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A Royal Apocalypse: Lady Slayalot, #1
A Royal Apocalypse: Lady Slayalot, #1
A Royal Apocalypse: Lady Slayalot, #1
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A Royal Apocalypse: Lady Slayalot, #1

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In an alternate universe where America never declared independence, one young woman finds herself unwittingly becoming the de facto Commander-in-Chief for most of the free world in the aftermath of an apocalypse…

Despite being dismissed as a spoiled little rich girl all her life, twenty-four-year-old Lady Chelsea Georgiana Spence has been working hard to find her place in the world. To her, being one-hundred-and-fifteenth in the line of succession to the British throne is an abstract concept and doesn't define who she is, as it'll take an extinction-level event before she's ever called to duty.

Then a group of strange monsters with a taste—literally—for designer items wipes out all the royals in line before Chelsea. Since America never declared independence, suddenly Chelsea doesn't just become the new Queen of Great Britain, but also the Commander-in-Chief for America and the rest of the Commonwealth.

Now a power-hungry general wants to use her as his puppet, the civilians want to sacrifice her to their new monster overlords, and her hot new bodyguard thinks she's a complete joke. Worse, Chelsea is developing abilities that are as dangerous as they are supernatural…

PublisherTin Can Press
Release dateNov 11, 2018
A Royal Apocalypse: Lady Slayalot, #1

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    Book preview

    A Royal Apocalypse - Louisa Lo




    Louisa Lo


    In an alternate universe where America never declared independence, one young woman finds herself unwittingly becoming the de facto Commander-in-Chief for most of the free world in the aftermath of an apocalypse…

    Despite being dismissed as a spoiled little rich girl all her life, twenty-four-year-old Lady Chelsea Georgiana Spence has been working hard to find her place in the world. To her, being one-hundred-and-fifteenth in the line of succession to the British throne is an abstract concept and doesn’t define who she is, as it’ll take an extinction-level event before she’s ever called to duty.

    Then a group of strange monsters with a taste—literally—for designer items wipes out all the royals in line before Chelsea. Since America never declared independence, suddenly Chelsea doesn’t just become the new Queen of Great Britain, but also the Commander-in-Chief for America and the rest of the Commonwealth.

    Now a power-hungry general wants to use her as his puppet, the civilians want to sacrifice her to their new monster overlords, and her hot new bodyguard thinks she’s a complete joke. Worse, Chelsea is developing abilities that are as dangerous as they are supernatural…


    Copyright © 2017, Louisa Lo

    Published by Tin Can Press

    All Rights Reserved. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, without express written permission from the author.

    Cover Design: Jacqueline Sweet

    Interior Design: Tin Can Press

    Editing: Sandra Nguyen, Joshua Essoe

    Military Consulting: Brian Richard, former United States Navy SEAL

    Rick Schad, former Sergeant First Class, 7th Special Forces Group

    Beta (general): Larry Gates, Nadine Peterse-Vrijhof

    Beta (military): Daniel L. Cox, Paul Bolton, Lindalee Ming, Nicole Bires, Brandi Shaffer

    Proofreading: Amanda Peters, Jeanne L. Clark

    A Royal Apocalypse/Louisa Lo—2nd edition

    ISBN: 978-1-988625-03-4


    To the wonderful staff at the Blue Cross Animal Hospital, especially Dr. Yuill and Cheryl, who helped us say goodbye to our beloved boy.



    Chapter One

    I Just Hit A What?

    Hey Judith, can I call you back? I think I just hit something.

    Lady Chelsea Georgiana Spence, first heir to the 11th Earl Spence of Darham in the County of Kent, stopped her pink Bentley with a loud tire screech and ran out of the car. Tentacles of a low-hanging mist, which had come out soon after sundown, curled around her spiky Manolo Blahnik pumps as she ran onto the middle of the deserted highway.

