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Artificial Intelligence for Marketing: Practical Applications
Artificial Intelligence for Marketing: Practical Applications
Artificial Intelligence for Marketing: Practical Applications
Ebook598 pages8 hours

Artificial Intelligence for Marketing: Practical Applications

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A straightforward, non-technical guide to the next major marketing tool

Artificial Intelligence for Marketing presents a tightly-focused introduction to machine learning, written specifically for marketing professionals. This book will not teach you to be a data scientist—but it does explain how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will revolutionize your company's marketing strategy, and teach you how to use it most effectively. Data and analytics have become table stakes in modern marketing, but the field is ever-evolving with data scientists continually developing new algorithms—where does that leave you? How can marketers use the latest data science developments to their advantage? This book walks you through the "need-to-know" aspects of Artificial Intelligence, including natural language processing, speech recognition, and the power of Machine Learning to show you how to make the most of this technology in a practical, tactical way.

Simple illustrations clarify complex concepts, and case studies show how real-world companies are taking the next leap forward. Straightforward, pragmatic, and with no math required, this book will help you:

  • Speak intelligently about Artificial Intelligence and its advantages in marketing
  • Understand how marketers without a Data Science degree can make use of machine learning technology
  • Collaborate with data scientists as a subject matter expert to help develop focused-use applications
  • Help your company gain a competitive advantage by leveraging leading-edge technology in marketing

Marketing and data science are two fast-moving, turbulent spheres that often intersect; that intersection is where marketing professionals pick up the tools and methods to move their company forward. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning provide a data-driven basis for more robust and intensely-targeted marketing strategies—and companies that effectively utilize these latest tools will reap the benefit in the marketplace. Artificial Intelligence for Marketing provides a nontechnical crash course to help you stay ahead of the curve.

Release dateAug 2, 2017

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    Book preview

    Artificial Intelligence for Marketing - Jim Sterne


    Welcome to the Future

    The shovel is a tool, and so is a bulldozer. Neither works on its own, automating the task of digging. But both tools augment our ability to dig.

    Dr. Douglas Engelbart, "Improving Our Ability to Improve"¹

    Marketing is about to get weird. We've become used to an ever‐increasing rate of change. But occasionally, we have to catch our breath, take a new sighting, and reset our course.

    Between the time my grandfather was born in 1899 and his seventh birthday:

    Theodore Roosevelt took over as president from William McKinley.

    Dr. Henry A. Rowland of Johns Hopkins University announced a theory about the cause of the Earth's magnetism.

    L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was published in Chicago.

    The first zeppelin flight was carried out over Lake Constance near Friedrichshafen, Germany.

    Karl Landsteiner developed a system of blood typing.

    The Ford Motor Company produced its first car—the Ford Model A.

    Thomas Edison invented the nickel‐alkaline storage battery.

    The first electric typewriter was invented by George Canfield Blickensderfer of Erie, Pennsylvania.

    The first radio that successfully received a radio transmission was developed by Guglielmo Marconi.

    The Wright brothers flew at Kitty Hawk.

    The Panama Canal was under construction.

    Benjamin Holt invented one of the first practical continuous tracks for use in tractors and tanks.

    The Victor Talking Machine Company released the Victrola.

    The Autochrome Lumière, patented in 1903, became the first commercial color photography process.

    My grandfather then lived to see men walk on the moon.

    In the next few decades, we will see:

    Self‐driving cars replace personally owned transportation.

    Doctors routinely operate remote, robotic surgery devices.

    Implantable communication devices replace mobile phones.

    In‐eye augmented reality become normalized.

    Maglev elevators travel sideways and transform building shapes.

    Every surface consume light for energy and act as a display.

    Mind‐controlled prosthetics with tactile skin interfaces become mainstream.

    Quantum computing make today's systems microscopic.

    3‐D printers allow for instant delivery of goods.

    Style‐selective, nanotech clothing continuously clean itself.

    And today's youngsters will live to see a colony on Mars.

