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Ascension Basics: ASCENSION, #1
Ascension Basics: ASCENSION, #1
Ascension Basics: ASCENSION, #1
Ebook214 pages4 hours

Ascension Basics: ASCENSION, #1

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The book is mainly based on the spiritual energetic principles for growth and evolution of consciousness as it was planned and destined by the Creator, The Source, God.

Release dateDec 31, 2018
Ascension Basics: ASCENSION, #1

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    It's amazing. Please take your time and learn and remember.
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    Thanks to the authors for this life changing book. The knowledge it carries is indeed a blessing to have.

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Ascension Basics - Indigold


Dear Ascending Family,

We are in a time where everyone can feel the immense pressure in terms of the intense energies that are present in our environment. These immense energetic changes can be externally observed as mass societal dismantling, heightened political temperatures, internal pressure and unnatural global events that may lead to fear, depression, anxiety and many more to those co-creating in negative polarities, if not corrected appropriately. The truth and main reason behind these events, experiences and transpirations is being hidden from the public by those who WILL otherwise, but it is a natural inevitable process that was destined and promised to the human race ever since creation. The most effective way these negative expeiences can be avoided is by conscious participation in this process as everyone will have to go through it Those that are aligning themselves to the Natural Laws are also equally being directed to higher frequency realities. As you are reading this, there are major changes happening to the planet, galaxies and the Universe at large that involve multiple levels of energetic and frequency upgrades.

Ascension is the complex quantum mechanics governing the movement of consciousness or intelligent energy throughout time and space, in the past, present and future timelines. It is the gradual increase of frequency in our personal energy fields through the gradual exposure to higher frequencies leading to a change in the focus of our consciousness and a change in the dimensional octave that we exist in which changes our experience of reality.

On 21/12/2012, planet Earth completed its previous evolution cycle which is referred to as the precession of the equinoxes or the Astrological Precession, which is the movement of the earth's axis in reference to its inertial frame. The earth's inertial frame is the position of the planet in space in reference to the fixed stars that appear to stay in fixed positions for long periods of time. This movement as the axis rotates, makes it appear that the sun is passing through specific constellations (Zodiacs) and after each Evolutionary cycle which takes approximately 26,000 years (Aeon), the planetary, galactic and universal cores align and Earth humans are sequentially exposed to frequency transmissions through these specific celestial bodies (constellations) for a period of approximately 2000 years each, which help the earth's inhabitants to accrete these specific frequencies that allow high frequency embodiment and hence sequentially shifting into a higher dimensional plane of existence when the Cycle is completed and ultimately the next cycle (Precession) begins and proceeds on a different energetic state . Many other planets that are on ascending paths (mostly humanoid races) experience this naturally, until they reach their Christ form in the Avatar levels and up to higher levels. There has been a lot of distortions around this facts to get people away from this truth and prolong the confusion, but the truth will surely rise.

When the previous cycle was concluded in 2012, the planetary core and the galactic cores aligned streaming in higher frequencies from the higher dimensional bands, which is something that had not happened to this planet and in this Universe for a long time. These Core alignments brought about high frequency transmissions from the higher dimensions into this dimension hence allowing and enabling us to accrete high frequencies which in turn raises our frequencies on all levels, physical, mental, spiritual; by virtue of accreting these frequency transmissions in our energy fields: both matter and antimatter. These frequencies are being transmitted in many different and diverse ways but all in alignment with the Universal Laws as this is a natural process in the evolution of consciousness. To comprehend this, we must first realize that we are in the densest plane that consciousness can exist in a form or body, which is the 3D plane that we are experiencing right now in this station of identity. We are meant to evolve and ascend up the dimensional octaves up to our Highest Selves; Our Christ Selves.

