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Murderous Malice: Malice, #8
Murderous Malice: Malice, #8
Murderous Malice: Malice, #8
Ebook114 pages1 hour

Murderous Malice: Malice, #8

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About this ebook

Alice finds out the truth about the past year and the manipulations others have enacted on her and her family.  Her anger burns hot, and she returns to what she was born to be...a killer.  Our anti-heroine returns as she wreaks vengeance for the sake of her family...

Release dateNov 24, 2017
Murderous Malice: Malice, #8

K'Anne Meinel

K’Anne Meinel is a prolific best-selling fiction writer with more than one hundred published works including shorts, novellas, and novels.  She is an American author born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and raised outside of Oconomowoc.  Upon early graduation from high school, she went to a private college in Milwaukee and then moved to California.  Many of her stories are noted for being realistic, with wonderfully detailed backgrounds and compelling storylines.  Called the Danielle Steel of her time, K’Anne continues to write interesting stories in a variety of genres in both the lesbian and mainstream fiction categories.  Her website is @  K’Anne is also the publisher and owner of Shadoe Publishing, LLC @ and in December 2017 she started the Lesfic Bard Awards @  In December 2018 she launched the Gay Scribe Awards @ in hopes of duplicating the first year’s success of the Lesfic Bard Awards and to showcase more LGBT literature.

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    Book preview

    Murderous Malice - K'Anne Meinel


    Book 8

    Serial killer: someone who has killed at least three people over a certain span of time (usually over a month) with some down time between each murder; the motivation for each murder usually satisfies a psychological need for the killer.

    As she lay pinned on the pool table, her arms and legs spread to the four winds and tied under the table unable to reach them with her teeth or anything else, Alice was seething at the knowledge she had been foolish, very foolish indeed to be caught like this.  Her overwhelming need to find Kathy had led her to this, had allowed her to be caught, had made her act impulsively, and now she lay there awaiting the master’s convenience.  Her attackers, they were hurt for their attempts to subdue her, and just their sheer numbers had been necessary to overwhelm Alice and get her tied up like this.  She glared at them from her prone position with the glares being returned wholeheartedly.  She had experienced another emotion today, vulnerability, and she didn’t like it in the least.  Knowing Kathy was somewhere here in the compound had led her to rash decisions when normally she would have thought out her actions.  Her current situation was the result of those rash decisions, but the knowledge she had now made a deadly opponent to these muscle-bound lug heads the master employed for him and his friends.

    Each of the four men, who had thought to easily subdue this petite blonde, nursed wounds, some of them major, and the menace in their eyes made promises they intended to keep.  Their glances promised retribution, and Alice knew if they had a thought between them, they would already be on her raping and teaching her a lesson for the hurts they had incurred.  It had taken all four of them, and by sheer muscle mass they had overwhelmed her, subdued her, and tied her up.  Her defiance had been unprecedented.  They were used to submissive and trained females who were grateful for their attentions and enjoyed a freedom on this compound they guarded.  The females available to them were thrilled at their bodies and muscle mass and delighted in pleasing them.  Rarely had a mere female fought back, and the reluctant ones were soon whipped to the master’s designs and desires.  They weren’t used to someone pretty like Alice who neither wanted or desired them and instead had fought tooth and nail to avoid capture.

    The fact that a stranger had wandered onto the compound puzzled them, but then they weren’t hired for their brains but rather their beauty and size as bodyguards.  Very little was required of them beyond their sperm donations and abilities to guard the premises.  Intelligence was not required.  They had all been brain washed to the point they obeyed the master at all costs.  Alice had come onto the grounds under the guise of a hiker, her hair in two braids.  One on each side made her look like a hot little Heidi from Switzerland, and her naive little look had fooled them into thinking she was just lost when she was discovered.  She hadn’t planned on being discovered at all as she was leaving but had foolishly allowed a silent trigger to be tripped and had been pursued by the lumbering giants.  Despite a valiant fight, their numbers had overwhelmed her, and they now had her tightly wrapped for the master’s convenience.  Alice wondered when that would be since she had been tied here for a very long time already.  She supposed to a lesser female, one who didn’t know or understand what would be coming, one who hadn’t had something to hide, she would be frightened by this delay and promises of meeting the master was supposed to play on her fragile female mind.

