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The Doctor and the Daughter
The Doctor and the Daughter
The Doctor and the Daughter
Ebook201 pages4 hours

The Doctor and the Daughter

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About this ebook

Clint isn't heartbroken that Milton ended up with Zeva. They were just really good friends. He is, however, stunned when he meets Libby, Zeva's daughter. The attraction he feels to a female who is his patient is so strong it's scary.
Libby likes the doctor but he doesn't seem to like her. That's okay because she has a newborn to concentrate and an ex-boyfriend to deal with. There's also the matter of planning a future for herself and the little one. Romance can wait.
Two stubborn souls meant to be together, but everything is trying to keep them apart.

PublisherCrystal Dawn
Release dateDec 22, 2016
The Doctor and the Daughter

Crystal Dawn

When she’s not out hunting rogue vampires and werewolves, you can find Crystal Dawn out exploring the galaxy. She can do it all without ever leaving her computer. She kicks ass, takes names, and puts it all down for the enjoyment of her readers. At least that’s what I think she told me. Writing came as a natural outlet for her overly creative mind. She has always told stories and even written some but publishing books didn't start until 2012 with The Rebirth, was the first of the Planet Amazon books. Crystal has also been lucky to have some wonderful beta readers who keep her on track and help inspire her.Secretly, she crushes on all her sexy heroes because all her stories end happily. That is one of the things that makes writing such a joy. Knowing that it makes her reader's day a little brighter. Not that she doesn't read sad books sometimes. While still in school, she read Where the Red Fern Grows and cried like a baby. It was a wonderful book and sometimes a bit of sadness has to be put in books because that's part of life. While she reads all kinds of books at some time or another, PNR and SFR, which she writes is what she reads the most for pleasure.When she started writing, she decided on going Indie after the first two books because an author has more control. She believes Indie will compete well and continues to grow. The need to give pleasure to her readers keeps her going and she sees a long career ahead. Growing up mostly in the NW Arkansas area, it has given her a good place to set some stories and many of her characters come from there or nearby SW Missouri.The start of her stories is the easy part. Finishing them is a little harder when all the stories are in there trying to get out. She loves reading, chocolate, fine sweet wine, and traveling among a large list of pursuits. Her favorite people, after her family and close friends, are her readers who she says are some of the most wonderful people in this galaxy and the next.

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    Book preview

    The Doctor and the Daughter - Crystal Dawn

    Legend of the White Werewolf-

    The Forgotten Ones

    Ariel, a divorced mother of two and a bestselling author, meets Blake at a bar. The two are attracted to each other and eventually come together. Ariel discovers that Blake is a werewolf, and he has turned her into one as well. Blake discovers Ariel is the famous writer that has been publishing accurate werewolf romances and his council has been trying to find her for some time. When Ariel makes the change to wolf, everyone finds out that she is a white wolf, part of the legendary line thought extinct.

    Now Ariel’s family may be in danger because of their bloodline is sought after by every unmated alpha. Ariel herself is targeted by a group called the forgotten ones who had faded into the background, but now show themselves again hoping to use Ariel or her family to rise to power and eventually rule the world like they always hoped to. As if being targeted by obsessive outcasts from the wolf world isn’t enough, the reason Blake was in her corner of the world was to set up a pack. His brother Drake is their alpha, but the pack has grown too large for the resources available to them where they are. Rather than move the whole pack, they decide to divide into two packs. Half stay with Drake and half go with Blake. Through the danger, abductions, the stress of starting a new pack, a vicious ex-girlfriend, and all the difficulties of a dramatic change from human to wolf, Blake and Ariel find their love is strong. They build their new pack along with their new relationship letting nothing hold them back.

    The Second Son

    This story follows Matt, Ariel’s youngest and Sally the female he cares about but is unsure of whether he is willing to make the change to wolf for. Matt makes the change when Sally bites him because she is in heat and out of control. With the decision taken out of his hands, he makes commitments to the werewolf world that includes joining a secret organization that he really doesn’t understand. He carries out a mission for the wolf military and accepts his place with them.

    Matt’s Aunt Daisy dies and his little sister, Mikee is born. Dru and Danny meet, which sets off a whole chain of events and coyotes come to Ariel and Blake for protection. Matt and Sally are called to California to try to help prevent a pack war between two large packs there. Danny begins to show signs of growing up and leaves to stay at Bubba’s pack for a while so he can be close to Dru. Drake is obsessed with Ariel’s sister, Char, but events seem to conspire against him.

