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The Sweet Life
The Sweet Life
The Sweet Life
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The Sweet Life

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About this ebook

Rome—city of style, culture, food, music, and romance. But is someone sinister stalking Janey Gordon during her Italian adventure?  Sixteen-year-old Janey is all alone in the world apart from her trio of best friends, until she discovers a mysterious letter that leads her to long-lost family, thousands of miles away in Italy. So she heads off on a Roman holiday with a suitcase full of glam outfits courtesy of her fashion-addict bestie, Ness, and a list of must-see locations from her film-buff buddy, Em. It should be a time of sun, food, shopping, and cute guys—but there's someone shadowing every step she takes. Who is the sinister "Fellini," tracking Janey Gordon through cyberspace, and why is he posting warnings to her MySpace page? Living the sweet life can be a dangerous thing.
PublisherAllen Unwin
Release dateAug 1, 2012
The Sweet Life

Rebecca Lim

Rebecca Lim is an award-winning writer, illustrator, and editor and the author of over twenty books, including Tiger Daughter (a Victorian Premier's Literary Award-winner), The Astrologer's Daughter (a Kirkus Best Book and CBCA Notable Book) and the bestselling Mercy.

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    Book preview

    The Sweet Life - Rebecca Lim





    She’s with the Band Georgia Clark

    Cassie Barry Jonsberg

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    My Life and Other Catastrophes Rowena Mohr

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    The Sweet Life Rebecca Lim

    Bookmark Days Scot Gardner

    Winter of Grace Kate Constable

    Rebecca Lim

    This edition published in 2011

    First published in 2008

    Copyright © Rebecca Lim, 2008

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. The Australian Copyright Act 1968 (the Act) allows a maximum of one chapter or ten per cent of this book, whichever is the greater, to be photocopied by any educational institution for its educational purposes provided that the educational institution (or body that administers it) has given a remuneration notice to Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) under the Act.

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    ISBN 978 1 74237 770 4

    Design based on cover design by Tabitha King and Bruno Herfst

    Text design by Bruno Herfst

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    To Leni, with love always





    Via Veneto


    Circus Maximus

    Centro Storico





    Città Universitaria



    About the Author


    For as long as Janey could remember, it had just been her and her mum.

    They’d been a unit. A force to be reckoned with, the Gordon Girls. Best friends. And now her mum was gone and only Janey was left.

    Everything was a nightmare. She felt as though the sound had been turned down on her world, with all the colour and joy drained out of it. Like she was moving alone through a fog, with everyone else going at normal speed around her. Janey just couldn’t fathom a world without her mum in it.

    Mourners filed past Janey in the chapel foyer, murmuring their sympathies. The church had been packed. People had laughed and cried at the songs and stories Janey’s mum had chosen for her own service. She had so many friends.

    ‘Friends are so important,’ she would always tell Janey fiercely. ‘You can’t ever pick your family, sweetheart. But you can pick your friends. And the best ones will see you through anything.’

    Janey had taken that advice to heart. Her best friends, Em, Gabs and Ness, were as different as night and day, but they were like her sisters. Emily Clough was petite, quiet, dark-haired and dark-eyed, and passionate about everything to do with film and theatre. One day, she wanted to be a famous director. Gabriela Epstein was a curvy, red-haired siren with an awesome singing voice and the ability to strike up a funny conversation with just about anyone. A life skill Janey wished she had. And Vanessa McAdams? She was the gorgeous, fashion-mad clothes horse of the group who worked part-time after school just to afford the latest everything. If a trend changed anywhere, she was onto it.

    Which left Janey. The tall, slightly plain, very practical one with unruly red-gold shoulder-length hair and an uncontrollable case of freckles. She didn’t think she was good at anything in particular, but the others always seemed to turn to her for advice, as well as the best minestrone soup in the universe.

    Her three best friends stood by discreetly now, as Janey shook the hands of people she’d never met before and would probably never see again.

    When it was all over and the chapel was empty, Emily and Ness each put an arm around Janey’s shoulders while Gabs led the way from the silent building.