    It's no surprise that computational systems will manage more tasks in advertising and marketing. Yes, we have lots of technology for marketing, but the next step into artificial intelligence and machine learning will be different. Rather than being an ever‐larger confusion of rules‐based programs, operating faster than the eye can see, AI systems will operate more inscrutably than the human mind can fathom.


    The autonomic nervous system controls everything you don't have to think about: your heart, your breathing, your digestion. All of these things can happen while you're asleep or unconscious. These tasks are complex, interrelated, and vital. They are so necessary they must function continuously without the need for deliberate thought.

    That's where marketing is headed. We are on the verge of the need for autonomic responses just to stay afloat. Personalization, recommendations, dynamic content selection, and dynamic display styles are all going to be table stakes.

    The technologies seeing the light of day in the second decade of the twenty‐first century will be made available as services and any company not using them will suffer the same fate as those that decided not to avail themselves of word processing, database management, or Internet marketing. And so, it's time to open up that black box full of mumbo‐jumbo called artificial intelligence and understand it just well enough to make the most of it for marketing. Ignorance is no excuse. You should be comfortable enough with artificial intelligence to put it to practical use without having to get a degree in data science.


    It is of the highest importance in the art of detection to be able to recognize, out of a number of facts, which are incidental and which vital.

    Sherlock Holmes, The Reigate Squires

    This book looks at some current buzzwords to make just enough sense for regular marketing folk to understand what's going on.

    This is no deep exposé on the dark arts of artificial intelligence.

    This is no textbook for learning a new type of programming.

    This is no exhaustive catalog of cutting‐edge technologies.

    This book is not for those with advanced math degrees or those who wish to become data scientists. If, however, you are inspired to delve into the bottomless realm of modern systems building, I'll point you to How to Get the Best Deep Learning Education for Free² and be happy to take the credit for inspiring you. But that is not my intent.

    You will not find passages like the following in this book:

    Monte‐Carlo simulations are used in many contexts: to produce high quality pseudo‐random numbers, in complex settings such as multi‐layer spatio‐temporal hierarchical Bayesian models, to estimate parameters, to compute statistics associated with very rare events, or even to generate large amount of data (for instance cross and auto‐correlated time series) to test and compare various algorithms, especially for stock trading or in engineering.

    24 Uses of Statistical Modeling (Part II)³

    You will find explanations such as: Artificial intelligence is valuable because it was designed to deal in gray areas rather than crank out statistical charts and graphs. It is capable, over time, of understanding context.

    The purpose of this tome is to be a primer, an introduction, a statement of understanding for those who have regular jobs in marketing—and would like to keep them in the foreseeable future.

    Let's start with a super‐simple comparison between artificial intelligence and machine learning from Avinash Kaushik, digital marketing evangelist at Google: "AI is an intelligent machine and ML is the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed."

    Artificial intelligence is a machine pretending to be a human. Machine learning is a machine pretending to be a statistical programmer. Managing either one requires a data scientist.

    An ever‐so‐slightly deeper definition comes from E. Fredkin University professor at the Carnegie Mellon University Tom Mitchell:

    The field of Machine Learning seeks to answer the question, How can we build computer systems that automatically improve with experience, and what are the fundamental laws that govern all learning processes?

    A machine learns with respect to a particular task T, performance metric P, and type of experience E, if the system reliably improves its performance P at task T, following experience E. Depending on how we specify T, P, and E, the learning task might also be called by names such as data mining, autonomous discovery, database updating, programming by example, etc.

    Machine learning is a computer's way of using a given data set to figure out how to perform a specific function through trial and error. What is a specific function? A simple example is deciding the best e‐mail subject line for people who used certain search terms to find your website, their behavior on your website, and their subsequent responses (or lack thereof) to your e‐mails.

    The machine looks at previous results, formulates a conclusion, and then waits for the results of a test of its hypothesis. The machine next consumes those test results and updates its weighting factors from which it suggests alternative subject lines—over and over.

    There is no final answer because reality is messy and ever changing. So, just like humans, the machine is always accepting new input to formulate its judgments. It's learning.

    The "three Ds" of artificial intelligence are that it can detect, decide, and develop.


