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Hindu Baby Girl Names
Hindu Baby Girl Names
Hindu Baby Girl Names
Ebook156 pages1 hour

Hindu Baby Girl Names

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About this ebook

Name is the identification of human, mirror of his life, therefore is should be meaningful, sharp and spiritual. It is not an easy task, choosing the right and fit name for your child. Be careful in choosing a good name for your child, because it influences his or her entire character and lifestyle.

Release dateApr 21, 2013
Hindu Baby Girl Names

Mahesh Dutt Sharma

Mahesh Sharma, a prestigious author and journalist, has written more than 1550 Hindi and English books. His book, "Mahatma Gandhi," won the M.P. Govt. Gandhi Darshan National Award in 2010. He also won Purvottar Hindi Academy, Meghalaya, Shilong Award twice, Natraj Author Award etc.. He is a freelance writer and writing is his passion.

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    Hindu Baby Girl Names - Mahesh Dutt Sharma

    Hindu Baby Girl Names

    By Mahesh Sharma

    Published by Mahesh Dutt Sharma

    Smashwords Edition

    © mds e-books 2013

    Smashwords License Statement

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Name is the identification of human, mirror of his life, therefore is should be meaningful, sharp and spiritual. It is not an easy task, choosing the right and fit name for your child. Be careful in choosing a good name for your child, because it influences his or her entire character and lifestyle.

    Modern age is the age of smart and extra-ordinary names. Help is in your hands. We have prepared this book by selected poetic, religious, ethnic, moral, natural and classic names for your beloved child.

    Some Useful Guideline

    * The name should be short and easy to pronounce.

    * Make sure it is not corrupted.

    * The name should be meaningful and fit to the gender of the child.

    * Always use the name with its standard, pronunciation and spelling.

    * The following table is giving for those who believe in astrology, in which the sounds of the first letter of the name are given under each zodiac.

    1. Aries : Aa, Che, Chu, Cho, Le, Li, Loo, Lu, Lo.

    2. Taurus : Va, Voo, Vee, Ve, Vo, Bi, Vi, Ee, U, E, O.

    3. Gemini : Koo, Kee, Ka, Gha, Cha, Ko, Ha, Ke.

    4. Cancer : Hee, He, Hoo, Ho, Dee, De, Do, Doo, Da.

    5. Leo : Ma, Mee, Mu, Moo, Me, Mo, Ta, Tee, Te, Tu.

    6. Virgo : To, Pa, Pe, Pee, Poo, She, Sha, Na, Tha, Pe, Po.

    7. Libra : Ree, Roo, Re, Ra, Ro, Tee, Too, Te, Ta.

    8. Scorpio : To, Nu, Na, Noo, Ne, No, Yu, Yee, Yoo, Ya.

    9. Sagittarius : Yo, Ye, Bha, Bhee, Bhu, Bhoo, Dhu, Dha, Fu, Fa.

    10. Capricorn : Ja, Ju, Jee, Je Ji, Bho, Khee, Kho, Khu, Ga, Gu, Gee.

    11. Aquarius : Ge, Go, Goo, Sa, So, Se, Soo, Su, Da, Du.

    12. Pisces : Doo, Dee, Do, Du, Tha, Tra, Gya, De, Cha, Cho, Chu.


    Table of Contents

























    Aabha Light

    Aadhyaa One of the incarnation of Durgaa

    Aaditaa From the beginning

    Aaditi The Earth

    Aagneyee Daugther of fire

    Aahaaliditaa Happy woman

    Aahaldita A woman who is happy

    Aajanee Noble birth

    Aakaanksha Desire

    Aakarshana Attraction

    Aakraanti Force

    Aakriti Figure, Aspect

    Aakuti Desire, Intention

    Aalaapini A woman who sings, A songstress

    Aalokaa Lustrous woman

    Aamalua Name of Ganga River

    Aamitaa Egoist

    Aamodinee Fragrance

    Aamodini Fragrance

    Aamrakali The bud of the mango flower

    Aamrapali Leaf of mango tree

    Aamrapallavi Leaf of mango tree

    Aanamraa Modest

    Aanandaprana A woman of joy

    Aanandi Always happy

    Aanandini Giver of joy

    Aanandita A happy person who spreads joy

    Aanandrunaa Eternal joy

    Aananparnaa The wings of the joy

    Aanavee Humane

    Aanitikaa Elder sister

    Aapooranee One who fulfil

    Aaptee Fulfilment

    Aapti Completion

    Aaraadhikaa A woman who worship

    Aarati To worship

    Aarohi The first part of the musical sargam

    Aarunamshu Reddish tint

    Aarunikaa Reddish

    Aaryakee Honoured

    Aashandikaa One who is born in the month of Aashadha

    Aashankitaa Without doubt, Full of hope

    Aasheleshaa To embrace

    Aashika Beloved

    Aashisha A woman with blessings

    Aashivini Egoist

    Aasthaa Devotion, Regard

    Aatmaadhikaa Dearer to heart

    Aatmajaa Daughter of the mountain

    Aatmanandini One who has conquered the soul

    Aavantika Very modest

    Aavriti Repeat

    Aayatee A descendant

    Abha Beauty, Splendour

    Abharaantee Without error

    Abhayaa One who is fearless?

    Abhi Fearless

    Abhibhaa Glittering

    Abhichandrikaa One who is like moon

    Abhidhyaa Word, Name

    Abhigoortee Chant of praise

    Abhijayaa Victory

    Abhijitaa Conquered

    Abhijitee Victory

    Abhijnaa Expert

    Abhilasa Wish, Desire

    Abhilashini Full of desire


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