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Vickie: Doctor by Day. Vampire Medic by Night (Book 4 of the Vickie Adventure Series): The Adventures of Vickie Anderson, #4
Vickie: Doctor by Day. Vampire Medic by Night (Book 4 of the Vickie Adventure Series): The Adventures of Vickie Anderson, #4
Vickie: Doctor by Day. Vampire Medic by Night (Book 4 of the Vickie Adventure Series): The Adventures of Vickie Anderson, #4
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Vickie: Doctor by Day. Vampire Medic by Night (Book 4 of the Vickie Adventure Series): The Adventures of Vickie Anderson, #4

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With the vampire virus in both her and her newborn son, she races to find a cure before they both turn.
Her research is halted when Dracula's grandson discovers her talent and she is sequestered to find a cure for an epidemic that is plaguing his vampire kingdom.

Will she find it in time to resume her research and find a cure before she or her son become vampires?After losing not one, but two husbands, Vicki vows to stay single. But will that vow hold true? Will she finally be happy in love and life? These questions and more are addressed in the final installment of the exciting and harrowing adventures of Dr. Vickie Anderson.

Here's what a few readers are saying....

"...Excellent ending to a fantastic series."

"...This book shook me to the core in some aspects, and had me thinking about my first impressions of the new characters. Some of them I was correct on, while others my opinion completely changed. Boy was I shocked at some of what I read. In a good way, on the shock, that is...."

Release dateMar 23, 2019
Vickie: Doctor by Day. Vampire Medic by Night (Book 4 of the Vickie Adventure Series): The Adventures of Vickie Anderson, #4

Eileen Sheehan

Eileen Sheehan is a best selling author who primarily writes hot, steamy romances (mostly New Adult) with a sexy male and strong female. A few are steamier than others (see their description). The majority of her novels are paranormal, but some are just plain novels about people in love (contemporary or historical with the author name of Ailene Frances). ALL of her stories have a bit of naughtiness, some excitement, a few thrills, and maybe a touch of mystery mixed in with sometimes naughty, sometimes sweet lovin'. She strives to write a novel length that will allow the busy woman to be able to sit down in an evening or two and be taken on a romantic journey without having a week go by before she gets to the end of the story. An incurable romantic, she has a love affair with at least one of her characters... one book at a time. She hopes the same thing happens to you. *** Eileen Sheehan started out as a freelance writer for periodical magazines and newspapers. From there, she tried her hand at writing screenplays. Her screenplay, "When East Meets West" was a finalist in the 2001 Independent International Film and Video Festival at Madison Square Gardens, NYC. Finally finding her niche, she lets her imagination loose with new adult/paranormal romance/thrillers (some are steamy and some are tame) with the author name of Eileen Sheehan. She creates steamy historical and contemporary romances with the author name of Ailene Frances. Seeing how far out of the box she could stretch, she crafted an alternative romance with the author name of E. F. Sheehan and has a few self-help books under her work name of Lena Sheehan. Her stories can be found in eBook, Paperback, and Audio formats. Some comments from readers about her novels: "I found this very well written the plot and story as well as the flow of events were perfect in this book I liked both main and second characters Casey and Geo I liked the suspense mystery action twist and turns it kept me on my toes and surprised the whole time I liked and enjoyed the end as well awesome work I recommend this to everyone." "I loved this book! The characters are engaging and have depth. This book draws you in and absorbs you in the story..." "I thought the book was very well written. Characters are well developed. The story moves at a decent pace very intriguing..." "This book was so good! From the first page I was hooked and it onl...

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    Vickie - Eileen Sheehan


    It was almost six months since I’d brought Evan’s body home to bury, yet it hurt like it was only yesterday as I knelt down to place flowers next to his headstone. I studied my surroundings. It seemed a lonely and secluded place to bury someone. Then, it was just that seclusion that attracted Evan to this place whenever he needed to think or just relax. It was such a different setting from the busy cemetery where Max was laid to rest. Yet, each location matched the individual’s likes and preferences. Or, at least, I hoped that they did.

