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Periplus Pocket Japanese Dictionary: Japanese-English English-Japanese Second Edition
Periplus Pocket Japanese Dictionary: Japanese-English English-Japanese Second Edition
Periplus Pocket Japanese Dictionary: Japanese-English English-Japanese Second Edition
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Periplus Pocket Japanese Dictionary: Japanese-English English-Japanese Second Edition

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It's never a good idea to be overly-relient on technology while traveling! Look up words quickly and easily with this great travel-sized Japanese dictionary.

Intended for use by tourists, students, and businesspeople traveling to Japan, Pocket Japanese Dictionary is an essential tool for communicating in Japanese and a great way to learn Japanese. It features all the essential Japanese vocabulary appropriate for beginning to intermediate students. It's handy pocket format and easy-to-read type will make any future trip to Japan much easier. In addition to being an excellent English to Japanese and Japanese to English dictionary, Pocket Japanese Dictionary contains important notes on the Japanese language, Japanese grammar and Japanese pronunciation. All Japanese words are written in the Romanized form as well as Japanese script (hiragana and katakana) and characters (kanji) so that in the case of difficulties, the book can simply be shown to the person the user is trying to communicate with.

This Japanese dictionary contains:
  • The 13,000 most commonly used words in the Japanese language
  • The latest computer, mobile, internet and social media terms
  • Romanized Japanese and Japanese script (kanji and kana)
  • English-Japanese and Japanese-English sections
  • Designed for English speakers
  • An introduction to and history of the Japanese language
  • Information on Japanese grammar
  • A guide to pronouncing Japanese correctly
Release dateAug 30, 2016
Periplus Pocket Japanese Dictionary: Japanese-English English-Japanese Second Edition

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Periplus Pocket Japanese Dictionary - Yuki Shimada



abareru v 暴れる to rage, to storm, to rampage

abiru v 浴びる to bathe oneself in; to douse, to shower

abuku n あぶく bubble

abunai adj 危ない dangerous

abunai! excl 危ない! Watch out!

abura n 脂 fat

abura n 油 oil, grease

abur(a)age n 油揚げ deep-fried bean curd

aburakkoi adj 油っこい・脂っこい oily, greasy, fatty

aburu v あぶる to roast, to grill

abutta adj あぶった roasted, grilled, toasted

achikochi, achira kochira pron あち こち, あちらこちら here and there

achira pron あちら that one (of two) over there, the other one (over there); over there, that way, yonder

achiragawa adv あちら側 over there, the other side

āchisuto n アーチスト artist

adana n あだ名 nickname

adobaisu n アドバイス advice

adokenai adj あどけない innocent, childlike

adoresuchō n アドレス帳 address book

afureru v 溢れる to overflow

afutā-sābisu n アフターサービス (maintenance and repair) service, servicing

agaru v 上がる to go up, to rise; to feel self-conscious/nervous

ageru v 上げる to raise up, to lift; to give

ageru v 揚げる to fry; (a flag) to raise; to fly a kite

ageru v 挙げる (a wedding ceremony) to hold

ago n あご chin, jaw

agohige n あごひげ beard

ahiru n アヒル duck

ai n 愛 love

aibō n 相棒 partner

aida n 間 interval, space, between; while

aidagara n 間柄 relationship

aidea n アイデア idea

aidoku suru v 愛読する to like reading

aijin n 愛人 mistress

aijō n 愛情 affection

aikawarazu adv 相変わらず as usual/ever/always

aikokushin n 愛国心 patriotic spirit, nationalism

aikon n アイコン (computer) icon

aikyō n 愛きょう charm, attractiveness: aikyō ga aru 愛きょうがある nice, attractive, charming

aimai na adj あいまいな (word) vague, muddled, fuzzy, unclear

ainiku adv あいにく unfortunately

airashi’i adj 愛らしい lovely, sweet

airon n アイロン iron(ing)