    AI can discover which elements or attributes in a subject matter domain are the most predictive. Even with a great deal of noisy data and a large variety of data types, it can identify the most revealing characteristics, figuring out which to heed to and which to ignore.


    AI can infer rules about data, from the data, and weigh the most predictive attributes against each other to make a decision. It can take an enormous number of characteristics into consideration, ponder the relevance of each, and reach a conclusion.


    AI can grow and mature with each iteration. Whether it is considering new information or the results of experimentation, it can alter its opinion about the environment as well as how it evaluates that environment. It can program itself.


    This is the sort of book data scientists should buy for their marketing colleagues to help them understand what goes on in the data science department.

    This is the sort of book marketing professionals should buy for their data scientists to help them understand what goes on in the marketing department.

    This book is for the marketing manager who has to respond to the C‐level insistence that the marketing department get with the times (management by in‐flight magazine).

    This book is for the marketing manager who has finally become comfortable with analytics as a concept, and learned how to become a dexterous consumer of analytics outputs, but must now face a new educational learning curve.

    This book is for the rest of us who need to understand the big, broad brushstrokes of this new type of data processing in order to understand where we are headed in business.

    This book is for those of us who need to survive even though we are not data scientists, algorithm magicians, or predictive analytics statisticians.

    We must get a firm grasp on artificial intelligence because it will be our jobs to make use of it in ways that raise revenue, lower costs, increase customer satisfaction, and improve organizational capabilities.


    Artificial intelligence will give you the ability to match information about your product with the information your prospective buyers need at the moment and in a format they are most likely to consume it most effectively.

    I came across my first seemingly self‐learning computer system when I was selling Apple II computers in a retail store in Santa Barbara in 1980. Since then, I've been fascinated by how computers can be useful in life and work. I was so interested, in fact, that I ended up explaining (and selling) computers to companies that had never had one before, and programming tools to software engineers, and consulting to the world's largest corporations on how to improve their digital relationships with customers through analytics.

    Machine learning offers so much power and so much opportunity that we're in the same place we were with personal computers in 1980, the Internet in 1993, and e‐commerce when began taking over e‐commerce.

    In each case, the promise was enormous and the possibilities were endless. Those who understood the impact could take advantage of it before their competitors. But the advantage was fuzzy, the implications were diverse, and speculations were off the chart.

    The same is true of AI today. We know it's powerful and we know it's going to open doors we had not anticipated. There are current examples of marketing departments experimenting with some good and some not‐so‐good outcomes, but the promise remains enormous.

    In advertising, machine learning works overtime to get the right message to the right person at the right time. The machine folds response rates back into the algorithm, not just the database. In the realm of customer experience, machine learning rapidly produces and takes action on new data‐driven insights, which then act as new input for the next iteration of its models. Businesses use the results to delight customers, anticipate needs, and achieve competitive advantage.

    Consider the telecommunications company that uses automation to respond to customer service requests quicker or the bank that uses data on past activity to serve up more timely and relevant offers to customers through e‐mail or the retail company that uses beacon technology to engage its most loyal shoppers in the store.

    Don't forget media companies using machine learning to track customer preference data to analyze viewing history and present personalized content recommendations. In The Age of Analytics: Competing in a Data‐Driven World,⁵ McKinsey Global Institute studied the areas in a dozen industries that were ripe for disruption by AI. Media was one of them. (See Figure 1.1.)⁶

    Illustration of McKinsey survey finds advertising and marketing highly ranked for disruption.

    Figure 1.1 A McKinsey survey finds advertising and marketing highly ranked for disruption.


    As you are an astute businessperson, you are asking whether the investment is worth the effort. After all, this is experimental stuff and Google is still trying to teach a car how to drive itself.

    Christopher Berry, Director of Product Intelligence for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, puts the business spin on this question.

    Look at the progress that Google has made in terms of its self‐driving car technology. They invested years and years and years in computer vision, and then training machines to respond to road conditions. Then look at the way that Tesla has been able to completely catch up by way of watching its drivers just use the car.

    The emotional reaction that a data scientist is going to have is, "I'm building machine to be better than a human being. Why would I want to bring a machine up to the point of it being as bad as a human being?"