    ‘I don’t know what I should be feeling,’ Janey said tearfully. ‘I always thought she’d beat it, you know? She could do anything, my mum. She was a superhero.’

    It was kind of true. Janey’s mum, Lydia, had fallen pregnant at sixteen – the same age Janey was now – and instead of giving in to intense pressure to get rid of the baby, she’d cut off all ties with her ultra-conservative parents, moved states, lied about her age to get work, and kept her baby. Her boyfriend had been seventeen and never wanted to be in the picture. All her life, Janey’s mum had worked hard to make sure that Janey never felt like she was missing anything. And she hadn’t.

    ‘I would never have had the guts to do what your mum did,’ agreed Emily huskily. ‘Going it alone like that. She was the strongest person I’ve ever met. I thought she’d beat it too.’

    Ness nodded, tears welling in her eyes. They all loved Lydia Gordon, with her funky dress sense, her fantastic cooking, and her enormous laugh. It didn’t feel quite real that she developed leukaemia so quickly and was gone in a matter of a few short months. She was so young.

    ‘The hardest part’s coming up,’ replied Janey with a catch in her voice. ‘You sure you guys want to come? I might lose it totally.’ So far, she’d held herself together pretty well but she was thankful her mum had asked to be laid to rest privately, just the same.

    Her friends nodded. ‘We ’re with you all the way, Janes,’ Gabs said. ‘It can’t be any worse than what you’ve been through already. Come on. She wouldn’t have wanted you to be sad. There’s no more pain where she is.’

    To match Janey’s mood, rain began to stream down out of the sky as she and her best friends and their parents climbed into the waiting hearses.

    Janey sat cross-legged on her mother’s bedroom floor in the fading light of late afternoon.

    She’d spent the whole Saturday going through Lydia’s papers, alternately laughing and crying at the crazy things her mum had thought important to keep. The house seemed so cold and unfamiliar without the smell of Lydia’s favourite sandalwood incense burning, or the sound of classical music playing low somewhere in the house.

    She stared at the letter she held in her hand in disbelief. It was over three years old, headed with the name of some crusty law firm in Sydney, together with the ominous words Private and Confidential.

    Janey read the letter through several times. The words made absolutely no sense to her numb brain.

    Dear Ms Gordon,

    We are writing to determine whether you are the same Lydia Cromwell Gordon, birth date 9 January 1975, formerly of ‘Clewes House’, 18 Berkeley Crescent, Double Bay, New South Wales 2028. A family member wishes to make contact in regard to a matter that may benefit you materially. Please contact the writer on the direct line below to discuss the necessary proof of identification and to arrange contact.

    That was pretty much all the letter said. But it was the words family member that made Janey’s mind reel, because Lydia had told her several years before that Janey’s grandparents had died in a car accident. Lydia had seen an article about it in the newspaper the day after it had happened, and although her eyes had been sad, her voice was hard.

    ‘They were most likely on their way back from the country house in the Hunter Valley,’ she’d said in a detached monotone, chopping vegetables furiously. ‘Seems they collided with a fruit truck. Dad would’ve hated that. He hated mess. That’s that then. We ’re the only Gordons left now.’

    Janey had seen her mum furtively wipe away a few tears, blaming them on the onions, before she changed the subject altogether.

    And now there was this letter. Lydia must never have replied, because there was no further correspondence from the law firm anywhere in her papers.

    Janey got up slowly – eyes red and head thumping from a headache that had been building all afternoon – and went down the hall to the poky study where the computer lived. She fired up the internet and typed in the name of the law firm.

    Her skin prickled when the search results showed that the firm still existed. And not only that, it was still at the same address. She looked up the author of the letter on the firm’s website and found that he was still there too, contactable on the same number.

    Janey didn’t know much about her mum’s life before she’d been, well, her mum. All she knew was that Lydia Gordon had been the pampered only child of wealthy, rather elderly parents who had turned on her when she wanted to keep her baby. The address mentioned in the letter meant nothing to Janey, although the birth date listed there was as familiar to her as her own. And Lydia’s middle name was ‘Cromwell’, after some long-dead relative.

