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Don't Lose Her
Don't Lose Her
Don't Lose Her
Ebook310 pages5 hours

Don't Lose Her

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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When a pregnant judge is abducted, a PI follows her trail into the Florida Everglades in this novel by “the master of the high-stakes thriller” (Michael Connelly).

US district judge Diane Manchester has looked across the courtroom into the eyes of evil before. But today, as she presides over the extradition hearing of a notorious Colombian drug lord, she is also eight months pregnant. Her chair is uncomfortable, her robe is constrictive, and her due date is fast approaching. If she shows a single sign of weakness, Diane risks jeopardizing the biggest trial of her career and setting a vicious murderer free.

In seconds, her situation takes a harrowing turn for the worse. Walking to her favorite lunch spot, Diane is grabbed off the street, thrown into the back of a white van, blindfolded, and threatened with death. She has no idea who her kidnappers are or what they want. Maintaining a strict code of silence, they refuse to give her even the smallest glimmer of hope.

But Diane’s captors have overlooked a crucial detail: Her husband, Billy, is the employer and best friend of Max Freeman, Philadelphia cop turned South Florida private investigator. Tossing off the rule of law, Freeman sets out to determine which of a rogues’ gallery of suspects took Diane—and to save her and her unborn child before it’s too late.

From the author of the Edgar Award winner The Blue Edge of Midnight, whose “descriptions of Florida’s backwaters put him right up there with James W. Hall and Randy Wayne White” (Chicago Tribune), this is a mystery with “the kind of clock-driven suspense seen in the best of Harlan Coben” (Booklist).
Release dateJun 2, 2015
Don't Lose Her

Jonathon King

Jonathon King is an Edgar Award–winning mystery novelist and the creator of the bestselling Max Freeman crime series. Born in Lansing, Michigan, in the 1950s, King worked as a crime reporter in Philadelphia and Fort Lauderdale for twenty-four years before becoming a full-time novelist. Along with the seven books of the Max Freeman series, King has authored the thriller Eye of Vengeance (2007) and the historical novel The Styx (2009).

