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Lily Trotter: 1
Lily Trotter: 1
Lily Trotter: 1
Ebook153 pages2 hours

Lily Trotter: 1

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    Vampires ,Werewolves,Ghosts. this has it all .Step into the wonderful world of Lily Trotter .Go on a Magical adventure with Canting the tree Goblin.

Release dateSep 3, 2019
Lily Trotter: 1

Mark Evans

Mark Evans has worked as a journalist with the Irish Examiner national newspaper for more than ten years. His first non-fiction book, Inquizition, was published in 2007. He has written award-winning plays and his news features have been published in Ireland, the US, South Africa and Australia. He lives in Co Cork, Ireland, with his wife and two children. This is his first novel.

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    Book preview

    Lily Trotter - Mark Evans

    Chapter 1

    Darkness fell just as quick as raindrops, falling from thunders of plenty.

    It was Thursday July the 22nd 1832, the scared, was still a distant memory, closing his eyes with the thought of peaceful sleep was just a hope in his mind, after three long hours, sleep had crept itself upon and within the bed he lay.

    Hours had passed and with awaking eyes his story began.

    It was a glorious morning, its sun shone beams of illuminating lights, throughout the great halls, and back off the walls of Temple bury elementary mansion.

    With its broken rustic stained glass windows warmed, its rays were like mellow days and times that would not be forgotten, you know the sort of ones that are spent lazing and hazing as you think of the fond in bond you share and care for loved ones, this was not the case for Todd Amati the local priest of the chapel within the village of Black Slate. he had survived’ why was he left to live; his body still felt the marks from their teeth of terror cascading like a storm in a teacup.

    In his mind all that could be remembered was that unleashed terror, embossed to last five days by the Lipids, that demonic clan of unearthly Werewolvine warriors who fed on fresh flesh and broken bones one that would petrify horror into itself, a clan that could not be broken by the four of braveness, a special band of shadow ghosts each with a distinctive name, Jamaica, Leitrim,, Banter, and Blanco these band of four braves were the peacekeepers of Black Slate but all hope had perished in this once vibrant village as the four of them were captured by the Lipids, and trapped within the oracle glass bottle of Sarnia a mystical demon from the aslant mountains unseen for centuries but approached by none, one that had a mysterious hobby of collecting all shaped bottles to capture anyone with her evil magic!! Todd could still here their screams and the torture terror that black clouded and rained blood six months previous! Burnt out corpses some of which were half eaten, bits of stench flesh and curded blood were scattered amongst the dying grass verges and broken branches from the Akko Trees’ once planted to add some extra greenery to the shabby roads’ not that it mattered or made much of a difference now.

    Decapitated bodies were strewn all over this once humble place, every living thing in this village had perished!!!

    Casting his mind back Priest Todd remembered the day as if was yesterday ,for him he lived it every hour of every day.

    Things were as normal as could be the village folk were carrying on with their daily life,

    birds were singing within the tree tops on this Sunday morning the time was 9.35am!!

    Good morning spoke Todd to the oncoming Miss Blackberry’ Rose being her first name’ I see you are taking little Jessica down to the brook to sail her makeshift boat, little Jessica her daughter gave out such a sweet smile ,oh yes Father Todd, I am Rose replied, its such a lovely day and I wanted her to see if it sails, after all she has spent a lot of time making it ,will you be at the morning service spoke Father Todd,, in reply Rose uttered, don’t worry we will both be at the service, all Jessica wants to do is have a quick try and then we can come back later' if it sails !well fingers crossed it sails from one end to the other Father Todd replied back .

    What time will the Chapel bell ringing be commencing today ? shouted over David Marcy from across the jagged  worn pebbled road,that run down near the old store, he was the father of Blue and Danny Marcy two young blacksmiths who were given the key job of shoeing the village horses.

    All of the villagers had huge respect for them, as they never asked for payment for the services they did, many of the village folk cooked fulsome meals for the three of them, to repay the kindness from them, some even thought that they were a little weird.

    Eleven past the hour glanced and shouted back Father Todd!!

    Ok thanks, I will make sure that me and the boys come to it. we will see you there then.. You will indeed replied Father Todd as he walked and closed in on the Chapel...

    Clarence come here NOW he heard a voice shout! You naughty horse, come here !!

    Father Todd raised a smile he was looking over towards where the old corner store was, one apple, two apples, three apples, maybe even more than that were being chomped from inside wooden buckets filled with spider less cobwebs which had been left on display outside,, this dumb horses owner Trinity Mayflower was walking over with a set of skittle leather reins in her hand ,,she was shaking her head, you naughty horse you know you are not supposed to leave the stable! Trinity was the local elementary school mistress, not that she had many pupils Twenty three in total and the classes she ran only happened on Mondays, Wednesdays, and a Friday afternoon! She glanced over and raised a hand to Todd pointed at Clarence and threw her eyes upwards! Todd sniggered and raised his hand in reply to her!! Trinity walked over half way, with one eye on Todd and the other on her dam horse.

