct Your Valuation

    Simplifying the Volatility Assessment

    Chapter 6: Volatility Trading Strategies

    The Fundamentals of Volatility Trading

    Further Adjustments Required

    A Black-Scholes Anecdote

    The Risks of Volatility Trading

    Are You Naked—Or Are You Covered?

    A Visual Picture of Volatility

    Using Volatility to Improve Your Predictions

    A Quick Look at Volatility Cones

    The Two Primary Models for Predicting Volatility

    Margin Requirements and Commissions

    Chapter 7: Theoretical Models vs the Real World


    Appendix A: Option Fundamentals

    Appendix B: A Basic Look at Black-Scholes

    Appendix C: Calendar Spread: Putting Time on Your Side

    Appendix D: Greeks of Option Valuation

    Appendix E: Key Terms


    Copyright © 2007 by Sheldon Natenberg

    Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey

    Published simultaneously in Canada

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    Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with the respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for damages arising herefrom.

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    What you have in your hands is more than just a book. A map is simply a picture of a journey, but the value of this book extends well beyond its pages. The beauty of today’s technology is that when you own a book like this one, you own a full educational experience. Along with this book’s author and all of our partners, we are constantly seeking new information on how to apply these techniques to the real world. The fruit of this labor is what you have in this educational package; usable information for today’s markets. Watch the video, take the tests, and access the charts—FREE. Use this book with the online resources to take full advantage of what you have before you.

    If you are serious about learning the ins and outs of trading, you’ve probably spent a lot of money attending lectures and trade shows. After all the travel, effort, expense, and jet lag, you then have to assimilate a host of often complex theories and strategies. After thinking back on what you heard at your last lecture, perhaps you find yourself wishing you had the opportunity to ask a question about some terminology, or dig deeper into a concept.

    You’re not alone. Most attendees get bits and pieces out of a long and expensive lineage of lectures, with critical details hopefully sketched out in pages of scribbled notes. For those gifted with photographic memories, the visual lecture may be fine; but for most of us, the combination of the written word and a visual demonstration that can be accessed at will is the golden ticket to the mastery of any subject.

    Marketplace Books wants to give you that golden ticket. For over 15 years, our ultimate goal has been to present traders with the most straightforward, practical information they can use for success in the marketplace.

    Let’s face it, mastering trading takes time and dedication. Learning to read charts, pick out indicators, and recognize patterns is just the beginning. The truth is, the depth of your skills and your comprehension of this profession will determine the outcome of your financial future in the marketplace.

    This interactive educational package is specifically designed to give you the edge you need to master this particular strategy and, ultimately, to create the financial future you desire.

    To discover more profitable strategies and tools presented in this series, visit

    As always, we wish you the greatest success.

    President and Owner

    Marketplace Books


    The material presented in this guide book and online video presentation will teach you profitable trading strategies personally presented by Sheldon Natenberg. The whole, in this case, is truly much greater than the sum of the parts. You will reap the most benefit from this multimedia learning experience if you do the following.

    Watch the Online Video

    The online video at brings you right into Natenberg’s session, which has helped traders all over the world apply his powerful information to their portfolios. Accessing the video is easy; just log on to, click Basic Option Volatility Strategies by Sheldon Natenberg under the video header, and click to watch. If this is your first time at the Education Corner, you may be asked to create a username and password. But, it is all free and will be used when you take the self-tests at the end of each chapter. The great thing about the online video is that you can log on and watch the instructor again and again to absorb his every concept.

    Read the Guide Book

    Dig deeper into Natenberg’s tactics and tools as this guide book expands upon Natenberg’s video session. Self-test questions, a glossary, and key points help ground you in this knowledge for real-world application.

    Take the Online Exams

    After watching the video and reading the book, test your knowledge with FREE online exams. Track your exam results and access supplemental materials for this and other guide books at

    Go Make Money

    Now that you have identified the concepts and strategies that work best with your trading style, your personality, and your current portfolio, you know what to do—go make money!


    As you will learn later in this book, volatility is the most nebulous factor in determining what the value, and therefore the price, of an option actually should be—and no one is more adept at assessing volatility than Sheldon Natenberg.

    As Director of Education for Chicago Trading Company and a highly sought-after lecturer at professional training seminars both here and abroad, Sheldon has helped many of the world’s top institutional investors, mutual fund managers, and brokerage analysts better understand volatility and utilize it in valuing and pricing options of all types.

    However, his greatest claim to fame came as the result of his authorship of Option Volatility and Pricing: Advanced Trading Strategies and Techniques (McGraw Hill, 1994)—considered by many to be the finest book ever written on the subject. First published in 1988 (revised in 1994), the book established Sheldon as one of the world’s most acclaimed authorities on volatility and its impact on option pricing and trading

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