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Dimensional Ascension: MultiDimensional Living for Light Workers
Dimensional Ascension: MultiDimensional Living for Light Workers
Dimensional Ascension: MultiDimensional Living for Light Workers
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Dimensional Ascension: MultiDimensional Living for Light Workers

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Dimensional Ascension: Multi-Dimensional Living for Light Workers delivers a powerful message that will help anyone speculating the deeper meaning of life here upon this planet. "What is my purpose?" "Why am I here on earth at this time?" "Will I ever be happy?" These are questions that many people today are asking themselves. Dimensional Ascension: Multi-Dimensional Living for Light Workers can help you answer some of the most pressing, intimate concerns in your life. By understanding and utilizing the multi-dimensional information given in Dimensional Ascension, and via answering the self-reflective workbook questions at the back of the book, anyone with even just a bit of curiosity may be able to enhance life experience. Begin to attain healthy relationships, explore vocational options, and manifest prosperity and happiness.
Make your dreams come true by comprehending what is at the core of this existence, by knowing what your soul wants. Through Dimensional Ascension learn to tap into the power of your own mind, use imagination to create reality, and access the full capacity of love to transform every relationship in your life.
You will recognize the workings of your psyche; the spirit of life beyond this world but also that which is inside of you.
About the author
Jules Kennedy began her profession as a clairvoyant reader in 1987, but has been receiving channeled messages since childhood. She reads for clients worldwide and also facilitates weekend retreats. Jules holds degrees in Human Development, Counseling, and Psychic Studies.
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Book #1 From the Utopian Vision Ascension

Release dateDec 1, 2006
Dimensional Ascension: MultiDimensional Living for Light Workers

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    Book preview

    Dimensional Ascension - Jules Kennedy


    Multi-Dimensional Living for Light Workers

    By Jules Kennedy

    Book #1 of the Utopian Vision Ascension Series

    Dimensional Ascension: Multi-Dimensional Living for Light Workers

    Book number one of the Utopian Vision Ascension Series

    Copyright © 1995, 2006 Jules Kennedy. All Rights Reserved.

    No part of this publication reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other otherwise, or stored in a retrieval system, without the prior written consent of the publisher.

    First Edition: April 2006

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Kennedy, Jules, 1957-

      Dimensional ascension : multi-dimensional living for light workers / by Jules Kennedy.— 1st ed.

         p. cm. — (Utopian vision ascension series; bk. #1)

      Includes index.

      ISBN 1-932690-21-2 (trade paper : alk. paper)

    1. Channeling (Spiritualism) I. Title. II. Series.

    BF1286.K46 2006



    Distributed by: Baker & Taylor, Ingram Book Group, New Leaf Distributing

    L  o  v  i  n  g    H  e  a  l  i  n  g    P  r  e  s  s


    I dedicate this work and this message to all those who support beauty, love, and life everlasting.

    Loving Healing Press is dedicated to producing books about innovative and rapid therapies which redefine what is possible for healing the mind and spirit.

    About the Cover

    Golden sunlight falls on the Royal Society Range across McMurdo Sound from McMurdo Station, Ross Island. McMurdo Station is one of three U.S. research stations on Antarctica. The National Science Foundation operates them all. (Date of Image: Oct. 20, 2005)

    Credit: Photo by: Steven Profaizer, National Science Foundation

    For information on how to obtain museum-quality reproduction posters of any Loving Healing Press book covers, contact [email protected]

    Table of Contents


    What is Channeling?


    Understanding Light Work

    Energy and the Mental Gridwork

    What is Light Work?

    The Emotional Body

    Chapter 1 – A Welcome From The Guides

    Chapter 2 – Introduction to Grace

    Chapter 3 – Connecting with Your Soul

    Chapter 4 – On Grace

    Integrating Grace

    Becoming Grace

    Transmitting Grace

    Chapter 5 – Faith and Receiving

    Interaction with Heavenly Guidance

    Insight from Carpathion

    Chapter 6 – Multi-Dimensional Living and the Body

    Shifting Into Multi-Dimensional Perception

    Transmuting Fear

    Physical and Emotional Release

    Preserving Physical Health

    Releasing And Utilizing Psychic Influences

    Chapter 7 – Multi-Dimensional Living and the Psyche

    The Cleansing of the Psyche

    Self Love

    Changing Belief Patterns

    Building a Vision / Becoming Light

    The Gift of Prophecy

    Chapter 8 – Mind, Thought, and Energy

    Layers in Consciousness

    On Imagination

    Mental Process And Manifestation


    Layered Thought Structure

    Moving Energy Forward

    Chapter 9 – Societal Changes Within the Dimensional Shift

    Time And Space

    Chapter 10 – The Twelve Principles of Manifestation

    Chapter 11 –Relationship, Love, and Compassion

    On Love

    On Compassion

    Chapter 12 – Soul Mated Relationships


    Appendix A – Transcendence Journey

    Appendix B – The Spiral Journey

    Appendix C – Dimensions Table


    Companion Workbook

    About the Author

    By Jules and the Guides

    What is Channeling?