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Rating: 3.6666666666666665 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    4 STARS This is the 7th book in the Max Freeman series. It is the first one that I have read. To me it stands alone okay. The suspense is good. I did not know what was the reason for the kidnapping or wither the judge would be rescued in time. I liked Max and how he was willing to do what ever he needed to find his friend and rescue the judge. Max Freeman is a PI Detective who works for Billie. Diane is a federal judge hearing a case about a drug dealer who wants to be sent back to his country instead of being tried under the Rico law. Diane is eight months pregnant. She is white with ties in Florida high society. Billie is a lawyer and works out of his home. He is a black lawyer with money and ties around the world. He has a stutter if he is facing anyone. He is smart. He is honest but not afraid to break some laws to find some leads to his wife. Diane is walking down the street going for lunch when a white van pulls up to her and pulls her into the van. She has no idea who kidnapped her and why. She has a bag over her head and no one talks to her.Diane is smart and keeps trying to figure things out. Too leave finger prints where she can. Tries to developa bond with her kidnapper.The setting is Florida modern day.I wanted more to the book. Was not ready to put the book down. I would read another book by Jonathon King in the future. I was given this ebook from Net Galley and Open Road Integrated Media . In return I agreed to give a honest review of Don't Lose Her.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    3.25-3.5 StarsA quick and easy read. Although this book is #7 in a series, it can be read as a stand-alone. The story is fast-paced and most of the characters have some likeable or redeeming qualities. It's a toss-up between Mr. Brown and Mason (supporting characters) as my favorite. There's three alternating POVs (a kidnapper, a private investigator, and a victim), which I enjoyed. So many perspectives. Also, the author does a nice job of illustrating the Florida Everglades and some of the fun and interesting people you would hope to meet. Some of the plot was a bit predictable and the big reveal behind the kidnapping wasn't as climatic as it could have been, but overall a decent read for fans of the series and people who read thrillers.Net Galley Feedback
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Don't Lose Her, by Jonathon King, is set in Southern Florida. The story opens with Diane Manchester, a US federal judge, hearing the case of a Colombian cartel leader. She calls for a lunch break and the defendant agrees and expresses his wish for her and her baby's good health. Was this a thinly veiled threat? On Diane's way to lunch she is kidnapped. Her husband asks his private detective friend, Max Freeman, for help with finding his wife. Max immediately embarks on his investigation because time is of the essence as Diane is eight months pregnant.The story is told by Diane, Max and one of her kidnappers which brings depth to this fast paced story. While there is no shortage of possible suspects, the reason for the kidnapping is not immediately clear. No calls demanding ransom or a prisoner release are received. Who would do this and why? Well drawn characters, solid prose ,a suspense filled plot and a surprise ending make this book a great read.I received this book free of charge and I give this review of my own free will.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    "Don't Lose Her" is the latest in the Max Freeman series. Diane Manchester, pregnant wife of Max's employer, Billy Manchester, is kidnapped by persons unknown. Billy asks Max to get her back. Good plot but the actual story is very short. Mr. King bulks it up using three different POV: Max, Diane and Rae, one of the kidnappers. I skipped though the book, mostly reading the Max bits.I received a review copy of "Don't Lose Her" by Jonathon King (Open Road Integrated Media) through
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    U.S. District Judge, Diane Manchester is abducted just prior to her determination on the case against a Colombian drug lord. Complicating matters is that Diane is age forty-three and eight months pregnant with her first child.Max Freeman, private investigator, and former Philadelphia cop, works for Diane's husband, Billy, a black lawyer from Philadelphia who prefers to remain behind the scenes, juggling law and investment work.No words are uttered by Diane's abductors. Her head is covered and she can't see the people who are holding her captive.Officials are perplexed because there is no follow-up ransom demand. Since Diane was working on the case of the Columbian drug lord, Max speculates that it might have a connection with that.With funds and input from Billy, Max looks into Diane's prior cases. Billy gives Max the details of the most likely cases where Diane sent a person to prison and now that person's sentence is over and they might be free from prison and want a revenge kidnapping.The premise of the story is sound but Diane isn't permitted to talk to the people who abducted her, and they don't talk to one another in her presence. Author Jonathan King fails to create a sympathetic character. Even though Diane is eight months pregnant and worried about her child, the reader will find it difficult to relate or sympathise with her or her wealthy husband.One minor character, one of Diane's abductors, is a young woman and she feel remorse for abducting Diane.This character is sympathetic as we share her thoughts as Diane attempts to communicate with her about the baby.The middle section of the story was slow and the conclusion was a surprise, perhaps too much so without sufficient foreshadowing. I enjoy the work of Jonathan King and will look forward to his next novel.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    First - I received this ARC e-book from NetGalley for my enjoyment and review. This little gem was right up there with Grisham and many other top thriller authors. It moved along very fast with Max Freeman, the private investigator with a lot of talent and a great sense of humor. All ends well, but I could not put it down until the finish. Great job, Mr. King.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Good suspense, slick plot, excellent evocation of place. King delivers again with Max Freeman and a climax unique among the many mysteries I have read. Good fun delivered in a succinct, tightly woven package. Highly recommended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If you want an abundance of attention really quickly, abduct a Federal Judge … better yet, abduct one who is eight months pregnant. Diane Manchester, US District Judge in south Florida, called for a recess for lunch shortly after the defendant made a veiled threat against her and her unborn child. She’d been presiding over Juan Manuel Escalante’s extradition case. He was a Colombian drug lord. As she steps off the curb heading for a café, a van screeches to a halt in front of her. Before she has a chance to react, a figure steps from the sliding door and roughly pulls her inside.Billy Manchester, Diane’s husband, and a business lawyer wastes no time in contacting Max Freeman. Max is a friend of both Billy and Diane and he’s also a PI (formerly a Philadelphia cop). Max doesn’t argue with or get in the way of the police or the FBI. Yet, he has his own connections and his own agenda to follow. Diane certainly has confidence in Max’s abilities. She knew instinctively Billy would contact him. While she is being held captive, she mentally chastises her abductors — “You’ve screwed up … stepping into Max Freeman’s world. He will track you and find you and if history repeats itself, he will hurt you.” The biggest question becomes what do they want? They make no ransom demands.I really liked the character of Max Freeman. He doesn’t consider himself perfect. In fact, I felt like he beat himself up over past mistakes. He’s got ‘street smarts’, he’s trustworthy and unpretentious. The plot is engrossing and the action satisfying with just a bit of a lag midway. The story is told from three points of view. Max’s portion is told in first person; and chapters are given over to Diane and also to one of her abductors. This is the seventh book in the Max Freeman series. It is the first one I’ve read – I have to ask myself ‘where have I been?’ Max is a wonderful character and I intend to go back and pick up books 1 through 6 as soon as I can fit them in. Even though it is a series, this story was complete in itself. Rating 4 out of 5.

