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Blood Charged (Dragon Blood, Book 3)
Blood Charged (Dragon Blood, Book 3)
Blood Charged (Dragon Blood, Book 3)
Ebook360 pages6 hours

Blood Charged (Dragon Blood, Book 3)

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Sardelle Terushan, sorceress and healer, should be lying low. Magic is forbidden in Iskandia, and magic users are drowned, shot, or otherwise slain. The problem? She's fallen in love with ace fighter pilot and national hero, Colonel Ridge Zirkander, a man whom everybody notices, including the king. It's not long before Sardelle has spies dogging her steps and people trying to blow her up. Worse, her presence is jeopardizing Ridge's career. If she can't find a solution to the nation's centuries-old hatred of magic, the only way to protect Ridge—and herself—may be to leave.

Ridge Zirkander isn't used to worrying about more than shooting down Cofah airships and keeping the officers in his squadron alive, but his world has gotten more complicated since giving his heart to Sardelle. It's difficult to keep people from noticing a mysterious and enigmatic woman, not to mention her chatty sentient sword. He's been passing her off as an archaeologist to his fellow pilots, but when the king calls him in to a private meeting, Ridge fears his secret has been discovered.

But the king—and the rest of the country—has a greater problem. Cofah military scientists have acquired something that shouldn't exist in the world any longer: dragon blood. In addition to having countless mysterious properties, it's a powerful energy source that can be used to create devastating weapons. Ridge, Sardelle, and their allies must travel to the empire as part of a secret strike force to steal the dragon blood. If they fail, the Cofah will finally have the power to destroy all of Iskandia.

The Dragon Blood series reading order:
Book 1: Balanced on the Blade's Edge
Book 2: Deathmaker
Book 3: Blood Charged

Release dateJul 17, 2014
Blood Charged (Dragon Blood, Book 3)

Lindsay Buroker

Lindsay Buroker war Rettungsschwimmerin, Soldatin bei der U.S. Army und hat als IT-Administratorin gearbeitet. Sie hat eine Menge Geschichten zu erzählen. Seit 2011 tut sie das hauptberuflich und veröffentlicht ihre Steampunk-Fantasy-Romane im Self-Publishing. Die erfolgreiche Indie-Autorin und begeisterte Bloggerin lebt in Arizona und hat inzwischen zahlreiche Romanserien und Kurzgeschichten geschrieben. Der erste Band der Emperor’s-Edge-Serie „Die Klinge des Kaisers“ ist jetzt ins Deutsche übersetzt.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    great steam punk adventure :)

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Blood Charged (Dragon Blood, Book 3) - Lindsay Buroker

Blood Charged

(Dragon Blood, Book 3)

by Lindsay Buroker

Smashwords Edition

Copyright © 2014, Lindsay Buroker


Welcome back, good reader, for the third adventure in the series. This novel brings back Ridge, Sardelle, Tolemek, and Cas (oh, and let’s not forget Jaxi, who always has something to say). I hope you’ll enjoy taking a new journey with everyone.

Once again, I would like to thank the behind-the-scenes people who helped me get Blood Charged ready to publish: my beta readers, Cindy Wilkinson and Sarah Engelke, my editor, Shelley Holloway, and the cover art designers at Deranged Doctor Design.

Chapter 1

Sardelle was being followed.

She hadn’t seen her pursuer yet, but her sorceress’s senses told her a woman was back there, skulking through the slushy alleys of Pinoth. Her senses also told her the woman was armed. The large hunting knife hanging from her belt shouldn’t prove too much of a threat, but the six-shooter nestled in her palm? If prepared, Sardelle could shield herself from bullets, but doing so in the middle of the magic-fearing Iskandian capital with dozens of witnesses around… even if she wasn’t physically harmed, she would be in trouble.

Sardelle quickened her step.

You should have brought me with you, Jaxi, her sentient soulblade, spoke into her mind.

