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Samhain: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Halloween
Samhain: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Halloween
Samhain: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Halloween
Ebook185 pages2 hours

Samhain: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Halloween

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Samhain—also known as Halloween—is the final spoke in the Wheel of the Year. At this time, the harvest has finished and the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. This guide shows you how to practice the serious work of divination and honoring the dead along with the more lighthearted activities of Halloween.

  • Rituals
  • Recipes
  • Lore
  • Spells
  • Divination
  • Crafts
  • Correspondences
  • Invocations
  • Prayers
  • Meditations

Llewellyn's Sabbat Essentials explore the old and new ways of celebrating the seasonal rites that are the cornerstones of the witch's year.

Release dateSep 8, 2015


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Rating: 3.9423077307692305 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Muchas gracias. Hacía falta algo así. ¡Éxito en todo!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Samhain by Diana Rajchel is a pretty decent beginner's look at the season, cross-quarter day, and holiday. It covers a wide variety of related lore and history, workings, recipes, and more and is probably something I'd consider a decent resource for most beginners in witchcraft and Paganism. The book did a decent job as far as looking at how a variety of cultures celebrate this time of year, although I wish it explored beyond Mexico and at least mentioned whether any other non-Eurocentric areas and cultures also have any celebrations this time of year.

    I also think it's worth noting that this book conflates smudging and smoke cleansing as one and the same, and includes the word "smudge" and the use of "smudge sticks" in a few spells, rituals, etc with no discussion of smudging's connection and sacredness to American Indigenous culture or any kind of tie that the author might have to that culture. Thankfully, all of the instances of potential appropriation are easy to skip over or edit out for something more relevant to a personal practice.

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Samhain - Llewellyn

Llewellyn Publications

Woodbury, Minnesota

Copyright Information

Samhain: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Halloween © 2015 by Diana Rajchel

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications, except in the form of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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First e-book edition © 2015

E-book ISBN: 9780738746494

Book design: Donna Burch-Brown

Cover art:©Electric_Crayon©Anna-Lena©nicoolay©LoopAll

Cover design: Kevin R. Brown

Interior illustrations: Mickie Mueller

Llewellyn Publications is an imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Rajchel, Diana.

Samhain rituals, recipes, and lore for Halloween / by Diana Rajchel.

— First Edition.

pages cm. — (Llewellyn’s sabbat essentials ; #6)

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-7387-4216-8

1. Samhain. I. Title.

BF1572.S35R35 2015



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Series Introduction

Old Ways

New Ways

Spells and Divination

Recipes and Crafts

Prayers and Invocations

Rituals of Celebration

Correspondences for Samhain

Further Reading


Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials provides instruction and inspiration for honoring each of the modern witch’s sabbats. Packed with spells, rituals, meditations, history, lore, invocations, divination, recipes, crafts, and more, each book in this eight-volume series explores both the old and new ways of celebrating the seasonal rites that act as cornerstones in the witch’s year.

There are eight sabbats, or holidays, celebrated by Wiccans and many other Neopagans (modern Pagans) today. Together, these eight sacred days make up what’s known as the Wheel of the Year, or the sabbat cycle, with each sabbat corresponding to an important turning point in nature’s annual journey through the seasons.

Devoting our attention to the Wheel of the Year allows us to better attune ourselves to the energetic cycles of nature and listen to what each season is whispering (or shouting!) to us, rather than working against the natural tides. What better time to start new projects than as the earth reawakens after a long winter, and suddenly everything is blooming and growing and shooting up out of the ground again? And what better time to meditate and plan ahead than during the introspective slumber of winter? With Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials, you’ll learn how to focus on the spiritual aspects of the Wheel of the Year, how to move through it and with it in harmony, and how to celebrate your own ongoing growth and achievements. This may be your first book on Wicca, Witchcraft, or Paganism, or your newest addition to a bookcase or e-reader already crammed with magickal wisdom. In either case, we hope you will find something of value here to take with you on your journey.

Take a Trip Through the Wheel of the Year

The eight sabbats each mark an important point in nature’s annual cycles. They are depicted as eight evenly spaced spokes on a wheel representing the year as a whole; the dates on which they fall are nearly evenly spaced on the calendar, as well.

Wheel of the Year—Northern Hemisphere (All solstice and equinox dates are approximate, and one should consult an almanac or a calendar to find the correct dates each year.)

Wheel of the Year—Southern Hemisphere

The Wheel is comprised of two groups of four holidays each. There are four solar festivals relating to the sun’s position in the sky, dividing the year into quarters: the Spring Equinox, the Summer Solstice, the Fall Equinox, and the Winter Solstice, all of which are dated astronomically and thus vary slightly from year to year. Falling in between these quarter days are the cross-quarter holidays, or fire festivals: Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain. The quarters are sometimes called the Lesser Sabbats and the cross-quarters the Greater Sabbats, although neither cycle is superior to the other. In the Southern Hemisphere, seasons are opposite those in the north, and the sabbats are consequently celebrated at different times.

