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How To Stay One Step Ahead Of Your Dental Treatment
How To Stay One Step Ahead Of Your Dental Treatment
How To Stay One Step Ahead Of Your Dental Treatment
Ebook65 pages38 minutes

How To Stay One Step Ahead Of Your Dental Treatment

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About this ebook

This is the only book currently for patients,that gives an honest review about all aspects of dental treatment.It offers a detailed guide into most of the popular treatment choices and problems that the dental patient faces.What it also includes is many of the potential pitfalls that can occur so each treatment option has a balanced argument supporting its merits and highlights potential disadvantages that may occur.

Included in the book are easy to understand anecdotes to help simplify descriptions and help the reader to get to grips with some of the more complex concepts in dentistry.

PublisherMoiz Mohammed
Release dateJul 28, 2013
How To Stay One Step Ahead Of Your Dental Treatment

Moiz Mohammed

Dr Moiz Mohammed Qualified from the University Of Bristol in 1991 and Gained a Bachelor Of Dental Surgery.He has attended worldwide postgraduate certification in all aspects of dentistry but he has a special interest in restorative and advanced reconstructive techniques.

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    How To Stay One Step Ahead Of Your Dental Treatment - Moiz Mohammed




    Copyright © 2013 Dr. Moiz. All rights reserved.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.




    Chapter 1 - Tooth Whitening

    Chapter 2 - White Fillings

    Chapter 3 - Veneers

    Chapter 4 - Gum Disease

    Chapter 5 - Root Canal Treatments

    Chapter 6 - Implants

    Chapter 7 - Tooth Straightening

    Chapter 8 - Crowns

    Chapter 9 - Dentures

    Chapter 10 - Tooth Wear

    In Conclusion



    Before I begin explaining the decisions as to why I decided to write this book –let me try to give you a picture of the author of this book. I’m not tall, dark and handsome or anything like the gentleman in Fifty Shades of Grey. Am I an expert in the field of clinical research or dental materials sciences – in a word, no.

    However, I think my 20 years of clinical experience in which time I have made pretty much every mistake mentioned in the book gives me sufficient authority to publish within the contents a guide of do’s and don’ts when considering your dental treatment. As a dental professional we have an obligation to continue learning and developing, a subject I am both passionate and determined to continue throughout my career. I am neither a scholar nor student of the profession, but I will always strive to not settle for second best. If that applies to me then why should it not be the same for the reader of this book?

    The aim of this book is to try and give the reader an insight into as many aspects of their dental care as I could fit into one book. It is designed to be an understandable description of the most popular treatment options including the pros and cons that come with each treatment choice. I want to encourage you to use this newly acquired knowledge to ask probing questions about your dental treatment and expect honest and measured answers.

    In writing this book I would like to thank my family always for their ongoing support and love. But much of the praise goes to Chris Cardell and Jonathan Jay who have implanted within me the confidence to pursue ambitions up until this point had just been faraway wisps of imagination without any purpose.


    Your dental surgeon is a trusted member of a noble profession, whose aim is to provide the best care possible to ensure your teeth remain healthy for the term of your life.

    This statement is true for the majority. But there are always a minority in any profession that let the reputation down –because their aim in life is to profit from their qualification irrespective of the detriment it may cause to their patients.

    This book is designed to uncover many of the uncertainties that should but are often not discussed when making treatment decisions about the dentistry you receive.

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