    The commercial answer is that if you can train a generic Machine Learning algorithm well enough to do a job as poorly as a human being, it's still better than hiring an expensive human being because every single time that machine runs, you don't have to pay its pension, you don't have to pay its salary, and it doesn't walk out the door and maybe go off to a competitor.

    And there's a possibility that it could surpass a human intelligence. If you follow that argument all the way through, narrow machine intelligence is good enough for problem subsets that are incredibly routine.

    We have so many companies that are dedicated to marketing automation and to smart agents and smart bots. If we were to enumerate all the jobs being done in marketing department and score them based on how much pain caused, and how esteemed they are, you'd have no shortage of start‐ups trying to provide the next wave of mechanization in the age of information.

    And heaven knows, we have plenty of well‐paid people spending a great deal of time doing incredibly routine work.

    So machine learning is great. It's powerful. It's the future of marketing. But just what the heck is it?


    What are AI, cognitive computing, and machine learning? In The History of Artificial Intelligence,⁸ Chris Smith introduces AI this way:

    The term artificial intelligence was first coined by John McCarthy in 1956 when he held the first academic conference on the subject. But the journey to understand if machines can truly think began much before that. In Vannevar Bush's seminal work As We May Think (1945) he proposed a system which amplifies people's own knowledge and understanding. Five years later Alan Turing wrote a paper on the notion of machines being able to simulate human beings and the ability to do intelligent things, such as play Chess (1950).

    In brief—AI mimics humans, while machine learning is a system that can figure out how to figure out a specific task. According to SAS, multinational developer of analytics software, Cognitive computing is based on self‐learning systems that use machine‐learning techniques to perform specific, humanlike tasks in an intelligent way.


    We start with AI, artificial intelligence, as it is the overarching term for a variety of technologies. AI generally refers to making computers act like people. Weak AI is that which can do something very specific, very well, and strong AI is that which thinks like humans, draws on general knowledge, imitates common sense, threatens to become self‐aware, and takes over the world.

    We have lived with weak AI for a while now. Pandora is very good at choosing what music you might like based on the sort of music you liked before. Amazon is pretty good at guessing that if you bought this, you might like to buy that. Google's AlphaGo beat Go world champion Lee Sedol in March 2016. Another AI system (DeepStack) beat experts at no‐limit, Texas Hold'em Poker.¹⁰ But none of those systems can do anything else. They are weak.

    Artificial intelligence is a large umbrella. Under it, you'll find visual recognition (That's a cat!), voice recognition (you can say things like, It won't turn on or It won't connect to the Internet or It never arrived), natural language processing (I think you said you wanted me to open the garage door and warm up your car. Is that right?), expert systems (Based on its behavior, I am 98.3% confident that is a cat), affective computing (I see cats make you happy), and robotics (I'm acting like a cat).


    The magic of machine learning is that it was designed to learn, not to follow strict rules. This is the most fundamental aspect to understand and the most important to remember when you hit that inevitable frustration when things start going slightly off‐track. A rules‐based system does exactly what it's told and nothing more. We are comforted by that. A command to send out a gazillion e‐mails with the after the salutation does precisely that. That's good.

    Of course, when the database has something fishy in the first_name field, then somebody gets an e‐mail that begins, Hello, Null, how are you? Once humans know to look for those sorts of mistakes, we create processes to check and correct the data before hitting Send the next time.

    When a batch of e‐mails goes out that all say, Hello, , how are you? and the e‐mails all include those brackets and that underline, we know to flail the programmers until they find the errant semicolon that caused the problem. In both cases, we can backtrack, find the problem, and fix it.

    Machine learning has data and is given a task. It performs the task and waits for feedback. If the feedback is positive, it tries to duplicate the same actions the next time for a similar task. If the feedback is negative, it requires information on where it went wrong.

    Guess the Animal

    In 1980, at the Personal Electronics store in Santa Barbara, California, I was shown a program that could guess the animal you had in mind. I was flabbergasted. It was a simple case of Asimov's Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

    It: Think of an animal…

    Is it an elephant? (y or n)

    Me: n

    It: You win. Help me learn from my mistake before you go … What animal were you thinking of?