Book preview

Don't Lose Her - Jonathon King

Chapter 1

Diane Manchester, forty-three, pregnant and, in her words, big as a house, shifts in her chair, uncomfortable again. It’s the same courtroom chair she’s had for more than a year. Recently, she had them take off the arms to accommodate her, but at eight months she feels restrained once again. She reaches down and pulls at her judicial robes and straightens a fold, while carefully controlling all emotion in her face. Is it a physical irritation making her twitch, or the images before her? Either way, she can’t let it show to the others in the room.

On the bench spread out before her is the prosecution’s exhibit Number Two, a sheaf of photographs showing a mass grave heating in the Colombian sun. The victims include women and children, some infants, their bodies lying awkward and twisted in the mud, mothers and babies still touching, even in death.

Your Honor, again we object to the admittance of these horrific photographs. There is no proof my client knew anything about this atrocity in his homeland, and I emphasize that this is in his homeland, not on U.S. soil—never mind that he had no connection to those responsible for such a heinous crime.

I agree with your assessments regarding the atrocities, Mr. Agui­lar, but I will reserve judgment on your client’s culpability, says the judge, sliding the photographs aside and reaching down to cradle her swollen belly beneath the bench. You may sit, Mr. Aguilar.

Diane is looking out on an atypical scene in her courtroom. As usual, there is a team of federal prosecutors to her left, two of whom she’s had before her in the past. But at the defense table are a bevy of lawyers, all appearing to be Hispanic, all finely dressed in expensive suits, all stern-faced and showing a palpable deference to their client, who sits next to the lead attorney. His chair is pushed back, his hands clasped at the middle of his thin torso, his legs crossed as if at a boring business meeting. Juan Manuel Escalante is a known drug cartel leader who was lured to Florida through a DEA scheme and subsequently arrested by the feds. He is charged with multiple counts of conspiracy to distribute illegal narcotics, conspiracy to import drugs, murder, and assault and coercion of witnesses as the titular head of his Colombian cartel.

Throughout the courtroom gallery, normally sparsely populated for the admittedly boring federal procedures usually held before her, Diane notes the presence of several members of the press along with a phalanx of lawyers whom she recognizes as international law wonks. Deep in one corner is a fellow judge, a senior who’s hearing a big money, Indian nation versus casino technology-supplier case on another floor. He’s probably jealous that Escalante is stealing some of his spotlight. There is no jury in the room. Any decision on the case before her is hers alone.

The extradition hearing of a celebrated drug cartel kingpin brings out a different crowd and certainly different stresses. Diane feels another crimp in her belly, looks at her watch, and addresses the attorneys: Gentlemen, as it is approaching noon and we’ve had a long morning, may I suggest a lunch break unless there are any objections.

She looks at the prosecution table.