    I found myself spending a good deal of time wondering how much I really knew these men that I’d married. For Max, it was the hurtful discovery of a mistress who carried a child that he believed to be his. It didn’t matter that the child ended up being fathered by someone else. He’d still kept the situation a secret from me and he’d continued to sleep with her while sleeping with me. Besides that, because he suffered from sex addiction, he favored rendezvousing with women for sex now and then. For Evan, it was just his wealth that I’d discovered so far. As with Max, he possessed untold wealth that was passed on to me as his wife and survivor.

    How could I love them with such intensity, yet know them so little?

    I had no intention of getting entangled in another relationship, but, should it unexpectedly occur, I promised myself that I’d take it slow and not agree to any type of commitment such as marriage until I knew a good deal more about the man than I’d known with both Max and Evan. Even Peter. I may not have married him, but I’d given him my heart without finding out some very important facts about him. Such as the bit of information that Angela was so eager to share with me about the fact that he already had a wife and children tucked away.

    Nothing like a mistress or wife had surfaced with Evan, but it was still early. He’d anticipated our marriage early enough to include me in his will, but nothing that would indicate that he’d kept information from me other than his outrageous wealth showed up during the reading of it. I’d yet to go through his belongings and deal with things of that nature. Only when I did, would I know the truth about him. Admittedly, if there was something being kept from me like a woman or a bastard child, I wasn’t up to knowing just yet. I had all I could deal with at the moment. More would have sent me over the edge. I was sure of it.

    I was pulled from my reverie when Megan approached with my infant son, Joseph, cradled in her arms.

    He’s fussing like he might be hungry, she said as she lovingly gazed at his cherub face.

    I remained sitting with my back against Evan’s headstone as I reached out to accept my little bundle of joy.

    It’s feeding time, I said as I unfastened my top and exposed a breast. My breasts were calling for him for quite a while.

    Yet, here you sit, she mused with a frown and a shake of her head.

    We need to keep some type of trash receptacle here. I’ve got no place to toss my soiled nursing pad, I grumbled as Joseph latched onto my nipple. The cramping sensation that resulted in my abdomen made me jolt just a bit. The difference in sensations when he nurses verses when a man suckles is quite surprising. I actually feel an ache in my uterus when he feeds. It’s certainly not arousing.

    It is an odd thing, Megan said. If I’m not mistaken, that ache will stop once your uterus returns to normal after having the baby. The breast feeding is actually speeding the process. After six months, I’d think it would be back to normal by now.

    Sometimes it takes up to a year. The human body is a fascinating thing, I mused as I looked down at my son’s head. It looked so small as he fed from my engorged, oversized breast. His hand looked even tinier as his perfect little fingers kneaded my bulbous flesh while he drank his fill.

    Speaking of that. I think it might be a good idea for you to get back into practicing medicine, Megan said. People are asking for you whenever I go out of the house. They’re not only concerned about you after Max’s death, but they’re looking for medical care.

    Max was a popular man, I said.

    And well loved, she added. You became more endeared to the community by marrying him.

    What about Evan? I asked with irritation. I’d yet to mourn for Max. That would come in time, I was sure, but, for now, I mourned the one person who hadn’t done me wrong.

    They don’t know that you married him and I don’t advise telling them, she said.

    The reason? I asked, defensively.

    Megan shrugged. You weren’t even married for twenty-four hours before he died. This area is not the most advanced. Its residents still dwell on the old fashioned and often superstitious. They might begin to look at you with fear. Two husbands dead. One dying within a month of marrying you and the other within hours. Think about it.

    I could care less what they think, I spat.

    What about Joseph? she asked. Do you want them labeling the child like that? You know that they will.

    I sighed. I’m too busy with my research to re-open my practice. We have no idea what’s going to happen to him. If he turns vampire, I want to be able to reverse it.

    When is your appointment with Dr. Lansbury? she asked.