As I’ve pointed out several times, women wandering around with swords are an oddity in this age. For the first couple of weeks she had been in the city, Sardelle had worn Jaxi beneath her cloak, in part because she hadn’t wanted to risk losing her after working so hard to retrieve her from that mine, and in part because she hadn’t realized how much fashions had changed during the three hundred years she had slept in that mage stasis chamber. Soldiers still carried swords as part of their uniform, but firearms were the norm, and women who worried about defending themselves on the streets preferred pistols they could slip into their handbags. Thanks to her relationship with the most famous pilot in the city, if not in all of Iskandia, there were already enough rumors floating around about her. She didn’t need to draw extra attention by not fitting in with the locals. Fortunately, without the soulblade, she looked no different than any other Iskandian woman, dark hair, pale skin, a few freckles across the nose…

And the ability to flambé hordes of enemy soldiers with a wave of your hand.

Sardelle snorted. Pyrotechnics are your specialty.

Yes, and I’m quite fabulous at them. After a pause, Jaxi added, Your shadow has taken to the rooftops to keep up with you without being noticed. Her finger is tight on that trigger too.

I know.

You could hop onto the roof, pin her down, cut off her air for a while so she knows you’re serious, then demand to know why she’s following you.

Unless you’re suggesting I impose upon her physically to do all those things, I would be confirming something she can only suspect at this point.

Physical imposition is perfectly acceptable, but from the way she’s hopping from rooftop to rooftop, she may be more than your match in that area.

Sardelle thought about pointing out that she had hopped a few rooftops in her day, but Jaxi was fully aware of her abilities… and weaknesses.

You tripped and skinned your knee the last time you hopped a log.

Thanks for the reminder. Sardelle turned down a side street, hoping her spy would be slowed down by having to cross the wide boulevard before skimming up to another rooftop. A sudden hope kindled. She’s not Cofah, is she?

Pale skin. She looks like a native.

Sardelle sighed. She would have worried less if a spy from the empire verified her secrets. Nobody here would listen to a Cofah woman’s accusations against her.

A steam wagon mounted with large guns trundled down the street, clattering and clanking across timeworn cobblestones. The cargo area in the back was covered. On impulse, Sardelle jumped onto the back and clung to a bar at the corner.

Very nice. You didn’t even skin a knee.

Ignoring Jaxi, Sardelle watched over her shoulder, hoping she would spot her follower stuck up on a rooftop and quickly falling behind. The woman didn’t show herself.

The steam wagon belched stinky black smoke into the air, and the bumps and shudders from driving on the cobblestones made Sardelle’s teeth clatter together, but it moved along at a faster speed than she could walk. They cruised past shoppers, workers, and bicycle messengers braving the slushy streets and fearlessly weaving past steam vehicles, horses, and donkeys pulling carts. The miles-long harbor came into view, a mixture of fishing vessels, freighters, and warships on maneuvers out in the water. Sardelle’s gaze drifted to the butte towering at the south end. From the ground, she couldn’t see much of the airbase, but she had been up there enough times to imagine the runways and its hangars full of mechanical dragon fliers. The sky over the sea was clear, the wind stiller than usual. Maybe the pilots would have practice maneuvers scheduled for the day.

Isn’t your doting lover going to a meeting this morning?

Ah, that was right. Ridge wouldn’t be out there, even if the fliers did take to the sky. Not unless an alarm sounded, and his whole squadron was called to duty.

Your spy is falling behind, but still following. She may know where you’re going.

Unfortunately, that was a possibility. This was Sardelle’s third day heading to the public archives building for research. Maybe another visitor had noticed her there yesterday and thought her suspicious, or maybe the woman who worked at the assistance desk had reported to someone about Sardelle’s unflagging interest in the place—judging by the dust smothering the shelves, very few had even passing interest in the archives building.

I’m not going to turn around and go back to Ridge’s cottage to weep quietly over my lost friends, family, and life while waiting for him to come home for the night. Sardelle had done enough of that during her first weeks in town. True, she had been working on those communications devices for Ridge’s squadron more often than she had been mourning—sulking, Jaxi had called it—so it hadn’t been wasted time, but she was eager to make headway on the mission she had given herself: to track down her kin, however many generations removed, and search for other Iskandians with dragon blood. Then she would teach those who were willing how to use their powers. It would be the mission of a lifetime, and finding those people wouldn’t be easy, not when anyone with inexplicable talents learned to hide them early on. The archives building was the only place in town that might tell her if her brother or any of her cousins had survived the purging of the Referatu and had children who had kept the line alive through the centuries. She particularly wanted to find her brother’s descendants, to make sure they were well. He had teased and tormented her relentlessly all through childhood, and she had rarely visited him in adulthood, but now that it was too late… a lump of regret formed in her throat whenever she thought about it.