The truth is that this is a great time for the planet and it has been written in many mainstream ancient texts and religious texts but in distorted formats that would render the information useless and ineffective, but this was not the real intention of our ancestors. We must come to the understanding that we exist in a controlled reality that presents itself as the opposite of what it actually is. This is because the planet was invaded many years ago by negative extraterrestrial entities that formed an alliance (NAA) to take over the planet and use it for their gains and each had their agendas for wanting to control the earth and all of its resources.Some are genetic materials, organs, female humans, soul energies, body snatching, rare minerals just to name a few. There are entities that chose to live against the Natural Universal Laws and they wrote their own laws that would enable them to continue to exist in their artificial realities. These beings exploit biological life forms on a galactic scale and this exploitation of biological life forms for personal gain is detrimental to the Universe. They use planetary life force to power their own systems and in this dimension biological life form exploitation is a booming business on and off planet for ungodly amounts of currency. DNA is the Universal currency used by all advanced races for trade. Many of you reading this already know about the current situation that we are in as a collective and might also know that the earth invasion happened millennia ago and these entities have been among us and exerting their control up until now, but not for long. They surely know about what is happening and are trying all they can to stop this natural process. They have imcreased their assault and they are desperate to regain control. The only thing that can allow you to take your power back is to have the Truth about what really happened to planet earth and the true original human history over the millions of years. Knowing about your true multidimensional nature is the most effective tool in becoming free in whichever plane of existence, not only here but even after the dropping of the body.

As we go through this time, know that we are infinitely loved by the Creator. We are also guided and protected by the Natural Universal Laws and also by our beloved soul families, the benevolent advanced extraterrestrial races and guardians that are also here to help us on our path. Know that we (the human family) have all the right and ability to reclaim our own divine right and power as God, Sovereign and Free beings.

Take in only that which is useful for your spiritual progress and stay in your Avatar heart luminosity.

Until next time, Stay Kind To Yourself And Others,

Infinite Love, Indigold


T he truth shall set you free

The original Ascension plan for Earth Humans was to evolve through the precession of the equinoxes while accreting frequency transmissions in their enegy fields from specific celestial bodies hence rising up the dimensional octaves. These celestial bodies are the comstellations which are known as zodiacs in the mainstream. Our next state of existence and dimensional octave that we are meant to exist in and ascend into is 5D Earth known as Tara. As the cycle ends, the Galactic cores align hence  allowing high frequency transmissions to be received from higher dimensional octaves. Since the Earth planet was invaded many years ago and the planet endured planetary grid damage and also due to the invasion of future 5D Earth, the original 5D ascension plan had to be aborted and replaced with Ascension plan B with mission upgrades. This necessitated the intervention of Guardian groups and a plethora of galactic agreements to make sure the inhabitants of the planet and the planet itself would undergo a natural ascension and spiritual energetic evolution as it was meant to be.

Mission Upgrades

The Earth planet has undergone a very dark cycle since the Luciferian Rebellion that happened approximately 26,000 years ago. This is not for judgment purposes but for the need to know and to know that it happened and we are currently sequentially being healed from it. Due to the alien hybridization of the human DNA, Artificial intelligence implants and mind control for thousands of years, the earth's grids have undergone systematic damage throughout the years which could have lead to total annihilation of the species if it is allowed to go on any longer. Since the earth and this whole system were put in quarantine to prevent the damage from spilling over to other systems, we were cut off from interacting with the other dimensions. Also, due to the Static electromagnetic NET around our ionosphere, which was installed by the invading entities by pinging scalar pulse waves in the earth's crust, we were also cut off from communicating with other beings in our dimension too and earth humans currently exist in a mind controlled society that perceives itself as the only intelligent race in all of creation.

Due to all of these issues and problems that the planet is encountering, it was necessitated that spiritually advanced beings would incarnate on the planet at this specific cycle in human form and make a call back home to their spiritual family who would support them and the planet energetically through this cycle. The main reason for this is because, the beings in the higher dimensional planes could see what was happening to the earth humans and the damage happening at large but they could not intervene directly since it would be a violation of personal free will. This is why some of these loving souls chose to come in at this time to assist the earth in this ascension cycle. These beautiful souls that have incarnated in human form to assist in this ascension cycle are those referred to as Starseeds and Indigos. Most of them started incarnating after 1987. Some have unique contracts and ultimately came in at much ancient timelines.

