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Targeted: "If I Die, This Program Killed Me!": "Mind Control Technology" Book Series, #7
Targeted: "If I Die, This Program Killed Me!": "Mind Control Technology" Book Series, #7
Targeted: "If I Die, This Program Killed Me!": "Mind Control Technology" Book Series, #7
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Targeted: "If I Die, This Program Killed Me!": "Mind Control Technology" Book Series, #7

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Pure, undeniable, sinister personalities today are at the helm of brilliant, advanced psychophysical technologies, who are inhumanely destroying the lives of men, women, and children. They are devoid of compassion believing it cannot be proven and this mentality officially sanctioned.


Neuroweapons, Nanotechnologies, the Brain Computer Interface (BCI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), the planned future goal of Transhumanism are the foundation of ongoing human experimentation generation to generation. Testing has exploded progressing humanity towards what many experts consider "Digital Slavery".

Pittman is left no choice but to continue exposing this program while under ongoing beamed assaults and high-tech terrorism, death threats to her and her family, combined with relentless efforts to tarnish her reputation.


The historic FBI horrific discrediting of actress Jean Seberg, Martin Luther King, and others remains a highly effective tactic that is still used today with the exception of the widespread use of PATENTED, mind invasive technology designed to influence anyone useful which is the high-tech game changer.


For Pittman, as a result, of publication of this seventh book, the deadly beamed weapon assaults game plan switched tactics. Yes, the military, FBI COINTELPRO, LAPD dirty cops' division still wants Pittman permanently silenced but with a twist.

In Pittman's case, after publishing this book the subliminal influence of family, specifically her youngest adult daughter, began. This occurred through the high-tech recreation of an exaggerated event during divorce proceedings when she was a mere 3 years old, as having witnessed child abuse which was motivated by her father for custody well over 20 years ago. Also noted during text messages was this daughter saying she wish she was never born in the messy divorce situation, which immediately led to taunting to influence this daughter to commit suicide.


The goal today, while official personnel monitor texting, sitting at the helm of a nefarious space-based system is to get documention by text message something useful which this program believes will serve them later. The obvious goal is, if Pittman is strategically murdered, the agencies mentioned as involved will leak accusations of child abuse. There has been an ongoing hope to effort to have this book series, her blogs and website taken down which, at her demise, her family would be influenced to do as well as the heirs.


There are several articles detailing that memories can be and are being erased with new ones created as part of ongoing human experimentation. In fact, an article titled "Scientists discover how to implant false memories," Big Think, dated June 2016, the excerpt reads, "Implanting false memories could cure Alzheimer's, PTSD, and depression. It could also make scapegoating easier, allow for witness tampering, or give those under a brutal dictatorship false patriotism."

The fact is, IF Pittman or any member of her family dies, this program, using beamed psychophysical weapon systems, that can manipulate and influence, anyone, anywhere on the face of the Earth is the culprit with those involved in this program, official covert, monstrosity, 100% responsible.


Today the covert, high-tech destruction of lives across the country is happening rapidly. For instance, using the Hendricus Loos sexual stimulation patent, akin to Frankenstein science, the influence and creation of homosexuality is rampant, documented in this series previously, again, backed by subliminal influence of many public figures. Many unaware of the covert use or focus on them, in this decades long Nazi originated program are being systematically destroyed right before our very eyes combined with their choice to follow beamed influence.

Release dateFeb 19, 2024
Targeted: "If I Die, This Program Killed Me!": "Mind Control Technology" Book Series, #7

Renee Pittman

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    Targeted - Renee Pittman


    If I Die, This Program Killed Me!

    Renee Pittman

    Copyright © 2024

    Mother’s Love Publishing and Enterprises

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-7374060-0-6


    To the survivors, who refuse to bend,

    or break, speaking up and blessing others



    Shadow of the Almighty

    Denizens of the Abyss

    Falling into the Abyss

    LAPD Rampart Scandal Act II

    Organized Stalking is No Delusion

    The Blog They Don’t Want You to See

    Professional Gaslighting

    The Mechanics of Voice to Skull

    If a Wheel Squeaks Loud Enough it Will Get Oiled


    TO MANY NATIONWIDE and globally enduring the unimaginable, while fighting the good fight, with  courage and heartfelt determination that originate from brave hearts.