Airurando n アイルランド Ireland

Airurando(-jin) no adj アイルランド (人)の Irish

aisatsu n 挨拶 greetings

aishō ga ii adj 相性がいい to be compatible with, to fit together well

aiso/aisō ga ii adj 愛想がいい amiable, sociable, agreeable

aisukōhī n アイスコーヒー iced coffee

aisukurīmu n アイスクリーム ice cream

aisuru v 愛する to love

aisutī n アイスティー iced tea

aite n 相手 the other fellow; companion; adversary, opponent

aitī (IT) n IT (アイティー) (computer) information technology

aitsu n あいつ that person

aizu n 合図 signal, sign

aji n 味 taste; flavor: aji ga usui 味が 薄い bland

ajia n アジア Asia

ajike no nai, ajikenai adj 味気のな い, 味気ない dreary, insipid, flavorless, flat

ajimi o suru v 味見をする (salty, spicy) to taste

aji o shimeru v 味をしめる to get a taste of success

ajiwau v 味わう to taste it

aka n 赤 (color) red

akachan n 赤ちゃん baby

akai adj 赤い red

akaku naru 赤くなる to turn red; to blush, to flush

akari n 明かり light, lamp

akarui adj 明るい bright, light; clear; cheerful, colorful

akashingo n 赤信号 (signal) red light

akemashite omedetō 明けましておめ でとう Happy New Year!

akeru v 開ける to open

akeru v 空ける to leave empty, to vacate

akeru v 明ける to open up, (the day/year) begins

aki n 秋 autumn, (season) fall

akichi n 空き地 field, empty space

akiraka ni suru v 明らかにする (make known) to reveal

akirameru v 諦める to give up (on)

akiru v 飽きる (get tired) to weary of; to get enough of

akogareru v 憧れる to adore, to admire; to long for

akubi suru v あくびする to yawn

akuhyō n 悪評 (unfavorable) criticism

akui n 悪意 ill will, malice

akujōken n 悪条件 bad/unfavorable/adverse condition

akuma n 悪魔 devil, Satan

akunin n 悪人 an evil person

akusento n アクセント accent

akusesarī n アクセサリー an accessory

akusesu suru v アクセスする (Internet) to access

akushitsu na adj 悪質な malignant, pernicious, vicious

akushon n アクション action

akushū o hanatsu v 悪臭を放つ to stink

akushu n 握手 handshake

akushumi n 悪趣味 bad/poor taste

amachua n アマチュア an amateur

amaeru v 甘える to presume on someone’s goodwill, to act like a baby

amai adj 甘い sweet; permissive, lenient

amari n 余り remainder, surplus, over, more than; leftover

amari adv あまり [+ NEGATIVE verb] not very, not much, not many

amari nai あまりない There are not so many. I/We have not much.

amari ni ... sugiru あまりに~過ぎる too, excessively

amaru v 余る to be left over, to remain, to be in excess

amayadori suru v 雨宿りする to take shelter from the rain

amayakasu v 甘やかす to pamper, to coddle

amazuppai adj 甘酸っぱい sweet and sour

ame n 飴 candy, sweets

ame n 雨 rain

Amerika n アメリカ America

Amerika gasshūkoku n アメリカ 合衆国 United States

Amerika(-jin) no adj アメリカ(人)の American

ami n 網 net

amu v 編む to knit, to braid

an n 案 proposal, suggestion, idea; plan

ana n 穴 hole; slot

anata pron あなた you

anchi uirusu sofuto n アンチウイルス ソフト (computer) antivirus software

ane n 姉 older sister

ani n 兄 older brother

anka na adj 安価な inexpensive

ankēto n アンケート questionnaire

anki n 暗記 memorizing

anmari adv あんまり too much, overly; [+ NEGATIVE] not (very) much

an’nai n 案内 information, guidance

an’nainin n 案内人 guide, lead

ano pron, adj あの that (over there)

anohito pron あの人 he/him, she/her

anohitotachi pron あの人達 they/them

anshin n 安心 peace of mind; relief; security; trust, confidence

anzen na adj 安全な safe, secure

anzenberuto n 安全ベルト safety belt

anzu n アンズ apricot

aogu v 扇ぐ to fan (oneself)

aoi adj 青い blue; pale

aojashin n 青写真 blueprint

aoshingō n 青信号 (signal) green light

apāto n アパート flat, apartment

appaku suru v 圧迫する to put pressure on; to oppress, to suppress

appudē´to n アップデート update

appurupai n アップルパイ apple pie

apuri(kēshon) n アプリ(ケーション) (computer) application

ara’arashi’i adj 荒々しい fierce

Arabia, Arabu n アラビア, アラブ an Arab

Arabia(-jin) no adj アラビア(人)の Arabian

arai adj 荒い・粗い (not smooth) rough

araiotosu v 洗い落とす to scrub

arakajime adv あらかじめ beforehand, earlier, in advance

aramā interj あらまあ goodness!

