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The Targeting of Myron May: Florida State University Gunman: Assistant DA Pushed Over the Edge
The Targeting of Myron May: Florida State University Gunman: Assistant DA Pushed Over the Edge
The Targeting of Myron May: Florida State University Gunman: Assistant DA Pushed Over the Edge
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The Targeting of Myron May: Florida State University Gunman: Assistant DA Pushed Over the Edge

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A young, gifted Assistant District Attorney's tragic end, after revealing himself a victim of a documented high-level targeting program, enforced by patented, highly advanced psycho-physical technologies, reporting it covertly destroyed his life and career. He met his demise after opening fire at Florida State University's Strozier Library, just after midnight, November 20, 2014, injuring three and his quest for "Suicide by Cop."

"My deepest regret is that I did not make a more diligent effort of documenting my experiences as a Targeted Individual along the way; however, this document is my feeble attempt at recounting my experiences thus far. First off, to anyone that may read this document, take a brief moment to pray for my soul.
What I am about to do I have deep regret for; however, I feel that my options are extremely limited.Because I am a targeted individual, everything has been taken away from me. I have literally been robbed of life through psychological, financial, and emotional hardship..." - November 17, 2014 Excerpt from Myron May: "My Experiences of Being Targeted."

On November 20, 2014, at 12:26 a.m., Myron De Shawn May, entered Florida State University, Strozier Library, and opened fire injuring three, two of whom were students, and the third an alum employee. The media reported that by 12:30 a.m., a mere 4 minutes later, May lay face down, dead, after a hail of bullets just outside the library door by law enforcement after refusing to relinquish his weapon. Initial media reports vary as to whether he shot first.
Prior to the shooting, Myron May via Certified Mail sent out ten packages to various associates and social network contacts across the United States hoping to detail his story after his death. He strategically planned for the packages to arrive the day after the shooting. Although the Postal Inspector, and FBI, intercepted and confiscated the packages across the United States immediately, weeks later six letters would surface which May created by email of the information inside the packages.

His suicide letter and YouTube video provide insight into the anguish and a well-organized mind that had, it appears, "devised a scheme" for permanent emotional relief.The emailed information within the certified mailings laid the foundation for this book.In Myron May's own words, his last wish, stated within his suicide letter, was that his painful story never dies.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Today there are thousands reporting being used as human guinea pigs, who are fighting the good fight, refusing to bend or break! The nationwide goal instead is that awareness of covert, monstrous, highly perfected technologies, after DECADES of research, TESTING, and development programs will save lives.

PublisherRenee Pittman
Release dateAug 9, 2015
The Targeting of Myron May: Florida State University Gunman: Assistant DA Pushed Over the Edge

Renee Pittman

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It is sad what happened to this young Assistant D.A. He was such a kind, loving soul and highly intelligent. Before he went postal, injuring two people at Strozier Library in Tallahasse Florida in November of 2014, Myron May reported that his life was destroyed by the government human experimentation program, after pissing someone involved in this mind control program. He sent out certified packages to 10 people across the USA. Apparently Renee Pittman received one. She transferred the information inside the mailing to this book. This books is about the authentic writing by Myron May himself. I watched the video on youtube and it is heartbreaking.

    1 person found this helpful

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The Targeting of Myron May - Renee Pittman


Loss of Hope

MYRON MAY’S AUTHENTIC suicide letter:


November 17, 2014

Dear Ms. Mitchell and Other Addressees:

The purpose of this letter is three-fold. First, I would like to make a sincere plea to you not to let my personal story die. Enclosed within this letter, you will find a USB flash drive containing a personal testimony from me about the financial, emotional, and psychological pain that I have endured over the course of the past few months since I discovered that I was a targeted individual.  I have literally been forced to endure a living hell.  There are thousands of targeted individuals within the United States that literally suffer each and every day at the hands of our government.  Personally, I have experienced significant harassment from law enforcement in every place that I have been these past few months.