    Thank you!


    Workers of Iniquity

    Picture 18

    THE DOG AND WOLF REPRESENT that which comes from the deep. It is the nameless, hideous tendencies in humans that are in sync with that which dwells below. 

    Between the two dogs runs a pathway with a tower on each side. This pathway symbolizes the human journey from consciousness to the depths of unconsciousness. It represents the becoming of animal essence that strives for manifestation, becoming greedy for it, which always involves a pack, a band, a population, a peopling, or a multiplicity.

    The lobster crawls from the abyss of water to land. It is a creature that lives on the bottom of the ocean yet emerges out of it and is associated with the liminality of consciousness and unconsciousness that ultimately sinks back whence it came based on bad choices.

    The checkered black and white patterns allegorically represent polarity, good or evil, right or wrong. It shows us that life is not ideally defined and that we need to define for ourselves the right path to choose. There is a mystical, esoteric meaning that can apply to all areas of life, with good and evil being a very common dichotomy within the hope that life’s experiences will bring forth consciousness evolution.

    And, it is vital to remember that if you anticipate the command; you are out of step.

    I AM TIRED OF YOUR mouth rang out inside my home through the beamed communication system directed at me from one of several official setup locations, with drones positioned overhead a few days before Thanksgiving Day 2022. When I heard the beamed Audio Spotlight harassment, I laughed at the ludicrous threat. I laughed at the foolishness of men sitting behind advanced technology and their unified obvious mentality of deceit who had shown up around me now entering 18 years and toyed with me heinously, thirsting to devour me. The game plan was a hope to destroy my self-esteem first, hoping to do so, by degradation and beamed torture which many officially targeted with patented technology, targeted from sunup to sun-down, report experiencing nationwide. The comment from the DOD contractor, operating from this specific location, demonstrated a disturbed mind. I thought I’m tired of you ALL too! 

    As drones hovered above brilliantly using patented mind-invasive technology, reading subvocal thoughts and looking for fear and weakness, along with military-beamed assaults, I thought, Thank you for the compliment. Was I supposed to make their high-tech targeting easy for them? I think not and attempt to prove this every day.

    The operators of this technology today are a hideous crew of official personnel who have, since I moved in 10 years ago, gradually taken permanent residence in several compliant locations around me, becoming a permanent fixture. The bonus for homeowners is free mortgage payments, courtesy of Uncle Sam’s nationwide billion-dollar Black Budget secretively financing ongoing human experimentation programs across the USA focused on individuals, groups, communities, and large populations. They were testing the progression of many advanced technologies with mind hacking and hive-mind abilities.

    For 18 years, as of 2024, I had been on the receiving end of a massive effort to permanently silence me, backed by lies told to motivate and mobilize the community as hired stalkers. The constant bullying and fear monger death threats were not only to me but threats to harm my family. The silencing effort, right out of the Psyop playbook, also included many typical COINTELPRO entrapment schemes. Naturally, if something like this is happening across the USA it has to be shrouded in secrecy.

    Official government agencies are well aware of and spearheading the high-tech military unification with civilian agencies and technology such as the military Active Denial System Pain Ray used for subjugation, and also the use of various electromagnetic weapons overall.

    Night after night, the hardware in my right ankle, fixed with 13 pins and screws and two titanium plates on both sides, was hit, the result of a 2007 car accident, directly related to this targeting program. Cooking the ankle and other areas of the body using the Pain Ray left me limping in pain inside my house. The torture intensifies, with my obstinate resistance and goal of hoping a target will snap.

    When connected, Military COINTELPRO Intelligence operations unite with unpublicized, top-secret sections of nationwide Fusion Centers, and the realization of the imminent threat of exposure, accurately, of official criminal activity among the agencies involved, they come out in droves. Many remember that MK ULTRA mind control studies included various agencies’ unification, both official intelligence, military, and civilian.

    Patented mind-reading technology, reading brainwave patterns, is the key to human experimentation, which I document in other books in this series. Without this capability, this program would be fruitless.

    With military personnel at the helm of behavioral modification and health-deteriorating weapons, along with thought deciphering, the awareness that targets are figuring out they are being ruthlessly used sounds an alarm to those with a vested interest in ongoing human experimentation, who are destroying lives ruthlessly, triggering them to embark on various diabolical silencing schemes.

