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Learning Mastercam X8 Lathe 2D Step by Step
Learning Mastercam X8 Lathe 2D Step by Step
Learning Mastercam X8 Lathe 2D Step by Step
Ebook552 pages5 hours

Learning Mastercam X8 Lathe 2D Step by Step

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About this ebook

This unique text presents a thorough introduction to Mastercam X8 Lathe for anyone with little or no prior experience with the software. It can be used in virtually any educational setting -- from four-year engineering schools to community colleges and voc/tech schools to industrial training centers -- and will also serve as a reliable reference for on-the-job use or as a self-study manual. The award-winning author has carefully arranged the contents in a clear and logical sequence and has used many hundreds of visuals instead of wordy explanations. He has also provided exercises from the text for student practice.   

    • Emphasizes student-friendly visual displays in place of long explanations and definitions.
    • Uses numerous examples that provide step-by-step instructions with visual displays.
    • Eliminates flipping between pages by featuring all explanations on the same page as the example.
    • Covers all aspects of using Mastercam X8 to machine various types of parts and contains a process plan describing the machining operations to be carried out to machine each part.
    • Contains student exercises at the end of each chapter
    • The enclosed CD contains the complete Mastercam X8 Demo, as well as student practice exercises from the book.
    Release dateMar 15, 2015
    Learning Mastercam X8 Lathe 2D Step by Step

    James Valentino

    James Valentino holds a doctorate in applied mechanics from the Polytechnic University of New York. He has over 25 years experience teaching technology courses and many years in industry. Currently, he is professor and chairperson of the department of Mechanical Engineering Technology & Design Drafting at Queensborough Community College (CUNY). He is a member of Sigma XI, a senior member of SME, and coauthor of Learning Mastercam X2 Mill Step-by-Step, also published by Industrial Press.

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      Book preview

      Learning Mastercam X8 Lathe 2D Step by Step - James Valentino


      The Personal Roots of Greening the Supply Chain:

      Why I Think This Matters!

      I have been in the greening the supply chain business since 1980 when I joined the military. I was a young environmentalist throughout my school years. And I was a child of a parents who went through the 1970s as environmentalist and resource efficiency masters—parents who repeated the phrases our budget is tight (with six children), we buy what we need, nothing is wasted, and minimize our waste were just a few phrases!

      After high school, fresh off the lessons of living a environmentally friendly life, I enlisted in the United States Air Force. I was able to understand as one of the youngest airman on base that the impacts of badly designed, manufactured, and transported products could have economic, environmental, and social impacts throughout the entire supply chain, especially when those items make their way on to a major military installation. It was clear to me that the military needed some fresh environmental lessons from my home in Reynoldsburg, Ohio, and I was going to be that change-agent.

      My first military assignment after basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, and technical schooling at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi was at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming. I was assigned to the Procurement and Contracting Division. Although procurement is traditionally near the end of the traditional supply chain, I was able to witness the excesses of waste and environmental impacts based on our procurement activity. As our procurement and contracting activity increased each year, our contracts for traditional and hazardous waste removal also increased—a cause and effect relationship. I tried to influence this highly regulated procurement environment as best I could by challenging suppliers and our departments on the need to reduce their oversights. (Do we need these items? Do we need to procure items that carry the burden of environmental damage?). I received the buck stops here award for the environmental work that I was involved with and this contributed to my prestigious special duty assignment to Air Force ROTC Detachment 485 at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey ... a three-year military assignment on a university campus. This was an excellent military assignment for a still very young enlisted military officer.

      After six years of military service, I was honorably discharged, and I spent two years in healthcare procurement at St. Peter’s Medical Center in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Healthcare supply chain and procurement activity also involved a significant amount of environmentally harmful impacts due to the supplies, equipment, and waste disposal (traditional, medical, and hazardous) related to the activities of a major research hospital. As a purchasing professional in this environment, where life, health, well-being, recovery, and efficacy are the prime objectives, procurement of the right supplies, materials, and equipment to support these objectives was of prime concern. Environmental issues were not a major concern. The incineration of medical and other waste on-site was the norm. However, as a professional purchaser, I controlled the contract, the contract which dictated the relationship between the hospital and the hundreds of suppliers providing supplies, materials, and equipment to this institution. In my short two years at St. Peter’s, I challenged our suppliers to reduce their impact on this hospital. I talked to our medical departments about what they could do to reduce their waste and energy: by requesting items that had little or no waste; by ordering in bulk with other departments; and by sharing materials and supplies with our neighboring hospitals. My goal was to provide an economically and environmentally responsible purchasing environment that complemented the growth and prestige of the hospital.