No objection, Your Honor, says the head of the team.

She looks to the defense as the lead attorney begins to rise, but a voice comes from beside him.

It has indeed been a long morning, Your Honor, says Escalante from his sitting position. His fingers are now peaked before his chin, as if in prayer. And in Your Honor’s condition, we can certainly understand your need to gather your energies.

It is the first time the defendant has spoken in two days, and it is unusual and against protocol for him to do so now. His eyes, as always, are hooded and lazy as if the proceedings are of little concern to him. The overall look is reptilian, as if a forked tongue could suddenly lash out from between his lips at any time. Though his voice is thick with accent, his English is meticulous. The head defense attorney looks down at his client in a mild attempt to silence him, but Escalante continues.

We would want nothing but the best of health for Your Honor and her child.

Diane looks down and meets Escalante’s eyes: Was that arrogance on display, or a threat? Can I hold him in contempt or should I warn his team about any further directed comment? Do I rise above it?

She slides her chair back and begins to stand.

Thank you for your concern, Mr. Escalante, she says, gathering the photos of the mass grave and straightening them, making sure that the images are pointing outward for all in the courtroom to see. "Fortunately, my child and I will be just fine."

Following the judge’s lead, the court bailiff calls out, All rise. The judge steps down and leaves the room through the door to her private chambers. Her longtime judicial assistant, Martin Andrews, is just inside.

What the hell was that? he says as he helps her out of her robe. He had been listening to the proceedings.

Don’t know, don’t care.

Really, Judge—was that a threat?

I don’t know, Marty. But I’m sure the U.S. Marshals Service will know about it before Escalante gets to lockup downstairs, and there’ll probably be a YouTube video posted before that.

Diane tries to downplay the line about her and her baby’s health as simple grandstanding. Sure, she’d gotten threats from defendants before, a few more direct and visceral than Escalante’s. Every judge got them. If you let it get to you, you’d better leave the job.

But for my health, and that of my baby, she says, gathering up her purse and phone from her desk, I’m going to lunch.

Want company? Andrews asked.

Diane looks askance at her friend, whom she’d brought with her from her position as a prosecutor to the federal bench.

Do I ever?

No, ma’am. See you in an hour.

Out on the street in the warm sun and fresh air of a Florida spring day, Diane stops at the pedestrian crosswalk, thinking about hot fudge sundaes and the Constitution. When the white stick figure on the pole lights up, she crosses, thinking about where to go for lunch, and the jurisdictional boundaries of extradition.

Halfway down Clematis Street from the courthouse, she cups her palm and wrist under her bulging belly and thinks of the eight-month-old baby growing inside her, and then of the photos of the mass grave: the women and children.

Stop it, Diane! Lunch is for stress release. It is not a time to think about the case, or the twists of the law, or the admissibility of evidence, or dead children. Leave it alone for an hour. Relax!

The obstetrician said the only way he was going to let her continue working was if she avoided undue stress. She needed to relax, forget the case, and do what was right for herself and her child.

She actually stops in front of the windows at the Oh My Chocolates store and sighs, but with the thought of white walnut raisin bark and alpine dark truffles in the back of her head, she moves on.

Across the street, she picks up a familiar figure, a woman dressed in a business suit but wearing running shoes. She is pushing a baby carriage quickly, in a hurry, as she always is when Diane sees her at lunchtime. Childcare down the block? Pediatrician appointment? Diane imagines what lies ahead, juggling career and motherhood.

Can she keep her judgeship? Could she stand to do without it? She and her husband, Billy, have had this discussion. He argues that he works mostly out of his home office, so he’ll step up. But she knows his singular passion when he’s focused on a case or a financial deal.

You’ll get up in the middle of a teleconference with Uruguay’s economic minister to change a diaper?

Sure, Billy said. Depending on the strength of the odor.

