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The Prime Minister
The Prime Minister
The Prime Minister
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The Prime Minister

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The books of the Palliser series are: Can You Forgive Her?Phineas Finn, The Eustace Diamonds, Phineas Redux, The Prime Minister, and The Duke's Children.According to Wikipedia: "Anthony Trollope ( 1815 – 1882 ) became one of the most successful, prolific and respected English novelists of the Victorian era. Some of Trollope's best-loved works, known as the Chronicles of Barsetshire, revolve around the imaginary county of Barsetshire; he also wrote penetrating novels on political, social, and gender issues and conflicts of his day. Trollope has always been a popular novelist. Noted fans have included Sir Alec Guinness (who never travelled without a Trollope novel), former British Prime Ministers Harold Macmillan and Sir John Major, economist John Kenneth Galbraith, American novelists Sue Grafton and Dominick Dunne and soap opera writer Harding Lemay. Trollope's literary reputation dipped somewhat during the last years of his life, but he regained the esteem of critics by the mid-twentieth century. "Of all novelists in any country, Trollope best understands the role of money. Compared with him even Balzac is a romantic." — W. H. Auden"

PublisherSeltzer Books
Release dateMar 1, 2018

Anthony Trollope

<p><b>Anthony Trollope</b> nació en Londres en 1815, hijo de un abogado en bancarrota y de Frances Trollope, que, tras fracasar montando un bazar en Cincinatti, escribió <i>Usos y costumbres de los americanos</i> (ALBA CLÁSICA núm. XLVIII), con la que inició una carrera literaria que le reportó fama y prosperidad económica. Anthony se educó en Harrow, Sunbury y Winchester, donde se sintió a disgusto entre los miembros de la aristocracia, y nunca llegó a la Universidad. En 1824 empezó a trabajar en el servicio de correos, donde permanecería hasta 1867. Tras siete años en Londres fue trasladado a Irlanda, y de ahí a nuevos destinos por el Reino Unido, Egipto y las Indias Occidentales.</p> <p>En 1847 publicó su primera novela, <i>The Macdermots of Ballycloran</i>, y en 1855 <i>El custodio</i>, la primera del ciclo ambientado en la mítica ciudad de Barchester (trasunto de Winchester) y en las intrigas políticas de su clero. Este ciclo lo consolidó como autor realista y le dio una gran popularidad. En 1864 inició con <i>Can You Forgive Her?</i> otro ciclo, el de las novelas de Palliser, en el que retrataría los entresijos de la vida política y matrimonial de los parlamentarios londinenses. En 1868 él mismo se presentó como candidato liberal a las elecciones, pero no fue elegido. Entre sus últimas obras cabe destacar <i>The Way We Live Now</i> (1875), una gran sátira del capitalismo. Murió en Londres en 1882.</p>