arappoi adj 荒っぽい rough

arashi n 嵐 storm

arasoi n 争い contention, struggle; strife, disturbance, war

arasou v 争う to contend for; to argue, to quarrel

arasu v 荒らす to devastate, to damage, to ruin

arau v 洗う to wash

arawareru v 現れる to appear, to become visible; to show up

arawasu v 表す to show, to express

arawasu v 現す・表す (make visible) to reveal

arayuru adj あらゆる all, every

are pron あれ that

arera pron あれら those

areru v 荒れる to go to ruin/waste, to get dilapidated; to get rough/wild; to rage

arerugī n アレルギー allergy

arifureta adj ありふれた very common, commonplace

arigachi na adj ありがちな common, typical [IN NEGATIVE SENSE]

arigatō (gozaimasu) ありがとう(ござ います) thank you

arigatō to iu v ありがとうと言う to say thank you

arikitari no adj ありきたりの commonplace, so typical [IN NEGATIVE SENSE]

arimasen v ありません is not

aru v ある there is, we’ve got; (located) it is

arubaito n アルバイト side job, part-time job

arukōru n アルコール alcohol

aruku v 歩く to walk

asa n 麻 flax, linen

asa n 朝 morning

asagohan n 朝ご飯 breakfast

asai adj 浅い shallow

asase n 浅瀬 shallows

asatte n 明後日 day after tomorrow

ase n 汗 sweat

aseru v 褪せる to fade, (color) to bleach

aseru v 焦る to feel rushed/pressed

ashi n 足 foot

ashi n 脚 leg

ashiato n 足跡 footprint

ashidematoi n 足手まとい a drag (on)

