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Goal Setting: 13 Secrets of World Class Achievers
Goal Setting: 13 Secrets of World Class Achievers
Goal Setting: 13 Secrets of World Class Achievers
Ebook182 pages3 hours

Goal Setting: 13 Secrets of World Class Achievers

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About this ebook

Are you ready to achieve virtually anything you want, even if you've failed at every goal you've ever set?

These 13 "secrets" are the proven formula used by world-class achievers across the ages.

We live in a time where many people have lost touch with the qualities that produce extraordinary lives. Imagination, ingenuity, drive, and a no-fear, no-quitters allowed mentality often seem to be disappearing from our culture and our world.

This is a book for everyone who has ever had a dream. This book will teach you how to set goals and achieve that dream, step-by-step and day-by-day.

You'll discover some great news! If you've been struggling, if you've ever felt like you were going "nowhere fast," you'll learn that it's not because there's something intrinsically wrong with you.

You'll learn, instead, that it has a lot to do with ways of thinking that you've adopted in the past. This is great news because you can change the way you think, speak, and act.

Success isn't the result of winning some sort of lottery. It's the result of applying the right principles with the right action and the right mindset.

Do you feel like you're stuck? Do you feel like you've been watching life pass you by? Then this book is written with you in mind.

About the Author

Despite being totally unknown in the personal development industry when he launched his first website in 2001, Vic Johnson has gone on to become an international expert in goal setting and host of the popular TSTN show Goals 2 Go. He is the Founder of .

Evicted from his home in 1996 and his last car lost to repossession a year later, his story has become an oft-quoted source of inspiration to the more than 300,000 subscribers he serves worldwide.

He is the author of the bestselling book Day by Day with James Allen and has appeared in numerous video programs with Bob Proctor, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley and Mark Victor Hansen.

*** Includes an offer for a free goal setting worksheet and video ***

Release dateOct 16, 2011

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    Goal Setting - Vic Johnson




    Vic Johnson


    Published by:

    Vic Johnson at Smashwords

    Copyright (c) 2006-2011 by No Dream Too Big LLC


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    Published by:

    No Dream Too Big Publishing

    No Dream Too Big LLC

    PO Box 1220

    Melrose, FL 32666 USA

    Copyright (c) 2006-2011 by No Dream Too Big LLC

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the Publisher.

    FREE SMART Goals Worksheet and step-by-step video available for immediate download.

    Table of Contents


    Why this Book Matters to You

    Secret #1: Big Doers Are Big Dreamers

    Secret #2: Understanding the Beginning of All Achievement

    Secret #3: What You See is What You Get

    Secret #4: Learning to Believe

    Secret #5: Stand on the Shoulders of Giants

    Secret #6: Have a Laser-Focus Approach to Managing Your Time

    Secret #7: Act Now, and Keep Acting

    Secret #8: Champions Manage Fear and Doubt

    Secret #9: FIDO is More than a Dog’s Name

    Secret #10: Do What Others Won’t Do Today So You Can Do What Others Can’t Do Tomorrow

    Secret #11: Experience the Power of the Master Mind

    Secret #12: It’s about Principles

    Secret #13: Seek Out World Class Mentors and Coaches

    Skyrocket Your Results


    We live in a time where many people have lost touch with the qualities that produce extraordinary lives. Imagination, ingenuity, drive, and a no-fear, no-quitters allowed mentality often seem to be disappearing from our culture and our world.

    Fortunately, that’s only half the story. More and more people are learning just what they are capable of achieving. Ordinary people are learning how to achieve extraordinary things! This is a book for everyone who has ever had a dream. This book will teach you how to set goals and achieve that dream, step-by-step and day-by-day.

    You’ll discover some great news! If you’ve been struggling, if you’ve ever felt like you were going nowhere fast, you’ll learn that it’s not because there’s something intrinsically wrong with you. You’ll learn, instead, that it has a lot to do with ways of thinking that you’ve adopted in the past. This is great news because you can change the way you think, speak, and act.

    Success isn’t the result of winning some sort of lottery. It’s the result of applying the right principles with the right action and the right mindset.

    Do you feel like you’re stuck? Do you feel like you’ve been watching life pass you by? Then this book is written with you in mind.

    Adopting a victim mentality, blaming outside circumstances, and retreating back to your comfort zone are easy. Deciding that nothing will ever work is also easy. But with that attitude you will continue to be stuck with the results you’ve always had. If you’re truly ready for different results then you need to be ready to do something different. Or as the popular expression says, if you always do what you’ve always done, you’re always going to get what you’ve always gotten.

    This is a doing book. You won’t get much benefit from this book if you just read it cover to cover. You’ll find exercises at the end of each chapter. The information in the chapter presents principles—the exercises get you started on the how. Doing the exercises also gets you into the habit of taking action on the information you have learned.

    Taking action is vital. Many people read many personal development books, yet never manage to make a change. Reading the book fools them into thinking they are doing something, but nothing really happens.

    So take the exercises seriously if you want to get the most benefit out of this book! You’ll see the results quicker than you think. So let’s get started…

    Why this Book Matters to You

    My name is Vic Johnson. You may know of me from one of the many personal development websites I’ve developed since 2001. At we’ve given away over 400,000 copies of James Allen’s little classic. At we provide a daily message of hope and inspiration to 100,000 subscribers every day. At and our Champions Club, we’ve provided goal setting programs, software and other solutions to thousands of people around the world for more than ten years. And there are more sites, but I won’t bore you with all the details. I think you get the picture that we’ve got more than a little bit of experience in helping people achieve what they want.

