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Rescue the Problem Project: A Complete Guide to Identifying, Preventing, and Recovering from Project Failure
Rescue the Problem Project: A Complete Guide to Identifying, Preventing, and Recovering from Project Failure
Rescue the Problem Project: A Complete Guide to Identifying, Preventing, and Recovering from Project Failure
Ebook525 pages7 hours

Rescue the Problem Project: A Complete Guide to Identifying, Preventing, and Recovering from Project Failure

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This one-of-a-kind guide provides project managers, executives, and customers alike with an in-depth start-to-finish process that ensure win-win solutions when things go awry. 

Turnaround specialist Todd Williams has worked with dozens of companies in multiple industries to help them bring projects back from the brink of disaster. Now, in a market full of how-tos on the task of running a project, he shares his wisdom to help you do the same.

In Rescue the Problem Project, you will learn: 

  • techniques for identifying the root causes of problems;
  • steps for putting projects back on track--including auditing the project, analyzing the data,
  • negotiating the solution, and executing a new plan;
  • and guidelines for avoiding problems in the future.

When projects are failing, rather than pointing fingers at the project team or responding emotionally, what is needed is an objective process for accurately assessing the problem and mapping a clear plan of action to fix it. With real-world examples of what works, what doesn’t, and why, Rescue the Problem Project offers the tools you need to ensure your project is one of the select few to experience major success.

PublisherThomas Nelson
Release dateMar 20, 2011
Rescue the Problem Project: A Complete Guide to Identifying, Preventing, and Recovering from Project Failure

Todd Williams

TODD C. WILLIAMS, PMP is a senior project audit and recovery specialist with over 25 years of international experience.

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    Rescue the Problem Project - Todd Williams


    "There are a great many doors open;

    but a door must be of a man’s size or it is not meant for him."

    —Henry Ward Beecher,

    Congregational Clergyman,

    Henry Ward Beecher: His Life and Work

    People say it is tenacity that makes me good at recovering projects. Some say it is my attention to detail; others just think I have a penchant for headaches, heartburn, and working long hours. I doubt there is one reason. As for myself, be it clocks or cars, printers or projects, I like figuring out how things work and, if broken, fixing them. After working on a variety of red projects—projects in shambles needing someone to put them back together—I developed a process for fixing them that also educates people on how to avoid these problems in the first place.

    Of all the goals I went after in life, recovering projects was not one. Instead, recovering red projects came after me. Bosses or cohorts would call about a project in serious need of attention—it was behind schedule, losing money, confronted by an unhappy customer, or experiencing some combination of all three. Many times the conversation simply started with, How current is your passport? Soon I was on an airplane. Upon arrival, I would go through contracts and deliverables, talking to everyone on the project to try to understand what was working, what was missing, and what should be happening. I would put together a plan of action and sell it to management. I never really thought of it as a forte or specialization; red projects were the norm, and they needed fixing.

    In the early years of my career, I had no authority to make changes. Rather, I worked through others to get the plans implemented. I started by working with bosses, superiors, and managers, getting them to sell the ideas to the people who would need to implement them. I became very good at writing copious and thorough emails that would eventually be cut and pasted into someone else’s email to provide the direction needed. It was irrelevant. The project was getting fixed, and I was excited to see the plans work.

    Eventually, people on the project figured out where the ideas came from and would ask me directly for advice. Soon after this discovery, I would attend management meetings and no longer needed to work through their superiors. This made it easier for them, since they looked better to their bosses; it made it easier for me, since I avoided having to deal with inaccurately relayed plans. The process, however, was awkward and created animosity. It would have worked much better if I had been given the authority to conduct the recovery.

    Often, others accompanied me. At times, a group of us, a SWAT team of sorts, was dropped into a project to assess and fix the problems. Many times, we stayed on the project through to completion.

    I learned to make effective use of the team as a tool. I would get the team aligned and have them drive the project’s management. Befriending the key project team members enabled us to take over the project and get it moving in the right direction. Management would eventually follow.

    At first, this was a little hard to do and always felt covert. Although it added a sporty and clandestine spirit to the recovery, it was an inappropriate way to run an organization. I have shied away from this, but the team-building techniques required to accomplish this are invaluable assets. A tight and dedicated team, with near gang-member mentality, is one of the most powerful and efficient groups you will find.

    From this came a very important lesson—good teams with bad management can be successful. They need to know the deficiencies in the project’s management and determine ways to cope with them. This became rule number one in recovering projects—the team knows what needs to be done. Finding the right people and exploiting their knowledge will get you to an answer very quickly.