ashidori n 足取り step

ashikubi n 足首 ankle

ashisutanto n アシスタント assistant

ashita, asu n 明日 tomorrow

asobi n 遊び fun, amusement; a game, play; a visit

asobu v 遊ぶ to have fun, to play; to visit

asoko pron あそこ (that place) over there

assari (to) shita adj あっさり(と)した simple, plain, light, easy; frank

asshuku fairu n 圧縮ファイル (computer) compressed file, compacted file

ataeru v 与える to give, to provide, to grant

atama n 頭 head: atama ni kuru 頭に くる to get mad at

atamakin n 頭金 downpayment, up-front money; deposit

atarashi’i adj 新しい new; fresh

atari n 当たり a hit; good luck, lucky

atari hazure adj 当たり外れ unpredictable, risky

atari ni adv 辺りに (area) around; thereabouts; such as

atarimae no adj 当たり前の natural, ordinary, proper; suitable, sensible

ataru v 当たる to hit, to face; to apply; be correct

atatakai adj あたたかい warm

atatamaru v あたたまる to warm up

atatameru v 温める to heat

ateru v 当てる to guess; to hit; to appropriate; to touch

ato n 跡 mark, track, trace

ato de prep, adv 後で after(wards), later

ato ni mawasu v 後に回す to postpone, to leave something until later

atokatazuke n 後片付け cleanup

atorie n アトリエ studio, workshop, atelier

atoshimatsu o suru v 後始末をする to deal with the aftermath, to pick up the pieces

atotsugi n 跡継ぎ successor

atsui adj 厚い (things) thick

atsui adj 暑い・熱い (temperature) hot

atsukamashi’i adj 厚かましい impudent

atsukau v 扱う to treat, to deal with

atsumeru v 集める to assemble; to collect, to accumulate

atsuryoku n 圧力 pressure

au v 会う to meet, to see

au v 合う to match with

awa n 泡 bubble; foam

awaseru v 合わせる to join, to go along; to combine

awateru v あわてる to get flustered/confused

ayafuya na adj あやふやな indecisive

ayamari n 誤り error, mistake

ayamaru v 謝る to apologize, to say sorry

ayashi’i adj 怪しい questionable, suspicious; uncertain; weird; unreliable

ayasu v あやす (a child, baby) to lull

ayatsuru v 操る to manipulate, to bribe, to manage

aza n あざ bruise, macula

azukaru v 預かる to take in trust, to keep, to hold

azukeru v 預ける (leave behind with someone) to deposit


bā n バー (serving drinks) bar

ba’ai n 場合 situation, occasion, case, circumstance

bābekyū n バーベキュー barbecue

baffarō n バッファロー buffalo

bāgen n バーゲン (reduced prices) sale

bai n 倍 (multiplying) times; double

baibai n 売買 buying and selling

Baiburu n バイブル Bible

baikin n ばい菌 germ

baiku n バイク motorbike

baindā n バインダー binder

baio tekunorojī n バイオテクノロジー biotechnology

baiorin n バイオリン violin

baipasu n バイパス bypass

bairingaru n バイリンガル bilingual

bairitsu n 倍率 magnification, magnifying power

baishunfu n 売春婦 prostitute; whore

baiten n 売店 (of vendor) stall, booth, kiosk

bajji n バッジ badge

baka n 馬鹿 fool, idiot

bakabakashi’i, bakarashi’i adj 馬鹿 馬鹿しい, 馬鹿らしい absurd, foolish

bakemono n 化け物 monster, ghost

baketsu n バケツ bucket

bakkin n 罰金 fine, (punishment) penalty

bakku, baggu n バック, バッグ bag

bakkuappu n バックアップ backup, support

bakuchi n 博打 gambling

bakudai na adj 莫大な immense, vast, enormous

bakudan n 爆弾 bomb

bakuhatsu suru v 爆発する to blow, to burst, to explode

bakuzen to adv 漠然と vaguely, obscurely

bamen n 場面 scene

ban n 晩 evening, night

ban n 番 (one’s) turn; lookout

-ban ~番 (counts numbers or orders)

banana n バナナ banana

banchi n 番地 (house number) address

bando n バンド strap, (watch) band, belt; (music) band

bangō n 番号 (assigned) number

bangohan n 晩ご飯 (dinner/supper) evening meal

bangumi n 番組 (broadcast) show, program

banken n 番犬 watchdog


banpaku n 万国博覧会, 万博 international exposition

banira n バニラ vanilla

-banme 番目 [NUMERAL] +th

ban’nin n 番人 watchman

ban’nō n 万能 versatility, ability to do anything

bansō n 伴奏 musical accompaniment

bansōkō n ばんそうこう adhesive plaster/tape

bara n バラ (flower) rose

barabara ni naru v ばらばらになる to scatter; in pieces

baransu n バランス balance:

basho n 場所 place

bassuru v 罰する to punish

basu n バス bus

basugaido n バスガイド bus tour guide

basuketto n バスケット basket

basukettobōru n バスケットボール basketball

basurōbu n バスローブ bathrobe

basurūmu n バスルーム bath, bathroom

basutei n バス停 bus stop

batā n バター butter

baton tatchi n バトンタッチ passing the torch, having someone take over

batsu, batten n ばつ, ばってん cross (= X [means wrong]), a black mark

batsu, bachi n 罰 retribution, punishment

batsu no warui adj ばつの悪い embarrassed, embarrassing

batta n バッタ grasshopper

battā n バッター (baseball) batter

battari adv ばったり unexpectedly

batto n バット (baseball) bat

bebīshittā n ベビー・シッター baby-sitter

beddo n ベッド bed

bekkan n 別館 (building) annex

ben n 便 feces

bengoshi n 弁護士 lawyer

benjo n 便所 toilet, lavatory

benki n 便器 bedpan, toilet bowl, lavatory pan

benkyō n 勉強 study

benkyōzukue n 勉強机 desk

benpi n 便秘 constipation

benri na adj 便利な handy, convenient

benshō n 弁償 compensation

bentō n 弁当 box lunch

beruto n ベルト belt

bessō n 別荘 villa, vacation house

bēsu n ベース base, basis; (baseball) base

bēsu(gitā) ベース(ギター) bass guitar

bēsubōru n ベースボール baseball

besuto n ベスト(服) (clothes) vest

besuto o tsukusu v ベストを尽くす to do one’s best

besutoserā n ベストセラー bestseller

Betonamu n ベトナム Vietnam

Betonamu(-jin) no adj ベトナム(人)の Vietnamese

betsu no pron, adj 別の (different) another; other; extra

betsubetsu (na/no) adj 別々(な/の) separate, individual

betsuryōkin n 別料金 (charge) extra

bīchi n ビーチ beach

bideo dekki n ビデオデッキ VCR, video recorder

bijin n 美人 beautiful woman, a beauty

bijinesu n ビジネス business

bijinesu hoteru n ビジネスホテル economy hotel

bijinesuman n ビジネスマン business-person

bijutsu n 美術 art

bijutsukan n 美術館 art museum, art gallery

bikkuri suru v びっくりする to get startled, to get a surprise

bimyō na adj 微妙な delicate, subtle, fine, nice

bin n 瓶 bottle

binbō na adj 貧乏な poor (needy)