    Me: a rabbit

    It: Give me a question to distinguish a rabbit from an elephant.

    Me: Is it a small animal?

    It: For a rabbit, what is the answer to your question? (y or n)

    Me: y

    It: Thanks.

    Play again? (y or n)

    Me: y

    It: Think of an animal …

    Is it a small animal? (y or n)

    Me: y

    It: Is it a rabbit? (y or n)

    Me: n

    It: You win. Help me learn from my mistake before you go … What animal were you thinking of?

    Me: a frog

    It: Give me a question to distinguish a frog from rabbit and an elephant.

    Me: Is it green?

    It: Thanks.

    Play again? (y or n)

    Me: No, I see how this works now.

    It: I don't understand.

    Play again? (y or n)

    Me: n

    It: Goodbye

    Is this program rudimentary? You bet. Was this machine learning? Almost.

    After running again and again, the game could guess exactly what animal you had in mind after only a few questions. It was impressive, but it was just following programmed logic. It was not learning. Guess the Animal could update its rules‐based database and appear to be getting smarter as it went along, but it did not change how it made decisions.

    The Machine that Programs Itself

    Machine learning systems look for patterns and try to make sense of them. It all starts with the question: What problem are you trying to solve?

    Let's say you want the machine to recognize a picture of a cat. Feed it all the pictures of cats you can get your hands on and tell it, These are cats. The machine looks through all of them, looking for patterns. It sees that cats have fur, pointy ears, tails, and so on, and waits for you to ask a question.

    How many paws does a cat have?

    On average, 3.24.

    That's a good, solid answer from a regular database. It looks at all the photos, adds up the paws, and divides by the number of pictures.

    But a machine learning system is designed to learn. When you tell the machine that most cats have four paws, it can realize that it cannot see all of the paws. So when you ask,

    How many ears does a cat have?

    No more than two.

    the machine has learned something from its experience with paws and can apply that learning to counting ears.

    The magic of machine learning is building systems that build themselves. We teach the machine to learn how to learn. We build systems that can write their own algorithms, their own architecture. Rather than learn more information, they are able to change their minds about the data they acquire. They alter the way they perceive. They learn.

    The code is unreadable to humans. The machine writes its own code. You can't fix it; you can only try to correct its behavior.

    It's troublesome that we cannot backtrack and find out where a machine learning system went off the rails if things come out wrong. That makes us decidedly uncomfortable. It is also likely to be illegal, especially in Europe.

    The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years says the homepage of the EU GDPR Portal.¹¹ Article 5, Principles Relating to Personal Data Processing, starts right out with:

    Personal Data must be:

    * processed lawfully, fairly, and in a manner transparent to the data subject

    * collected for specified, explicit purposes and only those purposes

    * limited to the minimum amount of personal data necessary for a given situation

    * accurate and where necessary, up to date

    * kept in a form that permits identification of the data subject for only as long as is necessary, with the only exceptions being statistical or scientific research purposes pursuant to article 83a

    * Parliament adds that the data must be processed in a manner allowing the data subject to exercise his/her rights and protects the integrity of the data

    * Council adds that the data must be processed in a manner that ensures the security of the data processed under the responsibility and liability of the data controller

    Imagine sitting in a bolted‐to‐the‐floor chair in a small room at a heavily scarred table with a single, bright spotlight overhead and a detective leaning in asking, So how did your system screw this up so badly and how are you going to fix it? Show me the decision‐making process!

    This is a murky area at the moment, and one that is being reviewed and pursued. Machine learning systems will have to come with tools that allow a decision to be explored and explained.


    Most of this sounds a little over‐the‐horizon and science‐fiction‐ish, and it is. But it's only just over the horizon. (Quick—check the publication date at the front of this book!) The capabilities have been in the lab for a while now. Examples are in the field. AI and machine learning are being used in advertising, marketing, and customer service, and they don't seem to be slowing down.