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I didn’t mean to read ‘The Prime Minister’ quite so soon, or to rush through it quite so quickly, but I had to step back into Trollope’s world because there seemed to be so many old friends I wanted to see again, so many interesting new people to meet, so many intriguing things happening.Plantagenet Palliser, the Duke of Omnium, was Prime Minister!He headed a coalition government, and he had risen not so much as the result of his own charisma and ambition, more because there was no other candidate acceptable to all of the parties and willing to do the job. Now to rise to such a position is a great thing, but I feared for the new Prime Minister. He was too honest, too sensitive, and too unwilling to compromise his principles. Wonderful qualities in so many ways, but qualities you would want in a right-hand man, that would make you want to pick him for your team or hold him up as a role model; but not qualities that would make him a great leader of men.The Duchess of Omnium – the erstwhile Lady Glencora Palliser – on the other hand was in her element. She would entertain, she would socialise, she would intrigue. She would play her part to the full, and she was in so many ways a far better politician that her husband. Never was it clearer that they loved each other but they would never quite understand each other.It was lovely to watch them and to listen to them. And, maybe even better, were the conversations between the Duchess and her dearest friend Mrs Finn – the erstwhile Madame Max. That friendship is so well balanced and so well drawn.The stories of the Duke and Duchess are set against – and entangled with – the stories of Ferdinand Lopez and Emily Wharton.Ferdinand Lopez was a handsome adventurer of Portuguese-Jewish descent. It was clear from the start that he was to be the villain of the piece, and he plotted and schemed to acquire wealth and rise up through society. He was determined to secure the hand of Emily Wharton, the daughter of a wealthy and successful barrister. Mr Wharton was firmly set against the match, and determined that his daughter would only marry the son of an English gentleman. He favoured Emily’s childhood friend Arthur Fletcher, but Lopez had her heart.The deadlock was broken when Lopez, apparently, saved the life of Emily’s brother, and her father reluctantly consented to the marriage.It was then that Lopez’s campaign escalated. He used his wife to extract significant sums of money from his father-in-law to fund speculations, he exploited – and cheated his lower class business partner. He has some successes but he had more failures, and put more and more pressure on his wife to extract more funds from her father. His attempt to enter the House of Commons, to established him as an English gentleman, fails and Arthur Fletcher takes the seat. he blames everyone but himself.That had consequence for the Duchess of Omnium – who had been charmed by Lopez and so gave him her support – and in turn for the Prime Minister, who could not, would not, allow his wife’s name – or his principles – to be compromised.Mr Wharton realised that when he dismissed Lopez’s suit he had neglected to consider other things that would make him an unsuitable husband for his daughter. He did what he could, Emily knew that she had to accept the consequences of her decision; the arc of the relationship between father and daughter was one of my favourite things about this novel.As Lopez made his determined rise and when he came tumbling down he did a great deal of damage. When both his business and his marriage collapsed around him he made the most dramatic of exits. The repercussions of his actions though would be felt for a long, long time.His end was inevitable, but the gap that he left was huge, he was such a fascinating, charismatic character. It took the story a while to re-establish itself without him.But there is a whole world in this story, and the world continues to turn. I loved watching so much going on, at Westminster, in the town, in the country. The scope of the story is vast, and the author’s command of it is magnificent.There are themes that are horribly relevant today – the consequences of coalition government, and the role the fourth estate – represented here by Mr Quintus Slide …..There are many things that can be said about this book. I have come to see that Trollope accepted society’s norms and believed that they would continue to hold sway; that he could draw a good villain but he clearly gave much more time to the great and the good; that he gave consideration to how a gentleman should live and behave, and of the consequences of their social position and above all of marriage for women ……Above all this is a wonderfully rich human drama.The world that Trollope has created in the Palliser novels and the people that live in it are so very, very real.I find it easy to simply accept it for what it is, and I love spending time there.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Plantaganet Palliser is persuaded to lead a coalition government and a woman called Emily Wharton marries a scoundrel called Ferdinand Lopez. The politics bits are not terribly interesting - mainly Palliser moaning about how mean people can be and worrying too much about what is written in the press about him. (By the way, I thought Quintus Slide had been exiled to America?) The Lopez sections are much more exciting (although coloured by Victorian attitudes to "foreigners" who might or might not be "Jews"). Lopez is definitely not a "gentleman", but it is not clear to me whether Trollope can imagine that a non-Englishman can possibly be a gentlemen. Overall a fairly sad book in a gently relentless way. I spent the last volume wishing Palliser would just shut up and resign and Emily would just get over herself and marry Arthur. Oddly, nothing terrible happens to Lord Fawn in this volume...
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed the first 500 pages or so, up until Mr. Lopez dies. He was a blackguardly scoundrel but he was interesting!. Unfortunately, I found Emily and her megrims annoying and dull and I have to say that Plantagenet Palliser was much more fun in the Barsetshire series & became downright irritating in this novel. He and Emily were flawed in much the same way - and sadly a way I did not enjoy reading about. Ah well, only one more book in the series so I will persevere.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is the fifth book in the Palliser series which has power and politics as an underlying theme. Interestingly, this is the first book in the series to provide any sort of political commentary. In the earlier volumes the politics is given very superficial treatment, but here, through Plantagenet Palliser, now Duke of Omnium, Trollope sets out his understanding of the differences between a Tory and a Liberal view of politics (effectively, Tory stands for no change, Liberal for increased equality). The lead character in the book is the villain, Lopez. Trollope does not do villains well. They tend to be one-dimensionally bad, and lack the subtlety of his other characters. There is also something dispiriting in a long book about a bad man. So, not Trollope's best effort, but even his lesser books are a joy to read. (Read Feb 2011).
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    "The Prime Minister" was my second foray into Trollope's oeuvre, the first being "Can You Forgive Her?". Since then, I have read the final Palliser novel, "The Duke's Children"; and I must remark that Trollope's style is utterly unlike anything I have ever yet encountered -- and not necessarily in a complimentary sense. He wrote with something of the discursiveness of Thackeray and undeniably equals the latter's length, but without drawing any characters as vivid or lifelike as Becky Sharp from "Vanity Fair". Realism is certainly a specialty of Trollope's, and he gives excellent insight into the British political system and its 19th-century modus operandi. However, I expect an imaginative and well-maintained storyline in a novel above all else, and while Trollope's Palliser novels are all the former, I find that they lack a pellucid narrative and thoughtful, revealing dialogue. All in all, a good read on a rainy day when you have a craving for a work of British literature that you haven't read before, but not memorable for characterisation or narrative style.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I just love the Palliser series! This installment returns to a focus on the Duke who has become Prime Minister. The reader is also introduced to the tragically nefarious, narcissistic Ferdinand Lopez and the target of his plots, the Wharton family. Plotting, broken hearts, outwitting the fiend, and renewal of lost love. Ah yes! Of course, Trollope wouldn't be Trollope without a dash of social commentary, and in this story it is the maneuvering of the Members of Parliament, their concern for their image, and the way gossip impacts their decisions. Additionally we find Lady Palliser becoming caught up in the love of power and trying desperately to maintain her status through her husband's status. In fact, that is the primary theme here. Miss Wharton and Lady Palliser struggle with the definition of self through spouse throughout the drama. You will have to read it yourself to find out the results!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Very much enjoyed the book. A very good Palliser novel. Definitely at least a 3.5. This one is the story of the Duke as prime ministers. But also the story of Ferdinand Lopez. Portuguese, without family, good education, dark, probably Jewish. What becomes of him. Up, up. And married to a fine but stubborn young lady. Doesn't end up being a nuanced story because Lopez is a cad. In important ways, the interest of the story focuses on two women, the young woman who marries Lobez against the wishes of her family. And the duke's fesity wife Glencora. In some ways the most interesting story turns on the stubborness of the young wife. Will she recover from the husband. More importantly will she recover from her stubborness. Because of course things bad things happen to the husband.