binīru-bukuro n ビニール袋 plastic bag

binkan na adj 敏感な sensitive

bira n ビラ leaflet, handbill, pamphlet

biri no adj ビリの the last, the tail end, the rear

binsen n 便箋 (letter-) writing paper

binsoku ni adv 敏速に quickly

bīru n ビール beer

biru(dingu) n ビル(ディング) building

Biruma n ビルマ (Myanmar ミャンマ ーの旧称) Burma

Biruma(-jin) no adj ビルマ(人)の Burmese

bisshori adv びっしょり completely soaked: ase bisshori 汗びっしょり be all sweaty

bisuketto n ビスケット biscuit

bitaminzai n ビタミン剤 vitamin pills

biyōin n 美容院 beauty parlor

biza n ビザ visa

bō n 棒 stick, pole

bochi n 墓地 cemetery, graveyard

bōeki n 貿易 trade, exchange

bōeki-shōsha/-gaisha n 貿易商社/会社 trader, trading company

bōenkyō n 望遠鏡 telescope

bōgai n 妨害 disturbance

bōgyo suru v 防御する to defend

bōhanberu n 防犯ベル burglar alarm

bōi n ボーイ waiter

bōifurendo n ボーイフレンド boyfriend

boin n 母音 vowel (sound)

bōken n 冒険 adventure

boki n 簿記 bookkeeping

bokoku n 母国 mother country, home-land

bokujō n 牧場 ranch

bokushi n 牧師 (Christian) minister, preacher, priest

bokushingu n ボクシング boxing

bon n 盆 tray

bōnasu n ボーナス (wage) bonus

bōnenkai n 忘年会 year-end party

bonsai n 盆栽 bonsai, dwarf trees (in pots)

borantia n ボランティア volunteer

bōringu n ボーリング bowling

bōru n ボール ball

bōrugami n ボール紙 cardboard

bōrupen n ボールペン ballpoint pen

boruto n ボルト (nut and bolt) bolt; (electricity) volt

bōryoku n 暴力 (brute force) violence

boryūmu n ボリューム volume

bōshi n 帽子 (つばの広い) hat

boshū suru v 募集する to recruit, to collect

botan n ボタン button

bōto n ボート boat

bu n 部 department, part, division, section

-bu suffix 部 (counts books or bound things) copy

bubun n 部分 part, portion

buchō n 部長 department/division/section head, manager

budō n ブドウ grapes

budō n 武道 martial arts

bugaisha n 部外者 outsider

buhin n 部品 (machine) part

buji (ni) n (adv) 無事(に) (without incident) safe(ly)

bujoku n 侮辱 insult

buka n 部下 a subordinate

buki n 武器 arm, weapon

bukimi na adj 不気味な ghastly, eerie

bukiyō na adj 不器用な clumsy

bukka n 物価 commodity prices

bukkirabō na adj ぶっきらぼうな blunt, brusque, curt

Bukkyō n 仏教 Buddhism

Bukkyōto n 仏教徒 Buddhist

bumon n 部門 sector, branch, department, section

bun n 分 part, portion, share; state, status

bun, bunshō n 文, 文章 sentence, text

bunbōgu n 文房具 stationery

bungaku n 文学 literature

bunka n 文化 culture

bunkatsu n 分割 division, split-up

bunken n 文献 literary document

bunko(-bon) n 文庫(本) pocketbook

bunmei n 文明 civilization

bunpō n 文法 grammar

bunrui n 分類 classification

bunseki suru v 分析する to analyze

buntsū suru v 文通する (write letters) to correspond

burajā n ブラジャー bra

burandē n ブランデー brandy

burando n ブランド brand

burasagaru v ぶら下がる to hang (down)

burasageru v ぶら下げる to hang (down), to suspend

burashi n ブラシ brush

burausu n ブラウス blouse

burauza n ブラウザ (computer) browser

burei na adj 無礼な impolite, rude

burēkā n ブレーカー circuit breaker (box)

burēki n ブレーキ brake

burīfu n ブリーフ (下着) briefs

burīfukēsu n ブリーフケース briefcase

buriki n ブリキ tin

burōdobando n ブロードバンド broadband

burogu n ブログ blog, weblog

busahō na adj 不作法な rude, blunt

bushi n 武士 Japanese warrior, samurai

busho n 部署 (in the office) department

busshitsu n 物質 matter, substance

buta n 豚 pig

butai n 舞台 stage

butai n 部隊 detachment of troops, unit, outfit

butaniku n 豚肉 pork

butsukaru v ぶつかる to collide with, to run into

butsukeru v ぶつける to hit

butsuri(gaku) n 物理(学) physics

buttai n 物体 object, thing

buzoku n 部族 tribe

byō n 秒 (of time) second

-byō suffix 秒 (counts seconds)