    Soon I realized the second lesson—mediocre teams with the right inspiration and leadership can do great things. They are only mediocre because of the way they are treated. Looking at the individuals and leveraging their strengths, instead of using them to fill a slot, is essential. When people have the wrong skills or training to do a task, they will most likely fail.

    To keep in touch with the team and make it stronger, I had to be seen as a peer. I was their superior only on paper. Unlike many other project managers, I stayed in touch with the project’s day-to-day activities. I refused to remain in an office or cubicle or to court the executives. I was involved with the requirements, architecture, coding, and testing of the product. I would even help write functional specifications and test scripts.

    The goal with managers was to keep them apprised; appreciation would come with delivery. Executives like seeing tasks completed, but they tend to forget about the project once it begins running well. This is good, in my opinion; the last thing I want is the CEO visiting my desk on a daily basis. I learned to overcome the disadvantages created by my lack of visibility.

    To this day, my mode of operation is to get into the project; talk to the people involved; learn what is wrong; create a recovery plan; negotiate the details with the project sponsor, executive management, or the steering committee; and then disappear into the project, spending as little time as needed with senior management. Immersion in the project is by far the best way to fix it.

    This led to the third lesson—stay immersed in the team. By doing this I can see and feel the project move. There is no need for status reports because I am there. I understand all sides of an issue and can direct the team. I know the project’s details and intricacies at all times. The downside is that summarization can be difficult. I am often asked, Can’t you just give a yes or no answer? My reply is No . . . Oh, I guess I can. Oops, maybe not. People usually laugh. They may be frustrated with the verbosity, but they know I am providing well-researched opinions. If people want details, they get them quickly and completely. They rarely second guess my understanding of a project.

    This resulted in the fourth lesson—objective data is your friend. Most people know this as data is power. It is only powerful, however, if held close. Shared data is friendly and powerful. When faced with an issue or unanticipated question, fact-based decisions are the key to going in the right direction and being trusted to do the right thing.

    Armed with these four lessons:

    1. The answers are in the team.

    2. A strong team can surmount most problems.

    3. Stay involved with the team.

    4. Objective data is your friend, providing the key way out of any situation.

    I join a project and work to fix its ills.

    The Recovery Process

    Rescue the Problem Project is for anyone trying to find the missing link in managing a project, regardless of whether it is in trouble. The project manager, customer, project sponsor, executive management, steering committee member, or individual contributor all have something to learn here. Although this book teaches how to recover a failing project, failure’s harsh lessons bring knowledge. The book is full of lessons to keep a project on track. The focus is to show what to do for a project that has gotten into serious trouble; trouble that is at the point of impasse where the team cannot come to consensus on the issues facing it. At this stage of the project, everyone is defensive; finger pointing and laying blame is the norm. The project has stalled.

    These lessons teach a number of techniques to become a better manager and transform you into a leader. When recovering a project, solid teams are required. With red projects, teams are often beat up and demoralized. Therefore, the recovery manager must allocate a significant amount of time for rebuilding the team and regaining the respect of its members.

    As outlined in Chapter 1, and discussed in detail in each section, this book will lead you through a series of steps that make up the recovery process once there is a realization of a problem. These steps are:

    0. Realization of a problem: Management must realize there is a problem to solve before the process can be established.

    1. Audit the project: Objectively determine the problems on the project.

    2. Analyze the data: Determine the root causes for the problems and develop a solution.

    3. Negotiate the solution: Meditate an acceptable solution between the supplier and customer.

    4. Execute the new plan: Implement the corrective actions to the problems, and run the project.

    Critical to success is management’s realization that a problem exists. This is step zero in the process (see Figure 1-2 on pg. 9). It is a prerequisite to all other steps. It enables you to build the outline of any process. For example, before planning a trip to the grocery store, you must realize that you need food. Then, you can plan the steps of the trip. Without this step, the problems and subsequent corrective action plan lack upper management’s endorsement, and the recovery will fail from a lack of its support. Chapter 2 discusses this.

    It is worth pointing out the four integrally numbered steps of this process are a negotiation process:

    Audit the project – Acquire data about the subject. Determine the customer’s goals based on what is truly valuable in the product—the items critical to quality.

    Analyze the data – Determine the options to meet the request. Look at the data accrued and determine the options available to solve the problems. Highlight the proposed solution’s advantages.