    She was grateful she had come as far as she had when she decided on raiding this compound.  Owned by multi-millionaire Alex The Flybird Johansen, he also happened to own the charter flight service Alice had found that the faxes went to from Dr. Dan.  She should have taken her time but anxious to find Kathy and evidence of her whereabouts had made her rush.  She had the information off of his private computers and had planted viruses in them for her future uses, but they would be useless unless she got away.  She realized her only hope of getting away now was to use these lugs and their brainless following of the master against them, but with them hating her already from the pain she had inflicted, she wasn’t sure how to go about it at the moment.  She knew waiting for their master to make an appearance might be a mistake; he apparently had some brains to coordinate this complex, to keep it a secret from the locals and authorities.

    Over the hours that she lay there uncomfortably, she realized her arms and legs were becoming numb, and she would have to do something.  The men had tended to their wounds and left two of the now six lugs she realized were all patrolling bodyguards on the compound.  These two she hadn’t actually fought, and she had overheard them laughing at the damage she had inflicted on the other four.  The little blonde that they were laughing about had done that?  They were incredulous at the news and looked at her with speculative looks. 

    Excuse me, I could use the bathroom, she entreated, but they just looked at her blankly in response.

    Alice wondered how much time she actually had left or if Alex was actually at his vacation retreat here in the high valleys, far away from Portland in this idealic little spot tucked away from civilization.  She realized with some admiration the location and set up of Alex’s vacation home.  She also realized there was a lot more here than what met the eye.  There were basements under the seemingly innocent house and tunnels into the hills beyond.  Alice wondered how long this compound had been here and how much the locals knew about its real purpose and intent.  The luxury vacation home of multi-millionaire Alex Johansen was very well maintained and very much not what it seemed.  Alice wished she had been a little more careful, a little more cautious, but her desire to see Kathy, to possibly rescue her, had blinded her to her normal suspicious and careful attitudes.  As a result, she was now in this position.  She hadn’t known when she took on the disguise of a lost hiker she would find such a treasure trove of information.  Like Dr. Dan, this Alex seemed to think he was untouchable.  Alice wondered if the FBI and Los Angeles police had captured Dan yet.  She had left them enough evidence they should have swooped in on him by now.

    * * * * *

    Alice gathered the evidence she had carefully compiled: the papers, the pictures, and the computer disks, and put them in priority mail boxes and carefully addressed them.  Her latex gloves assured that no fingerprints of her own were on the boxes or the files.  Her hair was back in a ponytail, and she was very careful to leave no DNA of her own on the evidence she was supplying.  Additionally, she had gone over the files with a magnifier to look for hair follicles or other evidence that would lead back to her but could find nothing.  She had been meticulously careful.  She mailed the boxes far from her Palos Verdes estate, using peel and stick stamps that she had purchased across town.  The evidence should have the appropriate divisions crawling over Dr. Dan’s home if they believed what they saw.  Alice had removed all evidence of Kit from his files and erased it from his hard drive.  She was surprised at how much the doctor had kept of all his victims but thought perhaps with his ego he thought he could get away with it all, and his master would appreciate a detailed report. 

    After mailing the boxes, she realized her family though, wasn’t safe.  Kit and the other two children were possible targets since Kathy had already been taken.  Kit had been an intended target, and they wouldn’t take it lightly that they were disillusioned.  The only one who had that kind of pull had been Eli Watson, and when his plans were thwarted, he had sold the information or given it to this Alex Johansen to carry it out.  Apparently, the more

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