    Conventional and "happy" in the end. Not sure who has won. But I do like Glencora. And her friend--now Madame Finn. The best of soap opera can be found in the Palliser cycle.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The fifth Palliser novel; not quite as good as the previous volume, but still a perfectly excellent read. The Duke of Omnium finds himself prime minister in a coalition government, and much of the plot revolves around his trials and tribulations in office (and at home). The other main plot concerns the rascally Ferdinand Lopez and his endeavors, which make at times for pretty uncomfortable telling. Lots of recurring appearances from our old friends, which have gotten to be my favorite parts of this series.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Plantagenet Palliser at last becomes Prime Minister but all is not as golden for him as one would wish, partly because of Glencora's meddling. Gives an excellent picture of Victorian England in its highest strata.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Plantagenet Palliser, now come into his inheritance as Duke of Omnium, at last makes it to the top of the greasy pole. The government that he heads is an implausible Liberal-Conservative coalition, opposed only by "Mr. Daubeny", a Disraeli caricature, and his handful of (to the author's mind) insufferable Tories. With its massive majority, however, the Omnium ministry can get nothing done - primarily because Trollope, for all of his sentimental liberalism, can't think of anything that might need doing. We are treated to Chancellor of the Exchequer Finespun's efforts to reduce the duties on French wines, the Duke's hapless flirtation with decimal coinage and a subplot in which his Duchess naively promotes the political career of a reckless adventurer (another Disraeli look-alike). Eventually, the coalition breaks up over a preposterous dispute about an award of the Order of the Garter. The Duke is relieved to be out of office, and most readers will concur with him.Nonetheless, if one closes one's eyes to the less than credible high politics, this novel has Trollope's typical virtues. No other author has so excelled at making the ordinary run of humanity vivid and fascinating. In real life, Planty Pall would have been a dull stick, Duchess Glencora a shallow, sexually frustrated meddler and Fernando Lopez a transparent fraud. On these pages, they command our interest.The Prime Minister is the weakest of the Palliser series, which means that it is merely in the upper two percent of English literature.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Plantagenet Palliser has reached the height of his career. When neither the conservatives nor the liberals can garner enough support to form a government, they turn to the Duke of Omnium (as Plantagenet is now) to serve as prime minister at the head of a coalition government. The Duchess (the former Lady Glencora) is ecstatic and immediately sets out to form a shadow government among the leading women of the country. But the poor Duke couldn't be more miserable when he discovers that his position, and the stability of the government, hinges on his complete inaction. (Except for ceremonial stuff.) A secondary plot concerns Emily Wharton, the only daughter of a wealthy London gentleman who is determined to marry Ferdinand Lopez over her father's objections. Mr. Wharton objects to Lopez because he's not an English gentleman. (In other words, he's foreign and has Jewish ancestry.) Emily quite rightly objects to her father's prejudice. Unfortunately, while they're focused on Lopez's ancestry, they both fail to note that his primary occupation of futures trading will not provide the necessary financial stability to support a wife and family. The results are both tragic and predictable.In a way, this is a story of frustrated ambition and of two unhappy marriages. The Pallisers' temperaments make them ill suited for each other, with seemingly incompatible goals. Plantagenet wants to be useful, while Glencora wants to be important. Plantagenet is unhappy when he's in an important position without useful work. Insufficient income seems to be at the root of the Lopez's marital problems, but as the Pallisers' situation proves, it takes more than money to make a happy marriage.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Again, I bought this to have a more portable copy of the book. I have not read the copies of this series I inherited because they are too bulky to carry conveniently. I recall my father saying that the prime minister lost power because he gave an honor (a KG?) to a man he felt deserved it (for his agricultural improvements?) instead of to someone with more political influence.