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Motivation (The Brian Tracy Success Library)
Motivation (The Brian Tracy Success Library)
Motivation (The Brian Tracy Success Library)
Ebook125 pages2 hours

Motivation (The Brian Tracy Success Library)

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As a manager, your overall goal for each day with your team is to maximize the productivity and quality that they are capable of producing. And despite a thorough hiring process, training that is second to none, and competitive compensation, you probably still find yourself at times with an underperforming lackluster group of paycheck collectors, with absenteeism and turnover levels too high to maintain any kind of consistent progress.

But perhaps the problem is not in your team or their capabilities . . . but in you. How are you intentionally motivating them to greatness?

As a manager, one of your most important responsibilities is to motivate your employees to do their absolute best. Managers who create positive, rewarding, high-energy environments will find their employees longing to excel at work and to contribute to the overall mission.

In Motivation, success expert Brian Tracy draws on his decades of experience bringing out the best in others to provide 21 of the fastest, most powerful methods ever discovered for increasing the effectiveness of any individual or group. Inside this efficient, easy-to-read guide, managers will learn how to:

  • Ensure employees look forward to coming to work and feel passionate about what they do
  • Challenge them with tasks that allow them to stretch
  • Satisfy their need to feel both autonomous and part of a greater whole
  • Reduce their fear of failure while increasing their desire to take risks
  • Remove obstacles that suppress promising employees
  • Provide the regular feedback they need to succeed
  • And much more!

More than likely, you already have the team you need to take your company to the next level of success. They are just waiting for someone to come along and inspire them to greatness. Packed with proven tools and strategies, this essential guide helps any manager deliver a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart of his or her work team.

PublisherThomas Nelson
Release dateApr 16, 2013

Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations. Brian Tracy has consulted for more than 1,000 companies and addressed more than 5,000,000 people in 5,000 talks and seminars throughout the US, Canada, and 55 other countries worldwide. As a Keynote speaker and seminar leader, he addresses more than 250,000 people each year. He has studied, researched, written and spoken for 30 years in the fields of economics, history, business, philosophy and psychology. He is the top selling author of over 45 books that have been translated into dozens of languages. He has written and produced more than 300 audio and video learning programs, including the worldwide, best-selling Psychology of Achievement, which has been translated into more than 20 languages. He speaks to corporate and public audiences on the subjects of Personal and Professional Development, including the executives and staff of many of America's largest corporations. His exciting talks and seminars on Leadership, Selling, Self-Esteem, Goals, Strategy, Creativity and Success Psychology bring about immediate changes and long-term results.

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    Book preview

    Motivation (The Brian Tracy Success Library) - Brian Tracy


    IN ANY ORGANIZATION, the greatest untapped resource, and the most expensive, is its people. The greatest potential for growth, productivity, performance, achievement, and profitability lies within the skills and abilities of the average person. In this book, you will learn one of the most important functions of management—the ability to motivate others to peak performance. You will learn how to use some of the very best ideas discovered in the last fifty years to enable your people to contribute their maximum to the organization.

    One of the things we know is that you cannot motivate other people, but you can remove the obstacles that stop them from motivating themselves. All motivation is self-motivation. As a manager, you can create an environment where this potential for self-motivation is released naturally and spontaneously.

    According to Robert Half and Associates, the average person works at about 50 percent of capability. The other 50 percent is largely wasted throughout the working day in idle conversation with coworkers, or when we waste time on the Internet, come in late, leave early, take extended coffee breaks and lunches, and handle personal business.

    One of the reasons for this time wastage, which is one of the greatest financial drains on any organization, is that people are not motivated and focused enough on their work; they lack the urgency and direction to get the work done before anything else. This is a challenge that a good manager can resolve.

    Tap Into the Unused 50 Percent

    Your job is to tap into the unused 50 percent that the company is paying for, and to channel that time and energy into producing more and better work.

    The purpose of a business is to get the highest ROE (return on equity) from the amount of capital invested in the company. The goal of management is to get the highest ROE (return on energy) from the people who work there. Financial capital is calculated in dollars. Human capital consists of the mental, emotional, and physical energies of the individual. Your job as a manager is to maximize this human capital and focus it on achieving the most valuable and important results possible for the organization.