      We were able to accomplish quite a bit in this effort, as our medical departments, laboratories, emergency rooms, operating rooms, and dining and facilities service divisions were all on board. I left the hospital in good shape and ended up knowing pretty much everyone on staff! If you are greening your part of the supply chain, the relationships that you establish along the way are just as valuable as your efforts to save the planet! In fact, two very valuable colleagues who I became close to at St. Peter’s became close environmental colleagues at my next and current organization to Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.

      Rutgers, an institution with close to 900 buildings, 65,000 students, 9,000 full and part-time faculty, 15,000 full and part-time staff, located in three major cities, with research facilities in all 21 counties of New Jersey, covering over 6,200 acres, became my next and most significant introduction to greening the supply chain. This is where the research in this space took off and where this book received its foundation. I have been at Rutgers University since 1988, and the changes in leadership, faculty, staff, students, policies, and economic resources have been significant. At the same time, my quest to green this institution via its supply chain and procurement practices has been unique and rewarding. My colleagues and I want the University to serve as a model institution for sustainable development, and we want to contribute to green supply chain practice and research. Since 1988, I have used our competitive contract process to research and apply greening our supply chain as a value-added process. Rather than using the competitive contract as a stick to force our suppliers to participate in greening their supplier chains, we embedded the carrot into the stick (or at the end of the stick) and showed our suppliers the benefits to their bottom-line. We passed technology and opportunities through the bid and into the contracts, and we shared the success stories (as we did and continue to do with companies like Waste Management, Rochester Midland, Haworth, Steelcase and others). This book will provide insights, examples, and strategies into what I have been researching and developing since I started my greening supply chain journey at Rutgers, and I hope you will join in and provide your input to this fascinating but critically important area.


      A Definition of Supply Chain and Supply Chain Management:

      The network created among companies producing, handling, and/or distributing a product. Specifically, the supply chain encompasses the steps it takes to get a good or service from the supplier to the customer. Supply chain management is a crucial process for many companies, and many companies strive to have the most optimized supply chain because it usually translates to lower costs for the company. Quite often, many people confuse the term logistics with supply chain. In general, logistics refers to the distribution process between companies, whereas the supply chain includes the management of the contractual relationship between multiple companies such as suppliers, manufacturers, and the retailers. Investopedia explains Supply Chain: Supply chains include every company that comes into contact with a particular product. For example, the supply chain for most products will encompass all the companies manufacturing parts for the product, assembling it, delivering it, and selling it.

      When I teach supply chain, I believe it is important to include all the players and personnel in this process, as well as the financial aspects, communications (up and down the supply chain), and the optimization of various electronic systems that supply chain, sourcing, and procurement personnel use to maintain all the activities within this well-organized supply chain system. However, with most end-to-end processes and systems, there are materials and resources that could have damaging effects on our natural environment. This book will offer up greening the supply chain as one comprehensive way to maintain the efficient links to deliver high-quality goods and services. But can we do this with little or no damage to our ecosystem at a competitive price? I think we can, and this book will provide strategies and answers to this very important question.

      Greening the Supply Chain and Green Purchasing Overview

      In order to be good stewards of the environment, supply chain, sourcing, and procurement professionals should take the lead and buy products (and services) that conserve energy and other precious resources. In the future, products that can be designed with materials utilizing little or no natural resources, transported with little or no environmental impact, manufactured with next generation green manufacturing innovations, utilized and consumed with no health or environmental impacts, and repurposed back into the earth or become feedstock for a new generation of products will be the norm. This is the challenge for the next industrial revolution.

      No longer will we design, make, consume, and dispose with reckless abandon. We need to have financially responsible green supply chains that are smart, innovation-savvy, competitive, and are enjoyed and bring value to 100 percent of the population. Greening the supply chains is a challenge but one that should be practiced and represents the best that our profession can offer ... good sustainable businesses that thrive locally and globally.