    What is it this time? Since she finally got her driver’s license a year ago—seventh time was the charm—she’d managed to hit one trashcan, two mailboxes, three fire hydrants, and even an ex-boyfriend. Despite what they claimed in the press, she’d felt bad about every single incident. Well, maybe not about the whole knocking-her-ex’s-cheating-ass-to-the-ground thing, but the rest of it, yes.

    Whatever she’d hit tonight went flying a good ten meters from the hood of her car. Please, please, please let it be just a spare tire.

    It wasn’t a spare tire. It was a human body—a male, spread-eagle on the pavement.

    Fear slammed into her. Dear God, what have I done?

    She was on her way to see her friend, Judith, when she saw a dark shape appearing in the middle of the road without warning. It had happened too quickly for her to stop the car in time. Now it looked like she might have killed someone. She should’ve never gotten her license—they were right to deny her the first six times.

    The man, who looked to be in his mid-thirties, stirred. His hair, caked with dirt, had flopped over his forehead as he began to move his limbs feebly.

    Thank heavens, he’s not dead! I need to get him to a hospital right away.

    Sir, are you alright? The poor guy was dressed in a sweatshirt that was a little on the light side for an evening stroll in mid-October, and jeans that had seen far better days. It must be cold lying on the pavement, on top of whatever damages she had inflicted on him.

    She leaned down and tentatively put a hand on the man’s shoulder. The guy responded to her touch with a twitch and a moan. Then he sat up so fast that Chelsea took an involuntary step back.

    Be careful, she cautioned, You don’t want to pull something by moving too quickly.

    The guy looked around him with a jerky neck movement, then turned toward her direction and sniffed hard. There was something feral about the way his nostrils flared, like a hound scenting blood or something.

    Then the man stopped sniffing, and just looked at her body.

    Since she was standing up and he was still sitting on the ground, it was rather creepy the way he just stared at the hip of her designer jeans, then slowly licked his lips. In the headlight beams from the Bentley, Chelsea could’ve sworn that his eyes shone like that of a cat’s. She was suddenly aware that she was alone with him, on an isolated stretch of highway between her home and the outskirts of the suburbs surrounding Bloomington, Minnesota, and it was after dark.

    Pretty, pretty watch, he breathed.

    Chelsea glanced down and realized that the man was focusing on her Cartier watch, not her bottom. It had an 18K white gold case set, with over four carats’ worth of diamonds embedded in it. Hurt or not, the guy knew quality when he saw it.

    She let out a sigh of relief. Maybe the guy was looking for a bribe, not a grope. That she had experience with. It was how she had managed to keep the picture of her hitting a second ex-boyfriend out of the press. Yes, it looked a little too suspicious when the same thing happened to two exes in a row. But she wasn’t vengeful. Really. Just a clumsy driver with a penchant for questionable beaus who happened to be at the wrong place as she drove off in a huff after their relationships imploded.

    She took off her watch and dangled it in front of her would-be blackmailer. His reaction was immediate. He tried to lunge toward her. She jumped back. Way back. Dazedly, she realized that one of his ankles was sticking out at a weird angle, making his movement awkward. Bile rose into her throat, and she wanted to kick herself. The idea that she had done this to another human being made her feel ill and disgusted with herself.

    Pretty watch. I want. I want. He only had eyes for her watch, his entire attention riveted around the diamond-encrusted jewelry, totally ignoring his own injuries.

    Sir, you could have the watch if you like, but we need to get you looked at by a doctor.

    He just kept staring at her watch.

    The guy must be delirious with pain, if he was giving priority to material goods over his own well-being. She cleared her throat and nodded toward her Bentley. My car is right over there, let me help you get in.

    She pushed down her misgivings about his intensity over her personal possession, and prepared to approach him again. With his ankle either dislocated or broken, it wasn’t like he could really hurt her, right? She just wished that telling him to take a ride with her, rather than having him stay put while she called for help, was the right decision and it wasn’t going to exacerbate his injuries.