I wasn’t suggesting you abandon your quest or fill your days with knitting scarves like the old woman next door, but you could come home to get me, so you’d be better able to defend yourself.

I can defend myself fine on my own.

I never would have chosen to bond with you if I’d known you would leave me under the bed for days on end with nothing for company but dust balls.

I’m quite positive there are no dust balls under Ridge’s bed. The wagon turned off the main street. When a bicycle wobbled into its path, forcing it to slow down, Sardelle hopped off. Besides, a couple of days of inaction should be nothing after three hundred years of being cooped up inside a mountain. It’s scarcely been three weeks since you had that big adventure with Tolemek.

You mean the big adventure where he used me as a lamp, because I can glow nicely?

You also incinerated a deadly weapon that was seconds away from killing thousands of people. Something Sardelle wished Jaxi had figured out she could do before Sardelle had promised to help rescue Tolemek’s sister from some sanitarium an ocean and thousands of miles away and to teach her how to use magic.

Fussy, fussy. I thought you wanted new students.

I do, but it would be more feasible to look for them here. Maybe it was selfish, but Sardelle was more interested in teaching her own people than someone who came from the continent that had been trying to conquer Iskandia for centuries. Nor was she positive Tolemek’s sister, reputedly disturbed in the mind, would be teachable.

She hiked up her skirt and walked up a side street full of melting snow and steaming horse piles, glad her fur-lined boots kept most of the road decor away from her legs. Her destination, a drab gray three-story building looming at the next intersection, had the architectural allure of a doorstop. The usual woman was sitting behind the desk, reading a book and scowling at people who left puddles of water on the threshold floor. She also had the allure of a doorstop.

You again? the archivist asked when Sardelle walked in, then glanced toward the door, as if she expected someone else to come in behind her. Interesting.

Yes, I believe this will be my last day of research. Sardelle signed her name in the register at the desk, using the same made-up surname she had been using since waking up in this new era, Sordenta. Only two people had signed in after her yesterday, and she was the first visitor today.

You going to be looking in the red books again?

Sardelle paused, the pen still on the page. Pardon?

I have to report that, you know.

Sardelle thought back to the previous two days. She had looked into archive books with red bindings, but she hadn’t thought anything of the colors. Others were black, blue, and green, seemingly arranged on the shelves at random.

I didn’t know. What does the red signify? she asked, though a feeling of unease settled about her shoulders like a cold, wet cloak.

The clerk’s eyes narrowed to slits. Ancestral lines with witch blood.

It took her a moment to do so, but Sardelle hooked two fingers before her chest in a warding-off gesture, having learned this was the appropriate sign one should make when magic or witches were discussed. I had no idea.

She had been aware of the clerk ambling around the building from time to time, pretending to dust and to arrange books, but she hadn’t realized the woman had been spying on Sardelle’s research material. Or that a genealogy book could be so condemning, to the one reading it and the ones listed in it. Were the descendants of known sorcerers from centuries past monitored to this day? Or were they simply listed in these archives in case the names came to the attention of the law? The archivist would have known, but Sardelle dared not ask her further questions on the matter.

The woman was still squinting suspiciously. No? Most people who come here are looking for information on their ancestors. But some are also hoping to contact descendants of witches for nefarious reasons.

I was simply researching lines I found mentioned in historical texts that are related to the Referatu, Sardelle said, because there’s been a renewed military interest in the artifacts from that culture.

You don’t look military. The woman frowned at her dress.

Maybe you should have brought a sword.


I don’t believe the military is interested in witches, either, the archivist added.

Not the magic users specifically, but some of the artifacts that civilization once left behind. Technically true. The Referatu light fixtures were now powering Iskandian fliers, not that anyone had seemed to know that’s what the power sources had originally been.

People’s names are listed here, not artifacts.

I understand that, but I may gather a few leads here. Why was she explaining herself to this woman when she had such a poor history of lying convincingly? Unless you intend to stop me from doing so, I shall continue to do my research. Sardelle raised an eyebrow, almost hoping the woman would pester her further and give her a reason to deliver an unseemly rash.

Don’t start with that again. That’s almost as suspicious as deflecting bullets in public spaces.