      Ever since I started my professional supply chain/procurement career in 1980, I have witnessed green supply chain and purchasing practices that minimize negative environmental effects through the use of environmentally friendly products. Add in economically competitive strategies to this process, and you truly have green supply chains that produce products and services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services. This comparison may consider raw materials acquisition, production, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, reuse, operation, maintenance or disposal of the product or service.

      In short greening the supply chain gives you an opportunity to evaluate and assess the environmental, social, and economic impacts of individual or institutional transactions along the entire supply chain prior to a financial commitment—a commitment that may have long-term negative environmental as well as financial impacts. Professional supply chain, sourcing, logistics, and procurement decision-makers (and individual consumers) should be able to look at the entire life cycle of a product or service and determine its environmental and financial impacts before they make decisions that could have long lasting negative impacts.

      After leaving the military in 1986 and working in procurement at St. Peter’s Medical Center for two years, I commenced research at Rutgers in July 1988 to fully understand and quantify how supply chains and procurement could have a positive impact on our environment. This research commenced, interestingly, with the end of life of products! In 1987, the state of New Jersey, passed the Resource Recovery Act, which mandated recycling. When I arrived in the Procurement Office at Rutgers to start my career as a buyer, I was challenged with this new state mandate. The waste management contract needed to be sent out to for competitive bids, and the new contract incorporated waste and recyclable item removal and proper disposition. However, this contractual mandate was occurring at one of the largest public higher education systems in the nation (~800 buildings, 50,000 students, 9,000 faculty and staff) with a requirement to have this new contract in place by September 1988. With only a couple months to secure a waste management/recycling contract prior to the start of Fall term, we had some work to do!

      Although the waste management/recycling contract could be considered a standard request for proposal (RFP), I felt this opportunity was ideal for thinking beyond traditional contracting. What if we negotiated an extension to the existing waste management contract for six months, which included a basic recycling system and utilized this extension period to design and release an RFP that integrated reflected the supply chain? The Rutgers Facilities, Dining, and Housing units understood the challenge, but I launched a research initiative that studied what our Procurement Department was purchasing, along with a study of faculty, staff, and student procurement activity (outside of our central procurement transactions). I wanted to understand the end-to-end supply chain raw material extraction or chemically developed materials (e.g., plastics); how products were made and the materials, resources, and wastes associated with that process; transportation, including the weight and characteristics of moving products from place to place and the associated resources involved (e.g., fuel); product packaging; and the associated waste. Ultimately, this gave me a better understanding on how to design the RFP for our waste management and recycling program. However, more importantly, it allowed me to have an impact further up the supply chain and allowed for meaningful dialog with our contracted suppliers on how they could reduce their own impacts (e.g., using quilted blankets for our furniture shipments, which basically eliminated packing waste in this category, reduced cargo weight, allowed for innovative truck-loading strategies, thereby reducing shipping fuel costs). For this research, I developed one of the most comprehensive spreadsheets that identified transactions at the purchase order line-item level and the corresponding product descriptions, with the associated waste materials (description and weight). A daunting exercise for sure, but a critical step in this greening the supply chain process. In short, the supply chain was used to identify what was coming into our organizational environment and what was going out as waste. So, could we design an RFP for waste management and recycling that paralleled our procurement ecosystem? The answer is yes and to this day, I would argue that Rutgers University has maintained our annual average of 68 percent recycling rate as a direct result of this green supply chain, Life-Cycle Analysis.

      We issued our waste management recycling RFP in 1989 and as an institution have not looked back! Dianne Gravatt and Dave DeHart, Rutgers Facilities, were there when we began this process and our still our true leaders and champions today. Waste and recycling have been our method of dealing with the excesses of consumption and an ineffective supply chain that has an end-game (throwing stuff away). However, we need to use the concept of greening the supply chain to usher in the era of zero waste; dig deeper into the supply chain, add archaeological research of waste materials to integrate innovation into the design of products (before the supply chain commences), and have the supply chain support and rejuvenate the environment and the economy. I developed the Rutgers Business School, Supply Chain Archaeology Lab to support the on-going research into studying the end-of-life of products in order to design zero waste, to continuously collect and analyze climate impact and product data, to resource value-added products into the supply chain. You will read more about this in Chapters 1, 2 and 3.