    With a weird fluttery feeling in the pit of her stomach, Janey rubbed her eyes with the back of one hand, and created a new document. She began typing ‘Dear Sir . . .’

    Janey didn’t hear back for weeks. And in those weeks her life changed radically.

    Their narrow old weatherboard house was up for sale; it didn’t really feel like home anymore, without her mum there. Everything that hadn’t been given away in accordance with Lydia’s wishes had been packed up and put into temporary storage. Janey had moved in with Gabs’s family, the Epsteins, while she waited for the sale to go through. Mr Epstein was helping finalise the gazillion things that have to happen after a person dies that no sixteen-year-old is supposed to know about.

    Before Lydia Gordon’s illness had really taken hold, she had asked Gabs’s dad to be Janey’s legal guardian until she turned eighteen. But Janey wouldn’t be living with the Epsteins permanently. The sale of the house would mean a new apartment for Janey one day, and maybe enough money to live on until she finished school and decided what she wanted to do with her life.

    Still, for Janey, it was a heartbreaking time. Though she was looking forward to having her own place some day, she knew she would give it all up in a heartbeat to have her mum back again.

    She forgot all about the letter until a buff-coloured envelope arrived in the mail weeks later, headed with the name of the Sydney law firm in a very important-looking font.

    It was Friday afternoon. Ness and Em were staying over at the Epsteins that weekend as well, and all four girls were looking forward to a long, lazy Saturday of shopping, eating and catching up on the hottest music and movies. They were poring over the latest copy of their favourite magazine together and nominating the must-haves of the new season, when Gabs’s mum passed through the kitchen and slid an envelope across the island bench towards Janey.

    Everyone caught sight of the envelope and began talking at once.

    ‘Is that what I think it is?’ Emily demanded. Janey had told her friends about the mysterious letter, and how she’d just sent back a reply over three years later.

    ‘You could be the heiress to a fabulous fortune!’ squealed Ness. ‘And up to the eyeballs in Jimmy Choo shoes by this time next week! We could give your wardrobe a complete overhaul!’

    Janey laughed as she shook her head. ‘The family member probably got all the loot! Though goodness knows who that is. Even if I do give the necessary proof of identification, someone’s probably just feeling guilty about the way Mum was hounded out of home. If I’m lucky, I’ll get a commemorative ashtray or something, with the family crest on it.’

    ‘Just open it before I die of curiosity!’ Gabs pleaded, handing Janey a letter opener.

    Janey’s hands were shaking a little as she opened the envelope and unfolded the single sheet of paper inside. She scanned it quickly, unable to keep the disappointment out of her voice. ‘More hurdles.’

    She blinked, a telltale sheen in her eyes. ‘The lawyer says I need to provide a photo of my mum around the time I was born, and a recent photo of me. The family member is probably a suspicious old crone, three times removed, who wants to make sure I have the family nose.’

    Her friends crowded around to read the brief, businesslike letter, which gave absolutely nothing away.

    ‘Look on the bright side,’ said Gabs. ‘We just got our school photos done and you look almost decent, for a change!’

    Janey took a swipe at her friend’s head with a towel as the four girls headed to the outside spa.

    A few days later, Janey posted the requested photos and put the whole thing out of her mind.

    It was the last week of term and Janey and Gabs were running late for school again, having fought the usual battle with their hair straighteners.

    ‘There’s a letter for you,’ said Gabs as she flicked through the morning mail over her breakfast cereal. ‘Whoo-hoo! It’s got an Italian postmark.’

    Janey frowned as she looked at the envelope. ‘Must have the wrong Jane Gordon. This letter’s from a Celia Albright at the Australian Embassy in Rome. I’ve never even left the country.’

    She didn’t need to say more. Unlike her besties, Janey had never had enough money to spend on the latest cute fashion buys, let alone a holiday overseas.

    She ripped open the envelope and almost choked as something slipped out of the folds of the letter and splashed into her muesli.

    It was a photo.

    Of Janey.

    As an older woman.

    Same freckles, same angular features, same fly-away, red-gold wavy shoulder-length hair.

    Janey and her mum shared

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