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Jingle Me (A Steamy Christmas Romance Romcom Short Story): Me, #2
Jingle Me (A Steamy Christmas Romance Romcom Short Story): Me, #2
Jingle Me (A Steamy Christmas Romance Romcom Short Story): Me, #2
Ebook47 pages37 minutes

Jingle Me (A Steamy Christmas Romance Romcom Short Story): Me, #2

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About this ebook

Ethan and Lana from WATCH ME are back!

While Ethan wrestles with the idea of proposing, he must first survive an evening with Lana's family at their annual Christmas Eve party.

Will they be able to find a moment alone or will tension from relatives and the hustle and bustle of the holidays drive them apart?

Who said it couldn't be hot and steamy in December?!

Release dateOct 31, 2013
Jingle Me (A Steamy Christmas Romance Romcom Short Story): Me, #2

Claire Embry

Claire Embry enjoys writing about nice guys who are a little bit naughty and the women who love them. She married the love of her life (a nice guy, of course) when she was still a teenager, and they've enjoyed a child-free happily-ever-after ever since.

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    Book preview

    Jingle Me (A Steamy Christmas Romance Romcom Short Story) - Claire Embry

    Chapter One

    Blue Christmas

    Ethan leaned over in the driver’s seat and nuzzled Lana’s neck.

    Christ, she smelled good. Like juicy green apples. She always smelled good. No matter where they were, he could lean in and get a whiff of her and know that all was right in the world. They could be at a hockey game surrounded by twenty thousand people and he could lean over and inhale that sweet smell that was distinctly hers. Or it could be just the two of them, alone in their little apartment in the city. She would walk by him on the way to the kitchen and her fresh fragrance would reach out and wrap around him like a warm winter coat.

    How about a quickie? he suggested. Right here in the front seat.

    Lana laughed and patted his thigh. Any higher up and she wouldn’t have gotten her hand back. As if she realized that, she promptly returned her hand to steady the dessert plate on her lap.

    Lana had baked a cheesecake the night before. She’d even made it from scratch, refusing to taint her family’s annual holiday dinner with something store-bought or out of a box. She was hell-bent on proving to herself and her family that she could indeed navigate her way around a kitchen.

    She’d been so worried about the dessert turning out right that Ethan hadn’t gotten any action in the bedroom. To Ethan’s dismay, she’d shooed him away again that morning like he was nothing but a bothersome puppy. He knew he shouldn’t take it personally, though. The one thing Lana had insecurities about was her family. On the outside, she was cool and confident, but Ethan knew she secretly worried about maintaining their approval.

    Ethan didn’t think she had anything to worry about. He didn’t have his family’s approval and he got through life just fine. In his opinion, Lana was the perfect woman. So, screw her family if they didn’t think her cheesecake was good enough to meet their ridiculous standards.

    Lana sighed and let out a nervous laugh. And give my whole family a free show before dinner? I don’t think so.

    The musical trill of her laugh shot straight between his legs. Come on, Lana. You’ve got to give me something before we go in there, Ethan whined. He hated begging. It was so emasculating. But he was at the point where he’d get down on his hands and knees and kiss her feet if it would do the trick. He needed to feel her soft, naked skin against his. Especially if he was going to survive the next twenty-four hours.

    They’d been to plenty of each other’s family functions in the past. But they usually only lasted a few hours and then Ethan could ravish Lana later at home. Maybe that wasn’t entirely true. At Lana’s older sister Gwen’s wedding, they couldn’t wait until they got home. Halfway through the reception, they found a

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