    With awareness, targets are ushered into a new phase. In this phase, the beamed torture and verbal harassment begin and quickly escalate. This is to counter the truth when targets speak up. The goal is to ensure people are automatically deemed mentally ill as the strategic machination unfolds using any and everyone, including gullible Psyops, which is a modernized version of Stasi Zersetzung tactics. With some, the ones able to become highly effective exposing this program, this can be the final stage for a strategic, high-tech death sentence that then encompasses various efforts designed to first get targets to sabotage themselves. This increases the perception of mental illnesses of anyone speaking up. With each failure to stop exposure, and ego-driven anger of those involved, and after many entrapment schemes are ineffective, this program will set the stage for cleverly crafted death.

    These are highly effective tactics played out and perfected over decades of human experimentation. When thousands, harmless, use the term Targeted Individuals step forth saying they are being used, as human lab rats, drastic measures are taken, within the coverup, beginning with various labels, paranoid, schizophrenic, delusional, and Mass Delusions.

    Official manipulation and influence tactics develop, using patented technology designed for behavior modification, which can, with some horrific, result in sacrifices and casualties when pushed over the edge completely broken and hurt self and others. Human lab rats become angry, and out of control about the destruction of all aspects of their lives, and relationships, including family, friends, and love interests.

    It must be understood that it is a small few versus thousands who have not broken. The small few allow strategic publication and news articles that claim that ALL targets, and those labeled Targeted Individuals, are mentally ill and, more importantly, a danger to self and others. In this diabolical orchestration, again, a small few are nudged to create atrocities by unyielding harassment. When they do, they live out the expression, Crazy is as crazy does and it becomes fact, and there are no excuses. Only the strong survive the high-tech targeting and many have survived upwards of 30 years.

    If official personnel can make the target snap before targets open their mouths reporting being used for experimentation, they can discredit everyone and this allows this program to continue, unscathed using various types of brilliant mind-invasive and psychophysical electromagnetic weapon technology on them and anyone else. Historically, this program has no plans to shut down ongoing research documented as generation to generation.

    Again, the first order of business is the mental illness tag documented in hospital records resulting from telling anyone, and specifically hospital staff, when detailing what the target is experiencing. The problem today is that these operations increasingly cannot control the explosion of the truth all over the world as people wake up.

    For example, let’s use Assistant District Attorney Myron May, Florida State University, Strozier Library shooter, November 2014, as an example. His targeting sped up fast, due also to his connections, intellect, and credibility before it went heinously south for him.

    Of course, highly intelligent individuals figure out they are being used and experimented on quickly, and as awareness looms, understand that they likely have been part of this specific type of experimentation, nonconsensual, since childhood. This is especially true with gifted children of all races and recognition at any time.

    The result is that agencies with a vested interest in keeping the truth hidden to avoid backlash and disgrace show up in full force, not only convincing everyone around the target that they are crazy, but gaslighting the actual target of such. This sends the target to the hospital and thus the medical record misdiagnosis is set. EVERYONE’s biometric signatures have been uploaded into the supercomputer database resulting in technology where anyone can be tracked, monitored, and influenced at any place on the face of the Earth due to the brilliant military space-based system. It takes just three satellites to blanket the Earth with detection ability and thousands orbit the Earth.

    Another scenario that is popular by operatives, allowing this program to come into the open, are reports that targets did something that deserves the targeting, and the vicious destruction of their lives. This is what is also used to mobilize the public as an arm of harassment.  

    The setup is so diabolical that fictitious reports are promulgated to communities, Citizen Volunteers, and InfraGard. An investigation is now in the hands of law enforcement, using military psychophysical technology with military personnel, making human experimentation legal, whose goal is to nab the target and who couldn't care less about how and why the person is targeted. As this program, now unified or fused with civilian agencies, federal agents, and military intel overseen, cops are provided advanced beam assault, mind invasive, and behavioral modification technologies which they use to try to create the goal they seek including the use of patented subliminal influence tech. The program today results in all levels, federal, state, and local authorities, now approved for military-grade technologies, working with military personnel for mind control and psychophysical experimentation which in reality is designed to keep the truth hidden of advanced technology awareness from publication within the public domain.