byōdō na adj 平等な equal

byōin n 病院 hospital

byōki n 病気 disease, illness

byōki no adj 病気の ill, sick

byōnin n 病人 an invalid, a patient

byōsha suru v 描写する to describe


cha n 茶 tea

chaimu n チャイム chime

chairoi adj 茶色い brown

chakujitsu na adj 着実な steady, constant

chakumero n 着メロ music ringtone, ringing tone (cellular phone)

chakuriku n 着陸 landing, touching ground

chakuseki suru v 着席する to take a seat

chāmingu na adj チャーミングな charming, attractive, pretty

chan’neru n チャンネル (TV) channel

chanoma n 茶の間 (Japanese style) living room

chanpion n チャンピオン champion

chansu n チャンス chance

chanto adv ちゃんと (without incident) safe(ly), firmly, securely

charenji n チャレンジ challenge

charitī n チャリティー charity

chawan n 茶わん cup, (for tea ceremony) tea cup; rice bowl

chawanmushi n 茶碗むし (made from broth and egg)steamed egg in a cup

chazuke n 茶漬け a bowl of rice with hot tea

chekku n チェック (bank) check; look-over

chekkuauto n チェックアウト check-out

chekku’in n チェックイン check-in

chero n チェロ cello

chesu n チェス chess

chi n 血 blood

chichi n 父 father

chichūkai n 地中海 the Mediterranean

chideji n 地デジ terrestrial digital broadcasting

chie n 知恵 wisdom

chigai n 違い difference, discrepancy

chiheisen n 地平線 horizon

chihō n 地方 area, district, region, province

chihō no adj 地方の local

chi’i n 地位 rank, position, status

chi’iki n 地域 area, region

chijimu n 縮む to shrink

chijō adv 地上 above ground, on the ground

chijoku n 恥辱 shame, disgrace

chika n 地下 underground

chikagoro n, adv 近頃 lately, recently

chikai n 誓い vow, pledge, oath

chikai n 近い near, close by

chikai uchi ni adj 近いうちに in the near future

chikaku adj, adv 近く close, near-by

chikaku de adv 近くで around, nearby

chikamichi n 近道 short cut

chikan n 痴漢 (sexual) molester, groper

chikara n 力 force, power, strength

chikashitsu n 地下室 basement

chikatesu n 地下鉄 subway

chikau v 誓う to swear, to vow, to pledge

chikayoru v 近寄る to approach, to draw/come near

chikazuku v 近づく (空間、時間) to approach (in space and time); to draw/come near

chikoku n 遅刻 late

chiku n 地区 section, (area) sector

chikyū n 地球 Earth

chimei n 地名 the name of a place/land

chimitsu na adj 緻密な close, minute, elaborate

chīmu n チーム team

chingashi suru v 賃貸しする to rent out

chingin n 賃金 wages

chinmoku n 沈黙 silence

chinō n 知能 intelligence

chinō-shisū n 知能指数 intelligence quotient

chippu n チップ (gratuity) tip

chira(ka)su v 散ら(か)す to scatter, to strew

chiri n 地理 geography

chiri n ちり dust

chirigami n ちり紙 (Kleenex) tissues

chiritori n ちり取り dustpan

chiryō n 治療 (医療) cure, (medical) treatment

chīsai, chīsa na n 小さい, 小さな little, small

chisei n 知性 intellect, mind, intelligence, mentality

chisetsu adj 稚拙 childish

chishiki n 知識 knowledge

chitchai adj ちっちゃい little, small

chitsu n 膣 vagina

chizu n 地図 map

chīzu n チーズ cheese

chō, chōcho n 蝶, 蝶々 butterfly

chōbo n 帳簿 account book

chōchin n ちょうちん lantern

chōchō n 町長 town mayor

chōdo adj ちょうど exactly, just

chōhōkei n 長方形 rectangle

chōjo n 長女 eldest sister

chōjō n 頂上 top, summit, peak

chōkaku shōgai no adj 聴覚障害の deaf

chōkan n 朝刊 morning paper

chokin n 貯金 deposit, savings

