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IELTS General Writing Module: Models for High Band Scores: IELTS: Obtaining High Bands, #4
IELTS General Writing Module: Models for High Band Scores: IELTS: Obtaining High Bands, #4
IELTS General Writing Module: Models for High Band Scores: IELTS: Obtaining High Bands, #4
Ebook80 pages42 minutes

IELTS General Writing Module: Models for High Band Scores: IELTS: Obtaining High Bands, #4

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About this ebook

This book puts a powerful weapon in the hands of serious students who are determined to achieve a high IELTS band score.
Achieving a high IELTS band is not easy! Ignore books that tell you otherwise. It is a difficult job which requires both patience and determination. IELTS Writing tasks, in particular, demand hard work with plenty of practice and not a little frustration.
There is a vast quantity of freely-available IELTS study material floating around but what IELTS candidates need are clear task responses that they can model their writing on, explanations about how to attempt questions and detailed analysis about ideas and language.
Books on writing techniques and tips will get you so far but one of the most powerful ways of making sure your writing matches up to the high standards of IELTS is to study strong responses to General Writing Tasks 1 (Letters) and Tasks 2 (Writing an Essay). By studying models, you can see how descriptions and arguments are developed, how key points are stressed and how appropriate language clothes ideas.
* General IELTS Task 1 models are presented that cover the types of letters that commonly occur. By following the models and reading the detailed analysis contained in the feedback notes for each task, you will begin to understand what is required of you.
* General IELTS Task 2 models are provided along with detailed feedback notes which will show you how ideas are developed, how single-topic paragraphs are essential, how conclusions are drawn and how language needs to flow. Again, these varied tasks are very similar in wording and content to what you will experience in your IELTS exam.
This book for the General Module in the "Models for High IELTS Band Scores" series is specifically aimed at those who are serious about their IELTS exams and determined to reach their goal of going on to further academic studies or qualifying for entry to another country.

Release dateNov 29, 2012
IELTS General Writing Module: Models for High Band Scores: IELTS: Obtaining High Bands, #4

J.P. Williams

J.P. Williams is part of a highly qualified team with many years experience in IELTS Exam preparation instruction and resource development. All members of the Onlearn team have Master Degrees in English Language Teaching. Our popular IELTS and ESL websites include: "", "", "" & "".

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    IELTS General Writing Module - J.P. Williams

    IELTS General Writing Module: Models for High Band Scores


    J.P. Williams / Onlearn


    Copyright © 2012 Onlearn

    Smashwords Edition

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    Table of Contents


    General Task One (Letters) Writing Models

    1. Planning to Study English

    2. Postponing a Job Start

    3. Responding to a Complaint about Noise

    4. Selling Books

    5. Recovering a Suitcase

    6. Improving the Town

    7. Increasing Sports Facilities

    8. Explaining College Absence

    General Task Two (Essays) Writing Models

    1. Fast Food

    2. Sport

    3. Studying Away From Home

    4. Modern Cities

    5. Reading Habits

    6. The Motor Car

    7. Major Sports Events

    8. Modern Technology & Society

    For More Help With Your IELTS



    How this book can help increase your score

    The IELTS General Writing Module book has been created for IELTS General Exam candidates who want to achieve a high score in the Writing Module. Not only does the book present models for writing very good responses to Tasks 1 & 2 but it also provides notes to detail what a candidate must do for a high band score. Often candidates will lose valuable marks because they are not aware of what is required.

    Close study of model answers with extended commentary is a powerful way of improving writing skills because the reader can see how ideas are developed & modified to address the exact requirements of the set task and how language structures & vocabulary are used appropriately.

    Using this book

    The book is divided into two sections: Task One & Task Two for IELT General Writing. Each section has eight IELTS Writing tasks with a complete sample model and detailed notes & a planning grid for each task.


    The tasks very closely reflect the type and range of questions that are in the IELTS Writing Exam. Task 1 includes examples of various situations in which letters must be written while Task 2 includes a range of topics that frequently appear in the IELTS exam.

    The writing models are examples of very good responses to the task which would score very highly in the exam. The detailed notes that follow each response focus on understanding the task and what is required for a good response. Task achievement, cohesion and coherence, vocabulary use, and

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