    Documented in Covert Technological Murder... are two surgeries for me as a result of beamed assaults and counting. The focus is now on my knees for knee replacements. I have documented the strategic slow deterioration of my knees in my medical records as coming with my left knee first. When this program is set up in your neighborhood you are marked for clever high-tech demise, with beamed pain and suffering that increases. You are a challenge when you cannot be broken and on top of this, you have the gall to expose them as official sociopaths running a horrid program.

    As far back as Nikola Tesla in the U.S., and his early 1900s Death Ray, scientists have investigated the electromagnetic energy force that can be used as a weapon of war. Because of this, it is little wonder that the idea of directed-energy weapons soon began to capture the attention of military planners. Much of the defense-related research has been focused on how to fashion electromagnetic energy into powerful, precise beams capable of creating militarily useful effects.

    This research explores the current capabilities of the US military to use electromagnetic (EMF) devices to harass, intimidate, and kill individuals and the continuing possibilities for violations of human rights through the testing and deployment of these weapons.

    The pain ray is one of the most painful beams a person can experience, which the Department of Defense believes is the perfect weapon for controlling others. It leaves no evidence, in darker skin, however, red burn patches in people lighter. If a target’s legs are the focus, when the target moves and muscles flex, it is unbearable pain. 

    Weapons classified under the general heading of directed-energy weapons (DEW) include high-energy lasers, electromagnetic railguns, and radio frequency weapons (high-power microwaves or ultra-wideband weapons). Over the past decade, the technical maturity of these weapons has accelerated, and what was once a promise is now emerging as reality. The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is developing and working to scale up the power of free-electron lasers, chemical lasers, and their associated beam directors, radio-frequency weapons, and full-scale electromagnetic rail guns capable of launching precision-guided hypersonic projectiles.

    Typically, after a short time, the dielectric heating pain to the skin will subside. However, it is being used relentlessly today on Targets. Although it is listed as nonlethal it can not only cause great pain as it sears into the skin painfully heating the top layer. It also causes psychological pain with the realization that another person is sitting at the helm and sadistically doing this to you. It is highly effective because people do not want to suffer and some will give in hoping it will stop doing whatever it takes. Typically, with official personnel at the helm, the request is some type of demand or action.

    Knees become the perfect target area for deterioration because they are covered in a thin layer of skin where beamed assaults can do maximum damage quickly. This program knows this, likely by crippling many across our nation watching in real-time the outcome. When you go into poor communities, many are limping, in wheelchairs, etc. Poverty-stricken communities have always been historically and today the first stop for various vicious types of human experimentation.

    In my case, three of the locations set up around my neighborhood are federal agents, military personnel and DOD contracted trainers training everyone, including corrupt Black cops dispatched from the Los Angeles Police Department.

    Official recruitment is vital within the community as neighbors’ witnesses, because of the use of their homes allowing the setups, and top-secret use of bio and psychotronic systems and devices. 

    The fact is, what is happening today, was intentionally legalized specifically for military and law enforcement, Post 9/11, for use of electromagnetic weapons. Legalization was approved for crowd control, for police investigations, which are bogus and proven by the subjugation torture, and for military research activity.

    In September 2006, Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne announced that crowd control weapons should be tested on Americans first. If we’re not willing to use it here against our fellow citizens, then we should not be willing to use it in a wartime situation, said Wynne.

    Psychotronics is the ability, using extremely low frequency (ELF) waves, and other advances to manipulate a person's emotions, thoughts, bodily functions, and all from a remote location. Using this technology, a person or an entire population can be effortlessly controlled like robots with remote control also known as Remote Neural Monitoring, and, as the technology continues to advance connected to a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) or Artificial Intelligence (AI) and again, Hive Mind experimentation.

    The Earth is wrapped in a donut-shaped magnetic field. Circular lines of flux continuously descend into the North Pole and emerge from the South Pole. The ionosphere, an electromagnetic-wave conductor, 100 kms above the earth, comprises a layer of electrically charged particles acting as a shield from solar winds. Natural waves are related to the electrical activity in the atmosphere and are thought to be caused by multiple lightning storms.

