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Easy Travels in South Africa
Easy Travels in South Africa
Easy Travels in South Africa
Ebook99 pages39 minutes

Easy Travels in South Africa

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About this ebook

This is the latest release of the popular Easy Travels in South Africa guidebook, completely revised and updated in March 2012. The book is aimed at independent travelers who want to plan their own trip online and save money in the process. It is written from the perspective of a South African who has traveled extensively throughout the country.

PublisherAndré Ferero
Release dateNov 25, 2009
Easy Travels in South Africa

André Ferero

André Ferero is a South African writer who has been living in France since July 2006. Even though his love for Africa hasn't diminished during that time, he is not complaining about living in the kingdom (well, Republic) of food and wine. His interests include photography, reading, (good) movies, hiking, wine tasting, traveling and trying to figure out this experience called life. Music is one of his biggest loves and he listens to almost anything, from old to new. He writes as often as possible. He describes his fiction as speculative, with a focus on the characters in possible futures. He has also just finished a South African guidebook that is different from all other guidebooks on the topic and will be very helpful to travelers who want to plan their own trip to Southern Africa.

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    Book preview

    Easy Travels in South Africa - André Ferero

    Easy Travels in South Africa

    (Revised 2012 Version)

    by André Ferero

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © André Ferero 2009-2012

    Smashwords Edition License Notes:

    This ebook is licensed for your personal use only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to: and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    André Ferero's website is:

    Follow André on Twitter: @AndreFerero

    About this Guidebook:

    This Easy Travels Guidebook is aimed at those independent travelers who want to plan their own trip online and save money in the process. A link to the internet is necessary in order to do your own online research, book flight tickets, accommodation, rent a vehicle, book tours, etc. If you do not want to do additional reading on the internet, and if you are not comfortable with doing any financial transactions online, this guidebook is not for you.

    When this guidebook is downloaded as ebook it is ideal for travelers traveling with a portable device like an iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, Kindle, etc. and will allow the user easy access to a lot of vital information without carrying a bulky guidebook around.

    This Guidebook contains information about South Africa written from the perspective of a South African who has traveled extensively throughout the country. Links to relevant websites also form part of the Guide. The author does not receive any commission for referring traffic to these websites, but provide it for the convenience of the reader. All these websites contain information that will help potential travelers to South Africa to plan their trip effortlessly and assure a pleasant and safe stay while traveling there.

    The original version of this guidebook was written before the FIFA Football World Cup took place in South Africa during June and July 2010. Although that tournament has already taken place, certain parts of that section is still relevant to the traveler and will not be omitted from this guide.




    1.1: South Africa’s Official Tourist Website


    2.1: European Airlines

    2.2: Canadian and North American Airlines

    2.3: Central American, South American and Latin American Airlines

    2.4: Australian and Oceania Airlines

    2.5: Middle Eastern Airlines

    2.6: Far Eastern Airlines

    2.7: African Airlines


    3.1: Hotels

    3.2: Bed and Breakfasts and Guesthouses in South Africa

    3.3: Self-Catering Accommodation in South Africa

    3.4: Backpackers and Youth Hostels

    3.5: Campsites and Caravan Parks

    3.6: Other Types of Accommodation


    4.1: Car Rental Companies

    4.2: Domestic Airlines

    4.3: Bus Companies

    4.4: Trains

    4.5: Guided Tours

    4.6: Overland Tours

    4.7: Maps of South Africa

    4.8: GPS Rental in South Africa


    5.1: Takeaway/Takeout Places

    5.2: Steakhouses, Seafood Restaurants, Pubs and more

    5.3: Special South African Restaurants

    5.4: South African Wine


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