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First Orgasm: Female Masturbation for Beginners
First Orgasm: Female Masturbation for Beginners
First Orgasm: Female Masturbation for Beginners
Ebook35 pages25 minutes

First Orgasm: Female Masturbation for Beginners

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

This book is for busy women who want to learn the secret to female orgasm without traipsing through wads of books about orgasmic diets, multiple orgasms and tantric wonders. It is a short guide which cuts out the fluff and padding normally associated with books about orgasms and female masturbation. It gets right to the point so you can have your first orgasm in less than an hour.
Why wait for marriage or the perfect relationship before you experience sexual pleasure? Whether you are 16 or 60, virgin or non-virgin, this little eBook can teach you how to be a successful masturbator and a confident lover so you can find orgasmic equality with a partner. This is a must if you want to avoid false starts and awkward sexual encounters in a marriage or sexual relationship.

'First orgasm' is for normal girls and women of all ages, faiths, levels of sexual experience and sexual orientation. It offers a practical and respectful step-by-step guide to self-pleasure. All you have to do is find a private place where you won’t be disturbed for a while and this book will show you the rest.

Let's get started so you can begin to embrace the world with a wink in your eye and a spring in your step!

PublisherRuby Romera
Release dateFeb 28, 2015
First Orgasm: Female Masturbation for Beginners

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    basic teaching on how to do it urself. for beginners, this woukd really be helpful

    1 person found this helpful

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First Orgasm - Ruby Romera

First Orgasm

Female masturbation for beginners

By Ruby Romera


Smashwords Edition

This eBook has also been published in English under the following titles:

English: First time: the short guide to female self-pleasure

Español: Tu primer orgasmo: masturbación femenina para principiantes


This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 and international copyright treaties, no part may be reproduced by any process, in any jurisdiction, nor may any other exclusive right be exercised, without the permission of the author.

Contact the author at [email protected]

Smashwords Edition, License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Table of contents


1. The self-pleasure taboo

2. Virgin power

3. The secret

4. Play it solo

5. Construct your fantasy

6. Make the time

7. Create the space

8. Prepare your body

9. Get started

10. Plan B


About the author


Unfortunately, the clitoris doesn’t come with a set of instructions. For most women, it takes practice and patience, trial and error to achieve the elusive orgasm.

So don’t worry. If you’ve never had an orgasm, you’re not alone. There are plenty of girls and women out there who are yet to find their orgasmic power.

But you want it and so does almost everyone else. You want to experience the sense of relief, relaxation and satisfaction that comes after an orgasmic climax, or as the French call it, le petit mort (the ‘little death’). You may want this for your own satisfaction or you may want to prepare yourself for a partner or a wedding night. You may want to be an experienced virgin,

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