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The Diamond Bearer's Secret
The Diamond Bearer's Secret
The Diamond Bearer's Secret
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The Diamond Bearer's Secret

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In The Diamond Bearer's Secret, book five of The Unaltered, Calli learns that everything she's been through since receiving a diamond has been in preparation for a much larger purpose. An event looms in the future that could end life as she knows it and her assistance is crucial. The problem is, the Diamond Bearers are dividing at a time they should be uniting and she is viewed as a young upstart by centuries-old comrades. They're not about to let her upset their ranks or move forward with plans that go against their thinking. They're unaware Calli can hear their grumblings and, through her, Crimson. Neither Calli nor Crimson back down. The ultimatum still stands: support nature's will or surrender your diamond.

Problems arise over an anonymous blog revealing critical information about people with powers. The blog must be stopped before the secrets of the Diamond Bearers are released. Unfortunately, the powers contained within the Sanguine Diamond don't include the ability to shut down a blog--nor do Diamond Bearers rooted in antiquated practices have a clue about how to address this life-threatening issue. Only those who understand how the virtual world works can fight against a virtual enemy.

With everything escalating around them, Chris and Calli still find time to get to know each other better. Will they like what they find? What other information will be found within the files from General Harding's compound? The more pressing question is, are Crimson and Maetha still keeping secrets from Calli?

A #1 bestseller in eleven countries, with over 225,000 downloads, the Unaltered series' readers have shown their love with over 1,200 5-star reviews. The tale woven is one that feels ensconced in today's world alongside a huge dose of superpowers.

PublisherLorena Angell
Release dateMay 15, 2015
The Diamond Bearer's Secret

Lorena Angell

Lorena Angell is the internationally bestselling author of the YA fantasy series, The Unaltered. Inspired by an interview from J.K. Rowling, Lorena began to write and published her first book in 2011. Since then, she’s earned over 4,200 reviews (average of 4.5 stars), has been a #1 bestseller in over 11 countries and wants nothing more than to write more books for her readers.Lorena writes young adult fantasy/superpowers/romance. Visit Lorena's website:

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    Book preview

    The Diamond Bearer's Secret - Lorena Angell

    Chapter 1 – Dissention in the Ranks

    I’m in heaven. Being held in Chris’s reassuring arms, cocooned in his jacket, with the romantic setting of a moonlit lake in front of us, well, there just can’t be anything better. Moments ago, when the diamond shard left my body and joined with the portion of the diamond residing in Jonas Flemming, my clothing ripped, and became blood-soaked. Chris tucked his jacket around me to cover my injury and to help me stay warm. My skin has healed, but I’m still cold. Although Chris’s body heat next to mine is helping. Helping a lot.

    Chris just asked me if I want to go on a date. A date? We can see our future and the generations we’ll create together, yet he wants to go on a date? The thought makes me shiver with excitement.

    Chris pulls me closer. Feeling better?

    Yes. You know, I’ve never been asked on a date before. Unless you count Brand’s attempts to ask me out.

    Brand asked you out? he asks, sounding displeased.

    "He tried. I said no. So, I guess this is the first time I’ve been asked out by a guy I really want to be with." I look up into his eyes and smile.

    How did you make it to nineteen without being asked out? Why haven’t you had any boyfriends? I had two girlfriends before I was sixteen.


    They weren’t actually girlfriends, he says, downplaying his comment. They were girls I could point to and say to my buddies, ‘See that girl over there, I’m goin’ with her.’

    My eyes roll automatically. I watched some of the kids at school do that. I thought it was the most ridiculous thing ever. But maybe it was because I didn’t have someone pointing at me and claiming me as theirs.

    We can go back to the group and I’ll point to you from across the way, if that would make you feel better.

    I think I’d like that, I say, wondering who he’d tell he was going with me. Brand? Jonas? Amenemhet? Brand and Jonas would probably respond with, Yeah, we know. Amenemhet would probably be confused and say, Where are you going?

    He leaves his jacket around me, stands and looks down at me. I can’t brag about you being with me if I haven’t even asked you to be mine. He pauses and repositions himself so he’s standing a little bit further away. He seems so shy as he asks humbly, Will you be my girlfriend?