    Negotiate the solution – Propose the options. Barter around the recommended solution to address concerns voiced by the customer and management. Achieve the highest value for all stakeholders.

    Execute the new plan – Close the deal. Document and implement the agreed on solution.

    Chapter 14, which focuses on the negotiation process’ proposal and bartering step, discusses these. That being said, this book only covers the aspects of negotiation relevant to project recovery. You should spend some time with a good book on negotiation. Appendix 2 recommends two such books.

    The Case Studies

    The text includes detailed descriptions of the work required and numerous case studies. Every project has something unique, so tracking what works or is unsuccessful in correcting issues is the best education for recovering the next project.

    The case studies are based primarily on manufacturing and information technology projects. They illustrate the types of behavior to watch for and what helped or hindered the recovery; underscore a point; and demonstrate techniques used to approach some aspect of the project. Although some characteristics are distinct to these projects, namely the technology issues, most of the techniques can be applied to other disciplines. They come from 25 years of experience as a project manager and architect. They are for products developed internally or by third parties.

    The projects cover a breadth of styles, including large-scale system integration of manufacturing systems, equipment integration, Web-based collaboration tools, thick clients with automated Internet updates, and business systems integration. They were located along the Pacific Rim, throughout North America, and in the Middle East; the teams were dispersed in as many as five countries, three continents, and countless time zones. Some of these projects were captive, in-house, time-and-materials projects, while others were outsourced fixed-priced contracts.

    Most projects completed successfully after realigning the objectives and teams to ensure all parties received value from the deliverable. Based on the initial audit’s recommendation, cancellation was the only logical option for the rest.

    A few of the problems repeated across projects. Table I-1 summarizes the more common problems encountered. Unfortunately, the resolutions had little in common.

    Table I-1: Major Failure Reasons

    Table I-1: Major Failure Reasons

    There is a disclaimer on the case studies. Most people like seeing their names in print, but not every place. The exceptions include the police blotter, most newspaper headlines, and this book. Therefore, the case studies are written with discretion. General descriptions, in all but a few cases, obfuscate the source client, project, and, for that matter, person. Still, if you participated on one of these projects, you may take exception to some of the details. In trying to conceal the client, nonpertinent information has been altered—maybe gender or product type. In addition, some of these situations happened almost identically on multiple projects, so please resist jumping to conclusions. Missing an accurate synopsis of one project may frustrate you. If the project were yours, however, the alteration would surely be appreciated.

    How to Use This Book

    Rescue the Problem Project is not another how-to book on project management. It assumes that you are familiar with project best practices as defined by the Project Management Institute’s (PMI®) PMBOK® or the UK’s Office of Government Commerce PRINCE2™. This book is for people who need an understanding of the special needs of a project in serious trouble. Numerous other books will provide templates on how to run a project. One worth mentioning is Project Rescue: Avoiding a Project Management Disaster by Sanjiv Purba and Joseph Zucchero. It provides significant background in basic project management. Its primary thrust is process.

    As with any rule, there are exceptions. Even though this book shies away from remedial topics, three chapters (Chapter 7, Determining and Initiating Remedial Action, Chapter 19, Properly Dealing with Risk, and Chapter 20, Implementing Effective Change Management) describe some common-sense project management skills. These are the most ignored and frequent causes of methodology failures in projects. Therefore, a little process education is appropriate. Implement the guidance in Chapters 7 and 20 as soon as possible after the audit—far in advance of getting the full recovery plan approved.

    To use the book as a desktop reference, it will be helpful to see the parallels in the sections on auditing and analyzing. Problems on red projects are intertwined and more difficult to solve. Read the entire book first. If you are looking to solve a problem using the techniques described in the auditing and analyzing sections, there is not a one-to-one correlation. Table I-2 maps a how the audit chapters align with the analysis chapters.

    Table I-2: Chapter Relationships

    Table I-2: Chapter Relationships

    Some projects will only need a subset of the investigation outlined in this book. If the scope is well under control, then there is no need to spend copious amounts of time on it. You need to apply discretion on the extent of the application.

    To create a reasonably sized book, some subjects are described further on the book’s Web site. This includes additional case studies, information on auditing complex project structures, project management style, and templates. The appendix contains a partial list of this material.

    By the end of Rescue the Problem Project, you will have a thorough understanding of the recovery process and, in theory, have the information needed to move forward in taming an errant beast. As with everything in life, knowledge holds little to the wisdom experience brings. Therefore, start slowly.



