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The Force of Vengeance: Hell's Guardian Chronicles, #2
The Force of Vengeance: Hell's Guardian Chronicles, #2
The Force of Vengeance: Hell's Guardian Chronicles, #2
Ebook151 pages2 hours

The Force of Vengeance: Hell's Guardian Chronicles, #2

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Zyra Falls-DeRaps is back, fighting against Queen Velika. Will she  challenge Velika's authority?

PublisherBria Lexor
Release dateMay 7, 2021
The Force of Vengeance: Hell's Guardian Chronicles, #2

Bria Lexor

Bria Lexor is the author of popular Urban Fantasy and Dark Fantasy series. She lives in Colorado and works on her books full time.

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    The Force of Vengeance - Bria Lexor


    W hoa! I said, backing away from Lyric. I never asked for an exorcism! Lyric sighed in exasperation as she grabbed me roughly by the arm and dragged me back up the concrete steps of the church.

    This is the only way to get rid of Lain; by sending her back into Tuffara’s body, where she belongs. Lyric said to me as she tied a black bandanna over my eyes. Lyric was beautiful. She had long brown hair and gem green eyes. Or at least she used to. After she dropped her human cloaking, her eyes changed. They were no longer a gem green color, but a golden color.

    When I looked into the mirror at my own eyes, I found that they were still a gem green color. I frowned and wondered why my eyes hadn’t changed to the golden color that Lyric’s had. Maybe it was the fact that I was a latent vampire and my fire ability hadn’t yet manifested itself. That had to be it. I mean, what else could it be? I had no idea why my mother had blindfolded me. Just because I’m possessed didn’t mean that I couldn’t step foot into a church. I’ve been to church plenty of times before, with no problem. So why should this time be any different?

    Can you see anything? Lyric asked me.

    Well, my eyes are closed, so how am I supposed to see anything? I replied bluntly. In response to my smart ass answer, Lyric jerked me forward, and I nearly lost my balance. Hey. I said, annoyed by her throwing me around like a rag-doll. A little warning would be nice next time. As we walked on, I heard a door open to my left. We entered the room, and the door shut behind us. I’m then seated in a wooden chair and I felt the handcuffs being latched tightly to my wrists and the armrest. They shackle my ankles to the legs of the chair and the blindfold came off. I winced as the intense lighting hit my eyes. I blinked until my eyes adjusted and I took in my surroundings. I was in a large room somewhere in the church. There was a long wooden table that held Holy Water, a black Bible, a gold crucifix, and other things a priest would need in a church setting. Standing in the room was Nõka Deveraux, a fellow Hunter, who drove me and my accomplices to Orpheum, Montana, to rescue four royals and Priestess Ivashka from Queen Velika’s court. Nõka was two years older than me, and she was always cheerful. She had short brown hair and neon green eyes. As I found out, the neophytes and Hunters at Ivashka Vampire Academy all had different colored eyes. I guess that whatever they specialized in gave them their eye color.

    Next was Timbrax DeRaps, my husband. It turns out that on our journey to Montana; we went through the astral thread, a thread that only Varacolaci can get through, to get to another destination much quicker. We ended up in Las Vegas, Nevada. He and I ended up getting married. It was a fake wedding, of course. At least that’s what Timbrax had told me, which ended up being a total lie. The only way that Timbrax could keep his inheritance was to marry someone by his 18th Birthday. I’m bound to him for life, so I seemed like the obvious choice for him in his mind. Nitan Westfall was there as well. Nitan became one of my first friends at the academy and was an air user. I knew him as a Rough Assassin. His metal armband was white, and they branded his shoulder blade with a vampire holding a vampire skull. It turns out that Nitan was also a mind reader. This is something he failed to mention to me. He reads my mind without my permission, purposely, whenever he feels the need to do it and out of boredom. He and Nõka are secretly dating behind the Hunter’s back. If anyone finds out about their relationship, they would end Nõka from the academy.

