About this ebook
This book is written for the parents of children with autism or pervasive developmental disorders. It is also written by a parent and takes the perspective of one who has investigated this topic thoroughly in the pursuit of treatment and training options for his own daughter. As such this book serves well as a concise description of applied behavior analysis as it is applied to the treatment of young children. It is written in layman's terms with the goal of informing and assisting parents in not only evaluating this treatment option but also in actually implementing an in-home ABA program.
Jim Wilson
Retired publishing and communication executive. Freelance writer from blogs to books. Experience ranges from working in electronics and computer technology in my early career; to teaching, writing, and training development in mid-career; to more than two decades of leadership responsibilities for publishing projects and communication initiatives.Undergraduate degree in Electronics, MA in Management, and MBA with concentrations in Marketing and Finance. I've taught undergraduate classes in marketing management, applied decision making, effective writing, and electronics. Author of several homestudy courses and textbooks.
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Reviews for Parent's Intro to ABA
3 ratings1 review
- Rating: 1 out of 5 stars1/5
Jan 21, 2023
This book angered me. I know some people believe in ABA, but no matter how nicely you word it, it is dog training for autistic children.
If you are a parent of an autistic child, please don’t believe the lies. Please read books by autistic people, not those by parents.
Book preview
Parent's Intro to ABA - Jim Wilson
Parent's Intro to ABA
Jim Wilson
Published by PathForeWord http://www.PathForeWord.com
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2013 by James B. Wilson, Jr.
Smashwords Edition, License Notes
This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
Original Copyright 1996 by James B. Wilson, Jr.
Under the title A Parent's Introduction to Behavior Modification
Originally published by Future Horizons, Inc.
To my daughter Kendal
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 -- Why ABA?
Chapter 2 -- What is ABA?
Chapter 3 -- Who Can Implement an ABA Program?
Chapter 4 -- How Do You Implement an ABA Program?
Chapter 5 -- What Worked for Me --- and What Didn't
Chapter 6 -- Summary
About Jim Wilson
Wikipedia defines Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), previously known as behavior modification, as the application of behaviorism that modifies human behaviors, especially as part of a learning or treatment process.
It goes on to say methods in applied behavior analysis range from validated interventions -- most notably utilized for children with an autism spectrum disorder --- to basic research.
This book is written for the parents of children with autism or pervasive developmental disorders. It is also written by a parent and takes the perspective of one who has investigated this topic thoroughly in the pursuit of treatment and training options for his own daughter. As such this book serves well as a concise description of applied behavior analysis as it is applied to the treatment of young children. It is written in layman's terms with the goal of informing and assisting parents in not only evaluating this treatment option but also in actually implementing an in-home ABA program.
My background includes over thirty years in publishing and training. One of my strengths is taking complex subjects and communicating them in clear and concise terms. I am also a very pragmatic individual. Therefore, you'll find that this book get's right into the practical aspects of ABA asking and answering such questions as: what is ABA?; how do you implement an ABA program?; and why ABA? My hope is that you'll come away better informed and quite capable of taking your first steps toward implementing your own program.
While this book is written for parents by a parent, you'll also find that it can serve very effectively in providing an overview of ABA to anyone that needs a clear and concise description of this important training technique.
Publisher Wayne Gilpin and Future Horizons originally published this book under the title A Parent's Introduction to Behavior Modification
in 1996. Since very early in the 21st century it has been out of print and is now available in eBook format published by PathForeWord, my publishing and communication consulting organization.
Jim Wilson
As this book is written for parents, let me first express my profound empathy with your situation. As the parent of an autistic child myself, I know first hand the difficult search for answers and the significant burden of shouldering virtually all responsibility for your child's treatment. Fortunately, there is indeed hope of at worst significantly altering your child's behavior, at best of attaining a level of independence and normalcy for your child.
Let me also empathize with your search for information on the syndrome of autism and its various forms of treatment. Hopefully, this book will serve you well in building your stockpile of information and offer one more alternative for your child. I also hope it will overcome any reluctance you may have in implementing an applied behavior analysis program and help to get your child started toward significant behavioral improvements.
Having said that, one of the primary purposes of this book is to expose you to the basic fundamentals of a training approach known as ABA, and when I applied it in the 1990's known as behavior modification. This training approach is used in a wide variety of areas, virtually all of which have a number of myths that surround them. This book will attempt to see through those myths and get at the truth. It will do this through a no nonsense, concise, and precise description of what this method is and how you implement it. It will also briefly describe where this approach is currently being used in areas that are not typically thought of as applied behavior analysis.
Please note that in this book the terms behavior modification and applied behavior analysis along with the abbreviation ABA are used interchangeably to describe the same approach.
The format of this book is meant to be very straightforward. Most of the chapters start with very simply stated questions: why, what, who, and how. Each chapter then concentrates on answering that question with just enough information to help you fully understand the principles and the underlying