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Bella Tristezza: Bella Vampires Series, #3
Bella Tristezza: Bella Vampires Series, #3
Bella Tristezza: Bella Vampires Series, #3
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Bella Tristezza: Bella Vampires Series, #3

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With war fast approaching, Emma is faced with some of the hardest decisions she's ever had to make. Will her choices lead to the loss of those she loves most? Or will she lose herself along the way? Find out as the story continues.

Release dateAug 9, 2013
Bella Tristezza: Bella Vampires Series, #3

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    Bella Tristezza - Jesse Kimmel-Freeman


    Everything was red.

    The air was a mixture of the sickly sweet scent of blood and orange blossoms.

    I looked into those emerald green eyes that captivated me not that long ago, and I could taste the tears spilling down my face and into my mouth. Their flavor was like the salt of the sea I had been living by. How could this happen? I couldn't think of one reason why anyone would want to hurt him.

    I pulled his lifeless body closer to mine; my mind was a complete mess. Why would this happen? I stared down at those open eyes that held the love for me he always had within him. One last time, I looked into them before I slid my hand across them and closed them forever. I will always love you. My tears hit the buttons on his now bloodstained shirt.





    My soul felt like it was being ripped from my chest. I must handle this better. He’s gone now. At least I helped him pass easier. I thought back to the day in the forest when I saved that bird and the tears rolled down my face in a cascading wave. Why didn't it work now? I tried to save him, but it just didn't work. I would've died to save him. He could've stopped all of this. I knew inside that this act of violence was just the tip of the iceberg. I had to figure out how to save both of our people now.

    I looked over at his wife and I could hear the extra beat of a heart within her. My jealousy panged inside me like a vicious monster waiting to climb its way out. It was his choice. Maybe he sensed this would all come to an end. He needed to have someone to take his place amongst his people when the time was right, when it was safe again. I looked at her tear-streaked face and I knew she truly loved him. It wouldn't help if I caused any more pain than it had when he asked for me as he died, and I knew it. How do we begin to heal these wounds when I can feel more being ripped open? My senses told me that we were not the only ones to lose someone tonight, but more importantly once the werewolves heard of the loss of their king- and to one of their own- the fighting would being again. I need to get her to a safe place and now!

    I bent and kissed each of his eyelids, whispered my love for him in his ear and stood. It was time to take action now. I would hold his funeral and mourning service for both of our people. She needed to be safe to protect the continuation of his line.

    It’s time for us to go now. You must be kept safe. My regal tone came out and she looked at me as though death wouldn’t be the worst thing she could do to me.

    I sighed. He would want you to keep his child safe. The child you carry will be the next ruler of your people. I pointed to her belly and I heard the small gasp of breath that escaped her as I had found out her secret.

    Now come, let me help you. I know where you'll be safe to raise your son until it’s once again safe for you as the head of the wolves. I gestured for her to walk with me and for once she actually listened to me.

    I turned and looked back at my fallen love, one last time... I will always love you, Michael O'Shanold, death cannot change that...

    I awoke to this new dream as it cut itself deep within my soul. My depths knew that I was seeing a part of the prophecy and I had to find a way to stop it from happening. I felt the scream build in me only to die off in the end. I laid in bed and listened to the early morning silence and thought back on every detail I could remember of this new and frightening dream.

    Chapter One

    Some say that death is peaceful, but I knew different. My skin felt like it was being melted off. My entire being hurt inside and out.

    As I laid there dying, I kept seeing Mike die. I tried to call out to him to save him, but he couldn't hear me.

    Darkness finally engulfed me. It was sweet and delicious.




    What the hell? Why is there beeping in the afterlife? My thoughts were thick as pea soup.




    I just wanted to shut that damn beeping off! Didn't it realize I was trying to die in peace?




    My mind flashed back to saving Issy. Kelly had been the inside person. Should've taken off her damn hand when I was five! She tried to kill me.




    That sound! I know that sound! I sat up with a jolt.

    And screamed out in pain.

    Emma, ssh, ssh, it's okay, sweetheart. My mom's voice said.

    Mom? Everything was dark and I couldn't see.

    Yes, honey. I'm here. Your father just stepped out. Her voice was that same sweetness that I hated from my days back in our small ass town.

    Why can't I see you? Fear raced through my system.

    You're temporarily blind, honey. Her words were matter-of-fact.

    Why? I laid back down slowly.

    Well, when that witch hit you with the witch fire, it was cursed. It was meant to kill you. It would've shriveled your heart to dust. Her voice was all teary.

    Then why aren't I dead? I gasped in pain.