    I know the whole scene would look silly from anyone else’s viewpoint, but to me it’s incredibly sweet.

    He sits back down and kisses me slowly. I feel our deep connection, his happiness, his gratitude, and his deep emotional issues concerning his father’s recent death. He ends his kiss and pulls me into a hug. With his mind he says, I love you.

    I love you, too.

    We better go back to the others or they’ll start wondering about us, he says.

    Is that bad?

    No. Not at all.

    He doesn’t add to his comment. He takes my hand and begins walking back to the group.

    I think about how only one month ago I celebrated my nineteenth birthday with my parents and began my internship with Dr. Janice Johnson. I’d had no idea I was embarking on what would be the final leg of my journey—the reuniting of the diamond shards. So much has happened; it doesn’t seem possible to have accomplished everything. Many people have died, some of whom didn’t deserve that fate. Those who did should have seen it coming.

    I never thought I’d find Chris behind the door at Justin’s compound, completing the vision I’d seen earlier. Now, he walks beside me—as a fellow Diamond Bearer. He’d worried on the flight back from Alaska that we might not have a future together. Nothing could be further from the truth. Crimson considers us to be the strongest Diamond Bearers because of our love for one another. Frankly, I don’t understand what she means.

    First, I need to let Crimson’s recent words sink in. She just told me she’s protected me throughout my life. She basically let me know my life has never been my own. The more I think about what she said, the more I feel like a slow-motion bomb is going off in my head, like in one of those action movies where a huge explosion is shown from six different angles—six different shots, over and over again.

    My heart rate increases and a knot forms in my stomach as I contemplate my life. Have I ever done anything for myself? Deus Ex’s words come into my mind: What makes her so special? Why does everyone coddle Calli? At the time she said this, my life was in danger because of the diamond shard in my heart and Freedom’s control over the shard. Maybe Deus saw something else. Maybe she could see my life for what it is: controlled, managed, directed.

    I died on the stone alter. Maetha saved me. I nearly drowned in the river. Chris saved me. Crimson told me about several near-miss accidents I didn’t even know about where she’d saved me. When have I ever saved myself?

    Memories of the two creepy men who tried to kidnap me come to mind. I saved myself then. Or did I? I used the powers of the diamond to save myself. The knot in my gut relaxes a little and I wonder why I’m even questioning this. I’ve had a great life! I have two wonderful parents who love me completely. I’ve been able to travel with them, learn from them, and develop into a strong individual through their support.

    Or maybe that was all preplanned too.

    Chris and I approach the group, hand in hand. One week ago, I was sulking at my parent’s cabin in Maine, feeling Chris was further away from me than ever before, spending my time worrying our future wouldn’t come true. Yet, here we are today, stronger than ever.

    What a difference a few days make.

    Chris tightens his grip. I glance at him and take in his moonlit profile. He’s been through so much lately. His own father thought nothing of risking Chris’s life in his pursuit of ultimate power. Then, earlier today, Chris witnessed his father’s murder. He still needs to deal with that, among other things. For instance, what about all the years of parental neglect and emotional abuse at the hands of his father—his now deceased father? How does he overcome that?

    What about Brand, growing up with a father who never loved him? Or Jonas? His case is even more depressing. His father killed his younger brother while Jonas hid in a closet. The burden has followed Jonas, haunting his psyche. Beth and Anika just lost their parents to General Harding’s thugs. They’re orphans!

    Why did my life have to be so perfect?

    I’ve never dealt with loss, never had heartbreak. Oh sure, I had one serious injury from Suz’s firecracker in middle school, but other than that, I’ve sailed through life without a scratch. Up to now, I’ve felt like one lucky girl. I’ve felt fortunate for having such a peaceful life. Now I know different. I wish I didn’t. I wish I could turn back the clock and erase the knowledge I just received. I’m not a lucky girl. I’m protected. If I was to walk in front of a speeding train, Crimson would—

    Are you okay? Chris brushes the side of my cheek with his fingertips.

    I hadn’t realized we’d stopped walking. I look ahead to the group in front of us. Yeah, I am. Just a lot to take in over the last little while.

    I know, he says, almost whispering. You shouldn’t feel like you do. You didn’t choose to have your life controlled. So, don’t feel guilty about it.