    To her amazement, he bounced right up with his one functioning leg, and hopped toward her with a purposeful glint in his eyes, quickly eating up the distance she had put between them.

    Watch. Now! he growled.

    What are you do— Chelsea’s voice trailed off as the guy dove toward her and snatched the watch from her hand. The momentum caused him to lose his balance on his good leg, and he dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. That couldn’t have been good for his body, even if he hadn’t just been knocked over by a car. But he didn’t seem to care. With an animalistic war cry, he tore into the watch with his teeth, chewing it apart. The crunching sound of sharp teeth meeting even sharper diamonds ensued. An assortment of watch parts went flying as he chewed.

    I really think you should go to the hospital, Chelsea said weakly. Her words fell on deaf ears—she seemed to have ceased to exist in the guy’s universe once he had her watch. A shiver went up her spine. Was he crazy? No sane person would hurt their own teeth that way, even if they had just had a car accident. Once again, she was painfully aware of how alone they were. And she didn’t even have any pepper spray on her.

    Then suddenly, two people came out of nowhere, as if attracted by the sound of the watch-chewing. They were a middle-aged woman and a teenage boy. The boy leapt onto the first guy’s back, trying to pry the watch, or what was left of it, out of his mouth. The woman was perfectly happy with the parts already lying on the ground, and got busy stuffing her face with them. All three had teeth that were badly cracked or missing. Blood was gushing from their gums, but no one was crying out in pain. They seemed far more interested in getting a piece of the watch in any way they could.

    The scene was so strange and creepy, Chelsea’s brain didn’t know how to process it. Dazedly, she thought of a nature documentary she’d watched with her father once, with a pride of lions dividing up an antelope. Except instead of an animal carcass, it was a mechanical invention everybody wanted a piece of.

    One person acting in this manner was strange enough, but three?

    Chelsea didn’t even remember quietly backing away from those weirdos, but suddenly there was a thud and her back hit her car door. That was when the first guy glanced up and their eyes met. Then his gaze shifted to her car and he grinned like he had just hit the jackpot.

    His two new friends looked up as well, and together they did a gleeful singsong. Pretty, pretty, pink car. Pretty, pretty, pink—

    Chelsea didn’t wait to hear the rest of the chorus. She yanked open the car door and jumped in. The sounds outside became muffled right away. She had no idea how anyone could move so fast, but the three strangers were standing next to the car mere seconds after she closed the door.

    Luckily, her overprotective dad had set her car door to lock automatically once the sensor registered her presence inside the vehicle. His lack of trust in her ability to remember to do so was saving her now.

    I want car. So pretty. Middle-Aged Woman ran her hand all over the car door, her fingernails scratching at the metal with a screeching sound that made Chelsea feel like there was something clawing under her skin.

    So pretty. So pink! Original Creepy Guy agreed, salivating all over the window.

    Pretty, pretty pink. Teenage Boy started gnawing on the side view mirror.

    Chelsea knew that she had to get out of there, and since the ignition was never turned off—she’d been in too much of a hurry to get out of the car earlier—her freedom was only a step on the gas pedal away. But for a long moment, like a deer caught in headlights, she simply stared at the creatures looming just centimeters away from her, only the car’s protective glass between them.

    Yes, she had used the word creatures, and felt it was appropriate.

    Being only this short distance away, she could see that what she had, in her shock and confusion, mistaken as dirt and grime on Original Creepy Guy was in fact dried blood all over his body and clothes. It was the same thing with the other two, to varying degrees. Their fingernails were either missing or, in Middle-Aged Woman’s case, hung onto her skin for dear life. It was as if the creatures had been trying to pry open something hard and metallic with their bare hands, and their nails had paid for it.

    Something hard and metallic, such as the roof of a car or the hubcap that Middle-Aged Woman and Teenage Boy were trying to remove right now.

    Chelsea stomped on the gas pedal with only one thought in her mind.