    We all channel, all of the time. We bring thoughts into verbal and written expression continuously. Where do these thoughts come from? And why do we choose the ones we do to individually express?

    Thoughts are simply threads of energy comprised as matter. Thought is the initial component of material manifestation. In other words, What you think is what you get. Through the process of meditation and other methods that quiet the mind we begin to clear away enough clutter so that thoughts of higher quality (finer vibration) can enter our mental bodies. Thus channeling is is a process of obtaining information of a higher sort via going into a semi- or fully altered state of consciousness and voicing verbally the messages sent from the consciousness of other life forms. This seems to take place by communicating with energy sources outside ourselves.

    Here is an explanation of channeling by the guides:

    It may seem as though, when one is (so-called) channeling, that information is being sent in from an outside energy source. This is only a perception, as it is not possible for anything to come from without the Self, for everything is the Self. And yet the Self is nothing. This is quite confusing for the rational mind to understand.

    The energy patterns that you call the guides are only outside of your personal perception. We shall use the term personal perception in reference to that which you perceive yourself to be. You are just so big in your perception: no larger and no smaller. You are who you are at any given moment in perception. You may perceive yourself to be intelligent one day and pretty stupid on another. These are definitions of perceived Self. They are not the actual Self.

    However, in attempting to define the process of channeling to you, we must work within your limitations. We understand and acknowledge that you do know everything and that you have chosen to forget knowledge in order that you may play a fun little game of discovery, of remembering. It is to our liking also for we have chosen to play along with you.

    You see, in actuality, we are a part of you that you have forgotten. It has been since the beginning of humankind's evolution that those choosing to listen to more than the voice of the mass consciousness have heard other voices. You have historical records of profound statements made by prophets and seers from all times. Why is it that these persons seem so wise and able to interpret or hear such high information? It is because they have chosen (either consciously or subconsciously) to expand their perception of consciousness.

    Visualize in your mind's eye your own consciousness. Really see it. Notice how large it is. Perhaps it extends hundreds of feet beyond your physical-ness or perhaps just a few feet. Within this consciousness is everything that you know, everything that you can retrieve at will. For example, two plus two equals four. This you know and can retrieve instantaneously when asked. Now there are many things hidden within this perception of consciousness that are not readily visible to you. Perhaps you are attending a theater presentation and you can recite the lines to the play before the characters themselves recite them. This could be due to the fact that you played Romeo in an earlier high school performance, or that you read Shakespeare many long years ago and had forgotten.

    Now if we were to tell you that you have the potential ability to recite each and every word that any given person were about to speak, it would scare you into hiding wouldn't it? Yes, that it might. But we do express to you that you have these abilities and humankind is on the brink of discovering profound telepathic (we use this word sparingly for we have not found appropriate description in your language for the process of mind-linking) abilities that are possible in all advanced stages of consciousness.

    We shall expound upon the abilities of consciousness in further discourse. We wish now to explain the process of what your society defines as channeling:

    Channeling seems to those who are experiencing it to be a process by which higher information is accessed. When one is developing consciousness, he or she is in actuality just opening up to remembering parts of consciousness that have been forgotten.

    When human evolution fell into the density of third-dimensional consciousness, all other dimensions were temporarily forgotten. The perception of third-dimensional consciousness is about all that is seen from human awareness—in this consciousness everything is solid and there is nothing beyond what can be known through the five senses. Let us play with this for a moment. Imagine in your mind's eye that you have no physical-ness. You have no physical body, no material possessions to maintain. Do you sense how light filled you are, how you have nothing to take care of?

    When humankind made the choice to descend into third dimensional perception, they also chose to do it perfectly. And to create density with such perfection, it is all but impossible not to get lost within the physical-ness. It takes all of one's time and energy just to maintain materialism. For those of you trying to get out, take a good look around at how much materialism you are attempting to maintain. Does it take much of your time? Yes? Well then you will never get out until you take on a lighter perspective and clean up unnecessary materialism. We do not say this lightly however, for it is a serious subject.

    Let us take a look at many who state that they wish to channel or expand their personal consciousness. We look at their homes and we see clutter, massive clutter. We see unnecessary boxes of material items, which will most likely never be used again. Why would one wish to hang on to clutter, which serves no personal use? It only gets in the way of expansion. One must have a lot of empty room to move into. Such is the void in consciousness. First one must clean out the physical closets, thus proceeding with massive clearing of the emotional and mental closets.

    There are many processes by which to clear the emotional and mental baggage that humans carry. Find an appropriate method, which seems to eliminate the darkness in the most expedient way. It is not always necessary to know exactly what garbage is being thrown. For often it is best not to know. But it must be done to clear the way for light to shine through.

    Because humankind chose to experiment with density, it was necessary to develop belief structures that would maintain and keep (set up) the physical structures of 3-D. For example, in order to keep traffic moving smoothly you must have your stoplights. In order to keep your physical shelter you must maintain the electrical and plumbing features. It is necessary to make repairs in order that the structure is maintained. We suggest, however, that there are many structures that no longer need maintaining (such as outdated relationship units no longer appropriate to personal expansion.)