    I’m sorry, Chris. I’ve really got to work on controlling my thoughts and keeping them to myself. It’s stupid of me to feel this way and worse that you have to deal with my whining. That’s not the first time Chris has read my mind or heard my thoughts since he received the diamond. I’ll have to be careful what I think about.

    You don’t have to apologize. He pulls me into a tender hug, then delivers a quick kiss to the top of my head. Come on. Let’s join the others. Cheer up. My stomach warms. Chris is relaying some of his healing power.

    I rest my cheek on his chest and wrap my arms around him. Thank you. After being intertwined with him for a few precious seconds, absorbing his energy, I pull back and say, Hey, where are you going to take me on our date?

    I have a few places in mind. Let me think on it.

    Turning toward the group, I find several faces staring at us, having witnessed our intimacy. Others are deep in conversation, celebrating General Harding’s death, ironically. Our arrival seems to have dampened the excitement, but Chris doesn’t hesitate to add fuel to the boisterous exclamations and soon others follow his lead.

    I could learn a thing or two from Chris, I think. He has every right to be sad and sullen, yet he puts his emotions aside because he sees the bigger picture of what has been accomplished. Sheez, it wasn’t long ago I was lecturing him about the bigger picture.

    Chris squeezes my hand lightly and says, I’ll go get us some food. He leaves me standing near the edge of the group.

    Others’ thoughts start infiltrating my mind, slowly becoming louder than my own. I can’t determine whose thoughts I’m hearing. I can’t even tell if they are male or female. The words flow through my mind like words on the air. My mind translates them into my own voice. It sounds like I’m thinking them, but I know I’m not. How do I know? Because they’re talking about me.

    This is a joke, a voice says. Especially thrusting Calli on us.

    Another says, We’ve followed everything she’s asked, yet they are hailed as the new heroes.

    Her mind is inaccessible and that concerns me, the first voice says. Something is amiss.

    A different voice adds, There’s no possible way the youngsters will replace us.

    The second voice asks, Have you decided? Are you with us?

    I freeze in my spot, not knowing for sure if they’re talking to me directly. I don’t even know who’s talking to whom.

    A fourth voice says, Yes, I’m with you.

    I conclude being able to hear other Diamond Bearers’ thoughts is a rather unpleasant experience. My eyes roam the crowd. As I’ve noticed before, the Bearers all seem to appear middle-aged. Crimson looks like she could be in her mid-forties. Some, like Mary, Duncan, and Ruth, are on the older end of the spectrum, appearing to be in their early sixties or so. Because they appear older, the rest of us younger people look quite young.

    Mary’s blonde hair moves against her pink floor-length robe as she talks animatedly to Jie Wen. As his mouth curves into a slight smile, his eyes narrow even more. He looks happy. They are joined by Chuang. He carries a platter of vegetables and hummus. Chuang and Jie Wen are dressed in long Chinese robes with side slits and ornamental buttons. Both robes are dark in color with bright-colored circular designs and high collars. I glance in the other direction and see three men laughing: Duncan, Kookju, and Fabian. They’ve chosen to wear long robes in dark colors similar to Mary’s. Duncan and Fabian have more grey hair than brown. Kookju’s is jet black.

    These observations do nothing to help me figure out who had been talking.

    Calli, how are you holding up? Maetha pulls my attention away.

    Oh, um, I’m okay. I return my gaze to the sea of possible suspects in search of the disgruntled Bearers.

    It’s no use, Calli.


    I know what you’re doing. It’s hard to figure out who goes with which voice unless you see their face at the same time, and even that’s not a definite. She takes our conversation to mindspeak. You’re picking up on the dissenters in the group. They haven’t completely gone against nature, but if the line were any thinner, they’d be on the other side.

    Do you know who they are?

    For the most part. You already know as well, I suspect.

    Yeah, I think so. But shouldn’t we compare notes? I ask.

    No. You need to draw fresh conclusions based on your instincts. Mine are tainted with too many years of past actions and thoughts. I might paint an inaccurate picture of someone in your mind. Remember, just because someone has a low moment and doubts Crimson’s rules doesn’t mean they are going against nature’s will. Emotional ups and downs are human traits and we are all human.