    Well, for several reasons, my dear. My father's voice boomed in the sterile setting.

    Daddy? I never thought I'd see anyone again, let alone my parents.

    Yes, sweet thing. And to answer your question, you're alive because Leland and Dominic cut Kelly's head off and then ripped out her heart. And that Michael boy was able to stop the spell... not before it caused serious damage- but before it killed you. He sounded cheery enough.

    Okay. So Issy's okay? Kelly is dead? What's wrong with me and how long will it last? My voice croaked.

    Yes, darling, you saved Isabella. That dreadful creature that you call Kelly is, in fact, dead. I hear her death was quite fabulous. As for you... well, your vision is gone. Your hearing is diminished. Your left leg does not work. Your skin is very burnt. Oh and most of your hair is burnt. My mom sounded like my hair was the most important from the list.

    How long will it last? Have you brought in the healers? I felt like I was talking to small children.

    The effects are temporary- the doctors aren't sure when these things will be completely back to normal. As for the healers, you needed to be stable before the doctors agreed to let anyone see you. They wouldn't even let in Dom. I could hear the frown in her voice.

    Then why are you two here? I tried to keep the anger out of my voice.

    You had to have family. Your grandfather and grandmother are at Michael's castle working on some sort of treaty-like thing. Her news brought a smile to my heart.

    Dom is family, him being my husband and all. I was beginning to feel very tired and pain was sweeping through my body.

    True, but they only wanted blood family... Whatever she said after that was lost in a wave of unconsciousness.

    When I woke next, it was to a muffled sound of voices.

    Well, I'm really not sure about allowing... Mom was arguing with someone who cut her off.

    Mrs. Hutchinson, as much as I respect your daughter, I have none for you. Now get the hell out of our way so we can heal her. I swear that was Leland's voice.

    I never in all my days... She huffed.

    That's a damn crying shame, darl. Now move! He laughed at her.

    I will not.

    That's fine. Georgie, Harold, please escort Mrs. and Mr. Hutchinson from the room. Preferably out of the hospital altogether. Leland asked the Boys.

    I heard my mother shriek and my father 'harrumph’ as I could assume they were carried from the room.

    Enjoying the show, darl? Leland's voice was right next to me.

    Quite. How long have you guys been trying to get to me? Relief washed through me.

    Since we were able to get away from the scene, darl. He confirmed my suspicion that my parents were keeping me away from my people, I just didn't know why.

    Where are we? There were too many pieces missing.

    Ireland, darl. They wouldn't let us take you back home. You're at the wolf hospital- the vamp one was too far away. I could feel his stare on me.

    Am I really that messed up? My voice broke.

    Yeah, babe. I managed to heal a little of it before they carted you off- but you need a serious round of all of us. I figured that you wouldn't be able to help this time- the damage is too much. So we are all here. The others are waiting outside the door, darl. Leland's voice was warm and sunny.

    Thank you, Leland. Will Mike or Dom be coming? I tried to keep the hope out of my voice.

    Mike and your grandparents are on their way. Dom is at the hospital with Issy. She wasn't so banged up, thanks to you, so they were able to get her to the vamp one- Saint something or other.

    Oh, that's good. She needs to have someone with her. I knew it was small of me, but I wanted Dom there with me.

    Let's get this started, sweet thing, that way you'll hopefully be able to see folks when they come to see you. He briefly laid his hand on mine.

    A brief moment of panic swept through me when he walked away from me. My entire world had been taken from me- I was alone in the darkness. Despair began to weave itself into me.

    None of that now, Miss Emma. Charles' voice came out of nowhere.

    We're gonna fix you. Emmaline said.

    Don't you worry none, darl. Leland kissed my cheek gently.

    Rest, Emma. Kip said.

    I felt them at my hands and a wave of warm sleepiness ran through my system-like a nice nap in the sun. My thoughts whirled around the kindness of Leland and my former students. As I slept I was aware of them. I couldn't hear what they were doing- it was more like just knowing they were there. My body ached with a fire I couldn't put out. After a while it felt like a cooling balm had been put on the worst of it. The leg I couldn't feel before turned to pins and needles- then it was just there. The beeping in my ears from the machines grew louder.

    Emma, wake. It was the first time someone had mentally spoke to me since I was hurt.

    My eyes fluttered, I could see the light shining through my lids turning them red.

    Open your eyes, darl. Leland's voice tickled my thoughts.

    I pushed against the desire to keep them shut and forced my eyes open. I blinked.

    Much better. Charlie laughed.

    I took in the scene before I could do anything else. My healers were around the tiny hospital bed. They had pushed some of the machines aside. My grandparents and Mike sat by the window. Silent tears ran down their faces.