      Supply chain and archaeology are two academic disciplines and professions that rarely, if ever, cross paths. Archaeology is the scientific study of past cultures and the way people lived based on the things they left behind or discarded (post-consumer waste). Archaeologists also study past cultures by examining artifacts, objects made, used, or changed by humans.¹ Supply chain, on the other hand, involves the movement of materials (raw materials and objects made) as they flow from their source to the end-user (customer). A supply chain is made up of the people, activities, information, and resources involved in moving a product from its supplier to customer.²

      I am a faculty member (and previous Chief Procurement Officer) at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (Rutgers Business School) where I have researched, used, and integrated both of these disciplines over the last two decades in order to understand supply chain environmental sustainability and green purchasing. I consider supply chain archaeology, environmental sustainability, and green purchasing as integrated pathways to understanding how the development and procurement of products and services impact the planet, people, and corporate profit—in other words, syncing the protection of the planet and its people while securing the financial bottom-line. As I began to examine the history and literature associated with the integration of sustainability into global supply chains, it appeared that consumers, organizations, and corporations were proactively beginning to examine their role and value in the end-to-end supply chain, taking individual and collaborative actions that showed positive cost and environmental impact reductions. These proactive supply chain participants are identifying resource reductions and environmental enhancements they can integrate into this process via resource efficiency optimization supply-circle methodologies, involving raw material reduction and reuse, energy and water efficiency measures, as well as new technology enhancements in manufacturing.

      The Supply Chain Archaeology Process

      In order to study the end of the supply chain using archaeological methods, I wanted to understand a bit about the origins of the supply chain and the products being produced. Products that are designed, developed, manufactured, consumed or used, and disposed of within the framework of a supply chain will be the focus of this book. First, let’s look at a traditional and extended view of the supply chain in Figure 1-1.

      Figure 1-1 The Traditional View of a Supply Chain

      The Approach

      In the early stages of my supply chain archaeology research (1988—present), I identified the firm Waste Management, Inc., in Houston, Texas, which without realizing it was one of the leading firms participating and perfecting archaeological methods of identifying post-consumer artifacts (waste) and the social behaviours of day-to-day production consumption, and disposal. Waste Management has used this valuable knowledge to capture, engineer, and bring value to end-of-product life processes.

      For the last 20 years, I have visited and conducted archaeological digs at landfill and waste sites around the world to gain a better understanding of end-of-life supply chain product materials. My archaeological field research involved conducting various studies on product materials and packaging, including raw material extraction, manufacturing, logistics, distribution, consumer-use, and end-of-life product movement. As product waste is delivered to landfills, waste-to-energy facilities, and recycling centers, I was able to gain a better understanding of product design, development, manufacturing, consumer use, and solid-waste disposal. This understanding included communicating my findings back upstream with all the key supply chain participants (mainly major international firms holding contracts with the University and major firms that contacted me for supply chain sustainability and optimization research) to inform them of possible alterations, changes, or reductions in their existing processes in order to reduce their environmental and economic impacts. However, during the last couple of decades, my supply chain archaeological research has progressed to show that post-consumer products could increase in value if a more integrated upstream/downstream value-based systems-thinking approach to supply chain management entered our professional mind-set. This research would involve identifying upstream value-based embedded product materials (and energy) being transferred (via the existing supply chain) into postconsumer product waste, which could be:

      1.  Returned safely to the environment;

      2.  Be used as new product manufacturing feedstock, which has value-added economic and environmental benefits;

      3.  Product feedstock for downstream localized energy production.

      The last scenario holds interesting promise because this would be a nice paradigm shift, syncing all supply chain participants to be engaged in designing all products with a downstream energy production rating, which would ultimately increase the products downstream local value, possibly a value greater than the energy used to create the product in the first place!

      The Supply Chain Paradigm Shift

      If you take a 100,000-foot view of the current supply chain process, one would witness an efficient system of engineers, designers, supply chain practitioners, logisticians, and operations professionals collaboratively developing new concepts for resource-efficient products that will be manufactured leanly and globally in order to satisfy our worldwide consumption needs. However, my high-elevation view and research overlays this supply chain system with a systems-thinking environmental and archaeological analysis (in real-time) with inputs that provide all players the ability to modify the model and process instantaneously. This is an observation that shows that value-based total cost of ownership (TCO) and return on investment (ROI) include the waste, energy, air, and water usage impacts and costs being absorbed by multiple players in this supply chain process with maximum upstream value producing little or no negative downstream impacts. In most cases, the current downstream customer, which can include consumers as well as communities, is absorbing and paying an ever increasing environmental and economic price beyond the initial price tag (via municipal taxes for waste management, recycling, sewage, air quality impacts, etc). It is true that the cost for designing, manufacturing, and delivering products to the consumer, as well as dealing with compliance and policy requirements, are reflected in the price of products. However, professional buyers and consumers can (and should) play a critical sustainability role by incorporating upstream/downstream extended and targeted product-value concepts and criteria during their decision-to-make or buy goods and services. These procurement decisions can incorporate integrated upstream/downstream environmental and economic factors that are quantified at the pre-purchase decision point.