Second, over the coming days and weeks, you will hear numerous people try to label me as a person with mental health issues. If you simply google targeted individual, gang stalking, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, or Dr. Robert Duncan,  you will see that what I have experienced, albeit not widely known, is very real. In addition, you can find various videos on YouTube by searching under these exact same search terms. Our government is able to capitalize on this lack of knowledge among the general population to curb sentiments towards questioning the mental health of targeted individuals rather than admitting the truth—that there is a system of covert torture of ordinary, innocent citizens that is happening within our own borders. I have not told a single person exactly what I intend to do—and only you eight people know that I intend to do anything at all—but my goal is to garner some much-needed media attention to the plight of targeted individuals because we are a marginalized group with few financial assets. Coincidentally, that means we get ignored.

Third, enclosed within, you will also find a sample letter to congress. Please encourage as many people as you can to send a copy of this letter to congress. My hope is that if enough people take a genuine concern into the struggles of targeted individuals, then congress will have to do something to stop it once and for all—not like the false machinations of stopping it that took place in the 1970s with COINTELPRO.

I apologize for putting this responsibility on you guys, but you are people that I know and trust. I am confident that Ms. Mitchell will not allow my story to die. I sincerely hope that you will (1) keep an electronic copy of my story for yourself, (2) provide a copy for distribution to media outlets, (3) make sure that Ms. Mitchell gets a copy [although I am sending her a copy, I fear that it may be intercepted], and (4) see to it that if my story is removed from the internet—YouTube, Vimeo, etc.—it will be promptly re-uploaded. I know that I am asking for a lot, but please assist me with this.

Lastly, please whisper a prayer for my soul.  I am still a believer, and I honestly feel that there is no hope for me. Consequently, I am making a sacrifice so that others in my same position might have a chance at a normal, harassment-free life.  I realize that my methods are not the best selection—and probably will not be perceived as the selection of a Christ-follower—but I have prayed incessantly for months to no avail. There are targeted individuals that have endured this torture for decades without any relief, and what targeted individuals need more than anything is media attention.


1. Randy Quaid

2. Melinda Fee

3. Stephen Shellen

4. Gloria Naylor

5. Kola Boof

6. Jill Anjuli Hansen

7. Matt Barasch

8. Ted Gunderson (former Senior FBI agent/whistleblower)

9. Jiverly Wong

10. Aaron Alexis

Your brother in Christ,

Myron May


a) Derrick Robinson

b) Christopher Chestnut

c) Aaron Watson

d) Juan P. Chisholm

e) Chris V. Rey

f) Marc Bozeman

g) Titiana Frausto

h) Rosanne Schneider

i) Joe Paul

On November 20, 2014, nationwide media headlines would read:

FSU shooter Myron May feared 'energy weapon,' heard voices, and thought police were watching him just prior to a rampage at Strozier Library on the Florida State University Campus.

Myron May an FSU alumnus, was killed by police early Thursday morning on November 20, 2014.  After shooting five, three suffered injuries.  Another of the victims was grazed by a bullet and treated at the scene and released.  One, who was shot in the leg, was released from the hospital Friday night.  Reported to be critically injured the third victim remained hospitalized and a week after the shooting was reported to be paralyzed.

Myron DeShawn May was a 31-year-old prosecutor with the Dona Ana County, Las Cruces, Mexico, District Attorney’s office who had recently returned home to Wewahitchka, Florida, on or about November 6, 2014, after resigning from his position as a Public Defender.  Why in matter of just 14 days, would Myron May go into the Florida State University library and take this action? 

Prior to this, May left a series of chilling voicemails saying he was being attacked by Direct Energy Weapons relentlessly in his chest, and that he had devised a scheme to expose the plight of thousands of Targeted Individuals once and for all.