    Why the tears, you guys? I smiled as best I could- my skin felt tight.

    We thought we'd lose you, Child. And those idiots wouldn't let anyone see you. Grandmama wailed.

    It is good to see those curious green eyes again, Sweetheart. Grandpa held Grandmama while she wept.

    Oh, Em. I could feel all his emotions through our bond- images from my dream flashed through my head and I shuddered.

    Now, darl, we were able to heal most of it. The injured limbs are gonna be stiff for a bit. Your new skin will be tight until it heals the rest of the way. But your hair is gonna need a damn good cut. Leland laughed.

    Leland! Charlie chided him.

    I reached up and felt the singed ends and then the random long chunks. I sighed.

    I guess it was time for something new anyways. I smiled.

    That's an excellent way to look at it, Em. Mike beamed.

    I know no one wants to talk about that night- by the way, how long ago was that? My sense of time was gone.

    About two weeks, darl. Leland's face went blank.

    Seriously? I looked back and forth between the Boys.

    Yeah. I thought your dear sainted parents would've filled you in better. Anger prickled inside Mike.

    Nope, which brings me to my original question- what happened with Kelly? Tension gripped everyone in the room.

    We heard you say her name right as she threw that crackly blue fireball stuff at you. Then Dom caught you as I launched myself off that platform at her. I grabbed the fun heart-ripping-out-device from one of the stunned wolves. Shoving it into her was like a warm knife cutting butter. When Mike started to work to on undoing the spell, Dom ripped a sword from someone's hand and kicked 'em square in the head when they tried to react, too, aye. He looked like a damn avenging angel. He arced through the air and took off her head just as her body started to crumple from my attack. It was beautiful, Em, darlin'. His eyes gleamed with images of battle and a blood lust I hadn't known was there.

    It's not blood lust, babe- we all really and truly believed she killed ya.

    Have you guys learned why Kelly did any of this? I wanted the images of my closest friend being dismantled out of my head.

    Old family vendetta against the wolves and vamps. She had a baby brother before they moved to our old home town that was collateral damage from a wolf attack on the vampires. The little boy got too close to the fight and was literally pulled apart. The family grieved poorly, and spent all their money- quite a bit, I hear- on tracking bounty hunters against both our kinds. After that failed, they had nothing but their magic left. So they developed powerful spells that could destroy us. They hoped to turn us against each other but the cat’s out of the bag now. Mike's brows furrowed.

    Damn. Was she planted in our town because of us? I swallowed hard.

    There's a strong possibility that she was. We are still trying to piece it all together. What we've learned about the witches is that they are a broken off sect. No one trusts them and they trust no one. Unless they are planted somewhere, they are nomads. They practice the darkest forms of spell casting out there. They call themselves the people of Calypso. Their numbers grow every year. I'm sure with Kelly's death they will have even more recruits- regardless of the statements we've already released. Also, we've no idea where or who else they are. Mike rubbed the back of his neck.

    Wow. Okay. Grandpa, how many witch covens do we know and are on good terms with? I needed to know what allies we had.

    There are thousands of covens we are in excellent terms with. There are a few hundred that we are allied with that have had shaky moments. But there are about fifty that are neutral or against us. Why? His bright eyes were shining with unasked questions.

    We need to strengthen our bonds with all those we’re on good terms with, try to push the neutrals to our side, and try to set the aggressive ones on our side or disband them or if all else fails, neutralize 'em. My voice was solemn.

    Child, that could mean the deaths of hundreds of people. That alone would push the people you wish to bring to you away. I think perhaps some internal squabbling for power would be a better way to deal with them. Grandmama's voice was calm and wise.

    That will still leave people to join the bad guys, Edwina. Leland was fighting the moral battle inside, just as I was.

    "Only the strong ones would be accepted and the strong ones are always power hungry. It would be easy enough to turn them against themselves." Her eyes were cool and her smile smug.

    Grandmama, how do you propose we cause these internal struggles? I knew I sounded doubtful, I could see the disappointment on her face.

    Sweetheart, we have spellcrafters on the vampire and wolf side, not to mention the internal witches we have on both sides. Grandpa's face was emotionless as he said this.

    You want us to spell them? My face twisted with confusion.

    Don't, eh, witches protect themselves from, like, outside spells? Charlie wasn't sure about her plan either.

    Yes, Children, they do. But why would you protect yourself from a friend? Her stony eyes turned on me.

    I wouldn't. That's what caused all this. I gestured to the hospital room.