Planetary Ascension Hosting

IN EVERY EVOLUTIONARY round, there is a group of spiritually advanced beings that assist the planet energetically and help the planet and its inhabitants to ascend smoothly. The previous cycle that ended in 2012 was hosted by the Melchizedek which was called the Melchizedek Hosting Cycle. They were not completely successful and this present cycle is being hosted by the Krystal Star. The Krystal Star is an advanced collective of beings that live in accordance with The Sovereign Universal Law of One and Unity. We are currently undergoing systematic elemental re-encryption of our physical bodies through the consistent energetic upgrades of our spiritual-Energetic selves. Since the galactic and universal cores could not be opened after they aligned and merged to allow the direct streaming in of higher frequencies because of the damage in the earth grids (leylines and meridians), which are the channels for this energy transmissions from the earth's core, it was necessary for new balanced architecture to be created to allow these same frequencies to be experienced without losing their energetic integrity and risking the fallen entities from getting access into those spaces. There is new architecture that is aligned with the Natural Universal Laws being created and installed on all levels micro and macro by the advanced benevolent races and are overriding the alien machinery that was installed many millennia ago to reverse gender pairs and scramble the original DNA  and fire letter sequencing.

Starseeds and Indigos

These kind and loving souls chose to come in at this time knowing that they too will lose their memories (viz Raising Frequency chapter); (since when one incarnates in a planet, they also inherit the miasma and karma of that planet), and they still came back to the planet mainly to remind the human race of who they really are and their true nature as they also remember who they are. This group of souls are born with special abilities ranging from high intelligence, advanced mind capabilities, recalling past life memories and psychic abilities. Some souls came in earlier in the timeline even before 1987 and have experienced multiple lifetimes in this planet and plane.

Starseeds have a unique characteristic in their biology that makes them stand out. Since they do not carry the planetary miasma as their energetic signature clears it, they have blood that has no rhesus factor and hence is Rhesus negative (rh-ve). Although they don't carry the planetary karma, they still have to remember who they are and reclaim their memories in their lifetimes. Others have to clear it and heal it. As for indigos, they are also starseeds as they are not souls that originated from the earth planet but they incarnate specifically from the 6th dimension which corresponds to the indigo colour wave in the electromagnetic spectrum  through a portal in Sirius B. Hence the name indigos. Sirius is observed as a star in this dimension due to its high energetic signature as a planet in 6D. Simply put, they are sourced from the stars and hence the name starseeds. Sirians were a part of the progenitors of the Divine Human DNA together with the Lyrians.

The purpose of these advanced souls coming in at this time, was to actively participate in this ascension process as humans. This incarnation is required so that they could physically and energetically work as, in and through human forms to effect change in the environment and the planetary energetic field at large. There are functions in the human DNA that can only be accessed and utilized while in human form and these functions can be used to create new architecture and repair damaged architecture in the planetary grid and also repair timelines. Due to the amplified energetic polarization in the environment, these souls were called in to act as polarity integrators and return this polarized energies into balance. They also seem to carry specific architecture in their bodies that acts as prototypes of where the human race is headed and this prototyping properties include the stepping up and stepping down of these specific frequencies that are streaming in, the possession of  higher DNA stands and the embodiment of higher consciousness functions which is the future state of existence of the human form. That is why most of them feel energetically drained due to the nature of their anatomy. The use of natural supplements such as fruits and vegetables with high levels of potassium and magnesium to boost the nervous system may be of help to assist in normal brain functions and to enable efficient neural transmissions.

Krystal Star

The Krystal Star is a collective of advanced beings who live in alignment with the Universal Law of One and in accordance with the principles of Unity. They are mostly located in the antiparticle realms and ultimately interact with us energetically. These

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