    Nigel and Bekka

    This is the third of the series and is set largely apart from the others. Nigel has everything set in place to pursue Aunt Bekka and put her in a position where she’ll be forced into his company. It never occurred to him that others would also be after her. He wants to take her back to his pack near London, but can he convince her to forget the past and love again?

    The Prodigal Son

    Danny is the older of Ariel’s two sons. He doesn’t always act like it and he needs to leave home to become a man. He falls in love with the daughter of a pack alpha who challenges him to be all that he can be by putting him at the bottom of the pecking order and allowing others to treat him poorly. When Danny finally snaps, he knows he has to become a wolf to deal with his temporary pack mates.

    He gets an opportunity for revenge on Hemple who abused Dru, who Danny had just mated. Danny and Dru go through one challenge after another but things that would tear the average couple apart just make them stronger.

    Drake’s Desire

    Blake’s twin brother Drake finally gets the chance he’s been waiting for to claim his mate, Ariel’s sister, Charlotte. She fights any signs of attraction to him, and outside forces try to tear them apart. He must struggle and fight to claim his white wolf mate. He’s lucky she’s ready to fight at his side. When the smoke clears, will they be a couple, or will she walk away?

    Boomer’s Beauty

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    When the two meet they are surrounded by danger and destruction, but there is something between them.

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    Ariel’s ex finally discovers the secrets his second wife has been keeping. Danger lurks everywhere and he must decide whether to stay or go. Can he forgive her for not telling the truth and will her supernatural status turn him off?

    The Doctor and the Daughter

    Clint isn't heartbroken that Milton ended up with Zeva. They were just really good friends. He is, however, stunned when he meets Libby, Zeva's daughter. The attraction he feels to a female who is his patient is so strong it's scary.

    Libby likes the doctor, but he doesn't seem to like her. That's okay because she has a newborn to concentrate on and an ex-boyfriend to deal with. There's also the matter of planning a future for herself and the little one. Romance can wait.

    Two stubborn souls meant to be together, but everything is trying to keep them apart.


    Libby touched her stomach and felt the movement again. Damn Paul for not being here again when something life changing was happening. It wasn’t the first time the baby had moved, but it felt like he was doing somersaults. That was both exciting and terrifying. She knew Paul was at his best friend Edward’s for some kind of guy’s get together. He was doing things like that entirely too much and she was about to put her foot down. If he truly loved her like he said, he would cut back on the frat house visits. Their baby had just flipped again, and she was going to share it with him. Paul had decided to give her all her prenatal care and he wanted to deliver the baby, so he’d better start paying attention to what was going on. It told her the time was drawing near even if it seemed too soon.

    She slid on her shoes with difficulty since she couldn’t see around her whale sized stomach and headed out to the car. They lived on campus in some apartments that she hated, but Paul liked being close to the action. That was fine and she could live with it if he started staying home. Money was tight, but they would get through this. He would be a doctor someday and their life would be good.

    Once she squeezed into the car, and she drove to the frat house Edward was the president of. They were nothing but big overgrown boys. At least Paul had agreed to live with her and not continue living with his friends. A small step? Maybe, but a big step for a commitment phobe like Paul. He’d done it for love, he’d admitted. She just wished every time she asked for something, he didn’t remind her of it.

    The full-blown party she saw as she parked on the curb stunned her. This was not what Paul had described to her. Maybe the guy’s thing had just escalated. Paul loved her so he wouldn’t lie to her. Struggling to get out of the car, she finally managed, and she was breathing heavily. She could hear the baby’s heart hammering inside her.

    Sorry little one. It’ll all be okay. I’m just going to find your daddy.

    Walking up the sidewalk a guy yelled at her. I love fat chicks!

    What a loser. She continued into the house where she found a flyer about this party. Apparently, it had been planned weeks ago. Maybe Paul didn’t know? A sick feeling of dread had settled in the pit of her stomach. Libby made her way up the first flight of steps to Paul’s old room. She prayed that it wouldn’t be as bad as she expected.

    He had a bad habit of forgetting to lock the door. She turned the doorknob. Peeking into the room, she saw Paul on the bed pounding into one girl while sucking the breasts on another one. It occurred to her that he’d never moved out of his room here. He was just splitting his time between being lost in domesticated bliss and being the life of the party. Everything he’d ever told her had been a lie.