    Amon Touya, aka Chaos, was there too. Now, this guy was tall, handsome, had dark black hair that hung to his shoulders and he also had golden eyes. Did I mention that he’s also my father? The first time I ever met him was when I came to the academy. I was told he was of Japanese descent, which, of course, turned out to be a complete and total lie for the benefit of my fake human biography. He was actually Italian, and his mother turned out to be Priestess Ludovica Ivashka herself, making me her granddaughter. It was a total shock to my system and all of this either came to light or happened within the first two weeks of me being at the academy. Then there was Abel Lapis. His proper name is actually Lapis Haven, Prince of The Haven Clan. He learned to control his transformation and can stay in his human form during the night, if he wants to. He’s also Lain’s boyfriend. Abel loved Lain so much that he wanted her to become his Princess. Lain and Shinka are the same person, one soul, one mind. The only difference between the two is that Lain is inside of my body and she needed her own name but is actually Shinka. But when I was born, I was dying, and Abel placed a small part of Tuffara’s soul into my body so I could have a chance at life. Shinka Fox and Tuffara Metta are the same person, only now, Shinka has to go by Tuffara to keep her identity hidden from the Slayers. Now he regrets that decision because he can’t stand the sight of me as long as she remains inside of my body. Probably because I remind him of Tuffara.

    Head Mistress Parisi was also in attendance. She runs the academy, and she has rainbow colored eyes. She gave me the assignment to gain access to the archives of Hell’s Guardian, which also was in Queen Velika’s castle. I stole the archives, but haven’t had the time to read them, because I was trying to stay alive and all. Queen Velika cursed my grandmother and her future female kin, with a branding on the left wrist of a crescent moon with a star. The marking is small, but we can never break the curse. Finally, my mother, Lyric and a priest dressed in a white robe, stood in front of me. I suddenly felt like an animal trapped in a corner, as the fear started rising in me. I suddenly felt a burning sensation on my wrist. I looked down and noticed that the silver handcuffs caused my pain. Even though I was a vampire, silver still affected me. It burned like hell and I shook my wrist around trying to break free, but had no luck. I’m stuck and there was no escaping the exorcism. Everyone surrounded me, and suddenly I started freaking out on them. The priest opened the Bible and started speaking in Latin. I suddenly felt the shifting in my body as Lain took over. And she wasn’t too happy with the fact that they were trying to kick her out of me.

    I see you’re trying to get rid of me. Lain growled to them, You must try harder than that guys. she laughed evilly and Abel growled at her. You still love me, don’t you, baby? Lain asked Abel innocently.

    Abel wasn’t stupid. He knew Lain was evil and wanted nothing to do with her. I’m done with you, Lain. he said, convulsing. Lain only taunted him by saying nasty things to him. Nobody in the room paid her any mind as they focused on getting her out of my body by saying prayers together out loud. Lain screamed and cursed her head off. I didn’t think you could curse in a church, but apparently Lain did. This went on for about 6 hours. And Lain was growing weaker and weaker. I was also weak as I stood behind the invisible glass barrier within my mind and watched them. Finally, Lain gave one last scream and my head dropped. Everyone stared in stunned silence as I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at them.

    She’s gone. I said in a weak voice. I can’t feel her presence anymore. That was the last thing I remember because I blacked out from exhaustion.

    I don’t know how long I was out. I had nightmares about the shooting at the academy, one after another. I saw Darien Vangalis being shot in the forehead as he sat in front of me at the lunch table. He was one of Nitan’s best friends, and I had a sickening realization that that bullet’s meant for me. It only missed me by inches as I put my head down before it whizzed over my head. I saw the lifeless bodies of neophytes and Hunters alike, as I passed them in the halls, trying to track down the lone gunman. He turned out to be neophyte Zamion De Leon. He was a quiet neophyte who seemed like a good kid. He was always helping other neophytes and didn’t seem to stand out. But that’s what made him so dangerous. Queen Velika had gotten to Zamion and convinced him she would turn him into a Varacolaci if he would kill me for her. Too bad Queen Velika’s plan backfired. Zamion was the first Varacolaci that I ever faced as a Hunter, and boy was he strong. He overpowered me and nearly killed me. But Lain came to the forefront and mutilated him, thus the exorcism. My eyes shot open, and I sat up with a jolt. I was breathing heavily and rested my head on the palms of my hands. I took a few deep breaths and finally calmed myself down. I looked up and am surprised to find myself in an unknown bedroom.

    I was lying in a Tempur-Pedic bed with a purple comforter. The room was massive, at least 15 x 15 feet. To the right was the door, and a bookcase sat next to it. It held shelves upon shelves of books. Next to the bookcase was a wardrobe closet. It had two large doors, so I assumed it had to be a walk-in closet. That was pretty cool. I’ve always wanted a walk-in closet. Seriously, what girl doesn’t want a walk-in closet? A big rectangular window sat right behind the bed, with sheer purple curtains. Really, they were more of a lavender color; I guess. On the left was a chest of drawers, a smaller window sat in the middle of the chest of drawers and an oak writing table with a black chair. A small bedside couch, with

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