chokin suru v 貯金する (money) to deposit, to save

chokinbako n 貯金箱 saving box

chokki n チョッキ vest

chōkoku n 彫刻 carving, sculpture

chokorēto, choko n チョコレート, チョコ chocolate

chokumen suru v 直面する to face

chokusetsu n 直接 direct

chōmiryō n 調味料 spice, seasonings

chōmusubi n 蝶結び (ribbon) bow

chōnan n 長男 eldest son

chōnekutai n 蝶ネクタイ bow tie

chōrisareta adj 調理された cooked

chōsa suru v 調査する to examine

chōsei suru v 調整する to organize, to arrange; to adjust

chōsen n 挑戦 challenge

chosha n 著者 writer, author

chōshi n 調子 tune; condition; trend

chōshi ga ii/warui adj 調子がいい/悪い be in good/bad condition

chōsho n 長所 strong point, merit, advantage

chōshoku n 朝食 breakfast, morning meal

chōten n 頂点 climax, peak, high-point

chotto adv ちょっと just a little; just a minute; somewhat

chū n 中 middle; medium

chūdoku n 中毒 addiction, poisoning

chūgakkō n 中学校 middle school, junior high school

Chūgoku n 中国 China

Chūgoku(-jin) no adj 中国(人)の Chinese

chūi n 注意 note, notice; attention

chūibukai adj 注意深い cautious, careful, mindful

chūingamu n チューインガム chewing gum

chūkan n 中間 middle: … (no) chūkan (の)中間 between…

chūko no adj 中古の secondhand

chūkohin n 中古品 secondhand goods

chūkurai no adj 中くらいの average; (size) medium

chūmoku n 注目 notice; attention

chūmon n 注文 (placed for food, goods) order

chūnen n 中年 middle age

chūō n 中央 middle, center

chūō no adj 中央の central

chūsen n 抽選 lottery, drawing

chūsha n 注射 injection

chūsha suru v 駐車する (car) to park

chūshajō n 駐車場 parking lot/garage

chūshakinshi 駐車禁止 No Parking

chūshi n 中止 (abeyance) suspension

chūshi suru v 中止する to suspend, (in the midst) stops

chūshin n 中心 center, middle

chūshin no adj 中心の central

chūshōkigyō n 中小企業 mediumsized and small companies

chūshoku n 昼食 lunch, midday meal

Chūtō n 中東 the Middle East

chūto (de) adv 中途(で) on the way, halfway

chūto hanpa na adj 中途半端な half-done, incomplete


dabokushō n 打撲傷 bruise

dabudabu no adj だぶだぶの baggy, loose, full, voluminous

daburu n ダブル a double (room); double(-size) drink; double-breasted suit

daeki n 唾液 saliva

daen n 楕円 ellipse, oval

daenkei no adj 楕円形の (shape) oval

daga conj だが but

dageki n 打撃 hit, strike; blow, shock

dai n 題 title; topic, theme

dai n 台 stand, (low) table

dai- prefix 第 [+ NUMBER] number …; [NUMERAL]-th; (separate word except when attached to a single-unit numeral)

-dai n 代 charge (fee), bill; age, generation

-dai suffix 台 (counts vehicles or machines)

daiben n 大便 feces, defecation

daibiki (de) n 代引き(で) C.O.D., collect on delivery

daibingu n ダイビング dive

daibu adv 大分 quite, very, much

daibubun n 大部分 most part, the majority

daidai adj, adv 代々 generation after generation, for generations

daidokoro n 台所 kitchen

daietto n ダイエット diet

daigaku n 大学 college, university

daigakuin n 大学院 graduate school

daigishi n 代議士 Diet member

daihitsu n 代筆 ghost-writing

daihon n 台本 script

daihyō n 代表 representative

daihyō-teki na adj 代表的な representative, typical, model

daiji na adj 大事な important, precious

daijin n 大臣 (cabinet) minister

daijōbu adj 大丈夫 OK, all right; safe (and sound); no need to worry, no problem: daijōbu desu 大丈夫です It’s all right.