While the book you are holding only focuses on Mabon, it can be helpful to know how it fits in with the cycle as a whole.

The Winter Solstice, also called Yule or Midwinter, occurs when nighttime has reached its maximum length; after the solstice, the length of the days will begin to increase. Though the cold darkness is upon us, there is a promise of brighter days to come. In Wiccan lore, this is the time when the young solar god is born. In some Neopagan traditions, this is when the Holly King is destined to lose the battle to his lighter aspect, the Oak King. Candles are lit, feasts are enjoyed, and evergreen foliage is brought in the house as a reminder that, despite the harshness of winter, light and life have endured.

At Imbolc (also spelled Imbolg), the ground is just starting to thaw, signaling that it’s time to start preparing the fields for the approaching sowing season. We begin to awaken from our months of introspection and start to sort out what we have learned over that time, while also taking the first steps to make plans for our future. Some Wiccans also bless candles at Imbolc, another symbolic way of coaxing along the now perceptibly stronger light.

On the Spring Equinox, also known as Ostara, night and day are again equal in length, and following this, the days will grow longer than the nights. The Spring Equinox is a time of renewal, a time to plant seeds as the earth once again comes to life. We decorate eggs as a symbol of hope, life, and fertility, and we perform rituals to energize ourselves so that we can find the power and passion to live and grow.

In agricultural societies, Beltane marked the start of the summer season. Livestock were led out to graze in abundant pastures and trees burst into beautiful and fragrant blossom. Rituals were performed to protect crops, livestock, and people. Fires were lit and offerings were made in the hopes of gaining divine protection. In Wiccan mythos, the young god impregnates the young goddess. We all have something we want to harvest by the end of the year—plans we are determined to realize—and Beltane is a great time to enthusiastically get that process in full swing.

The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year. It’s also called Litha, or Midsummer. Solar energies are at their apex, and the power of nature is at its height. In Wiccan lore, it’s the time when the solar god’s power is at its greatest (so, paradoxically, his power must now start to decrease), having impregnated the maiden goddess, who then transforms into the earth mother. In some Neopagan traditions, this is when the Holly King once again battles his lighter aspect, this time vanquishing the Oak King. It’s generally a time of great merriment and celebration.

At Lughnasadh, the major harvest of the summer has ripened. Celebrations are held, games are played, gratitude is expressed, and feasts are enjoyed. Also known as Lammas, this is the time we celebrate the first harvest—whether that means the first of our garden crops or the first of our plans that have come to fruition. To celebrate the grain harvest, bread is often baked on this day.

The Autumn Equinox, also called Mabon, marks another important seasonal change and a second harvest. The sun shines equally on both hemispheres, and the lengths of night and day are equal. After this point, the nights will again be longer than the days. In connection with the harvest, the day is celebrated as a festival of sacrifice and of the dying god, and tribute is paid to the sun and the fertile earth.

To the Celtic people, Samhain marked the start of the winter season. It was the time when the livestock was slaughtered and the final harvest was gathered before the inevitable plunge into the depths of winter’s darkness. Fires were lit to help wandering spirits on their way, and offerings were given in the names of the gods and the ancestors. Seen as a beginning, Samhain is now often called the Witches’ New Year. We honor our ancestors, wind down our activities, and get ready for the months of introspection ahead … and the cycle continues.

The Modern Pagan’s Relationship to the Wheel

Modern Pagans take inspiration from many pre-Christian spiritual traditions, exemplified by the Wheel of the Year. The cycle of eight festivals we recognize throughout modern Pagandom today was never celebrated in full by any one particular pre-Christian culture. In the 1940s and 1950s, a British man named Gerald Gardner created the new religion of Wicca by drawing on a variety of cultures and traditions, deriving and adapting practices from pre-Christian religion, animistic beliefs, folk magick, and various shamanic disciplines and esoteric orders. He combined multicultural equinox and solstice traditions with Celtic feast days and early European agricultural and pastoral celebrations to create a single model that became the framework for the Wiccan ritual year.

This Wiccan ritual year is popularly followed by Wiccans and witches, as well as many eclectic Pagans of various stripes. Some Pagans only observe half of the sabbats, either the quarters or the cross-quarters. Other Pagans reject the Wheel of the Year altogether and follow a festival calendar based on the culture of whatever specific path they follow rather than a nature-based agrarian cycle. We all have such unique paths in Paganism that it is important not to make any assumptions about another’s based on your own; maintaining an open and positive attitude is what makes the Pagan community thrive.

Many Pagans localize the Wheel of the Year to their own environment. Wicca has grown to become a truly global religion, but few of us live in a climate mirroring Wicca’s British Isles origins. While traditionally Imbolc is the beginning of the thaw and the awakening of the earth, it is the height of winter in many northern climes. While Lammas may be a grateful celebration of the harvest for some, in areas prone to drought and forest fires it is a dangerous and uncertain time of year.

There are also the two hemispheres to consider. While it’s winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s summer in the Southern Hemisphere. While Pagans in America

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