    I was under the impression that you two were good friends, I said.

    We are, she replied.

    Then, why do you refer to her as Dr. Lansbury instead of Amy? I asked.

    Megan shrugged. It’s always been that way. Respect, I guess.

    Yet, you call me Vickie, I snapped.

    I had no idea why I was in such a foul mood or why I was directing it toward her.

    Megan’s brows knitted together. Are you feeling alright?

    The research is becoming all consuming, I admitted. I’m getting a lot of headaches. I should probably get my eyes checked.

    Dr… err, Amy can arrange that, she offered.

    Are you kidding me? I said with angst as I switched Joseph to the other breast. Do you expect me to only see vampire doctors?

    It’s not just that child that we have to worry about. We’re still monitoring you. Between Evan and that rogue monster, there was a lot of the vampire virus left in you, she warned. I think that rogue vampire deposited a good deal of venom when he raped you. He was probably trying to turn you.

    Which transferred into Joseph. I know, I said with disgust. I’m going to tell you something that you might not want to hear, but I feel very strongly about it. When I finally come up with a cure and I know that Joseph is safe, I don’t ever want to associate with another vampire or supernatural human again. That includes your doctor friend.

    Gee, thanks, she muttered. Am I expected to just walk away from you, then?

    You’re not supernatural. You’re magically gifted, I clarified.

    She raised a brow and cocked her head. There’s a difference?

    Vampires are unpredictable and dangerous. I have all I can do to handle humans, I stubbornly said. And don’t even get me started on werewolves and zombies.

    Do you still plan on looking for a zombie cure? she asked.

    Without Evan, the research is harder, I confessed. I knew he was a help, but I didn’t realize just how much of a help.

    Hire a nanny and I’ll pitch in more, she said.

    I heaved a sigh. I’ve thought about it, but I’m suffering trust issues these days.

    I can find someone for you, she offered. If you trust my judgement, that is.

    Where’s that coming from? I asked with surprise. Why wouldn’t I trust your judgement where my son… your godson… is concerned?

    He’s my godson? she said with glee. I had no idea.

    We’ll need to make it official at some point, if you believe in such rituals, I said. I just know that if anything ever happened to me, I’d hope that you’d step in and take care of him. I already worked it out with the lawyer.

    She grinned, broadly, as I pulled Joseph from my breast and lifted him back to her waiting arms. You were sure I’d do it, eh?

    I was hoping that you’d do it, I said as I pulled fresh nursing pads from my pocket and positioned them over my nipples. Then, I refastened the nursing bra and adjusted my shirt back to normal. Was I wrong?

    Are you crazy? she said as she planted a long, wet kiss on his smiling face before she positioned him against her shoulder and rubbed his back to encourage burping. He’s got me wrapped right around that little pinky of his and you know it. I couldn’t go a day without giving this sweet boy some love.

    I smiled with satisfaction as I stood up and brushed bits of soil from my pants before I started back across the field toward the car.

    My appointment with Dr. Lansbury is next week, I said, emphasizing the good doctor’s name.

    I’m going to stay here for a while, Megan said as she handed Joseph to me and started toward her cabin. I still have a few things to work on with the old house and I don’t want to take that energy into our living environment.

    What kind of energy are you working with? I asked.

    If you can believe it, I still haven’t been able to release Matilda from the house. She’s stuck and I can’t seem to unstick her. I’ve tried everything that I know to do, she said with frustration. I want to call in the spirits and see if they can tell me something that I might be missing. Since the estate house is spirit proofed, I don’t want to undo it.

    I appreciate that, I said as I started toward my car. I secured my son into his car seat and turned to look for her. She was just stepping on to the porch. What about Lily? I called out. Will you be calling her in?

    When she nodded, I looked at my son and sighed. I would have loved to have joined Megan so that I could see and speak with my aunt once again. Sadly, I had no one to watch him so that I could.