Diane smiles at the thought, shakes off the image of Billy and diapers, and keeps moving, her destination now settled. When she reaches the short block of Narcissus Avenue, she crosses and has just stepped up on the curb, heading for the awning that reads NATURE’S WAY CAFÉ, when the screech of tires on pavement causes her to snap her head around.

A white van jolts to a stop next to her. When a side panel door slides open, a figure leaps out, and Diane’s arms are gripped by fingers that drive into her biceps, splitting the muscle there. As she’s pulled into the van, she speaks aloud for the first time since telling Marty, For my health, and that of my baby, I’m going to lunch.

What the hell …! Hey! My God, what the hell! Ow, ow, my baby! Help! Help!

Chapter 2

There is something about dead high tide that always makes me uncomfortable, especially on a day like today, when there’s barely a breeze off the ocean: a day when masses of full gray clouds hang fat out on the horizon, too far away to be threatening, but gorged with moisture and barely moving, like big slumbering dogs you know to let lay.

At a time like this, the water is hard to know. Its direction is caught at a high point, not moving east or west, just sitting like a pot close to boiling, but not quite yet. Even the waves seem to have stopped while that eternal switch from rise to ebb is caught in neutral.

I’m with Sherry on the sand in Deerfield Beach. We’re sunning, although what we do on the beach couldn’t really be called sunning because neither of us does, nor needs, such a thing. You’d be better off calling what we do at the beach a practice of ritual silence. Sherry reads, for about sixty minutes at a time, which is as long as she can stand to be inert, and then makes her way to the water, slips into the sea, and swims.

With skin brown as old leather without a single day in the sun, I read for hours at a time, only occasionally peering up over the top of today’s book to watch the ocean or to track Sherry’s progress in it.

At this moment, she is returning from her third trip into the water today, and I look up to see her in the shallows, both hands in the water, her full leg bent at the knee, her head down like a sprinter waiting for the gun to begin her race. Her shoulders are broad and muscled, her hips narrow. Her left leg is unnaturally large at the thigh, ripped with taut quads that chisel to the knee and then flow down into a cablelike calf. You could mistake her for a professional speed skater but for the odd displacement of weight, and the fact that when she rises full from the water you can see that her lower right leg is gone. Her thigh on that side seems to wobble a bit in midair without the ballast that was amputated just above the knee.

In one way, I am used to the sight because I have lived with her, loved her, and watched her recover from the loss of that leg since it happened. Yet, in a more disturbing way, I am not used to the sight, because I blame myself for the circumstances that led to it.

I watch as she hops up into ankle-deep water and then stands, catching her balance like some yoga guru doing the flying swan position or whatever the hell they call it. And then she hops, one-legged, to her beach chair. Those who notice stare, first at her and then at me as I sit on my ass.

Why the hell doesn’t he help her, I imagine them thinking. But Sherry is the kind of woman who would refuse help if you offered. And that was a lesson about her I’d learned long before she ever had surgery.

You’ve got to go in, Max, the water is absolutely perfect, she says, reaching the chair, her breathing not one scintilla heavier than if she’d just dropped in from a leisurely stroll. I’m guessing seventy-eight or seventy-nine—really warm.

I only nod because it’s the same thing she said last time, an hour ago, and the time before. Oh, I can swim, make no mistake, but mostly I prefer to do it when the only alternative is to go down with the ship. I may go in later, just to please her and prove that I am not a total lazy dog. But right now, there is a passage in this Cormac McCarthy book about lightning flashing in distant thunderclouds that has me staring out at our own horizon.

Huh? I say. But the need to respond is made moot by the trill of a cell phone that floats up from Sherry’s beach bag. I don’t react. I never bring my phone to the beach and almost consider it blasphemous to do so. But Sherry is back on duty as a detective with the Broward Sheriff’s Office after months of rehabilitation and desk duty. She has proven herself physically able in myriad exercises, obstacle courses, and training scenarios.