    But there are some projections that this is all coming at an alarming rate.¹²

    According to researcher Gartner, AI bots will power 85% of all customer service interactions by the year 2020. Given Facebook and other messaging platforms have already seen significant adoption of customer service bots on their chat apps, this shouldn't necessarily come as a huge surprise. Since this use of AI can help reduce wait times for many types of interactions, this trend sounds like a win for businesses and customers alike.

    The White House says it's time to get ready. In a report called Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence (October 2016),¹³ the Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology Council Committee on Technology said:

    The current wave of progress and enthusiasm for AI began around 2010, driven by three factors that built upon each other: the availability of big data from sources including e‐commerce, businesses, social media, science, and government; which provided raw material for dramatically improved Machine Learning approaches and algorithms; which in turn relied on the capabilities of more powerful computers. During this period, the pace of improvement surprised AI experts. For example, on a popular image recognition challenge¹⁴ that has a 5 percent human error rate according to one error measure, the best AI result improved from a 26 percent error rate in 2011 to 3.5 percent in 2015.

    Simultaneously, industry has been increasing its investment in AI. In 2016, Google Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sundar Pichai said, Machine Learning [a subfield of AI] is a core, transformative way by which we're rethinking how we're doing everything. We are thoughtfully applying it across all our products, be it search, ads, YouTube, or Play. And we're in early days, but you will see us—in a systematic way—apply Machine Learning in all these areas. This view of AI broadly impacting how software is created and delivered was widely shared by CEOs in the technology industry, including Ginni Rometty of IBM, who has said that her organization is betting the company on AI.

    The commercial growth in AI is surprising to those of little faith and not at all surprising to true believers. IDC Research predicts that spending on AI software for marketing and related function businesses will grow at an exceptionally fast cumulative average growth rate (CAGR) of 54 percent worldwide, from around $360 million in 2016 to over $2 billion in 2020, due to the attractiveness of this technology to both sell‐side suppliers and buy‐side end‐user customers.¹⁵

    Best to be prepared for the ketchup effect, as Mattias Östmar called it: First nothing, then nothing, then a drip and then all of a sudden—splash!

    You might call it hype, crystal‐balling, or wishful thinking, but the best minds of our time are taking it very seriously. The White House's primary recommendation from the above report is to examine whether and how (private and public institutions) can responsibly leverage AI and Machine Learning in ways that will benefit society.

    Can you responsibly leverage AI and machine learning in ways that will benefit society? What happens if you don't? What could possibly go wrong?


    Cyberdyne will become the largest supplier of military computer systems. All stealth bombers are upgraded with Cyberdyne computers, becoming fully unmanned. Afterwards, they fly with a perfect operational record. The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes online August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self‐aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.

    The Terminator, Orion Pictures, 1984

    At the end of 2014, Professor Stephen Hawking rattled the data science world when he warned, The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race…. It would take off on its own, and re‐design itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn't compete and would be superseded.¹⁶

    In August 2014, Elon Musk took to Twitter to express his misgivings:

    Worth reading Superintelligence by Bostrom. We need to be super careful with AI. Potentially more dangerous than nukes, (Figure 1.2) and Hope we're not just the biological boot loader for digital superintelligence. Unfortunately, that is increasingly probable.

    Snapshot of Elon Musk expressing his disquiet on Twitter.

    Figure 1.2 Elon Musk expresses his disquiet on Twitter.

    In a clip from the movie Lo and Behold, by German filmmaker Werner Herzog, Musk says:

    I think that the biggest risk is not that the AI will develop a will of its own, but rather that it will follow the will of people that establish its utility function. If it is not well thought out—even if its intent is benign—it could have quite a bad outcome. If you were a hedge fund or private equity fund and you said, Well, all I want my AI to do is maximize the value of my portfolio, then the AI could decide, well, the best way to do that is to short consumer stocks, go long defense stocks, and start a war. That would obviously be quite bad.

    While Hawking is thinking big, Musk raises the quintessential Paperclip Maximizer Problem and the Intentional Consequences Problem.

    The AI that Ate the Earth

    Say you build an AI system with a goal of maximizing the number of paperclips it has. The threat is that it learns how to find paperclips,

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