These chilling messages, along with ten mysterious certified mail packages May mailed to friends were in route and mailed a day before the shooting.  May’s action appeared to be the culmination of what seemed to be the onset of a mental breakdown in the making several months prior.  Noteworthy, this psychological breakdown was after years of highly credible achievements and normal functioning and appearing to happen almost overnight. Just two months ago, in September of 2014, by many accounts, Myron May had a promising career as a young prosecutor.

A mere six months into his position with the District Attorney’s office, Myron May would abruptly resign.  Later, on November, 21, 2014, a letter would surface which was determined to his suicide letter.  In the letter and subsequent letters, Myron May documented that he was being horrifically stalked by unknown assailants and he attributed it to being placed into a government condoned covert program. He stated that the technological harassment had become so pervasive that he could no longer perform his job.  Later, a worried ex-girlfriend told police he suffered from mental problems that were getting worse after being admitted to the psyche ward complaining of efforts he felt were impacting and destroying his life.

On Oct. 6, 2014, May's co-workers arrived at work to find May had cleaned out his office and left, leaving a resignation letter on his desk.

The letter thanked DA D'Antonio, was professionally written, and showed no sign of a breakdown or a disorganized thought process.  The District Attorney, Mark D'Antonio, later said that neither he nor his colleagues saw any sign of May's mental decline, and stated, If I had known, we could have gotten him some help. Maybe this wouldn't have happened.  He also stated:

I nearly fell off the chair, a day after the shooting, describing his reaction when he later learned of the shooting. It was as shocking to me as it could have been. The staff took it hard. He was very well-liked.

This seemed to be the general consensus of everyone who had come into contact with Myron May or knew him personally.  For 31 years Myron May had been a highly productive individual and had led a productive, functional life without exception.  Family and friends were shocked and horrified.  Myron May, had a reputation as a caring, sensitive guy, and self-described over achiever who loved to recite bible verses.

May's first visit to the police station in Las Cruces happened in early September.  May stated that he could constantly hear voices coming through the walls specifically talking about actions he was doing, an officer wrote in an incident report. As an example, May cited a time he had climbed out of a bubble bath and began applying lotion. He specifically stated he heard voices say, Did you see that, he never puts lotion on, the report states. The Las Cruces police officer said there was nothing they could do officially when May reported this.  This was especially true when May responded that he planned to hire a private investigator to find out what was factually happening, who was behind it and why, and that his purpose there that day was because he wanted his report documented for this reason.  The fact is that operatives of these efforts can also park vehicles in front of the target’s location and use antennas to beam the weapon system into the target’s home as shown by an image from one of my other books.

THE NEXT NIGHT, POLICE were called to the home of May's ex-girlfriend. May had just left, after showing up rambling and giving her a piece of a car, he said was a camera that police had placed in his SUV. May's former girlfriend, a doctor, had dated him for about 15 months before breaking up two weeks before.  She reported that she was worried about his state of mind. Myron has recently developed a severe mental disorder, police wrote in this report. Myron believes that the police are after him and are bugging his phone and car, as well as placing cameras also in his home.

His ex-girlfriend also stated that he'd been taking prescription medication and had recently been taken to Mesilla Valley Hospital for a mental health evaluation. He had not made any suicidal or homicidal threats, but had been acting erratically.  She also reported that likely contributing to Myron May’s psychological state was the fact that he had been staying up four to five days straight with no sleep.  She was also confused when he abruptly had taken a trip from Las Cruces to Colorado and back again in one day with no reason, the officer wrote.

Police went to May's apartment but he wasn't home. He was not home because they went to the wrong apartment.  May lived in 1407.  The officers went to 1403.  The Las Cruces Police Department then issued an alert for his vehicle for "officer safety and welfare check.

By November 6, 2014, May was home in Wewahitchka now jobless, penniless, and bankrupt in a small city in the Florida Panhandle where he grew up. Wewahitchka, Florida, is a one stop light town, about 30 minutes east of Panama City near Apalachicola National Forest.

Myron May had been a Wewahitchka proud success story and exemplified the American Dream.  Very few had made it out of the town and sored to the heights of which Myron May had as an attorney with a several prestigious job to include one in a District Attorney’s Office.