They couldn’t keep her inside anymore. Disability was not a word she would tolerate even in the paperwork they stuff into her personnel file. But active status brings responsibility, which means she is on call at all times. After the fourth ring of the cell, she reaches into the bag and answers by simply stating her last name.


She listens for a beat.

Then in a perplexed and uncharacteristic tone of concern, I hear her say: Billy?

Yes, of course. He’s right here, she says, and hands the cell phone to me, knitting together her sun-blonde eyebrows and shrugging her shoulders in a silent indication that something is amiss. Billy Manchester is my employer and my friend. He is a businessman-lawyer, eternally cool under pressure—someone who does not call me at odd times of the day when he knows I am not working on an investigative case for him.

Billy? I say into the cell with a touch of the concern in Sherry’s reaction.

Max, I need you. Diane is gone. Someone has taken her. She’s gone, Max. She’s been abducted. I need you.

Chapter 3

Mouth wrapped. Breathe, Diane! Kick! Come on, girl, breathe. Kick! Kick something! Anything. Oh, breathe. Breathe for your baby.

Her arms have now been pulled behind her and bound with something that cuts into her wrists. They’ve pulled some kind of cloth bag over her head that blacks out everything: light, images. There is nothing but darkness.

God, I can’t breathe. You’ve got to breathe, Diane. Breathe for your baby. You have to protect her. My God, who is doing this? And why?

The van pitches from side to side, moving, accelerating, braking, turning. She tries to calm herself, breathe. She hates darkness, always has. It’s one of the things she and Billy share, a dislike of darkness. They keep a night-light on in the bedroom at all times. She knows Billy’s aversion comes from a childhood living on the edge in a drug-infested North Philadelphia neighborhood where safety at night often depended on being able to scramble to a hiding spot when angry words and gunfire broke out.

She believes hers came from waiting deep into the night in her upper-class suburban home, waiting with a light on for her father to come home from interminable days in his courtroom office. They have both talked about how to avoid passing this fear on to their daughter after she is born.

OK. You can’t see. But think, Diane. Come on, focus and think!

She can feel someone’s knee pushing down on her back, pinning her to the floor of the van. The hard metal under her vibrates each time the vehicle accelerates. It hums against her body. There are no voices. No one has said a word since they pulled her in.

Come on, pay attention, Diane. Billy would pay attention. Billy would be calculating the speed and the direction and the feel of going over railroad tracks or bridges. Do that, Diane. Come on, you’re a federal judge, you’re smart, you don’t panic, you think. Come on, girl.

She feels the van sway again, making a wide turn—left? How many turns is that now? Two rights and a left? Shit. She doesn’t know. How long has it been? Five minutes? Thirty seconds? She tries to roll, to fold her knees up to her stomach, trying to protect her unborn child.

What are you doing? she sputters, spitting the cloth out away from her mouth as she yells. Do you know who I am? I’m not just some woman on the street. Do you know what you’ve done? You will bring a lot of shit down on your heads if you don’t …

A hand clamps down on her mouth over the fabric, not just covering, but clamping, the palm and fingers gripping her lips, chin, and nose and squeezing them painfully together. She gasps for breath and gets only a partial draw of air. She struggles to wrench her head away, but the grip is strong.

He’s cutting off her oxygen. Again, she tries kicking, but he holds on, squeezing and crunching the flesh of her face together. She’s suffocating. Oh God, my baby, she thinks. She begins to gag at the loss of air and then stops struggling. Only then does the hand relax, letting her breathe again.

No one says a word. The message is clear: struggle or attempt to speak or yell, and I will kill you and your child.

Chapter 4

I am on I-95 heading north into Palm Beach County, driving at an unsafe speed, running in the far left lane and racing up on the back bumper of anyone in my way, flashing my lights. These are acts that I would despise from anyone else, but now I am driven by the unmistakable sound of panic in Billy’s voice on the cell phone.

She didn’t come back to her office after lunch. The staff got worried because they knew she was resuming a hearing at one, and she is never, ever late.

