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Exposing the Epidemic that Is Destroying Families...: ...and It's Not Drugs
Exposing the Epidemic that Is Destroying Families...: ...and It's Not Drugs
Exposing the Epidemic that Is Destroying Families...: ...and It's Not Drugs
Ebook81 pages35 minutes

Exposing the Epidemic that Is Destroying Families...: ...and It's Not Drugs

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Pornography is fueling the destruction of multi-generations. We are in a battle. Open this book and enter the fight for your life, not only for you, but for generations to come.
Release dateSep 3, 2019
Exposing the Epidemic that Is Destroying Families...: ...and It's Not Drugs

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    Book preview

    Exposing the Epidemic that Is Destroying Families... - Pamela A. McBride



    This book is about exposing the epidemic of pornography that is destroying families. It is about taking back what was stolen from us through the spirit of lust and dysfunctional ways of coping. The intention is to lay bare its effects, bring hope and facilitate breakthroughs. It is a journey of sharing God’s grace and love so we can pass on blessings to our families for generations to come.

    "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and

    by the word of their testimony."

    (NKJV, Revelation 12:11)

    When our families are healthy, our nation is strong. When we teach truth and stand on Godly principles, we create an unshakable foundation.

    A famous scene in the movie Gladiator shows Maximus and his men in the Roman arena with only shields and spears. They were pitted against fully armed charioteers with the expectation of annihilation. Maximus said, We have a better chance of survival if we work together. If we stay together, we survive.1 Against all odds, they locked their shields as one, and the chariots charging them were overturned.

    It appears our society is in the arena facing vast chariots of pornography (a spirit of lust) which, by the way, is fueling the sex trade industry. It is time to recognize what is happening. Only then can the stronghold of pornography be broken.

    Throughout my life I have watched the spirit of lust take down the most distinguished. Lust has no boundaries or social status. It will come in with finesse and charm and go out like a wrecking ball destroying everyone in its path.

    There is a truth that will save you. There is also a lie running parallel to the truth that will destroy you. Then there is the Sword to decipher between the two.

    For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

    (NIV Hebrews 4:12)

    God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey. Nothing and no one is impervious to God’s Word. We can’t get away with it—no matter what.

    (MSG Hebrews 4:12)

    It doesn’t matter how ugly your sin, but it does matter whom you listen to. Satan will tell you there is no way out. However, the truth is that God made a way for freedom from your mistakes before you were born!

    Even if your mistakes and bad choices have driven you to thoughts of suicide, please keep reading.

    Find the truth, then go help others.


    1   The Gladiator, Dreamworks, Universal, Paramount a Viacom Company, TM & Copyright 2010 by Paramount Pictures


    Chapter One


    Several years ago the Lord showed me two words displayed in this fashion:



    What we are calling family in this country is, in most cases, famine. We are living in the same house, but all on different devices and in separate rooms. There is often little relationship and even less mentoring. The result is that the kids are not being mentored, or by someone other than mom and dad.

    We have reached a crucial tipping point of either famine or family. We have allowed the walls around our families to be demolished and creepy things have entered through the back door. If you could see what slithered into the abode while the guards were dismissed, it would scare you!

    It is easier to stick our heads in the sand and think, It really can’t be all that bad. Looking at the truth could paralyze you in fear, but with God’s strength, it will motivate you to rise up, take the Sword of truth and rebuild the walls that have crumbled. The decisions we make now will affect generations to come, or as Maximus in the movie Gladiator states, What we do in life echoes in eternity.1

    We are now looking at a mountain of evil and many families are falling for the lie

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