    Understanding the

    Process and Realizing

    a Problem Exists

    A project has a problem that needs corrective action. The team is aware of the trouble and is frustrated. The members have tried to describe the issues and their negative implications to senior management, but their concerns have gone unheard. This problem will continue until management acknowledges it.

    Before a project can become a candidate for recovery, senior management must:

    • Recognize that the project is in trouble.

    • Make a commitment to fixing it.

    • Establish recovery guidelines.

    • Assign a recovery manager.

    Unless management commits to these four steps, the project will continue to flounder and failure is inevitable.

    This section introduces the fundamentals of the recovery process. It explains the terms needed to describe and discuss troubled projects, outlines the steering committee’s responsibilities, and defines the qualifications a recovery manager needs to succeed. The actions described in this section lay the foundation for a successful recovery.



    The Basics of the

    Recovery Process

    "Red: any of a group of colors that may vary in lightness and

    saturation and whose hue resembles that of blood."

    The American Heritage Dictionary

    Projects do not self-destruct—they need help. The people on and around the project provide that assistance. Neither do projects get into trouble overnight. It takes time, and usually the failure starts shortly after someone thinks, It would really be cool if we could . . . From that point forward, the project’s future is destined for success or failure. In other words, a project’s fate is sealed from the time of its first concept, long before it is actually considered a project.

    Rather than the dreams or required innovation they are based on, projects fail because of the way they are managed. For example, projects that develop highly innovative products need a structure to accommodate unknowns, rapid change in the concept, and all the other challenges of new product development. Projects based on mundane repetitive activities need the rigor of a process and the awareness that, despite superficial appearances, no project is simple. Both complex and simple projects—and all those in between—need a proper foundation. Without one, any project will end up red.

    As with all effective communication, the first step is a mutual understanding of common goals. Unless you define such basic terms as success and failure, a red project cannot be saved. It is even a good idea to define the term project, whose meaning varies depending on the user’s point of reference.

    The Context of a Project

    The Project Management Institute’s (PMI®) and the UK’s Office of Government Commerce’s (OGC) definitions of a project are equivalent. These important definitions are referenced throughout this book.

    PMI’s® A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, Fourth Edition (PMBOK® Guide), defines a project as

    a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.¹

    According to OGC’s PRINCE2™, a project is

    a temporary organization that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business products according to an agreed Business Case.²

    Even if we accept these definitions, the term project is relative based on the charters of the groups participating in an endeavor. All projects are actually two projects—the customer’s and the supplier’s. And, depending on the structure required to build the product, there may be numerous other project perspectives; for example, a subcontractor selected to work on some part of the project. Figure 1-1 illustrates the varying perspectives that are possible for a project.

    The criteria used to define project’s success or failure is derived from the perspectives of the various participants. The customer and the supplier teams may all work for the same company, but each group has specific responsibilities and goals. One team cannot realistically be expected to fulfill the responsibilities of another team that did not meet its goals, except when the failure of one team causes failure in the other. In such a case, there must be substantial support if the rescue effort is to be successful, as well as significant reward (value) for the rescuing team.

    From the customer’s perspective, the project is successful when it meets its delivery, budget, and value goals, regardless of the supplier’s trials and tribulations. On the other hand, if, say, the customer specifies the product incorrectly or misidentifies the desired market, the project is a failure.

    From the supplier’s perspective, regardless of the project team’s overall performance, a project is a failure if it is significantly over budget. However, a customer’s product marketing failure does not translate into failure for the supplier. As shown in Figure 1-1, a subcontractor has its own perspectives on a project. Therefore, each team’s point of view sets the relative definition of success, failure, red, and other terms.

    Figure 1-1: Perspectives on a Project

    Figure 1-1: Perspectives on a Project

    Understanding Project Success

    The definition of project success is:

    • The project delivers value to all parties in the project.

    • The project maintains the scope, schedule, and cost established by the original definition, as well as any before-the-fact change orders.

    Delivering value to all parties means that both the customer and supplier get what they need; the project’s original definition is irrelevant in determining whether this has happened. For instance, it makes no sense to deliver the original design if it fails to meet the customer’s needs. The definition of product value changes in tandem with overall business conditions; the project must adapt to those changes in a proactive manner. The frequency of change is an unreasonable gauge for judging whether a project is in trouble; improperly managed change always threatens the success of a project.