    Collectively, these waves are called The Schumann Resonance, the current strongest at 7.8 Hz. These are quasi-standing ELF waves that naturally exist in the earth’s electromagnetic cavity, the space between the ground and the ionosphere. These earth brainwaves are identical to the spectrum of our brainwaves. (1 hertz = 1 cycle per second, 1 khz = 1000, 1 mhz =1 million. A 1 Hertz wave is 186,000 miles long; 10 Hz is 18,600 miles. Radio waves move at the speed of light.)

    As detailed in another book in this series, the Creator designed living beings to resonate with this natural frequency pulsation to evolve harmoniously, which is being used for people to evolve inharmoniously. As science progresses, these natural geomagnetic waves are being replaced by artificially created very low frequency (VLF) ground waves initially coming from, for example, old GWEN Towers.

    As detailed in Book I, Remote Brain Targeting, Dr. Andrija Puharich (in the 1950 & 60s), found that a clairvoyant’s brainwaves turned to 8 Hz when their psychic powers were operative. In 1956, he observed an Indian Yogi controlling his brainwaves, deliberately shifting his consciousness from one level to another. Puharich trained people via bio-feedback to do this consciously, that is, creating 8 Hz waves with the technique of bio-feedback. A psychic healer generated 8 Hz waves through a hands-on healing process, actually easing that patient’s heart trouble; the healer’s brain emitting 8 Hz.

    One person, emitting a certain frequency, can make another also resonate to the same frequency. Our brains are extremely vulnerable to any technology that sends out electronic frequency waves because they immediately start resonating to the outside signal by a kind of tuning-fork effect.

    Puharich further experimented, discovering that 7.83 Hz (earth’s pulse rate) made a person feel good, producing an altered state * 10.80 Hz causes riotous behavior. 6.6 Hz causes depression, 10 Hz puts people into a hypnotic state

    Puharich and American Dr. Robert Becker (The Body Electric) designed equipment to measure these waves and their effect on the human brain. Puharich started his work by putting dogs to sleep.

    By studying and modeling the human brain and nervous system, the ability to mentally influence or confuse the human mind is also possible. It is possible to create depression and a feeling of overwhelming hopelessness by the induction of a current into the electrical circuit of the brain. Through sensory deception, it may be possible to create synthetic images or holograms to confuse an individual’s visual sense or, similarly, confuse the senses of sound, taste, touch, or smell.

    Our bodies operate much like a computer. It contains a vast number of neurons that can be likened to a data processors. As an example, the computerized human biological system uses chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system. During our daily life, our bodies process the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body.  Like a well-oiled machine, which also impacts the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and also the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity. 

    Because of this the human body, bioelectric is capable not only of being deceived, manipulated, or misinformed, it can also shut down or destroyed operating just like any other data-processing system.  

    Using the electromagnetic frequencies, the data the body receives from external sources, for example, microwaves vortex, or acoustic energy waves, created through its own electrical or chemical stimuli, the human body and mind can be manipulated or changed just as the data (information) can be in any hardware system can be altered.

    With the patented capability to monitor subvocal thought, (mind reading) when we say words to ourselves, silently, or read a book, we can feel the slight sensations of those words in our vocal muscles - all that is absent is the passage of air. Mind or thought reading is an enhanced version of computer speech recognition, with EEG brainwaves being substituted for sound waves. The easiest thought reading is remote picking up of the electromagnetic activity of the speech-control muscles. Advanced research by scientists has also found that they could convert thoughts into computer commands by deciphering the brain’s electrical activity.

    Naturally, technology can capture the thoughts and minds of the global population, and control both interests of those seeking to do so. President Lyndon Johnson’s Science Adviser, Dr. Gordon J.F. MacDonald wrote the globalist-promoting 1968 book, unless peace comes, a scientific forecast of new weapons. Within MacDonald described how man-made changes in the electrical earth-ionosphere can be used for mass behavioral control. He said that low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations can attack the low-frequency electromagnetic brain waves in human beings.

    Zbigniew Brzezinski, the founding Director of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission, also served as President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Director, where he founded the infamous FEMA that is reportedly designed, as a conspiracy, to implement world government dictatorial rules over the U.S.A. predicted these exact types of electromagnetic psychotronic weapons.

    He stated: "It is possible - and tempting - to exploit, for strategic-political purposes, the fruits of research on the brain and human behavior. Accurately timed,

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