    I hadn’t seen Lily since she’d attended Evan’s funeral. It was mutually decided that the less supernatural energies that Joseph was exposed to, the better. We worried that, if he was on the cusp of turning, such energy could enhance the possibility. We’d even debated about taking him to Dr. Amy Lansbury, since she was a vampire, but we couldn’t have a human doctor tending to him if he ended up turning into a vampire. So, she was the only supernatural energy that he was exposed to.

    The same was with me, but I never put much thought into the fact that I too was at risk of turning. My thoughts, my world, my life was completely devoted to my son’s needs and concerns.


    Megan took her job of finding just the right nanny seriously over the next few weeks. I lost count of the number of interviewees who came and went until she finally settled on a young, British woman, named Cynthia Aimsworth.

    Twenty-four, beautiful, and full of life, Cynthia was trained and certified as a nanny in the United Kingdom before making her way to the United States. She was a believer in the paranormal, but not fearful of it. Of course, we said nothing to her about the fact that her charge could become a vampire at any time, but Megan was certain that, if he did, it wouldn’t frighten Cynthia away. Since that was a concern of mine, it was one of the first things that she assured me of.

    Although her primary duty would be to care for Joseph, Cynthia had a strong interest in the paranormal and magic. Again, this was a perk for a household such as ours.

    After checking and double-checking her references, Megan made the arrangements to bring her into the household and introduce her to my son. I didn’t interfere. Partly because of the concern that Megan expressed about my not trusting her, but it was mainly because I was wrapped up with my research. I was on the cusp of a discovery. I could feel it in my bones. Because of this, it was all consuming. If it wasn’t for the fact that I was breast feeding my son, I doubted I’d have had the presence of mind to stop and spend time with him. Such was my drive to beat the clock and find a cure before vampirism took hold of his tiny body. And, such was my complete and total faith in Megan’s care of him.

    Although I trusted Megan’s opinion and choice in a nanny, I was a little reluctant to see Cynthia take over Joseph’s care. I actually abandoned my research for a few days while I joined Megan in monitoring how well she did with him. After several days, my friend and I felt confident enough to allow her the freedom of caring for my son while we buried ourselves in research.

    Once again, my routine of pouring myself into my research while stopping to nurse my son came into play.

    Unlike Megan, who was unphased by all aspects of the human body, I discovered that Cynthia was uncomfortable with my baring my breast in front of her. So, I excused her from the room until my son was fed and called her in afterward. It was a little less convenient, but I understood that she wasn’t cut from the same mold as Megan, nor was she a doctor like me.

    With Megan by my side, I was able to make strides with my progress. Within weeks we were testing the cure against my blood.

    It doesn’t seem to hold, I complained as I watched the virus dissipate, only to resurface a few hours later. I slammed my fist onto the countertop so hard that the microscope walked a few inches.

    Maybe you should take a break, Megan suggested.

    We’re so close, I protested.

    You’re tired, she said as she inspected me closely. You look pale and there are dark circles under your eyes.

    Did you finish getting all of the ghosts from my old house? I asked.

    She gave me a stunned look. I did.

    What was the problem with Matilda? Why was she stuck? I asked.

    I don’t think that this is the time to have this conversation, she said, warily. I think that this is the time to tend to whatever’s going on with you?

    What’s the issue? Why was she stuck? I demanded in a tone that sounded mean and vicious to my own ears. I felt bad about using it on her, but I couldn’t bring myself to apologize. As crazy as it sounded, I felt like I was going to explode at any moment and that being nice would only accelerate that fact.

    After a long silence and an intense glower, she said, She was looking for Evan.

    Don’t tell me that he had some ‘thing’ going on with a ghost, I moaned.

    It’s not like you think, Megan said. Remember the argument that she said she had with her brother? The reason why she hid in the third floor apartment to begin with? Well, the argument was over Evan. She wanted to run away with him.

    No. No. No, I wailed as I placed my fingertips over my temples.

    Evan had no clue, Megan quickly said. "Not when she was alive or

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