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Iron Eyes
Iron Eyes
Iron Eyes
Ebook145 pages2 hours

Iron Eyes

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Iron Eyes was a deadly bounty hunter who never brought his quarry back alive.

Riding into a small town, he soon gunned down a wanted outlaw called Dan Hardy, and dragged his body down to the sheriff’s office to collect his blood money. There was just one problem. Only the law in El Paso was authorized to pay the reward.

Iron Eyes set out for the big city ... unaware that Hardy’s younger brothers were already dogging his trail.

As if that wasn’t enough trouble for a man to handle, Iron Eyes became involved with a mysterious woman and a Mexican rancher along the way, who had a dangerous mission in mind for him.

Only his deadly skill with a gun would give him any chance of getting his money ... and staying alive to spend it.

Release dateNov 27, 2012
Iron Eyes

Rory Black

Under the name 'Rory Black' Michael D George is the author of the wildly-popular Iron Eyes westerns, coming from PP very, very soon! Writes Michael: "In my time I've done a lot of things. I've been a barber, a freelance commercial artist, a portrait painter, a grave stone designer (a dying trade), an animator and an author. I did spend a few years in the Merchant Navy and was lucky to have travelled around the world four times before I was 23. I spent a lot of time in America during those days and cruised for two summers between California and Alaska. Now it is forty years later and these days I spend most of my time writing novels under my own name and no less than seven pseudonyms. I've been lucky to number a few of my old cowboy heroes as friends, and my walls are covered in the photographs of several of my cowboy hero pals. Ive written a lot of books and have plenty more stories still to tell. As one of those friends, the late, legendary Monte Hale used to tell me, 'Shoot low -- they might be crawling!'"

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    Book preview

    Iron Eyes - Rory Black

    Chapter One

    The Red Dog Saloon had seen its fair share of trouble and bloodshed over the years, but nothing like this. This had been a blood-bath, resulting in total destruction.

    The crimson blood was still streaming down the expensively papered walls as the choking gunsmoke began to clear. Death lay all around this place. Screams from the saloon’s dancing girls echoed off the wooden walls as the gaunt, tall man slowly moved across the body-littered floor.

    He held tightly on to his still-smoking Navy Colts as he moved forward amid the carnage. His worn boots stuck to the fresh red liquid as he headed for the swing doors.

    The man had a haunting face that hid beneath long, limp, black hair. He wore a battered, weather-proof coat favoured by long riders and road agents which almost reached his spurs. With each stride the sound of bullets clinking together in his deep pockets filled the room.

    This was no normal man. This was an evil spirit who had yet to die and seek refuge in Hell.

    Stepping over bodies, he studied the scene with an almost disconcerting lack of interest. This was a man who wore no gunbelt like average folks did. His broad pants belt doubled for holsters.

    Pushing his way through the swing doors of the Red Dog, the tall man stuffed both his pistols into his belt and stopped to watch the crowd that was rushing toward him. The sight of this stranger stopped every single man, woman and child in their tracks.

    Even the town sheriff, clutching his trusty Winchester, found himself staggering to a complete halt by the very sight of the man on the boardwalk.

    It was dusk and getting darker with every heartbeat as the tall, evil-looking creature pushed a long, thin cigar between his dry cracked lips. As he struck the match down along the wooden upright and cupped the flame around the tip of his smoke, the true extent of this stranger’s features became apparent to all the watching townspeople.

    This was a cold face. An evil face. The face of a man who survived on rotgut whiskey rather than solid food.

    He had cold eyes of a colour that resembled hammered gun metal in their deadness. The eyes were how everyone knew who it was.

    This was the legendary bounty hunter known simply as ‘Iron Eyes’.

    They all watched as the thin leg forced his boot into his stirrup, and he eased himself off the boardwalk into his waiting saddle. Blowing the thick ash from his cigar, he turned the dark grey horse toward the crowd of people and rode slowly at them. As if instructed by a silent voice, they all parted and allowed him clear passage out of their town.

    The sheriff stared helplessly up at the lifeless face that returned his glare.

    The cold, deep-set pupils burned into the lawman.

    As Iron Eyes spurred his mount, the long black hair beat up and down upon his collar.

    It was like the flapping of a bat’s wings.

    Chapter Two

    Leaving the bodies back in the Red Dog posed no problems for the rider as he headed deeper and deeper into the dark prairie. Why he killed so many innocent people was a question he failed to ask himself

    Someone had made a mistake and he had been taught a lesson. As often happens in small towns, the victim had a friend who also had to be shot.

    Iron Eyes had been drawn on and responded with his usual deadly accuracy. When he had finished killing the fools he had only one bullet left in his Navy Colts.

    The reason why he was in Arizona was simply business. He had plucked a wanted poster off a wall outside a sheriff’s office back in Dodge, and wanted the twenty thousand dollars for bringing in a certain Dan Hardy Dead or alive suited Iron Eyes just fine.

    In fact, it was the real reason he had set out upon this long trek that had lasted over two months. He could almost smell the money and the blood as he rode.

    Iron Eyes used every drop of the full moon to aid his ride through the cold night as he headed toward the next town on the stage route.