After arrival, and a brief visit with his family, May decided that the only choice he had was to attempt to try to pick up the pieces of his life and hopefully start over.  He contacted old friends, the Taunton family. He had formed a long-time relationship this family by cross-country running with the son. He explained that he was having issues, and that he needed a place to stay.  Ultimately this altruistic family, nationally renowned as charity workers, who run a foster care facility five miles from May’s family, offered him refuge in their guest house.

On the morning of November 20, 2014, the Taunton’s were among many stunned and who tried to make sense of why May would do what he did. The family reported that May had no history of violence and was a very proud Florida State University Alum.  Mr. Taunton also reported that when heard the news of a shooting at FSU with the gunman from Wewahitchka, he immediately knew it was Myron May. He stated that knew May had been going through dark times recently which impacted his returned to Wewahitchka, but, he nor anyone else would have even remotely guessed that it would evolved into violence.  Myron May, the Taunton’s reported, would not hurt a flea and was a gifted young fellow, a sweetheart.  The way his life ended was devastating to the family.

A few days before the incident, the Taunton’s reported that May had mysteriously disappeared, oddly without telling anyone where he was going.  This was either Monday or Tuesday.  Concerned Mrs. Taunton texted May asking him was he okay. He texted back saying, I am alright. Sorry I left without telling you anything. I am just going through spiritual warfare. That was the end of the text and last they heard from May with the rampage occurring Thursday morning just after midnight.

Mr. Taunton stated, during a televised interview, that he now struggled with when and how he could divulge the details of his conversations with May.

Myron May was licensed to practice law in Texas and New Mexico.  Now back in Florida, he reported that he was now interested in starting his own firm. The first order of business he told family and friends would be studying to take the Florida State Bar Exam in February 2015.

During the stay, he appeared normal, and May even found time to accompany the family on a recreational outing, was happy and social although still focused and engrossed in studying for the bar exam bringing his law books along.

In my case, when I began to look back for initial contact with May on social networks, I learned that May had begun following me on Twitter on October 16, 2014.  However, it was not until November 14, 2014, almost a month later that he would actually began to contact myself, and other people connected to the Targeted Individuals International community of thousands.  In fact, it appears that his first real contact was through the Facebook group actually called Targeted Individuals International.

May also reached out to an organization called Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance as early as November 3, 2014.  Today this organization, is a gathering and activism resource said to be for thousands of U.S. citizen reporting to be suffering some form of psychophysical warfare and ongoing Directed Energy Weapon attacks in what many realize is a widespread technology testing program combining civilian contractors, high level government agencies, all levels of law enforcement, military technology and military personnel stationed within the United States various at military installations nationwide.

Typical of many targeted individuals after concluding they have not lost their minds, May began to investigate other possibilities for the covert surreal, total destruction of his life of which he could not control, and began to connect to dots.  He learned, as thousands have that the trail typically leads to the reality of, and revelation of, a diabolical, heartless program, of which many lives have been totally destroyed in the exact same manner as his for one reason or another. However, very few do not lose, as May had, a high powered and high earning job of $160,000 a year or are destroyed so quickly.

The Program is an expertly crafted psychological operation (PSY OPS) combining a mobilized organized stalking network nationwide through community efforts.  In fact, the Targeted Individuals Canada website describes Organized Stalking clearly below:

Organized Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce the quality of a person’s life so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment. It is a ganging up by members of the community who follow an organizer and participate in a systematic terrorizing of an individual. – Mark M. Rich

TI - Targeted Individual - is a person being targeted with OSEH by a group of individuals called perp for the purpose of human experimentations.

OSEH - Organized Stalking Electronic Harassment - are methods use by perps in targeting a specific person for the purpose of inducing harm and possibly death.

DEW - Direct Energy Weapon - are device used for OSEH purposes, weapons can be microwave with pulp frequencies, v2k or other electronic and hearing devices.