daikibo na adj 大規模な large scale

daikin n 代金 the price/charge, the bill

daikirai na adj 大嫌いな loathing, aversion

daikon n 大根 Japanese radish

daiku n 大工 carpenter

daimei n 題名 (本、映画) (of book, film) title

dainashi n 台無し ruin, spoil

dairi n 代理 commission, agent, agency

dairi-nin n 代理人 agent

dairiten n 代理店 agency

daisan no adj 第三の third

daishi n 台紙 mount, (art) board

daisuki na adj 大好きな favorite

daitai n, adv だいたい more or less, in general, on the whole, approximately, almost

daitan na adj 大胆な bold

daitōryō n 大統領 (of a nation) president

daiyaku n 代役 substitute, alternate

daiyamondo, daiya n ダイヤモンド, ダイヤ diamond

daiyaru n ダイヤル dial

daiyō n 代用 substitution

daizu n 大豆 soy beans

dakara conj だから so, because of that, and so; therefore; that’s why

... dake de naku... mo mata ~だけで なく~もまた not only ... but also

daku v 抱く to hold in the arms

damaru v 黙る be/become silent; to shut up

damasu v だます to cheat, to deceive

dame だめ don’t!, no good

dame na adj 駄目な no good, no use, won’t; bad, broken, malfunctioning

danbō n 暖房 (room, house) heating

danbō setsubi n 暖房設備 (equipment) heating

danbōru (bako) n 段ボール箱 (box) cardboard

danchi n 団地 housing development

dango n 団子 dumpling

danjiki suru v 断食する to fast

dankotoshita adj 断固とした determined, stubborn, (definite) firm

dan’na n 旦那 my husband; (shop, etc.) master dan’na-san/-sama 旦那さん/様 (your/someone else’s) husband

dansei n 男性 male

danshi n 男子 boy

danshi seito n 男子生徒 schoolboy

dansu n ダンス dance

dantai n 団体 organization, group

dare pron だれ who, anyone, anybody: dare de mo だれでも anybody, anyone,everybody:dare ka だれか somebody,someone

dashi n だし soup stock, broth

dasu v 出す to put out; (food/drink) to serve; to produce; to pay, to spend; (mail) to send; to begin

dāsu n ダース dozen

datō na adj 妥当な adequate

... de prep ~で in, at

... de kenka suru v ~で喧嘩する to fight over

... de mo adv ~でも even/also (being) …, even if it be; …or something

... de mo nai adv ~でもない nor, neither

... de nai kagiri conj ~でない限り unless

... de nakereba ~でなければ if not

de wa conj では well then; in that case; and so; and now

... de wa nai adv ~ではない no, not

... de warareta adj ~で割られた divided by

deau v 出会う: (… ni) deau (~に) 出 会う to encounter, to meet, to run/bump into

deguchi n 出口 exit, way out

deiriguchi n 出入り口 gate(way), doorway

dejitarukamera n デジタルカメラ digital camera

dekakeru v 出掛ける to start off/out, to go out, to depart

dekigoto n 出来事 event, happening, incident

dekimono, o-deki n できもの, おでき swelling, sore, boil, pimple

... dekiru verbal auxiliary ~できる can, be able to; be possible; be produced; be done, finished, through, ready

dekirudake できるだけ as much as possible

dekoboko no adj でこぼこの bump(y), (road, etc.) rough; uneven

demo conj でも but, however, even so, though

demo n デモ demonstration

demukaeru v 出迎える to meet, to greet, to welcome

denchi n 電池 battery

dengon n 伝言 message

denki n 電気 electricity, light

denki kiki n 電気機器 electrical appliance

denki sōjiki n 電気掃除機 vacuum cleaner

denki sutando n 電気スタンド desk/floor lamp

denki sutōbu n 電気ストーブ electric heater

denkyū n 電球 light bulb

denpa n 電波 electric wave, radio wave

denpō n 電報 telegram

denpun n でんぷん (for cooking) starch

denpyō n 伝票 (restaurant bill) check

denryoku n 電力 electric power

denryū n 電流 electric current

densenbyō n 伝染病 contagious/communicable disease, epidemic

densetsu no adj 伝説の (legend) traditional

densha n 電車 train, streetcar

denshi jisho n 電子辞書 electronic dictionary

denshi keijiban n 電子掲示板 bulletin board (system), BBS

denshi manē n 電子マネー (Internet) e-cash, e-money, electronic money/cash

denshi mēru n 電子メール (system, message) email

denshi mēru adoresu n 電子メールア ドレス email address

denshi renji n 電子レンジ microwave oven

denshi shoseki n 電子書籍 computer book, digital book, e-book, electronic book

denshi shuppan n 電子出版 electronic publishing

dentō n 伝統 tradition

denwa n 電話 telephone

denwa ni deru v 電話にでる to answer the phone

denwa no koki n 電話の子機 (telephone) extension

denwa o kakeru v 電話をかける (telephone) to dial

denwa (o) suru v 電話(を)する to call on the telephone, (on the telephone) to ring

denwabangō n 電話番号 telephone number

depātto n デパート department store

depparu v 出っ張る to stick out

deru v 出る to go/come out, to exit; to emerge, to appear; be served; to leave, to start

... deshō ~でしょう

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