I hardly think that’s true.

It got you in trouble last time.

That was, alas, true, but it had been more the discovery of her picture in that book that had sealed the condemnation.

It’s not my job to stop you from researching, the woman said and waved for Sardelle to continue into the building.

No, she’ll just report what you’re researching to someone dastardly.

That’s the impression I’m getting. Sardelle headed into the library-like room, turning down an aisle to escape the woman’s view. Let me know if my rooftop pursuer comes in the door, will you?

I’ll consider it if you agree to take me out next time you go. I like to feel the warmth of the sun on my pommel.


Sardelle headed for a narrow hallway in the back of the building. She hadn’t discovered it, and the stairs at the end that led to a basement, until the archives had been on the verge of closing the day before. There were a lot of red-bound books down there. She took the stairs three at a time, having the sense that she should finish her research today; someone more intimidating than the archivist might be waiting for her if she showed up again tomorrow.

She grabbed the knob and almost smashed her face on the door when it didn’t open. It hadn’t been locked yesterday…

It didn’t need to be locked until you showed up with an interest in the contents.

What is this? Some way to trap innocent people who are simply intrigued by genealogy? Sardelle could bypass the lock without much effort, but she felt affronted anew at this small betrayal. Maybe because there had been so many betrayals already. Learning about the demise of everyone she had ever known and loved had been difficult enough to grasp, but knowing her own people—Iskandian soldiers—had been responsible for the purge, as they called it… The Referatu had worked side-by-side with the military for generations, helping defend the continent from invaders. The only thing that made it possible for her to look at those around her as normal human beings and not mortal enemies was that this genocide had been three hundred years in the past for everyone alive on the continent today. Or so she had thought.

Sorcerous genealogy, yes. For once, Jaxi sounded more grim than sarcastic. The Referatu had been her people too. Even if she had lived and died centuries before bonding with Sardelle, she’d had friends from that era, too, sorcerers and other soulblades. I could peruse the contents if you don’t want to go in.

There were several thousand books in there.

I read the entire prison library at the Magroth Mines.

That was fifty books. And you had three hundred years.

There were at least sixty books. Jaxi sniffed. And they were only there for the last fifty years, thank you very much.

It’ll be faster for me to look in person, but thank you for the offer. Having Jaxi do the research from the safety of Ridge’s house would keep Sardelle from going out in public, but it was a lot more efficient to be here, looking at titles—and red covers—in person. And this was her quest, not Jaxi’s. The names of Sardelle’s relatives wouldn’t mean anything to someone who had been born centuries before.

She used air pressure like a key to push the lock pins above the sheer line, then opened the door. She stepped into a dark, musty room and made sure she didn’t sense anyone else in there before she shut herself in. Pitch blackness surrounded her. She thought about simply making a mage light, but there were lanterns with oil hanging by the door. She produced a spark of flame, lit one, and carried it with her into the room. Her footprints from the day before were visible in the dust on the stone floor, along with another set that hadn’t been there when she had left. They weren’t much bigger than hers, and she guessed they belonged to the archivist.

Sardelle took her notepad out of her pack and selected a few registers with names and addresses from families in towns in the Ice Blades. Of course, there was nothing anywhere about Galmok Mountain, the subterranean fortress where she had trained and where so many Referatu had lived and worked when the stronghold was destroyed. But people didn’t move to the mountain until they were identified as gifted. She had grown up in—

Problem, Jaxi chimed in her mind.

Someone coming? Sardelle looked toward the door and listened for footsteps.

Someone is peeking through the windows here.

At Ridge’s house?

Unless you left me under a bed in someone else’s house, yes.

Is it Lieutenant Colonel Ostraker’s grandmother again? Sardelle referred to their usual snoop, a woman who liked to do favors for Ridge and who wasn’t above peeping into his windows while trimming the hedges.

No. Two women in green cloaks with the hoods pulled low. They’re skulking around in the backyard. With more alacrity than the ninety-year-old woman next door.

Maybe leaving Jaxi at the house had been a mistake after all. She could keep herself from being stolen, in a deadly manner if she wished, but it would be condemning if a magical sword were found at Ridge’s house. Not just to Sardelle, but to Ridge, as well. She didn’t have a lot left to lose, but he could lose his career, his reputation, and all of his comrades if it came out that he was sleeping with a sorceress. Knowingly sleeping with a sorceress. Not for the first time, she wondered if it was selfish of her to stay here, to risk everything he had worked for over the years because she cared for him—maybe even loved him—and enjoyed being around him.