    Very true, Little One. That is why we'd use friends of the weakest members of these covens. The weak are never well-protected. The spell will be a seeking spell. It will only attach to this person temporarily. As it climbs up the power ladder it will break into smaller untraceable spells that will only feed their natural want for power. This will be their downfall. It will also, hopefully, lead us to those evil witches. She snapped shut her bag and rose.

    We'll inform the wolf doctors to run the necessary tests that will allow you to return home to Italy. Grandpa kissed my cheek and then they left.

    She is apeshit scary, Em. Mike shuddered.

    Yes, she is. She's been on this Earth for thousands of years. I think she's learned a thing or two about survival and I'd be a fool not to work on what she said. I responded.

    How are you gonna find people willing to go against their own for us? Mike's eyes gave his doubt away.

    There are lots of ways to get people to do things, Mike. I think you'd be surprised that there are witches who would help root out the evil ones. My smile was cocky.

    Darl, you're apeshit scary sometimes. Leland commented.

    Yep. My smile widened and I let my fangs drop, I am.

    It took a few hours for the doctors to finally come in and check on me. I saw many astonished faces. It was hard for me to keep my quick tongue in check.

    Mike went back to work- doing whatever future king wolves do. Leland stayed with me as the other healers left. Dom sent me a note telling me he'd see me back home. He apparently had to accompany Issy to several more specialists before they would be cleared to depart Ireland. I still wanted him there with me, but I knew Issy needed someone too.

    Have you told her you love her? My question threw Leland.

    I think you started in the middle there, darl. His face was only slightly confused.

    You know what I'm talking about. Did you tell Issy you love her, yet? I didn't understand his trepidation.

    No. I don't think it's a good idea... after what she's been through. His beautiful hazel eyes looked so very sad.

    I think you're an idiot. But I don't hold that against you. It’s merely genetics. I joked.

    Darl, she's gone through so much...

    And she'll need a steady man who'll take it slow and gentle. One that'll understand that she's been through a lot- but not be frightened off by it. I knew my face was giving him the 'duh' look.

    You really think it would make a difference? Hope stared back at me from his eyes.

    If I didn't, I wouldn't have said it. I smiled.

    What about Dom? He's gotten dangerously protective of his sister. Worry clouded his eyes at the mention of Dom's name.

    What about Master Dom? I knew I needed to break him away from his sister.

    Leave Dom to me. I don't think he's yet encountered the injured Emma side of me. Surely he'll entrust his recovering sister into your hands while he tends to me. I batted my lashes at him.

    I'm not sure that'll even work. He laughed.

    Paha! What do you know? If I had set my sights on you, Mister Outback, you wouldn't have known what hit you. I teased.

    Then I'll take it as a good thing that I wasn't in your sights, darl. His laugh rumbled deep in his belly.

    Excuse me, Mrs. DeDominico? A roundly looking woman came in holding a clipboard.

    I think her title is actually Her Majesty Queen Emma Hutchinson. Leland chided the woman.

    Right. Your doctors have signed off on your discharge. You need to sign here, she pointed to a line, if you feel any oddness you are to seek medical attention immediately.

    Yes, yes, I know the drill. I signed.

    Perhaps, you should take your friend to see someone. If the Vampire Queen heard such a thing, I doubt it'd go over well. The woman whispered.

    My dear nurse, he wasn't mistaken. If you read the whole name on the chart you hold- you'll find that I am Emma Hutchinson, the Vampire Queen. I laughed at the situation.

    The woman looked like I was trying to pull a fast one on her. She checked her chart, blinked, glanced back over at me, looked back down and visibly blanched.

    Beggin' yer pardon, Mistress Hutchinson, her accent filtered her words as her nerves got the best of her.

    None needed. Although, I am curious, why on Earth did you believe I'd be cross for such a thing? My smile remained.

    Yer Majesty has a rep for having a harsh temper and quick and brutal punishments. The woman's eyes were glued to her shoes.

    "Come on! That's the most... Emma? Harsh and brutal?" Leland was laughing so hard tears streamed down his cheeks.

    I've never heard such a funny thing. My temper is not different than any other female. I've never been brutal, unless honestly. I'm certainly not cruel. Why on Earth would people think that of me? I asked.

    Well, Your Majesty, it's said you had a young witch's head cut off and her heart ripped out. Her formal training had kicked her language off her accent.

    Oh. Do you know why I am in your fine hospital and not in Italy or in one of the vampire hospitals? I asked keeping my voice level.

    No, ma'am. I was told to discharge you- not to read your chart. Her big blue eyes briefly fluttered to mine and then went back down.