    Remove the Demotivators

    There are two major demotivators in life and work. They are both factors that begin in early childhood and carry forward into adult life. They are often referred to as negative habit patterns or conditioned responses to stimuli.

    The first of these demotivators is the fear of failure. This is the greatest single obstacle to success and achievement in adult life. Because of destructive criticism in childhood, adults grow up afraid of making a mistake or failing at their work. This fear serves as a form of paralysis and holds people back from taking risks, volunteering for new responsibilities, or extending themselves in any way. Fear of failure continually creates reasons or excuses for nonperformance.

    The second major demotivator is the fear of rejection. This hurdle arises in early childhood when parents practice conditional love on their children. They make their love and support conditional upon the child performing to some undetermined high standard. The child then grows up hypersensitive to the opinions, comments, and feedback of others, especially the boss in the workplace.

    This fear of rejection is also a fear of criticism, condemnation, or censure—the fear of making a mistake and being dumped on for it. Excellent managers are those who practice unconditional acceptance with each employee, causing all employees to feel safe and secure with their boss and in their work.

    Drive Out Fear

    There are many other reasons for demotivation and poor performance, but these are the two main fears that prevent people from extending themselves to do their very best. Successful organizations and managers are those that consciously and deliberately remove these barriers. They make it all right to fail or to make mistakes. They make it clear that nobody gets rejected, dumped on, criticized, or threatened with retaliation for making a mistake. The best managers create an environment where people feel free to be the best they can be.

    W. Edwards Deming, the father of total quality management, said that one of his fourteen keys to building a high-performance organization was to drive out fear. In the absence of fear, people tend to perform and produce at a higher level than ever before.

    In this book, you will learn a series of practical, proven methods and techniques that you can use to reduce the fears of failure and rejection, increase the propensity to try more things, and cause people to feel terrific about themselves when they work for you. Only when people feel good about themselves are they motivated to work hard and succeed.

    Each of these ideas is based on years of research and practice. Sometimes implementing just one of these ideas can transform an average work environment into a superior work environment almost overnight.

    The Key Factor

    The key factor in motivation and in peak performance is just one thing: the nexus between the manager and the managed. It is what takes place at the moment of contact or communication between the manager and the employee that is the key determinant of performance, effectiveness, productivity, output, and profitability of an organization. The point at which the two people connect, whether positively or negatively, is where the past, present, and future performance of the individual and the organization is determined.

    When this contact between the boss and the subordinate is positive and supportive, then performance, productivity, and output of the individual will reach its highest level. If this point of contact between the manager and the managed is negative for any reason at all, performance and output will decline. A negative relationship with the boss will trigger fears of failure, rejection, and disapproval.

    The ideas in this book are all focused on improving the quality of this nexus or meeting point between the manager and the staff. Everything you do to improve this intersection or contact improves the overall quality of your work life, no matter where you are on the ladder of management.

    One last point before we begin: As Einstein said, Nothing happens until something moves. By the same token, nothing happens until someone moves. None of these ideas will be of any value until and unless you take action on them—preferably as soon as possible.

    Effective managers are intensely action-oriented. When they hear a good idea, they move quickly to implement the idea and put it into action. Therefore, as you read this book, if you learn anything that you think can help you to motivate your staff to a higher level, don’t delay. Practice it immediately, that very day. You will be amazed at the results.


    The X Factor

    THERE WERE several studies done by management consultants in Europe in the late 1940s and early 1950s comparing the output of British automobile manufacturing plants to those of West German plants. What they found was that the most efficient German auto manufacturing plants were outproducing the British plants by as much as four to one. At first, the British researchers blamed the disparity on the fact that the German plants were all new, having been rebuilt after World War II, while most of the British plants were old and still using machinery from the 1930s.

    To test this theory, they compared new British plants to new German plants that were each manufacturing the same size of car, each with a unionized workforce, and each using the same technology and materials. They found that between the best-managed and worst-managed plants in both countries, there was still a production difference of four to one.

    This productivity difference,

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