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the fourth of the Palliser novels that I have read (I skipped over The Eustace Diamonds with no ill effect) and so far it's the best of the bunch. In it Anthony Trollope offers two intertwining tales: that of the government of the upright and dutiful Plantagenet Pallier, Duke of Omnium, and the courtship of Emily Wharton, the daughter of a rich barrister, by the slick speculator Ferdinand Lopez. While I started the novel to read the first tale, I soon found myself much more interested in the development of the latter, which was perhaps a little predictable but no less engrossing for it. Yet Trollope's depiction of politics is no less entertaining in this novel, largely because of his focus on the machinations of the duke's wife, Lady Glencora Palliser. Though well-meaning, Trollope sees her efforts as counter-productive, which certainly raised questions for me as to why she is regarded by so many as one of Trollope's greatest heroines. Independent and willful as she may be, she seems to be presented in this novel mainly as a cautionary note as to the folly of women participating in politics, as her actions create many of the problems her husband's government subsequently faces. Nevertheless, she is marvelous as a plot device, and is one of the greatest strengths of this enjoyable book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In this, the fifth of Trollope’s Palliser novels, Plantagenet Palliser has recently been appointed Prime Minister and his wife, Glencora, is busy entertaining Members of Parliament and other dignitaries. At the same time, young Emily Wharton has just rejected her long-time suitor, Arthur Fletcher, in favor of rakish Fernando Lopez. These events set up the two principal storylines in The Prime Minister. Plantagenet is a rare breed of ethical politician, putting the country and others above himself. Glencora is well-intentioned but uses the power of her position to advance Lopez, which turns out to be a mistake. As does Emily’s marriage: Lopez takes advantage of Emily and her wealthy father, with disastrous consequences. I really enjoyed reading this installment and was so caught up in it that the nearly 700 pages seemed to fly by. I have just one Palliser novel left to read and will miss them when I’m done.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    2012, Blackstone Audiobooks, Read by Simon VanceWhen the Liberal government falls, the Duke of Omnium agrees, against both his wishes and his better judgment, to head up a Coalition government. But the Duke is “not by nature gregarious or communicative, and is therefore hardly fitted to be the head of a ministry." (27) What’s more, he is much too thin-skinned, and perceives all opposition to his rule to be a personal affront. The Duchess, on the other hand, is thrilled with both her husband’s and her own new position. Money being no object for the Pallisers, she is determined to use all of her social graces to rally supporters for her husband and his government. Thus she sets down a path of unending and often indiscriminate hospitality at both Matching Priory and Gatherum Castle, declaring that, “The new Prime Minister and the new Prime Minister's wife should entertain after a fashion that had never yet been known even among the nobility of England.” (5) But her actions distress the unwavering Duke, who finds there to be a “vulgarity” about the over-the-top hospitableness. Nonetheless, the charming Lady Glen is not to be dissuaded. Indeed, her political ambitions rival those of Lady Macbeth! “He's Prime Minister, which is a great thing, and I begin to find myself filled to the full with political ambition. I feel myself to be a Lady Macbeth, prepared for the murder of any Duncan or any Daubeny who may stand in my lord's way. In the meantime, like Lady Macbeth herself, we must attend to the banqueting. Her lord appeared and misbehaved himself; my lord won't show himself at all, – which I think is worse." (11)Running parallel to this main plot, is the story of Emily Wharton, the daughter of a wealthy barrister, and her disastrous marriage to Ferdinand Lopez. Her attraction to Lopez, much below her social station, is scandalous: “a man without a father, a foreigner, a black Portuguese nameless Jew.” (16) What’s worse is that in order to take up with Lopez, Emily has thrown over Arthur Fletcher, a well-bred young man she has known and loved since her childhood. Indeed, both the Fletcher and Wharton families have long expected their engagement. Alas, her father, fearing to lose her altogether, eventually succumbs to her marriage. But is immediately apparent that Lopez has an eye only for the purse of his father-in-law, his wife’s happiness of no concern to him whatever. A blackguard, a liar, a reckless speculator, a failed would-be political figure – eventually, Lopez will destroy himself. Emily’s shame is consummate, and understandably so. But her wallowing becomes maudlin and her grief selfish (much to my annoyance); and at last she will be accused by he who still loves her that the time has come to sacrifice “ the luxury of your own woe.” (79)I’ve read that critics consider The Prime Minister to be the weakest of Trollope’s Palliser novels, but I do not share the sentiment. I enjoyed this one just as much as the others and have found myself so taken with the series that I’ve read al of the novels consecutively. Now, with only the final one to go, I begin to miss the characters and their intendant stories of love, power, corruption, and diamonds already! As to Simon Vance, I cannot imagine that a narrator his equal exists.

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The Prime Minister - Anthony Trollope

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