One just took out lock picks and is heading for the back door. I’ll see if I can keep them from noticing me. In case the dust ball camouflage fails.

There are no dust balls, Sardelle thought reflexively, but she was more worried about the intruders. Should she run home to deal with them? When this might be her last chance to access these archives? What would she do even if she arrived and the intruders were still there? Confront them?

Fine, but I do find this collection of beer steins from around the continent somewhat alarming in its thoroughness.

At least Jaxi didn’t sound that worried about the intruders. Meanwhile, Sardelle was once again reconsidering her decision to come to the city with Ridge instead of staying in his cabin by that nice little lake. Just because she couldn’t do any research there or get on with her life in any way…

I thought it was your unwillingness to give up the long nights of bed bouncing with your soul snozzle that prompted the move.

Not… entirely.

They’ve opened the back door.

Sardelle tried to remember if she had engaged her booby traps that morning after Ridge had left. She thought she had, but after several days without trouble, she might have grown lax.

Are they—

A creak on the steps outside her door interrupted her thoughts. Sardelle swept out with her senses. Yes, someone was walking down the stairs. The archivist. Sardelle lowered the lantern to the tiniest of flames. She didn’t think the light was bright enough to been seen beneath the door crack, but no need to take chances.

The doorknob rattled. She hoped the woman would assume nobody was inside since Sardelle had relocked it, but she doubtlessly had the key. If she decided to come in and check…

The steps creaked again. Sardelle let out a slow breath. The woman was going away.

What’s your status, Jaxi? She grabbed the most promising registers and stuffed them into her satchel. She was going to have to borrow them, whether that was permissible or not. She would find a way to return them later.

You know that large copper soup pot?


It fell on the head of one of the intruders.

That’s impressive considering the pot rack is over the stove and not the walkway through the kitchen.

Yes, isn’t it?

Sardelle started for the door but paused next to a bin of large rolled scrolls, each one at least three feet wide. She hadn’t investigated those yesterday and wondered if they might be graphical representations of lines. Three of them had edges that had been dipped in red dye. She grabbed them for a quick look. The scrolls wouldn’t fit in her satchel, but on the off chance they held something important, she didn’t want to abandon them without a glance. As she unrolled the first, it occurred to her that if she had known about the red-for-evil-witchiness categorizing system, she could have limited her search to those records to start with.

Lesson learned…

She sucked in an excited breath when she spotted a familiar surname at the top of the first scroll. Maricoshin. That family had founded Referatu and had claimed numerous powerful sorcerers even by the standards of Sardelle’s day. She was taking these scrolls with her whether they fit in her satchel or not. She would simply sneak past the archivist on the way out…

A click sounded in the corner of the room near the door.

Before Sardelle could do more than wonder what it might be, orange light flashed, and a cacophony of noise roared in her ears. A wave of power slammed into her, hurling her from her feet. She crashed into a wall of books, and pain pummeled her body from all sides. Her lantern disappeared beneath falling furnishings—or maybe breaking beams and a falling ceiling.

Blackness swallowed the room.

* * *

Colonel Ridgewalker Zirkander ambled through the courtyard of Harborgard Castle, giving cheerful nods and smiles to the dour-faced soldiers stationed next to the doors to the various towers, halls, and dormitories that opened up off the main driveway. Most stared stonily forward, refusing to acknowledge him—there was some rule on the books about castle guards not interacting with anyone, except to skewer intruders with swords—though a few offered quick grins and abbreviated waves when they thought none of their stolid brethren were looking.

The dourest of the dour stood in front of the grand marble doors leading to the king’s audience chamber. They were open, letting in the sunlight—a welcome change from the rain and snow of the past three weeks—but one had to pass the guard’s scrutiny before entering, or so the rifle crooked in the man’s arms implied. The weapon was one of the few modern inventions on open display within the castle walls. A steam-powered crane sitting next to scaffolding erected against one of the towers marked another exception. The castle had survived nearly a millennium and was considered a Super Important Historical Landmark, meaning about seven hundred people on a dysfunctional committee had to approve architectural additions and changes. It had taken twenty years for them to decide to fix the holes in that tower after the last castle bombing. Fortunately for the castle—and the committee—attacks on the capital had been rare since the dragon flier base had been built above the harbor.