    Well, my dear nurse Bridget, I am here because they weren't sure if I was going to die or not. A young witch friend betrayed me and tried to murder me because of something that happened with her young baby brother- years ago. Yes, what you said about her death was true of her death, but I was not the cause of it. Leland, my guard here, and the King ended poor Kelly's life while Michael O’Shanold was trying to save me. I smiled to the woman who seemed to forget her name tag.

    My God. How did she betray you? Curiosity was clearly the driving force now.

    She threw a ball of spelled witch fire that was meant to destroy my internal organs- thus killing me. My voice remained friendly- as though we were discussing nothing more important than the weather.

    My Lord! It's a miracle you're still alive. How is it that you're so well? She eyed me from head to toe.

    Some vampires are gifted with amazing healing abilities. I'm just lucky enough to know quite a few healers. I beamed at Leland.

    That seems to be a true blessing. Bridget's eyes glazed with thought.

    I watched her as she thumbed through my paperwork.

    Is it all in order then? Leland broke the silence, his hair shifted across his eyes as he gestured back to me.

    Right. Sorry, Your Majesty. Let me get someone to wheel you downstairs and then you'll be good to go. She smiled at me and left the room.

    She'll tell everyone what just happened. He commented.

    What does it matter? She has a story for the fire later. Do we have a car to get to the airport? Logic wanted to know how we were getting home.

    That she will, darl. Yes, we have a car. He jangled the keys in his pocket.

    Is the plane ready? A part of me was ready to leave Ireland and never come back.

    Yes, the pilot has been on standby all day. His features shifted as some of my emotions reached him.

    Leland, what was it like... through the bond when she spelled me? I changed topics.

    Painful. Very scary. It was like it was happening to me. I'm sure Dom and Mike felt it like having hot coals shoved into their faces, darl. It was like putting me into a bloody fire, but not. I could smell your flesh being burnt off, and our bond made me feel your blood boil and your organs burn. Damn, like you were put in the zapper on high, Em. It was scary. His eyes came back into focus as he concluded with a visible shudder.

    I'm so sorry, Lee. Are you sure you want to be bound to me? It hurt to think I might have to break a bond to save my friend from his own chivalry.

    Darl, I knew what I was walking into when I signed up. You're royalty... you don't think that'll be the only time you're attacked, do ya? Laughter filled his eyes.

    It's not like I wear a damn sign! I don't want to be in danger all the flippin' time! I huffed.

    I bet, but you signed up for it when you became the Queen. You're like the poster child with a target painted on yourself, babe. He chuckled.

    No, I might be the Queen, but I won't be a target- not after this. They'll attack Dom or those closest to me. We won't be directly attacked again until they can win. Fear gripped and held me.

    Hey, darl, the people closest to you aren't weak either. Those that need training will receive it. Stop that fretting. His arms wrapped around me and he gently kissed my forehead.

    Thank you, Lee. I held onto to him for a few minutes, drawing comfort and strength.

    Oh, sorry to disturb you. Bridget fidgeted behind the volunteer with a wheelchair.

    Not at all. Thank you for everything, Bridget. I took her hand as she handed me the discharge papers.

    The pleasure was mine. It was an honor to be your discharge nurse. The woman beamed.

    The small built teenage boy wheeled the chair over to me, waited patiently as Leland helped me into it.

    Putting in community service, eh, Phillip. I said as I pulled his name from his mind.

    Yeah, how do you know my name? His voice was cautious but slightly awed.

    Because I am the Vampire Queen and I pulled it from your mind. I told him bluntly.

    The boy gulped. So it's true? His voice was a small squeak.

    Which part? I didn't want to poke around in his thoughts.

    That you're here. That you stopped a great war between our people. That you're super gifted. His cheeks flooded with blood- I felt my fangs drop slightly.

    Yes, that's all quite true. I patted his hand- it was sweaty.

    Is it also true that you drink our blood? He blanched.

    Why, of course. Why would people lie about such a thing? I shifted my face to show innocence.

    They used to tell us that we were poisonous to you guys... they stopped after the King allowed you to drink from him. He dropped his eyes.

    Yes, such lies were told before. It's endearing that you guys already refer to Mike as the King. My smiled brightened.

    You're so lovely. He blurted out once we reached outside and ducked back inside- abandoning the chair and my bemused self.

    Perhaps we should put some sorta warning label on ya, darl. His laugh vibrated through me.

    Whatever would it say, Lee? I laughed heartily.

    May cause temporary loss of all mental function. He held out a hand to me.

    Harrumph. How'd you get the car here? I tried to keep the smile hidden under the pout.

    "Act like it bothered you, when I can sense you. Ha!

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