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Ketogenic Diet : The Complete Step by Step Guide for Beginners to Living the Keto Lifestyle – Lose Weight, Burn Fat, and Increase Energy
Ketogenic Diet : The Complete Step by Step Guide for Beginners to Living the Keto Lifestyle – Lose Weight, Burn Fat, and Increase Energy
Ketogenic Diet : The Complete Step by Step Guide for Beginners to Living the Keto Lifestyle – Lose Weight, Burn Fat, and Increase Energy
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Ketogenic Diet : The Complete Step by Step Guide for Beginners to Living the Keto Lifestyle – Lose Weight, Burn Fat, and Increase Energy

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Low carb diets are one of the most popular types of diet around, and for good reason. Many people report weight loss, weight management, and health improvements from going low carb. But what about the people who succeed on other diets? And why do some people fail to meet their goals on a low carb diet? One simple answer: ketosis.

Ketosis is essential to losing weight. It is the process by which we get energy from fat. And if you're not in ketosis, you're not losing body fat. So why go through a series of fancy steps trying to get into ketosis on a normal diet, or a typical low carb diet, when you can go straight to ketosis by adopting a ketogenic diet?

The ketogenic diet described within these pages adopts the latest in nutrition research, the best foods for our bodies, and eliminates all the unnecessary messing around. No more counting points or calories in detail. No more fighting carb cravings every day. And no more avoiding healthy vegetables because of a fad diet. This time you can focus on healthy whole foods, a low carb diet, and a no cravings solution, for now, or forever.

PublisherMark Evans
Release dateApr 14, 2018
Ketogenic Diet : The Complete Step by Step Guide for Beginners to Living the Keto Lifestyle – Lose Weight, Burn Fat, and Increase Energy

Mark Evans

Mark Evans has worked as a journalist with the Irish Examiner national newspaper for more than ten years. His first non-fiction book, Inquizition, was published in 2007. He has written award-winning plays and his news features have been published in Ireland, the US, South Africa and Australia. He lives in Co Cork, Ireland, with his wife and two children. This is his first novel.

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    Book preview

    Ketogenic Diet - Mark Evans

    Chapter One: What is the ketogenic diet?

    To understand a ketogenic diet we first need to understand ketosis. You may have been taught in school that our bodies need glucose to fuel our muscles and brains, and some of you may have been taught that there is no substitute for glucose. However this is not correct.

    The reality is that we only have two sources of glucose: the carbohydrates in the foods we eat and a limited supply reserved in our muscles and liver. As long as we keep eating, and do not spend much time without food, we can run entirely on glucose. However if we go too long between meals or burn up our glucose stores, such as through endurance exercise, our glucose runs out. If it were true that we only run on glucose, at this point we would die. However we do not.

    This is because our body has two main energy sources: glucose, and ketones. Glucose, as we have mentioned, is pure sugar derived from carbohydrates in our diet. But our bodies are very vulnerable to sugar, so we can't store a lot of it. And we all know what we actually store: fat. We turn excess sugar, fats, and sometimes even proteins into our own body fat cells for storage, because these are fairly safe. Obesity may harm our bodies, but if we carried enough sugar in pure glucose form to be obese, we'd have died long ago. So fat is the safer option. But we can't actually burn fat on its own, or convert it back to glucose. So we have a mechanism that we can use to turn fat back into reliable energy.

    This process is called ketosis, and the energy we create from it is called ketones. When we do not have enough glucose to run our bodies we will take fat cells and protein cells and combine them to form an energy source that we can use instead of glucose. This happens whether we are eating a lot of food and just no carbs, like with the Inuit populations before Westernization, or whether we are not eating and are burning our own fat and muscle to make ketones. This energy source is just as good for our brains and muscles as glucose is.

    Following a modern diet we often rely very heavily on glucose, using ketones only as a back up energy source. This is because carbohydrates are quick, easy energy. As soon as we eat something with carbs in it, the enzymes in our mouths digest it down and we absorb sugars through our stomach lining. So naturally, we have a strong appetite for carbs. Meanwhile, fats are slow and hard to digest, so unless we combine them with sugars we will always choose a carby food over a fatty one. But this reliance is not natural. If we look at humans in wild type environments, such as survivalists or tribal people, they burn carbs when they are eating carby foods, but can go days or even weeks eating no carbs at all. When they kill an animal, or find a coconut tree, they will binge on proteins and fats, and when there is no food they will use up their glucose and start burning their body fat. Our bodies were designed to do this, not because it's pleasant, but because it's the way we

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