    Rio Drago was where Iron Eyes hoped his quest would end. He knew that soon he would be running out of places to go. The tall, arid mountains seemed almost blue as he rode through the silent valley.

    Faster and faster he forced his horse to race. He did not like this part of the world and would not risk camping out unless he could not avoid it.

    This was the land of the whip scorpion and diamond-back rattlers. Iron Eyes spurred his horse on. He would not stop until he had reached the distant township of Rio Drago. There he would rest and wait for his prey.

    As the sun rose and spread its light across the desert that surrounded him, Iron Eyes could see the white-washed sod structures catching the morning rays.

    The dark grey mount was lathered up and steaming with exhaustion as the gaunt man galloped into the town. He pulled up outside the crude livery and dismounted. Taking his long rifle out of its leather sheath and untying his saddle bags he banged his fist on the large door until a small Mexican answered. Thrusting a few coins into the man’s hand he left the horse in his care.

    As he strode along the dusty streets, he watched the sleeping town around him. It was not so much a town as a gathering of white houses. As he headed toward the only word in English he could see he wondered if this was where he would get his man.

    The word ‘HOTEL’ was painted upon the tall, white-washed face of the building. It had almost disappeared after years of bleaching by the cruel sun.

    Entering the cool of the building he stopped and paused for a few seconds to allow his eyes to adjust.

    Then he saw the small, dark-tanned man with the long moustache hanging from his face. The greased hair had a shine about it that was very strange to Iron Eyes' way of thinking.

    ‘Room,’ Iron Eyes said in a tone that was almost demanding.

    The small man nodded and handed over a key. There was no way that this man was about to raise any objections to this evil-looking stranger.

    The steel-cold stare had conveyed its message effectively

    No further words were spoken as the bounty-hunter marched up the stairs.

    The small man rushed from the building as if he had to tell someone some very important news.

    It was well after eleven that same morning when the knock upon Iron Eyes' hotel door echoed around the sparse room.

    ‘Come in,’ came the growling snarl.

    The handle turned cautiously, and the middle-aged man stepped into the bright resting-place.

    He was a law officer of sorts, by the tin star upon his vest. His white sombrero perched upon the crown of his head denoted a man who had seldom been required to take any action.

    Iron Eyes sat upon the top of the bed, still fully dressed and looking like a scarecrow from hell.

    Even in Rio Drago they had heard of the man.

    ‘You want something?’ Iron Eyes questioned.

    The smaller man hesitated near the frame of the doorway as if he wished a quick escape route out of this room. His dark eyes hidden under the greying brows studied Iron Eyes who was propped against three pillows. At either side of him, only inches away from his fingers, the Navy Colts waited.

    The lawman cleared his throat and forced the words out of his dry mouth. They were not his words; they were the words of concerned citizens.

    ‘Are you Iron Eyes?’

    ‘Could be.’

    ‘If you are, it would please the town elders if you could get your business done very quickly and ... ’ there was a long pause before the man finished his sentence. ‘ ... leave.’

    Iron Eyes was motionless as he rested his chin on his chest and watched the man through his black eyebrows.

    ‘You seen a critter named Dan Hardy?’

    ‘Eh, yes,’ the man stammered.

    Iron Eyes watched the man as sweat began to stream from the brim of his sombrero, down over his dark face.

    ‘He still around?’

    ‘I can’t say.’

    As fast as anything the lawman had ever seen, the thin hands had grabbed up the two Navy Colts and brought them both up at arm’s length.

    The grey pupils focused down the barrels at their target. The small man felt his knees shake at the suddenness of the action and the realization of what might follow.

    ‘Try’ Iron Eyes snarled.

    ‘He is in the cantina, sir,’ the man blurted.

    As quickly as he had drawn the two weapons, Iron Eyes replaced them beside him upon the quilted bed cover.

    ‘Thank you.’

    The lawman was about to turn to leave when the stranger’s voice tore through him.

    ‘Where you going?’

    ‘I was — ’

    ‘We ain’t finished our confab.’ Iron Eyes slithered down the bed and rose above the man’s shoulder. ‘We gotta continue our talk.’

    The smaller man slowly faced his aggressive companion and forced himself to stare up into the dead eyes that burned down at him.

    ‘What else we gotta discuss, sir?’

    ‘We gotta talk about Hardy.’ Iron Eyes stretched out his thin arm and pushed the door shut. As it clicked tightly the lawman felt a cold shiver run along his spine.



    ‘Explain.’ The smaller man found himself unable to maintain eye contact with the tall, gaunt figure.

    Iron Eyes paced around the man, and the smell of the trail lingered in his wake. It was the aroma of death.

    ‘If you were to leave now, you might high-tail it over to the cantina and warn Hardy.’

    ‘I guess he already knows of your presence in Rio Drago.’ The man nervously coughed out his words. ‘Everyone knows you are in town.’

    Iron Eyes’ expression changed. It looked like a man who was about to explode in fury as he paced across to his pistols and rammed them into his pants. Then he moved to the chair, plucked up his long dusty coat and pulled it on. The rattling bullets within the pockets sounded like distant spurs.

    ‘Outta my

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