    You may know me from my best-selling book, Day by Day with James Allen, which is five-gold star rated at Or from my appearance along with Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy and Denis Waitley on the Jim Rohn Weekend Leadership Event DVDs, the biggest event of Jim’s illustrious career. Or from my TV show Goals 2 Go on the TSTN network.

    Finally, if you’re one of my old creditors, you may know me from the days, not that long ago, when my family and I were evicted from our home and later lost the last automobile we had. Those are days I’d just as soon forget, but all of the lessons learned during that period have shaped who I am today and make the information you’re about to receive much more valuable. I assure you that I don’t intend to offer you any college textbook theory. This is life-changing and, for some people, even life-saving material.

    I must warn you in advance. I’ve never been accused of being diplomatic. Sometimes my delivery is right between the eyes, and sometimes you’re probably not going to like (or agree with) what I’ve got to say. But as they say down here in the South, the proof is in the puddin’. The proof IS in my puddin’ and the puddin’ of all the World-Class Achievers presented here. Learn to like our puddin’ and your life is about to get very interesting.

    Why I Decided to Release 13 Secrets

    Since 2001 we’ve produced goal setting products for our subscribers. From low-priced basic self-study programs to full-blown coaching and consulting solutions, we’ve helped thousands of people the world over to reach new levels of achievement.

    In every year since, I’ve had the same recurring set of questions about goal setting. This year, instead of answering the emails and phone calls I thought I’d share some of the inside secrets of what I’ve learned from some real World-Class Achievers. These are people I’ve studied, been mentored and coached by, as well as those I’ve coached and mentored myself in our Champions Club.

    To be blunt about it, I’m more than a little ticked off by a lot of the misinformation about goal setting that’s been passed off by people who couldn’t achieve a goal if their life depended on it. Even though this cheap book is giving away valuable information that others have paid significant amounts of money to learn, at least I’ll know the truth is getting out there instead of a bunch of hokum.

    For so many years I set goals, only to see them remain incomplete…

    But the biggest reason I’m sharing the 13 Secrets is because of the letters I frequently receive like this one from Hollywood musician John West of Beverly Hills: For SO many years I set goals, only to see them remain incomplete and transferred from one year to the next. Sometimes I might actually see a goal achieved, maybe two, but there was never any structure to these successes and there was little hope the succeeding year would be any different. (This is just part of his letter --- more coming later).

    I’ve heard it from thousands of people besides John, and I’ve experienced the frustration myself. This book is my contribution to helping you understand that the same secrets used by the World-Class are available to you – and they’re there for the asking – just waiting for you to receive them.

    So, make sure your seat back and tray table are in the upright and locked position, buckle your seat belt and get ready to learn 13 Secrets of World-Class Achievers.

    (Attention All Eagle Eyes: We’ve had a number of people proof this book before we released it to you, but there is a chance you might spot something that was missed. If you find a typo or other obvious error please send it to us. And if you’re the first one to report it, we’ll send you a free gift! Send to:

    [email protected] .)

    Secret #1: Big Doers Are Big Dreamers

    Marcus Aurelius, who rose to become Emperor of the Roman Empire, shares one of the most important secrets of World-Class Achievers: Dream big dreams; only big dreams have the power to move men's souls.

    Procrastination is one of the biggest complaints I hear from the people we work with. And generally speaking, I believe one of the two main causes of procrastination is a dream that’s too small (the other cause is belief, which I’ll cover later). It’s just too easy to put off doing something that doesn’t have a lot of appeal even if you were to achieve it.

    Big dreams drive us to do things we’d never do for lesser dreams --- in many ways they almost pull us through the obstacles we’re likely to have on the way to reaching them.

    Having a specific meaning and purpose in your life helps to encourage you towards living a fulfilling and inspired life.

    Animals cannot select their goals. Their goals of self-preservation and procreation are preset. There is no changing that fact, at least not in the short-term. Animals’ success mechanism is limited to instincts, preset goal images.

    Humans, on the other hand, have something that animals don’t have.

    Creative imagination.

    Not only are humans creatures, they are creators. We can formulate a variety of goals. We can go after whatever goals we choose! We actively control our creative mechanism by choosing what we want to achieve.

    Our creative mechanism works automatically, endlessly, 24/7, to achieve whatever goals we tell it to achieve. If we don’t consciously choose our goals, our creative mechanism still works, but usually on negative goals. Goals of failure, goals of success, they make no difference to our subconscious. Turning your creative mechanism from a failure mechanism to a success mechanism is a very simple process.

    Stop presenting your internal software with negative goals and images, and just replace them with success-centered goals and images! Your self-image has a DIRECT EFFECT on your results in life. It will continue to operate as it always has, repeating past results and outcomes, UNTIL you take ACTIVE control over it.

    It’s not a social convention or a result of culture that causes us to make goals for ourselves. We’re hard-wired for it! Our prefrontal cortex, the front 1/3 and most evolved part of our brain, is hardwired to help us generate and achieve goals. Being goal-oriented helps us to keep our behaviors on track and use our brain to its utmost ability.

    In Denis Waitley’s book The Psychology of Winning, he states that there are three types of people involved in the game of life:

    First, there are the spectators. These are the majority of people. They act as bystanders, watching life happen around them. They avoid trying anything new or desirable for fear of being hurt, defeated, ridiculed, or rejected. They spend their lives watching life happen on television. They take a passive rather than active role. Most of all, these spectators fear winning. Winning brings the burden of responsibility,

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