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Heal the Body - Honor the Soul
Heal the Body - Honor the Soul
Heal the Body - Honor the Soul
Ebook134 pages1 hour

Heal the Body - Honor the Soul

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About this ebook

Since writing and publishing "Heal the Body - Honor the Soul". Readers have shared some extraordinary comments on how the book touched and changed their lives. I wrote this book because I felt I could inspire, motivate and help others with their healing, and finding purpose and meaning to their life. I feel blessed that the book and it's offerings exceeded beyond my expectations.
I want to thank Trafford for getting me off the ground and also all of you who have read the book and were kind enough to share your feedback.

Love and Blessings,

Michelle Catherine Spuck
Release dateOct 9, 2007
Heal the Body - Honor the Soul

Michelle Catherine Spuck

Michelle has been a healing alternative practitioner for over 20 years. An oracle of Angelic Energy, a Essence and Well-Being Consultant as well as a Reiki Master she offers information for those seeking answers to living life with self authority and empowerment. In her book Michelle suggests positive applications for spiritual growth and traveling one's soul journey. To contact Michelle Catherine Spuck with questions or comments e-mail [email protected].

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    Book preview

    Heal the Body - Honor the Soul - Michelle Catherine Spuck


    Heal the Body

    Honor the Soul

    Michelle Catherine Spuck


    Dedicated to my parents with love


    © Copyright 2004 Michelle Spuck. All rights reserved.

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    Note for Librarians: a cataloguing record for this book that includes Dewey Classification and US Library of Congress numbers is available from the National Library of Canada. The complete cataloguing record can be obtained from the National Library’s online database at:

    ISBN 1-4120-2046-8


    This book was published on-demand in cooperation with Trafford Publishing.

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    In writing Heal the Body-Honor the Soul I revisited my life experiences and realized how fortunate I’ve been to be a recipient of unconditional love, mercy, understanding and forgiveness. Each one of these healing, compassionate responses has given me the opportunity to take risks, hold on to my faith, share my triumphs as well as growing pains and embrace the journey within with dignity, integrity, grace and courage.

    I’d like to acknowledge my husband, sisters, relatives and friends for all their positive encouragement and their faith in my resolve. I owe a debt of gratitude to my sister, Noreen Kausyla for all her suggestions and editing of this book. I love you Noreen and would have not been able to finish the book without your help. For the idea relevant to the book’s chapter called Blessings I’d like to thank to my cousin, Sharon Barrett.

    Figaro, my beloved miniature pinscher, who passed away shortly after the completion of the book, thank you for accompanying me on this journey. You gave me unconditional love, support and comfort as you sat in my lap throughout this inspired experience. I love you and I’m so grateful you were with me. You will always be in my heart.

    I’d like to express a deep gratitude to all the individuals who I have been privileged to support relevant to their journey inward. I feel honored to have been able to support and travel with such spirited, loving and precious souls.

    I’d like to thank the many individuals who networked for me in getting answers to the question How to get published? A special thanks to each of you who shared your time and information.

    I’d like to thank Trafford Publishing and its staff for transforming my manuscript into a publication. I extend appreciation especially to my Author Services Representative, Jennifer Jenkins as well as Technician, Katrine Lake.

    Bill Rohland, your technical assists allowed this book to be completed. Thank you so much for aiding me and remedying the assorted problems with my computer and files. I’m very grateful for your friendship and giving spirit.

    I’d also like to acknowledge my God and the grace bestowed upon me to complete this creative endeavor. Patience and perseverance came a day at a time as well as a word at a time. I discovered in this creative process a rhythm. In being intuitively conscious of this rhythm an awesome co-creative magic ignited a continuous flow of ideas and revelation which I hope will inspire, touch and enchant all souls aspiring to greater heights of well-being, wisdom and enlightenment.

    A great big thank you to all the individuals I have noted within the book. Each of your words, work, experiences and information have inspired and challenged me personally and professionally.


    Heal the Body-Honor the Soul is a multifaceted collection of professional, practical and personal experiences. My hope is that it will stimulate and challenge the reader to ask and answer questions possibly never asked before, along with providing thought provoking information for each individual to think about and answer regarding the life they are living in this very moment. Some of those questions will include: Do you have unfulfilled desires and dreams? Do you ache for change or acceptance regarding yourself, others and our world? Are you living a wakeful or asleep existence? Is your contentment real or is it complacency or fear in disguise? Heal the Body-Honor the Soul will ask you Who you really are? and Why are you here?

    One’s quality of life and unfolding life purpose is contingent upon being awake, vigilant, and making conscious healthy choices regarding the needs of both the body and soul. As individuals we need to listen to the still quiet voice within and the only obstacle preventing us from our intuitive truths is our self. Accepting this fact one will be faced with making courageous and challenging choices that can be empowering, inspiring and exciting.

    The path to peace and personal enrichment is a continuous journey. Willingness and always doing our best allows us the opportunity to master the art of transformation. Imagine the promise that could unfurl in our Universe if cooperatively and collectively we all strived to be in our Divine magnificence. We would be living a magical, mystical and miraculous existence here on earth.

    The source we all derive from is love. With love everything is possible. The soul is our essence. It is the seat of emotion and the throne of empowerment. Making the choice to heal ourselves and to honor our souls we are open to limitless abundance, joy, happiness, freedom, success and love. A willingness to receive love, give love, believe love, and continue becoming love we can be catapulted into a divine and heavenly dimension here on earth.

    My prayer is that together we will choose love instead of fear. And as we unite in love we can transform our own lives and our Universe. We can create a world of peace, harmony and love.



    Who is awake and who asleep


    Asleep is described as being inactive, numb and dead. To be numb is to be insensitive, anesthetized, frozen and without sensation. One who is asleep lives a disempowering, uninteresting and lifeless existence contrary to notions that unawareness is bliss.

    I believe the soul’s purpose is to help us awaken fully, heal and honor the true essence within each of us. We are to be fully alive and cultivate loving spiritual relationships in our life. Relationships facilitate growth and change in our individual lives, the lives of others and our world.

    In the fall of 1976 at the age of twenty-two I found myself in an emotional crisis. This was an opportunity for change which would allow me to become acquainted with my soul, begin a healing journey which would allow me to transform my life and self, and begin to understand how crucial forgiveness is in healing ourselves and others. In time this awakening would open doors to having my dreams filled beyond my wildest expectations.

    We are all faced to a greater or lesser degree with opportunities to hear the cries of our soul and awake from our various sleep states. It would appear fate arrives unannounced. In the case of some people it’s very drastic circumstances affecting their intrinsic or etheric equilibrium; and for others it can be subtle, hence making it more difficult to perceive or take seriously thereal message that’s being delivered. Our comfort level is also challenged in our everyday existence. Are we really comfortable with the life we’re living? Have you ever feet in spite of what you have attained, accomplished or counted as blessings, something is still missing? Some have experienced this emptiness as an inner longing or hunger. They feel it in the deepest part of their being and it can cause one to feel stuck, lost, alone and in the most severe of cases forgotten. I believe this is another way our soul is calling out to us.

    When we are open to hearing the voice of our soul it’s apparent the hand of Providence is involved.

    Our soul’s voice is unconditional, demonstrative and boundless versus our

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