    We are also suggesting that many cling to obsolete ideas of what the Self is, of its capabilities. Often you do not acknowledge the incredibleness of your abilities. All that is necessary is a willingness to see, to experience. We tease you with this note for we know of your curious nature. You are much like your feline, for you will curiously explore all of your perceived reality. We lead you then teasingly into this discourse. So be it that you will discover massive amounts of fun and exciting insights that you will experiment and play with.

    We encourage you to take a very light look at much of what will be revealed to you in this book, for you need no more heaviness in your world. You need only light to make the next leap in consciousness. We express our sincere gratitude to those of you who are reading this. You can bring guidance into your personal consciousness. This guidance is more expanded than you presently know. Just by opening up spaces, by clearing out the old unusable baggage that you carry, you will begin to feel energies of varying quality. This will enlighten you into higher more expanded states of consciousness. And soon you will become the guidance that you once channeled. Isn't this a marvelous experiment that we together and singularly have created? We hope that you feel the excitement of this, our adventure. We have much information to share and wish to have it charged with the energy of you, the reader. For each individual representation of spirit has a piece to give, a part to play.

    Reactions to the following material will vary. You may read through the material quickly and easily or it may take you quite some time to work through it. Some readers may decide this information is not appropriate to their way of living in this world. It is not meant to preach, but to share another version of a possible truth. This truth is working in my life and the lives of many others who have read this and other books within the Utopian Vision Ascension Series.

    Dimensional Ascension: Multi-Dimensional Living for the Light Worker is followed by a workbook. The book is subdivided into sections. At the end of each of these sections you will be instructed to follow up with workbook questions. The page number where you will find these questions will also be listed. The workbook can be used individually or in study group process. Or you may decide not use them at all. For more instruction on how to use the workbook, please see page 132.

    •   •   •

    By Jules

    This manuscript was of necessity written in pieces. When I channel, the information tends to come through in small increments. The guides have told me that they give the reader only enough information to digest for the moment. My spirit guides are the voices that I sense when I am in an altered state of awareness. Each guidance source offers a different take on the same information or has new topics to discuss. It's as if I have subdivided all of consciousness into these seeming outside information sources so that I could better dissect and understand the deeper aspects of living within earth-human form. The guides do not wish to overwhelm us. It is not necessary to have a lot of information on any given topic for life is simply very simple. We as humans tend to make life more complex than it need be.

    I began channeling back in 1990. I had just started working for a large non-profit organization that happened to be putting in an entirely new computer system. I had never worked with a computer before, so it was a challenge for me to begin such a demanding job and also acquaint myself with the computer. I chose to stay in my office several evenings per week after everyone had left to practice my keyboarding skills. Of course, by the end of every grueling workday I was in quite a tired, altered state of mind. I was not paying attention to what I was pounding out on the keyboard. I was only there to practice. In fact I do remember closing my eyes on occasion just to allow my mind a rest. Little did I know that I was being prepared for a channeling session. One evening as I sat at the computer with my eyes closed, a seemingly strange, but familiar sensation came over me. It felt as if someone else was there yet I knew this energy sensation well. It had been with me as a child and felt very comforting. It began to speak through me onto the keyboard. I allowed it to continue for many an evening after the first. But soon I became my own worst skeptic. I began to read what I was channeling. Things like everything is love, everything is light, and everything is comprised of frequency. Now wait a minute, I remember thinking to myself, This stuff is spooky. It confronted the entire reality of density and darkness of which I had created for myself at that time. It opposed everything I was living. So I took all of the typewritten channeled material, put it in a red folder, and hid it in a drawer at home, not to remember it until two years later.

    In the meantime, I began studying and practicing a metaphysical course working with the light body. This is an invisible energetic body that can extend tens of feet out from the physical body. It is a body that can be developed through work in meditation. Working with energy, frequency, and light through visualization can both strengthen and make this body useful to the light worker. The course started to change my life. It wasn't until midway through the course that I discovered the hidden red folder. I opened it and began to read. The information I had channeled two years prior was exactly the same as that which I was learning presently in the light body coursework. How was it that I had the ability to channel information at the previous time having absolutely no understanding of it? But now I was studying it from another teacher, another source. This has since been a cause of great excitement for me. I rarely question any more the enlightenment that comes to me when I channel, for inevitably I begin to live every passage. It is my hope that you too will start to experience wonderful changes in your life as you read through this material. This channeled data often has transformative effects upon the reader. Words are the energetic formations of soul symbols recognizable to the intellect, felt by the heart and actualized into experience by the human body.

    Personally, I now explore the communication coming to me from perceived outside sources as simply an expanded state of consciousness that I have chosen to view as being outside of my present Self. When I began channeling, my guides gave very basic information. They would give me advice about my personal life, i.e. which book to read, which person to call. They would even lead me to places (through visualization or by physical sensation) I'd never been in order that I could interpret the energy. These guides seemed outside of me at the time, but today they are what my conscious person has become. I regard this communication as the spiritual guidance that helps me live peacefully in this world. I share with you the wisdom that has been imparted to me via the channeling process. Each and every person will have a different response to the material. This is what makes planet Earth a

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