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Cloud Brokering - Felipe Díaz-Sánchez
Díaz-Sánchez, Felipe
Cloud brokering: New value-added services and pricing policies / Felipe Díaz-Sánchez - Bogotá: Universidad Santo Tomás, 2016.
vii, 115 páginas; ilustraciones, gráficas.
Incluye referencias bibliográficas (páginas 99-108)
ISBN 978-958-631-961-4
1. Almacenamiento virtual (computación) 2. Comercio electrónico
3. Computación en la nube I. Universidad Santo Tomás (Colombia).
CDD 004.67820688 CO-BoUST
© Felipe Díaz-Sánchez
© Universidad Santo Tomás
Ediciones USTA
Carrera 9 No.51-11
Edificio Luis J. Torres, sótano 1
Bogotá, D. C., Colombia
Teléfono: (+571) 5878797 ext. 2991
Directora editorial
Matilde Salazar Ospina
Coordinación de libros
Karen Grisales Velosa
Asistente editorial
Andrés Felipe Andrade
Julián E. Morales Ortega
Diseño de cubierta
Kilka Diseño Gráfico
Hecho el depósito que establece la ley
ISBN: 978-958-631-961-4
Primera edición: 2016
Todos los derechos reservados. Se prohíbe la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra, por cualquier medio, sin la autorización previa por escrito de los titulares.
To Leta and Days.
About this book
Cloud brokering
Part I. Value-added services in cloud brokering
Cloud performance and placement in cloud brokering
Cloud performance evaluation
Motivations and challenges
Studies related to cloud providers performance evaluation
Cloud Virtual Machine (VM) characterization
Placement in cloud brokering
Non-functional requirements-based placement
Application aware placement
Towards a figure of merit for cloud performance
Performance evaluation
Evaluation methodology
Experimental setup
Provisioning time
Computation benchmarks performance
Memory benchmarks performance
Storage benchmarks performance
Figure of merit of VM cloud performance
Mean and radar plot as figures of merit
Simple figure of merit
Figure of merit based on Analytic Hierarchy Process
Case study: CPU-intensive application
An exact approach for optimizing placement in cloud brokering
Goal programming
An exact approach for the Placement problem
Case study: Online trading platform
Part II. A new pricing model in cloud brokering
The Pay-as-you-book pricing model
Pricing models in cloud computing
Advance Reservations
Advance Reservation specified by cloud providers
Advance Reservation specified by end-users
Initial scheduling of Advance Reservations
Pricing and rewarding end-users
Resource allocation policies
Case Study: A Virtual cloud Provider maximizing revenues through the Pay-as-you-book pricing model
Experimental setup
Results and analysis
Conclusion and future works
Appendix A. Studies related to cloud providers performance
Appendix B. Cloud performance evaluation: details and extended results
Related issues to the performance evaluation
VM configurations
Benchmark duration
Performance-price correlation with a simple figure of merit of Cloud performance
Correlation among VM sizes from different cloud providers
Correlation among different VM sizes from a single cloud provider
List of Figures
List of Tables
About this book
Service arbitrage enables advanced services in cloud brokering by taking advantage of two or more cloud provider offers. This allows cloud brokers to simplify the vast number of offers by categorizing the features and benefits of each cloud provider in order to match consumer needs with an ideal set of cloud providers. In the first part of this book entitled Value-added services in cloud brokering
, a comprehensive, state of the art study has been carried out on cloud performance evaluations and placement in cloud brokering (Chapter 1). Then, a method is proposed to calculate cloud performance through a single figure of merit based on the mapping of the physical features of a Virtual Machine (VM) to their respective performance capacities (Chapter 2). Finally, an exact placement approach for optimizing the distribution of cloud infrastructure across multiple providers is proposed (Chapter 3). Parameters such as price, VM configuration, VM performance, network latency and availability are considered for that purpose.
Nowadays, pay-as-you-go and reserved pricing dominate the way consumers acquire cloud resources from legacy cloud providers at the infrastructure level. However, the introduction of cloud brokers may induce the commoditization of cloud infrastructures. Facing such an evolution, new pricing models are necessary to capture potential consumers or untapped market segments. The second part of this book entitled A new pricing model for cloud brokering
focuses on the design of a pricing model for cloud brokering, called pay-as-you-book (Chapter 4). Pay-as-you-book is based on two types of information. The first type consists of the forecast of users’ job requests. The second one consists of the ability of cloud brokers to take advantage of such advanced reservations. With this aim in view, a study comparing three resource allocation policies under pay-as-you-book is carried out. The aim of this book is to contribute to the design of new value-added services and pricing models for cloud brokering. The majority of the investigations and original results presented in this manuscript have been achieved and obtained in the context of the CompatibleOne [1] research project supported by the French Ministry of Industry. Its objective was to demonstrate the feasibility of a cloud brokering intermediation platform integrating and adapting the various software solutions proposed by the industrial and academic partners of the project. This platform provides a single point for service consumption in order to avoid vendor lock-in. This book has three objectives:
The first one is to present a single figure of merit for cloud VMs performance based on the application profile.
The second one is to propose an exact approach for allocation of VMs across multiple cloud providers based on different optimization criteria.
The third one is to describe a pricing model for cloud brokering, called pay-as-you-book.
The contribution of this book can be itemized as the following:
A method to calculate a figure of merit for VM cloud performance. The originality of this figure of merit is to offer a single value to express VM cloud performance that is based on the type of application to be deployed. Thus, end-users may in a straightforward manner compare and select the best cloud provider in which to deploy an application.
The formulation of Mixed-Integer Linear Programming for placement of VMs across multiple cloud providers. The originality of this approach is in associating the heterogeneity of cloud providers’ offers with their respective performance. This approach may be applied to the optimization of cost, performance, cost-performance and disaster recovery scenarios.
The description of pay-as-you-book, a pricing model between pay-as-you-go and subscription. Pay-as-you-book consists of paying and reserving time-slots of VMs in advance without a fixed fee to subscribe to the service and without a long-term commitment, avoiding vendor lock-in, while obtaining lower prices than in pay-as-you-go. Pay-as-you-book may be applied in scenarios with predictable workloads. Through simulations, it has been shown why a model such as pay-as-you-book is not convenient