    Tears rolled down her face and her heart broke in two. Nothing was ever going to be good in her life again. If she’d had a knife in her hand right then, she’d cut his cheating stick off and slam it into his ass. The baby kicked hard, reacting to her misery. She was out of there and he’d never see her again.

    The Doctor and the Daughter

    Chapter 1

    Home Again



    Libby went through the apartment she’d shared with Paul the prick, picking only those things most important to her. One suitcase of clothes and a bag that held anything she had of value. The rest of her clothes didn’t fit, and they hadn’t been able to afford to buy her much in the way of maternity clothes. That made packing easier.

    Due to her condition, she’d taken a semester off, mostly, so that made things easier too. She was taking two independent study classes, but she’d worry about them later. Right now, she grabbed the materials for those two classes, her computer, and her jewelry box.

    Her tears had dried, she could only cry so much before she ran dry. More tears were in the making and she knew love had abandoned her for good. Carrying out the suitcase, she loaded it in the back then went back for the other bag filled with this and that. One more time to look over everything and she ended up grabbing her one cup gourmet coffee maker. She’d almost left it because Paul had made her stop drinking coffee. The furniture was all yard sale specials, so she didn’t mind leaving that.

    The place was rented in Paul’s name, and she wished him luck with that. He had no job, and she paid all their bills out of her account even though they were in his name. The cheater wouldn’t be laughing about what a fool she’d been when the bills kept coming. Paul wouldn’t think she’d been easy to fool when he got in trouble for not paying his rent, the rent on his big screen TV, and the utilities.

    It was only a little satisfaction as far as revenge went, but it was better than no revenge at all. The lying cheat would also have a hard time finding her since she used her father’s mother’s maiden name and a fake address. For the first time that she could remember, she was thrilled she’d listened to her mother. A white wolf female could never be too careful.

    Libby carefully got in her SUV and took off down the road going to the only place that came to mind, home. No matter how cold she’d been to her mom, she knew she would be welcome there. It made tears come to her eyes when she finally realized how selfish she’d been where her mom was concerned. She’d make it up to her now and present her with her grandchild. Not that she worried about being forgiven. Her mom was the best and she’d always known that.

    She used her hands-free device to place a call. The phone rang and then she heard someone answer. Hello? It was a man.

    Who is this? She demanded knowing her mom had a boyfriend, but surely it wasn’t serious.

    This is Milton. Who is this?

    This is Libby. What are you doing with my mom’s phone?

    Hello Libby. We’ve not met yet, but your mom was going to introduce us around the holidays.

    Why are you answering her phone?

    She was in the middle of cooking supper, so I answered.

    Why something as simple as her mom cooking supper brought it on, she didn’t know, but she began to cry. Libby, are you alright? Milton asked.

    Noooo! I’m coming home. Tears flew and her nose started running. She grabbed a tissue and blew her nose hard, and a honking noise came out. When she migrated into the other lane, she swerved back just in time to avoid a head on collision. The other driver honked his horn. Damn, she hated it when she messed up. Libby knew she needed to keep her eyes on the road and her hands on the wheel.

    Libby? Milton whispered. Where are you and do we need to come get you?

    No, I’m leaving where I used to live and coming home. I caught Paul.

    Who is Paul?

    My ex-boyfriend.


    Yes, because I caught him.

    That doesn’t sound good at all.

    It wasn’t.

    Libby kept forgetting she didn’t know Milton and he didn’t know her. Why she was even talking to him was something else she had to think about, but not now. Right now, she hurt all over. Her stomach, because the baby was upset, her head from crying too much, and her heart because it was broken and then smashed into little itty bitty pieces.

    Her phone buzzed, she had a call waiting. She looked to see who it was. Yeah, it was Paul the prick. She ignored his call and just kept talking to Milton. What was he doing when you caught him?

    Having sex with at least two women. He lied about a guy’s night and went for the girls instead. I just want to cut off his balls and feed them to him.

    That’s perfectly understandable. I’m going to hand off the phone to your mom. She’s done with supper now.

    Libby? Are you okay, Baby?

    No, Mama. You were right. He’s no good and he cheated on me. I’m coming home.

    When will you get here?

    Two hours is what the GPS says. I don’t know what to do.

    You just concentrate on getting here and we’ll figure out everything.

    Thank you, Mama. Libby wondered what

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