The dour door guard knew who Ridge was and knew the king was expecting him, but he lowered his rifle and opened his mouth to start the familiar state-your-name-and-your-business-and-whether-you-swear-undying-fealty-to-the-king-and-Iskandia preamble that all guests had to endure.

You forgot to button yourself in, Ridge said, pointing to the man’s crotch.

The guard blinked and looked down. It only took him a second to see that it had been a joke, but by then, Ridge had slipped inside, avoiding the spiel. He caught Mister Dour’s sigh at the same time as a familiar gray-haired man stepped out of the alcove by the entryway and held up a hand. His dress uniform was immaculate, the creases in his trousers pressed to rigid crispness, and his boots polished so brightly one could shave in the reflection. Neat rows of medals and ribbons lined the breast of his jacket.

General Ort, you were invited to this meeting too? Ridge asked, though he was used to higher-ranking officers being present whenever he was invited to the castle. He was just the trigger for the gun that was his squadron, not someone who had enough clout to be a part of the decision-making process.

Someone has to hold your hand and make sure you don’t put your feet up on the king’s furniture. Or make inappropriate jokes about his wardrobe. Ort frowned at Ridge’s leather jacket, olive green flight uniform, and mud-spattered boots—they had been clean when Ridge left the base, but it was sludgy and wet out there. Ort must carry a boot-polishing kit in his pocket.

I would never do such a thing, Ridge said. The king’s furniture is all five-hundred-year-old wood and scratchy upholstery. It’s not nearly as comfortable as the leather chairs in your office.

They didn’t keep you in that frozen hole in the Ice Blades nearly long enough. Your sense of military courtesy and propriety hasn’t improved one iota. Ort jerked his head toward one of the high-ceilinged hallways that opened up on either side of the entryway. The king wasn’t sitting on the ceremonial dais at the end of the runway of a throne room, but the general apparently knew where he could be found.

"I don’t think one goes to Magroth to improve anything," Ridge said.

He followed Ort down the hallway, through a side door, and onto a balcony with glass ceilings and walls warming the space. Snow might still blanket the garden outside, but inside, the vines of tropical plants twined up support posts and along beams, and birds from all over the continent chirped contentedly from the branches of broad-leafed shrubbery and dwarf orange and lemon trees. A few windows were open along walls lined with flowering plants and bushes, but the birds didn’t appear tempted to escape.

King Angulus Masonwood the Third sat with two uniformed men at the head of a wrought-iron table covered with a floral cloth and doilies that Ridge chose to believe were the queen’s influence rather than a suggestion of his taste. He was a stocky man with a broad face, a creased brow, and curly brown hair shorn close to his head, probably because his hairline was receding like troops fleeing an overrun front line. Despite that concession to age, he still had the muscular stature of a soldier, even if it had been twenty years since he had served. He’d been a cavalry officer in one of the few remaining units and was usually depicted on horseback in portraits. On paper, the king was only a few years older than Ridge, but he seemed far closer to sixty than forty. A stressful job, doubtlessly. He watched Ridge and Ort’s arrival, though he kept glancing down at a rolled up scrap of paper in his blunt hands.

The general stopped at the foot of the table, clicked his heels together, and saluted. General Ort and Colonel Zirkander reporting, Your Majesty. He glanced at Ridge, probably to make sure he was saluting.

Ridge was. The king had always treated him with respect, and thus he reciprocated, even if he often got the feeling Angulus wasn’t a fan of pomp and circumstance and would have preferred slaps on the back.

Good. The king waved to seats near the head of the table. Sit.

He wasn’t a fan of long-windedness, either.

The men sitting to either side of the king didn’t budge from their positions. Both wore the uniforms and jackets of infantry officers, and both had the addition of silver badges highlighting crossed swords on their chests. The badges signaled placement in one of the army’s elite troops units. The stone-faced colonel sitting to the king’s right, his meaty arms folded across his chest, gave Ridge a hard, challenging stare. Ridge resisted the urge to make the same comment he had made to the door guard. Barely.

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