    She was not going to get stuck on this misty road in the middle of nowhere with these freaks. She was not going to stay frozen in shock like some blonde bimbo who died in the first scene of a B-rated movie. The blonde part she could live with—it was her natural hair color, after all. The bimbo part she didn’t mind—she’d been called worse in the press. The dying part, though, she had a huge problem with.

    At her press on the gas pedal, the Bentley’s engine purred like a dream.

    In the past, the paparazzi had used many cruel words to describe her driving skills: The Royal’s Worst Driver, Chelsea the Menace. She pretended that they didn’t bother her, but they did.

    Yet, ironically, all the things that had made her fail her driver’s exam repeatedly were aiding her escape now.

    Sudden acceleration from zero to sixty in under four seconds? It was a great way to ensure that Teenage Boy, currently in the middle of a victory dance with her hubcap in hand, didn’t have a chance to drop his trophy and grab onto her car as she sped away.

    Mistaking the brakes for the gas pedal every so often? Better to shake Middle-Aged Woman and Original Creepy Guy off the car with.

    Tunnel vision? With a dozen or so would-be attackers popping up all along the highway, chasing after her car like it was a siren’s call, it was great to not get distracted, or she might have just totally freaked out and hit a tree.

    Lack of turn signals? Whoever said the stuff of nightmares deserved prior warning before she knocked them aside?

    The inability to drive in a straight line? Her natural tendency to zigzag had driven her driving instructor to the bottle, but now, it was making sure that no new monsters were able to cling onto her car.

    Take that, multiple auto insurance hikes.

    Chapter Two

    The Mall of Britannia

    Chelsea drove until nothing had crossed her path for three kilometers. And then she drove some more.

    Her original plan for the evening, before the whole crazy incident, was to meet up with Judith, her friend, at the Mall of Britannia for a girl’s night out. After finishing yet another short-term contract that had rendered her nothing but a glorified coffee girl, with everyone assuming she only got the work through connections, Chelsea was looking forward to some retail therapy and a late dinner at a new Italian restaurant nearby. She wouldn’t have been able to afford these luxuries had she not come from money, so maybe she did deserve to be treated like a spoiled little rich girl, never mind that she worked her buns off at every single job.

    Judith, who also came from a well-to-do family, but with no desire to seek employment after graduation, was already at the Mall. She was the only friend Chelsea had been able to make since her arrival on this continent. That was what happened when she decided to go to a college in North America, rather than the one in London where all the other minor nobility went. People who had already heard about her through the media tended not to warm up to her in person. Not to mention, over two hundred years after an Independence that almost happened, there had been renewed chatter about whether or not the AC, or the American Commonwealth, should still be a part of the British Empire. Chelsea, with her title and all the tabloid attention that came with it, had become an easy person to hate amongst all that sentiment, not to mention being the poster child of why the peer system was so passé.

    After graduation two years ago, she had stayed in the AC in hopes of carving out a place of her own in this world. Since Minnesota was still within the Commonwealth and she was legally an adult, it wasn’t like her father could protest about her decision to stay. So that was how Chelsea had managed to continue enjoying her freedom without a single bodyguard tagging along. She was something like one-hundred-and-fifteenth in the line of succession to the British throne—not exactly a top security concern.

    After what happened tonight, though, having a few guards around would have been quite welcome.

    Forcing herself to relax her death grip on the steering wheel, Chelsea realized that she had subconsciously pointed her car toward her original destination. Might as well keep going, then. Being surrounded by other human beings sounded divine right about now. Anything at the Mall couldn’t be worse than what she’d left behind in the other direction.

    She glanced at the clock, and was surprised to find that it was only around seven. The encounter with whatever the heck those creatures were felt like it had lasted an eternity.

    Dial Judith, she instructed her Bluetooth.

    Three rings later, it went to voicemail.

    Judith did mention noticing the season’s latest shoes being out at Macy’s right before Chelsea had to hang up, so that was probably why

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