    Thank you, Maetha.

    She brings our conversation back to verbal. I know you’re struggling with what you’ve recently learned. Try not to let everything overwhelm your thinking.

    Easier said than done, I quip.

    Chris returns, holding two plates full of assorted goodies. I grabbed a little of everything. Let’s go sit with the others. He motions in the direction of where Brand and Beth sit by Jonas and Anika.

    We walk over to their table. The conversation halts when we sit.

    I say to Jonas, Are you feeling better?

    He smiles. Yeah. It’s not every day you get a diamond slammed into you.

    Can you believe it’s been two weeks since you got the diamond? I ask.


    Anika’s voice is shaky as she says, I wish I could have been there to see Freedom die.

    No, you don’t, Jonas assures her.

    Beth joins her. Yeah, we do. Even though our families hadn’t been destroyed yet—

    Anika bursts into tears. Beth puts her arm around Anika’s shoulders and pulls her close.

    The entire gathering quiets down and focuses on our table. I sense calming vibes being sent to Anika from several Bearers. I also hear more thoughts.

    She’s too emotional to be one of us.

    What do you expect? She’s just a child who has lost her parents.

    All the more reason to not give her a diamond.

    I doubt Crimson will give her a diamond soon anyway. What is the progress with the informant? Have you heard back?

    Yes. We’ll discuss it later. Not here. We don’t know for sure she can’t read our minds.

    Chris pulls my attention back. What’s wrong, Calli?

    Just a lot on my mind, that’s all. I continue by speaking to his mind. Let’s talk about it later.

    All right.

    Brand changes the subject. So, Anika, how long do you think it should take to charge these topazes with Repeating? He pulls his shirt collar down to expose several bandages holding what I assume to be topaz nuggets against his skin.

    I don’t know. A day or so. She wipes her eyes.

    Okay. Is that how long it took to charge Calli’s healing topaz?

    The weaker stones took a whole day. The Imperial topaz was only a few hours. You’ll know when they’re filled.

    Oh. I get it. These will be ready by tomorrow then.

    I’m excited to try out Brand’s power. I know Crimson is as well.

    I glance around the table at the faces of my companions and slip into their minds easily, except for Brand’s. I find sorrow. I feel angst and loss. Once again, I’m reminded how easy my life has been. I don’t feel I can relate to anyone.

    Yes, you can, Crimson says to my mind. You can experience their emotions with them.

    I glance around to find Crimson and locate her on the other side of the gathering. That’s not going to help them feel like they can relate with me.

    Why do they need to?

    I don’t know.

    Beth says, Calli, are you going back to college for the fall term?

    Crimson told me I should.

    Jonas says, What about the convenience store robbery? What ever happened with that? Aren’t you two still in trouble?

    I don’t think so. We are only persons of interest.

    That doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. That means the police want to question you. This isn’t going away that easily.

    I’ll talk to Crimson about it. I sound less than enthusiastic, I realize.

    I wish I had such a personal relationship with her. Beth dips a celery stick in some hummus. You’re lucky!

    Jonas says, I’ll look into the situation with the police when I get back to the island. I know my way around the Internet and can access internal computers.

    Chris scoots forward in his chair. You’re a hacker?

    No, well, not really. If there’s something to find concerning you two and the robbery, I’ll find it.

    Brand says, So you’re an Internet Guru or something?

    We’ll call you Guru, for short, says Chris.

    How is that shorter than Jonas? Anika laughs and wipes her eyes again.

    If I find anything on you two, I’ll let you know, A.S.A.P.

    What about you, Chris? What are you going to do? Beth asks.

    I’m going to see if I can get a job at the Pentagon. I already have low-level clearance. Merlin says he might be able to pull some strings.

    What kind of job?

    No idea.

    Well, that kind of sucks for you two, being so far apart. I see Brand elbow Chris’s arm. Chris doesn’t respond.

    Instead, Chris changes the subject. Anika, when is your parents’ funeral? Calli and I would like to come support you.

    Her eyes brighten momentarily, then darken again. The day after tomorrow, but you don’t have to go to the trouble.

    Brand says, That’s soon. Why so soon?

    Chris elbows Brand this time.

