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VMware - A Guide for New Admins - CLI: VMware Admin Series, #2
VMware - A Guide for New Admins - CLI: VMware Admin Series, #2
VMware - A Guide for New Admins - CLI: VMware Admin Series, #2
Ebook103 pages28 minutes

VMware - A Guide for New Admins - CLI: VMware Admin Series, #2

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About this ebook

Are you ready to start learning about the command line interface on VMware ? 
If so, you should read this book !

This book is targeted at the new Admin who has little to no information on VMware or may have just gone to class but does have a lot of day to day experience.

This is 2nd first book in the in the series VMware for New Admins.

Here is some of what you will see in the book

  1. vCLI vs vMA vs PowerCLI
  2. vMA Host commands
  3. vMA Network commands
  4. vMA Storage commands
  5. vMA VM commands
  6. VDP CLI commands
  7. PowerCLI commands

This book is just an intro to the world of cli on VMware. There are a lot of things you can do without going into the GUI. Once you have a feel for what is possible, you can check the specific VMware documentation for even more detail on cli world.

Release dateNov 22, 2018
VMware - A Guide for New Admins - CLI: VMware Admin Series, #2

Ronald Nutter

Ron Nutter has written for technical trade press since 1990. Over the years he has written for InfoWorld, LAN Times, TechRepublic, NetWare Solutions, Network Solutions and Network World. He has written and produced the HelpDesk ToolChest podcast with Ron Nutter for Network World during his time writing for Network World.  In addition to that he wrote a weekly column for nearly 16 years.  He has a background in broadcasting.  He assisted with the production of a live multi camera television broadcast serving in the roles of operator, director and engineer dealing with both video and audio.  He working in similar roles at at a cable television company.  He has written and produced several different podcasts. Ron is also available for a limited number of speaking and consulting engagements. Bookmark this link to keep up with new books as they are released -

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    Book preview

    VMware - A Guide for New Admins - CLI - Ronald Nutter

    This book is a result of research that I have done and/or products that I am personally using. Product names and/or Company names associated with those products are as I found them. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This eBook is licensed for your personal use only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.

    Copyright © 2015 Ronald I. Nutter. All rights reserved. Including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the author.

    Version 2015.04.04

    Cover Credit: Zern Liew/Shutterstock


    Unfortunately in this world of lawsuits, I want to make the following disclaimer. Everything that I have written about here is about my own experiences or as a result of research that I did.  Your results may vary from mine. What you will read about here is what I using on one or more of VMware server.  If I haven’t ordered something but found that it was something that I would be looking at in the future, I will indicate that.

    This eBook is written from a point of view of someone who is new to VMware or has just been put into the role of being an Admin for one or more VMware hosts. As with anything VMware, there is usually more than one way to do anything that I will talk about here. Depending on of how your job is focused, you may do things a little differently.


    Welcome to VMware for New Admins - Volume 2.  This is the 2nd book in my VMware series.  One of the things that started me looking at writing this eBook was the power I saw in vCLI and vMA but no explanation on how new Admins could leverage the power without getting overwhelmed by even more documentation.  What I write about here barely scratches the surface on what vCLI or vMA can do for you.

    My background is started with using command line on the various network devices I have worked on.  Gradually all network devices are migrating to having GUI access but there are still times that the GUI either isn’t responding or won’t let you perform the task that is needed. 

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