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Trick of the Light: Anti-Heroes, #1
Trick of the Light: Anti-Heroes, #1
Trick of the Light: Anti-Heroes, #1
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Trick of the Light: Anti-Heroes, #1

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Karl leads a quiet life—quieter than he wants, especially since getting into a fight with one of the most powerful men in the city—but it could be worse. In a city where super heroes and villains can level a city block in a moment, it's a good day when nothing is destroyed, especially for the man who sells super hero insurance.

After yet another date stands him up, Karl heads home for another night spent reading with only his cats for company. But a strange sound at the bus stop leads him to a shocking discovery: Trick of the Light, a notorious villain in possession of an impossible power, and currently the intense focus of a man hunt by the Grand Order of Defenders.

But Karl has never had much respect for the Order and its arrogant, cavalier super heroes. Whatever the risks, he'd much rather spend the night helping a villain, especially since once Trick is well enough to move Karl will probably never see him again…

PublisherMegan Derr
Release dateJan 11, 2016
Trick of the Light: Anti-Heroes, #1

Megan Derr

Megan is a long-time resident of queer romance and keeps herself busy reading and writing it. She is often accused of fluff and nonsense. When she’s not involved in writing, she likes to cook, harass her wife and cats, or watch movies. She loves to hear from readers and can be found all over the[email protected]@meganaderr

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    Book preview

    Trick of the Light - Megan Derr


    Of the


    ANTI-HEROES | Book One


    Karl leads a quiet life—quieter than he wants, especially since getting into a fight with one of the most powerful men in the city—but it could be worse. In a city where super heroes and villains can level a city block in a moment, it's a good day when nothing is destroyed, especially for the man who sells super hero insurance.

    After yet another date stands him up, Karl heads home for another night spent reading with only his cats for company. But a strange sound at the bus stop leads him to a shocking discovery: Trick of the Light, a notorious villain in possession of an impossible power, and currently the intense focus of a manhunt by the Grand Order of Defenders.

    But Karl has never had much respect for the Order and its arrogant, cavalier super heroes. Whatever the risks, he'd much rather spend the night helping a villain, especially since once Trick is well enough to move Karl will probably never see him again…

    Book Details

    Trick of the Light

    Anti-Heroes 1

    By Megan Derr

    Published by Megan Derr

    All rights reserved.  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission of the publisher, except for the purpose of reviews.

    Edited by Samantha M. Derr

    Cover designed by Natasha Snow

    This book is a work of fiction and all names, characters, places, and incidents are fictional or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, places, or events is coincidental.

    First Edition January 2016

    Copyright © 2016 by Megan Derr

    Printed in the United States of America


    Of the


    Karl stared glumly at his lucky watch, a 1945 Universal Tri-Compax. Not so lucky tonight, though it wasn't really the watch's fault. He'd just hoped it might actually change his luck for once.

    But this wasn't even close to the first time he'd been stood up. He was developing a knack for spotting his would-be dates, knew that look of nope in the split second before their faces smoothed out and they pretended to still be looking around before they left after a few more seconds.

    He might live in a city, but it largely functioned like a small town in some ways, and his would-be dates always bailed when they realized TickTock24 was the man who'd pissed off Tanner DeVine several months ago when they'd gotten into a bidding war over a watch—a 1956 Rolex Submariner 6538 Karl was still bitter about having lost, especially to an ass like Tanner DeVine. Tanner, of course, had been furious that anyone had dared challenge him in the first place, and so months later, Karl was still being avoided and stood up.

    Even his business had taken a slight hit, though the hit to his private life was vastly more painful and humiliating. He probably would have been out of business entirely except most of his customers were long established. They were strong recs to new clients, and the other guys couldn't offer better policies. But without the reputation that came with having existed as long as the city itself, he'd have been sunk there too.

    The blow to his personal life was hard enough. On the rare chance his dates didn't recognize him… Well, he was plain, sold insurance, geeked over watches, had two cats, and liked country music. International Man of Mystery, he was not. Nobody looking for excitement wanted to date the boring guy who sold insurance for the damage caused by the local heroes and villains (more the heroes, but good luck getting the newspapers to print that). In a city where excitement was everything, being boring was almost a bigger crime than being one of the villains. And the only thing worse than boring was to be known as the guy who'd made an enemy of DeVine.

    Shrugging into his trench coat, Karl left enough money on the table to cover his calamari, wine, and a generous tip for the server.

    So much for seafood, an ocean view, and Firecracker300M. Stupid handle, anyway. Karl retrieved his umbrella from the stand by the doors, then pushed outside to the patio and stared glumly at the cold, drizzling rain.

    Hopefully there weren't too many claims waiting for him, though he anticipated at least a few. Winter was quickly moving in, and if Sunrise and the rest of the Grand Order of Defenders put anyone out of their homes again, it wasn't the villains they would need to be worried about. Karl would never comprehend why the city fawned over The Magnificent Sunrise. Speaking of stupid names.

    He'd taken a taxi to the restaurant, eager and hopeful and feeling worthy of the indulgence, but he had zero desire to hurry home. What was waiting for him? Emails from stressed clients, a depressingly empty inbox on his dating site profile, and two cats mortally offended their dinner was late.

    Heaving a sigh, Karl opened his umbrella and left the restaurant, grimacing as he plunged into the cold rain. The crappy parking lot was already half-flooded and ruining his expensive wool slacks (his new pair because he really had been hopeful for this date). That should have been his first warning it was gonna end in a whole lot of nothing.

    Misery pressed down on him, ignoring all his efforts to think about anything else. So he wasn't model-hot, and he didn't have a photoshop-worthy sixpack. His hair was dishwater, fine. But he wasn't hideous, and his job might not be glamorous, but it was solid. He made good money, but he didn't do it by hurting or taking advantage of people. His business was the oldest in the city for super hero insurance. He sold excellent policies, took care of every valid claim no matter what. His great-great-great-grandfather had started the business, and Karl maintained the reputation the rest of his family had so carefully built. When the Moronic Sunrise knocked down houses, Karl made certain they got repaired or replaced. Didn't that count for something, even if he had pissed off DeVine?

    He looked at his watch, a long ago gift from his father back when Karl had just started getting into collecting watches. So what if his night had been crappy. It was still his lucky watch. It also told him it was getting close to eight, which meant he had a good twenty minutes before the next bus. Crossing the street at the corner, he walked down the block to the bus stop.

    It was a dark, sad-looking thing: the plastic roof was cracked, so water splashed down on most of the bench, leaving one small dry patch. The only light came from the streetlamp at the corner, dull orange light that didn't do anything except emphasize how little light there was.

    Karl sat down heavily on the bench—froze when he heard something. A moan-whimper kind of sound. He looked around but couldn't see anyone. Rolling his eyes at himself, he pulled out his phone and opened the book app, picked a book at random, and began to read.

    Someone coughed, but it was cut off, hastily and poorly muffled.  It was

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