    I say, We want to come, Anika. Where will it be?

    Anika writes down an address and gives it to Chris.

    Chris turns to Beth. What about your parents’ funeral?

    Oh, you really don’t need to come. Her eyes shoot downward to her hands as she twists a napkin mercilessly. Please don’t come. Please don’t come, her mind pleads.

    Beth is embarrassed. She doesn’t want us to learn more about her family life. I wonder what could be so bad that she wants to keep it hidden.

    Beth flips the conversation back on Chris. When is your father’s funeral?

    Chris’s shoulders stiffen and he sits a little straighter. There won’t be a funeral. His voice holds no emotion, his expression shows no sadness. Who would go? Anyway, he’ll have been cremated by now.

    Everyone is quiet. I figure they are unsure how to respond. I say, Everyone grieves in their own way. Beth, if you don’t want us to come, we won’t. Anika, it’s no trouble to show our support. And Chris, I’m sure we can all get together later and help you scatter some ashes, if you want.

    Crimson comes over to our table, bringing a welcomed change of subject. Maetha has arranged rooms for everyone tonight. She has the keycards. Tomorrow morning, Maetha’s plane will depart for North Dakota to take Anika home. Jonas, you will be going with Mary back to Bermuda. The rest of you can go with Anika if you wish.

    Jonas’s expression turns downward.

    Crimson adds, Jonas, you must learn immediately how to harness the full diamond’s power now that you have it. Besides, the only reason you are here instead of on the island already is because Rolf knew where the island was located. He could have directed a military attack to that location if you remained in place.

    Brand says, squeezing Beth’s hand, Beth and I will go with Anika.

    Beth nods.

    I ask Crimson, What are you going to do?

    I’ll be going wherever you and Chris go. We have some training to do.

    Chris says, We’re going to North Dakota.

    Crimson smiles. Great. I’ll meet you there.

    You aren’t going to fly with us? Brand asks.

    No. I don’t use airplanes.

    Brand is intrigued. Then, how are you gonna get there?

    I’ll let Calli know when I have arrived. Good night, everyone.

    As Crimson walks away, her voice enters my mind. Calli, always keep your topaz charged with Mind-Control power in the event you’re around obsidian and need to appear invisible. Tell Chris to keep a topaz charged with running. Oh, and tell Chris to take the battery out of his cell phone when not in use. Cell phones can be activated remotely if the battery is inside.

    I ask, Crimson, what do you think about the other Bearers who are unhappy? I’m sure you heard them grumbling.

    Yes, I heard them. Their futures are not clear. Remember to keep this ability of reading Bearers’ minds to yourself.

    Okay. I will.

    After Crimson is far enough away, Brand wonders aloud, What did she mean when she said she doesn’t use airplanes?

    Jonas responds, I think you’re on a need-to-know basis, Brand, and you don’t need to know.

    Everyone laughs. I enjoy hearing the laughter, especially in this dark moment of life for Beth, Anika, and Chris. The adage is right—laughter is the best medicine.

    Chris speaks to my mind. I’d say it’s the second-best medicine. Your kisses are number one in my book.

    His words cause me to blush. I’ve really got to work on blocking my thoughts.

    *  *  *

    Chris accompanies me to my room after Maetha gives me my room key. He walks inside first, checking for anything or anyone out of the ordinary. I follow him into the room. When he’s satisfied, he closes the door.

    I take off Chris’s jacket and lay it on the bed next to a bag full of clothing Maetha has provided. She probably had one of her many connections go shopping. I suppose someday I’ll have access to her long list of helpers and be able to snap my fingers and have someone purchase and deliver whatever I need, too.

    Chris walks over and stands behind me. Earlier, you said you had a lot on your mind. What did you mean? He places his hand on my back. A million nerve endings fire simultaneously and a shiver wracks my body. He pulls away as if he’s hurt me. Sorry.

    I turn to face him, feeling bashful. You startled me, that’s all.

    How about you change into something that’s not ripped and bloodied?

    Good idea. I look through the assorted clothes in the bag and find a pair of sweat pants and a tee-shirt.

    Chris eyes the clothing choice with one eyebrow up. I resist reading his mind.

    I’ll . . . um, change in the bathroom. Not waiting for a

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