V2K - voice to skull device - is a weapon use for transmitting voices with low or high frequencies. Voices can be for commands or harassments attacks that may look like the TI's own voice. V2K can also use to induce or manipulate dreams or to deprive TI sleeps.

These professionally organized campaigns consist of everyone from, your local grocer, a gardener, janitors, doctors, teacher, ex-cons, and average Americans, to include, off duty fire and police department personnel. Another facet is the InfraGard which connects local business owners to this program.  Covert stalking and terrorism are also organized within Neighborhood Watch Programs and Community Oriented Policing Group programs.  The terrorism entails Gas lighting, relentless technological harassment, noise campaigns, damage to property, etc. It is typically backed up and overseen by numerous state-of-the art operation centers monitoring and tracking the target, for situational awareness, and these operations factually are using various types of Directed Energy Weapons used for coercive psychophysical torture. 

However, through media and disinformation, and gag orders associated with National Security Letters, the public’s perception of targeted individuals has been carefully crafted.  As a result, Targeted Individuals are people who are often perceived as conspiratorial or delusional who contend they are targets of spying, harassment or abuse, by electromagnetic radiation weaponry in delusions of grandeur.  The fact is today, it is the average man and woman being used to test the technology used in these programs.  There is disbelief because it is very difficult to prove because the technology is deployed as radio frequencies, unseen to the human eye and detectable.

On, Friday, NBC News reported that May had reached out to another targeted individual. I also would like to point out that I hope the public is not left with even a remote possibility that I would ever go postal.  In my case, this is what pen and paper and book publications are for as with many others using various other exposure measures. 

When I was later asked what my take on May’s mental state when we spoke, I reported that he told me calmly, that He just didn't want to go on living like this. However, to me, it was said without any sign of duress, stress, or anger detectable in his voice.  I again reiterated that on a deeper level, I could not determine the state of someone’s mind from a person; I had never met personally, and had only known for a mere six days, via social network.  I also pointed out that based on reports from those that did know May personally; he showed no sign of extreme attitude of deadly intent or suicidal ideation.

The evening before the shooting, May would leave three chilling voicemails on my cellular phone, between 7:19 p.m., 7:22 p.m. and 7:42 p.m., CST, Wednesday evening approximately five hours before the shooting at the FSU library.  I live in California so this was one hour ahead.

I am currently being cooked in my chair. I devised a scheme where I was going to expose this once and for all and I really need you. He also said. I do not want to die in vain in one of the messages.

Myron May made these comments of which I would later forward via email to the NBC News reporter covering the case. The result was a news report and printing of a portion of the voicemails.  This was after the voicemails were first authenticated by a relative of Myron May as factually being May's voice.

I would not listen to the messages until morning around 7:30 a.m., on November 20, 2014.  By that time, Myron May was long gone.

In an email sent at 8:19 p.m. PST, 9:19, CST, Myron May wrote: I've been getting hit with the direct energy weapon in my chest all evening.  It hurts really bad right now.  Sadly, many targets get the directed energy weapon psychophysical torture and we endure and carry on.  As I have documented in Covert Technological Murder due to book publications and the inability to control me, a different strategic effort has evolved in my life. It is known as slow kill. This is accomplished by focus on my joints with the beam set in slow cook mode.  Because, many, many people endure, I never expected May to take the drastic action he did.

In hindsight, it appears that May, based on evidence he subsequently sent by gmail to me revealed that he was definitely in a powerful spiritual warfare long before the voicemails. His contact with the targeted individual community or whatever he reportedly told the Taunton family could reveal this.  This fact is revealed by his well thought out instructions and directions of how to handle his affairs, his belongings, pet, and the request to save license plates of stalkers, as evidence date back as far back as October 21, 2014.  He also had a desire to make YouTube and Vimeo videos of which he hoped to download or did download, but were taken down, along with the flash drive he reported as part of the certified mailings.

After the fact, it appears he obviously lost all

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