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The Power of Politicians
The Power of Politicians
The Power of Politicians
Ebook46 pages34 minutes

The Power of Politicians

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The Power of Politicians takes readers inside the workings of Parliament via an autobiographical account of Tessa Jowell’s own experience of entering politics as an MP. Jowell offers fascinating insights into the workings of Parliament and sheds light on the successful pathways for developing policy into final legislation. The details of the inner workings of politics are interwoven with a powerful personal narrative, as Jowell offers a firsthand account of the role of women in contemporary political life.

With former Lord Speaker Frances D’Souza serving as Jowell’s interlocutor, this book provides a passionate and inspiring interpretation on moral duty. Ultimately, The Power of Politicians offers not just a case study of the life and everyday work of a politician, but also attends to deeper questions about what is demanded from the political class. The overall result is a nothing less than a master class in how to be a good politician.
Release dateOct 15, 2018
The Power of Politicians

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    The Power of Politicians - Tessa Jowell


    The Power of Politicians

    About the Contributors

    Claire Foster-Gilbert is the founder director of the Westminster Abbey Institute. A current and former member of numerous ethics committees, Dr Foster-Gilbert has played an instrumental role in the medical research ethics field, and has led efforts to shift the Church’s thinking on environmental issues.

    Frances D’Souza is a British scientist and life peer, and was Lord Speaker in the House of Lords between 2011 and 2016. Baroness D’Souza was previously a lecturer at Oxford Brookes University and the London School of Economics, and was director of the human rights charities Article 19 and the Redress Trust.

    Tessa Jowell was the Member of Parliament for Dulwich and West Norwood for 23 years. Baroness Jowell also held several major government ministerial and opposition positions, including Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (2001–07) and Minister for the Olympics (2005–10).

    Edited and with an Introduction by Claire Foster-Gilbert


    A dialogue between Tessa Jowell and Frances D’Souza

    First published by Haus Publishing in 2018

    4 Cinnamon Row

    London SW11 3TW

    Copyright © Westminster Abbey, 2018

    The right of the author to be identified as the author

    of this work has been asserted in accordance with

    the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

    A CIP catalogue record for this book is

    available from the British Library

    Print ISBN: 978-1-912208-07-4

    Ebook ISBN: 978-1-912208-08-1

    Typeset in Garamond by MacGuru Ltd

    Printed in Spain

    All rights reserved






    Westminster Abbey Institute


    Sincere thanks are due to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, the Council of Reference and Steering Group of Westminster Abbey Institute, Kathleen James, Barbara Schwepcke, Harry Hall, Ruth Cairns, Seán Moore, Sunbeam House in Hastings and Moore’s Cottage in Knockanure, Co Kerry.


    In 2015 and 2016 Westminster Abbey Institute held a series of dialogues on the subject of power as it is exercised in the institutions of Government, Parliament, the Judiciary and the media. This little book is based upon the dialogue about the power of politicians. By way of introduction I will explain why Westminster Abbey would think it important to host such a dialogue; explore some basic questions about who MPs are, what they are for and how they are perceived; and look at the ways in which Baroness Jowell interpreted her role as she navigated the moral challenges that beset the life of an elected politician.

    Just as the editing of this volume was being completed, on 12th May, 2018, Tessa Jowell died of a brain tumour. The courage with which she faced her illness, and the way in which she turned it into a means to serve others, were characteristic. The redoubtable woman who is evident in the words of this dialogue is just the same.

    Within the ancient walls of Westminster Abbey, the prayers of those seeking wisdom and forgiveness for themselves and justice and peace for the world have echoed through a thousand years of turbulent history. Whatever else it might have stood for, because it is imbued with centuries of this attentive meditation, Westminster Abbey can and should now offer a place of profound questioning and reflection in the heart of Westminster. Today, the Abbey finds itself on the

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