    As for the second point, the scope, timeline, and budget that evolve over the course of a project may differ greatly from the original definitions, leaving the customer feeling that the project is less than successful. However, if the project managers manage change (identifying and initiating changes proactively) and the supplier delivers on its promises, the project is successful from the supplier’s standpoint. The customer, as opposed to the supplier, must be held accountable for the poor planning and inadequate assessment of its needs. The project is fulfilling the customer’s business needs; its subject matter experts must define the goal.

    The supplier does own a small part of the responsibility in such a case. Generally, the supplier should be able to detect a drift in requirements, identify changes that are inappropriate, and point out ill-advised changes to the customer.

    If the supplier’s project manager lets the scope of a project wander uncontrolled, fails to call discrepancies to the customer’s attention, makes promises he or she is incapable of delivering, or fails to highlight a risk that could jeopardize the project, then the effects of these actions can make the supplier’s project red.


    A project that was delivering vehicle sales software to thousands of internal and franchised sales units across North America had just suffered a massive failure as a result of two problems. First, the product had a number of bugs; second, the remote install feature had failed, thereby disabling hundreds of remote users’ sales tools. Calls for assistance swamped the help desk, and it was taking weeks to mail CDs and assist novice computer users in manually installing the product. The team was under extreme pressure to release a bug fix.

    The bug fixes were going to be distributed over the Internet. They required using the same tools that failed in the prior deployment, but hopefully all the issues had been resolved. When the team, severely demoralized and nervous, asked how to measure the success of the deployment, I responded with the following criteria:

    • Rapid and professional handling of anticipated issues.

    • Identification of all risk in the deployment.

    • Having working mitigation plans for potential problems.

    The deployment was successful, exercising only a few mitigation plans, all of which worked. In other words, the problems were anticipated and properly mitigated.

    What Is a Red Project?

    The designation of a project as red derives from the commonly used green-yellow-red color system. The organization defines a set of project attributes that are monitored (say scope, budget, schedule, quality, and resources) and assigns a formula to indicate the degree of control. Next, the appropriate color designation thresholds are defined: green, for okay; yellow when the project has minor issues; and red for a project that is in trouble. For instance, management might decide that if the period-to-date actual cost is less than 10 percent different from its projected value, then the budget is green; everything is okay. However, if the actual is between 10 and 15 percent off, it is considered yellow. More than 15 percent off, it is red. Additional shop-defined conditions may further state that if two or more monitored factors are red (say, time and resources), then the project is red.

    In other words, a project is red when unanticipated and uncontrolled actions cause senior management to determine that it is performing insufficiently, based on agreed parameters. Being red is a subjective quality of a project, an unanticipated variance from the project’s current definition based on each organization’s rules. As discussed, the project’s perspective constrains the extent to which this designation will affect each participating group. The supplier’s portion of the project can be red, while the customer’s project is under control, or vice versa. From the supplier’s point of view, as long as the agreed-on parameters are met, a project is not red.

    What Is Project Failure?

    A project is a failure when its product is unsuccessful in providing value to all the parties. From the customer’s standpoint, the product the project is building provides the value; from the supplier’s side, it is most likely the revenue. If a project is supposed to deliver on a certain date, no sooner and no later, finishing early will have as negative a result as being late. To ignore an issue and let it continue unabated will result in failure.

    As long as change requests account for any changes in schedule and budget, the ability to accept numerous requests, even if they significantly alter the project’s scope, indicates a healthy change management process. Numerous changes may, however, be a death knell for the customer’s project. Too many changes will drive up costs and delay the project, even if these attributes were incorrect from the beginning.

    What Is Project Recovery?

    When a project has been recovered, new plans and processes have addressed the issues that caused its red status. The project has been through a corrective action process; its current parameters fall within newly planned limits, and all parties (customer and suppliers) are amenable to the project’s proposed outcome. The scope may be different, the timeline may be elongated, or the project may even be canceled.

    Canceling a project may seem like a failure, but for a project to be successful, it must provide value to all parties. The best value is to minimize the project’s overall negative impact on all parties in terms of both time and money. If the only option is to proceed with a scaled-down project, one that delivers late, or one that costs significantly more, the result may be worse than canceling the project. It may be more prudent to invest the time and resources on an alternate endeavor or to reconstitute the project in the future using a different team and revised parameters.

    When recovering a project, there is also the option of doing nothing. Doing nothing based on ignorance will most likely result in failure. However, performing an audit or analysis of a project and then making a decision to make no changes is an action—a conscious decision to let the problems resolve themselves. This is a valid choice. The best example of this is when a project is

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