    Looks like I cant make it to the service this morning she called over !I will try my best’ is that ok Father Todd I have so much to do.


    ...don’t worry Trinity I understand ’ I will still see you for the special service on Tuesday instead wont I ? said Father Todd.. oh yes I will be there she replied again,’ Don’t forget to bring plenty of Miss Crumples cake over he smiled nodding his head to her.

    Trinity thought. yes ok I will bring some cakes.

    Miss crumples made the greatest of cakes. but was a bit of a loner and did not like many people visiting her, she had one eye of many colours and one eye that forever blinked, breasts as big as air balloons, yellow hair and pointed ears, she used to own the sorry looking store many years ago, until old age preyed upon her, she was seen by many in the village to be very strange some even questioned her true age some said 85 others reckoned 109 however peace is what she wanted and Trinity was one of the select few to grace her crumpled sandstone cottage.

    Bye for now Trinity walked over grabbing Clarence by his mane putting the rest of the reins over his head, leading him around the corner and towards her home and the shackled stables next door !!!.

    Tears started to roll down Father Todd’s face as he closed his eyes in remembrance! They were happy times!! he opened his eyes and looked at the village :emptiness‘, coldness and silence echoed, even the once thriving flower beds had become dried out pieces of wasteful twigs, most of the buildings were half reduced to rubble! thirty seven graves had to be dug out by him and with every prayer he looked to the skies!

    Three days of hard sweat and tears, stomach churning smells, the appearance of the odd blood blister, it took him to lay all his friends to rest, some he did not want to think about, as their terror was the worst...he felt a coward why did he hide inside the chapel when the attack began.

    Why did he welcome them into the village he had brought death upon everyone. It was hard to forget if only he had known !!THEM DAMMED LIPIDS he did not even want to think of how it had become to happen all that he wanted was to forget!!!!! he could not, he knew that when the six monthly full moon appeared that’s when the worst thoughts would come back to haunt! was his life worth living he often thought.

    Father Todd knew that he would have to conjure up all of his courage over the next week, as there was a full moon due to dance from the sky, it would bear itself through the nighttimes clouds and give him unholy vortices of spleen dreams, the type of ones that would send him into a bigger deeper frenzy torture, hot sweats, racing heart palpitations and body changing screams....

    A decision had to be made by him ? One that he had thought about for weeks,  one that he had to accept . there was nothing left in the village. he would have to try and leave the past behind as hard as it was, hours, not minutes had ticked away from his old silver square pocket watch,...Todd’s decision was hard but it was settled within his mind.

    He had decided to travel and board a ship to sail across to the Three Islands of Justice, and visit an old friend he had known since childhood Tilde was her name, she was the one who had once lived in the village but was ousted out because of her black magic connections, Tilde had grey and red tangled up hair, a pointed nose and a cleft mouth and she was one who dabbled in the ways of the untrue angelicas-these were vampires of the nitric clan‘, hopefully she could mix up an elixir potion to try and curb his torments he thought’ all that he could do was try!.

    The trip itself would last two days and two minot’s of hour, he knew only a few rags had to be round and bound in an old linen cloth sack, along with a golden purple headed flower one of five in existence too which Father Todd had to collect from gene spirit hills, this flower attained the power of everlasting spells to whoever wore it ,something that Tilde had wanted for a vast time which would add to her weird collection of magical belongings and gain her more status within the temple of the supine dragon people. Father Todd knew that time was against him and the ship would be ready to set sail mid afternoon on the same day, this was the only form of transportation that he could use apart from the dragon sky worms that could be called upon by blowing on the heparin horn, however he did not and could not travel this way as he would have to purchase the horn from the heckle rats, who lived in the old trees in the fields over from the village.

    He knew his swiftness would have to come into play if he was to deck himself aboard on time for the ships captain ‘Inertia! this captain was a ruthless vagabond ,half elfin ,half vampire, not to be messed with in any way, some say he was once a gallant swordsman of the high seas until a spell had been spun upon him by the sea serpent igauss, she was half human but had a body of a crinoline octopus and was a sea demon from the high seas, many ships and crews had perished by her hands .she only surfaced every twenty five years to feed upon, curse, and capture the souls of the good.. such is that the ships name matched its captain, ‘The Vile Jewel‘ this ship was tall and lengthy in build ,it had a treble mast and its cladding was rich in gilded silver and black flecked armour its insignia was a nine winged serpent which bore four horns and would put the wily nil’s up anyone who cast eyes over it. or so the stories had been told.

    Back at the run down village and walking over to his broken down cottage, Father Todd began to get ready for the journey , he packed some bits of food and rammed his stuff together inside a cloth sack knowing he had one last stop to make along the way before walking to shores end.

    Chapter 2

    Treading outwards and with hand firmly clasped upon his cottage’s large dark oaken soaked door knob, brazened in age cracks he turned and churned its movement anti clockwise to close it shut.

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