His words were tight and succinct, even more so than they usually are. Billy Manchester is naturally not a man to waste words, but I could almost feel his vocal cords tightening in his speech.

They sent an aide out to the restaurants that she goes to and talked to the managers and waitresses who know her by sight. Nothing. No one had seen her during the lunch rush.

I knew Diane was a creature of habit. She ran her life like clockwork. As she’d risen in the ranks from West Palm Beach lawyer to statewide prosecutor and then on to the federal bench, she prided herself on efficiency, keeping ahead of the docket, taking on the toughest cases with the clear-eyed view of justice that her father, a lifelong judge himself from a prominent, third-generation Florida family, had instilled in her practically from the womb.

The only time she’d blinked in her life was when she fell in love with Billy, an equally prominent attorney in his own right. But Billy was a black lawyer from Philadelphia who, though brilliant, rarely tried cases and preferred to work behind the scenes, juggling law and investment work for a bevy of clients. Their mixed-race marriage had ruffled the feathers of Palm Beach society, but they had weathered the initial storm. The more they acted as if it didn’t matter, the more their friends adopted the same attitude. When Diane announced her pregnancy, the family finally softened. A grandchild will do that.

One of her aides came across an officer on the sidewalk in front of Nature’s Way, where Diane goes for salad. The patrolman was taking a report from a bystander, Billy had said.

The woman said she’d seen someone pulled against their will into a white van and she’d called 911 on her cell.

It was Diane, Max. Same clothes, same description, same timeline. Someone abducted her. I need you at the scene. I’m at her office. The FBI is already setting up a tap on all the phones here in case a ransom demand is made. But I need your eyes on the street.

I was still recalling the words and involuntarily scanning the southbound lanes for a glimpse of a white van when I ran up on the tail of an SUV doing the speed limit in the left lane. I hit the brakes and the horn. No movement. I flashed my headlights. No movement.

I turned on the side spotlight mounted on the left side of the door of my 1989 Plymouth Gran Fury and aimed the beam into the SUV’s driver’s side rearview. He finally slid over and I punched up the four-barrel police pursuit engine and leaped up to ninety miles an hour.

The car, a classic, was a present from Billy after the resolution of a case we’d worked on a year earlier. I’d nearly destroyed my F-150 pickup truck during a chase, and Billy’s often subtle humor prompted the gift. Replete with old blackwall tires and small hubcaps, the car is anything but inconspicuous. I can’t use it on surveillances, but it’s often invaluable when getting from place to place on South Florida’s interstates and the turnpike. Back in the day, it was a standard highway patrol car across the nation. It weighs a ton and is very, very fast.

A quarter mile from the Okeechobee exit, I flipped on my right turn signal and started working my way across four lanes of 70-mph traffic. I cut people off. I came dangerously close to back bumpers. I did the kinds of things I detest in other drivers and I apologized under my breath and kept going.

When I got to Federal Highway, I cruised through a yellow left-turn light and headed north again. When Billy had given me the address of Diane’s abduction, I knew exactly where I was going. The spot was right next to Centennial Park at the east end of Clematis. At lunchtime, the downtown streets would have been thick with pedestrian traffic, folks walking to lunch, window-shopping, living life on a warm South Florida afternoon.

I knew the area because the World of Beer is just around the corner. Before I could make the turn onto Datura, I saw the spinning red-and-blue police lights that sealed off the crime scene on the next block. I spent ten bucks to park in a local lot and walked the rest of the way. I was already scanning the walls of retail stores for video cameras set up by the various businesses and spotted two on the south side—none on the north. But I was encouraged by the presence of multiple cameras on the PNC banking center and one mounted on top of the traffic signal above the intersection up on North Dixie Highway. There was hope.

Max Freeman, I said to the uniform who stopped me at the orange-and-white striped barricade blocking all pedestrians and vehicles from entering the eastside block.

I flipped open my ID case with my private investigator license displayed. "FBI Agent Howard is

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