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Ebook86 pages34 minutes


Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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It's hard enough for Eve to adjust to a new high school without the extra weight she's gained over the summer.

Her best friend is ashamed to hang out with her, and she's become the focus of a schoolmate's cruelty. Determined not to be "that pathetic fat girl" at school, Eve struggles with a diet and forces herself to join a mentoring program. The diet only makes her food obsessed, and she feels she is failing as a mentor. How can a lonely fat girl gain the confidence she needs to succeed?

This short novel is a high-interest, low-reading level book for middle-grade readers who are building reading skills, want a quick read or say they don’t like to read!

Release dateMar 1, 2010

Frieda Wishinsky

Frieda Wishinsky is the international award-winning author of over seventy books. She writes picture books, chapter books, novels and nonfiction. Her books have been translated into many languages. Frieda lives in Toronto, Ontario.

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    Book preview

    Blob - Frieda Wishinsky



    Frieda Wishinsky

    Orca Currents


    Copyright © 2010 Frieda Wishinsky

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced

    or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,

    including photocopying, recording or by any information storage

    and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without

    permission in writing from the publisher.

    Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

    Wishinsky, Frieda

    Blob / written by Frieda Wishinsky.

    (Orca currents)

    ISBN 978-1-55469-182-1 (bound).--ISBN 978-1-55469-181-4 (pbk.)

    I. Title. II. Series: Orca currents

    PS8595.I834B56 2010     jC813’.54     C2009-906831-1

    First published in the United States, 2010

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2009940776

    Summary: Eve is overweight, and her self-image is suffering until she

    joins a mentoring program and learns to accept herself the way she is.

    Orca Book Publishers gratefully acknowledges the support for its publishing

    programs provided by the following agencies: the Government of Canada

    through the Canada Book Fund and the Canada Council for the Arts, and

    the Province of British Columbia

    through the BC Arts Council and the Book Publishing Tax Credit.

    Cover design by Teresa Bubela

    Cover photography by Getty Images

    Orca Book Publishers

    PO Box 5626, Station B

    Victoria, BC Canada

    V8R 6S4

    Orca Book Publishers

    PO Box 468

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    Printed and bound in Canada.

    Printed on 100% PCW recycled paper.

    13 12 11 10 • 4 3 2 1


    chapter one

    chapter two

    chapter three

    chapter four

    chapter five

    chapter six

    chapter seven

    chapter eight

    chapter nine

    chapter ten

    chapter eleven

    chapter twelve

    chapter thirteen

    chapter fourteen

    chapter fifteen

    chapter sixteen

    I never forget a face, but in your case I’ll be glad to make an exception.

    —Groucho Marks

    chapter one

    It’s the first day of school and my heart is pounding. It always pounds on the first day, but this year is worse. We moved to a new neighborhood this summer, and I’m starting high school. I know almost no one at South View High—except Sarah.

    I’m glad she’ll be there. I’ve known her since grade three. She was away in California this summer, but we spoke on the phone last week. She’s as nervous about high school as I am.

    I hurry toward the red brick building. Phew! Sarah is standing on the top step talking to Zoe Campbell. I didn’t know Zoe was going to South View. Zoe towers over Sarah. Zoe used to be short. I can’t believe how much she grew over the summer.

    I’m almost at the bottom step. I’m about to call out to Sarah and tell her to wait up. Before I can say a word, I hear Zoe. Are you still friends with Eve? Her words blast out.

    What? I stop walking. Why is Zoe talking about me? Why is she talking so loudly that all the kids rushing into school can hear?

    Sarah nods.

    I saw Eve on the street this summer, says Zoe. "She’s gotten so fat. She looks like a blob."

    I feel like a herd of horses are stomping through my chest. I want to turn and run, but my feet are glued to the pavement.

    She’s just a little overweight, says Sarah.

    Have you seen her gut? It jiggles like jelly. She must have hit on every candy bar in the city. I’d be embarrassed to be seen with her. Zoe tosses her long brown hair.

    I’m not embarrassed. Sarah’s voice is shaky and uncertain.

    I want to shout, Sarah! This is me you’re talking about. Me! Eve! Your friend. Tell Zoe I’m not a blob. Tell her I’m your friend, and you don’t care what she says.

    But Sarah says nothing. Kids pass me up the stairs and into the building.

    I watch Sarah and Zoe walk into school as the bell rings.

    Blob! The word hammers through my head. Blob. Blob. Blob.

    I know I’ve gained weight this summer. Almost none of my clothes fit me anymore. I’m wearing a pair of jeans that were loose last year. Now I can barely zip them up. And I can’t button the top button. I’ve used a safety pin instead.

    My dad’s big shirts cover my bulging middle, but he’s complaining that he has nothing to wear. I’ve been taking all his good shirts.

    It was that dumb job at the convenience store. Every time the owner barked at me, I ate. She barked all the time, so I ate all the time. I ate cookies, pretzels, potato chips and ice cream. A double chocolate cone always cheers me up.

    Now I’m fat and I’m going to be the butt of Zoe’s jokes. Why does she have to go to this school? Why is she being snarky about me?

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