      Quantifying Results

      Integrated upstream/downstream environmental and economic quantification is based on the research that I have been conducting to incorporate and integrate end-to-end product data into a new supply chain archaeology optimization system that is compatible with existing enterprise resource planning, eSourcing and eProcurement systems. This integrated system (using IBM big data super computer systems located at Rutgers University) will automatically search, extract, and analyze global data on raw and recycled materials that includes product specifications; product performance; environmental, health, consumer, policy, and community issues; energy production and energy costs; packaging; and waste management. This new supply chain archaeology system will give all key supply chain stakeholders the ability to enter their specific supply chain value requirements so that the system can develop options, plans, and specifications for the transformation of products and packaging into low-impact value-added products, which have an increased pre and post-consumer value. In addition, the system will allow key stakeholders and companies (and their multi-tiered suppliers) to reduce their environmental and economic costs as part of this transformation. As part of this paradigm shift, my research also looked into how local, state, and corporate tax reductions and benefits could be obtained as part of a significant shift towards this value-chain systems-thinking process. For example, the local municipal tax structure used for managing municipal solid-waste programs is an area where environmental and economic reductions will occur—if localized energy production from downstream product repurposing is realized, the local municipal government and consumers should see a net benefit. As part of my research, I am examining the restructuring of state and county municipal solid-waste master plans in order to sync these policies and regulations with upstream/downstream product and waste flows. For example, one such program was announced on May 30, 2012: the Philadelphia Council approved a Waste Management plan to build a $20-million facility in Northeast Philadelphia to process trash in a way that creates pellets that can be used as fuel.³ Chapter 4 provides more information on big data analytics.

      Examining Waste

      Examining and collecting data on how post-consumer waste informs or transforms, and adds value to supply chains involves many moving parts and collaborations across multiple disciplines. Creating extended value-chain benefits, including quantifying the full integration of sustainability practices as well as measuring downstream waste, energy, water, and other environmental impacts and innovative opportunities has been an extremely important area of research for me. It is hard to imagine supply chain, sourcing, or procurement professionals examining past cultures and post-consumer product waste (artifacts) to gain a better understanding of their organization’s or corporation’s product design, product makeup, product sustainability, energy efficient logistics, and the downstream consumer use of their materials so that they can adjust their professional practices to quantify and extend supply chain return on investment (ROI). But I believe this archaeological understanding of end-of-product-life could be considered a critical methodology for quantifying extended value-chain benefits, could provide opportunities for upstream product designs that reduce environmental impacts and costs across the entire supply chain, while increasing customer loyalty and downstream postconsumer product resource value.

      Green Supply Chain Overview

      Supply chain, sourcing, and purchasing professionals cannot ignore the global push for integrating sustainability or green supply chain criteria into their daily business decision-making due to global consumer demand, innovation, and multiple national and international environmental policies.⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸

      Our employees continue to find new and better ways to enhance our environmental performance, which benefits our communities as well as our business. W. James McNerney, Chairman, President & CEO, Boeing Company

      However, in order to successfully integrate sustainability into all aspects of their supply chain, sourcing, or purchasing transactions, these professionals would have to comprehend financial and environmental impacts along the entire supply chain life cycle as they perform their day-to-day responsibilities. With the demands of an ever-changing marketplace and the quest to ensure that organizational financial resources are utilized wisely, the mandate to integrate sustainability practices could be a challenge.¹⁰ For many years, the financial impacts and performance of supply chain and procurement systems, operations, and decisions have been measured using established financial tools, such as lean six sigma¹¹ and supply chain operations reference (SCOR) models.¹². Sustainability, environmental responsibility or green business concepts and criteria are vast and are much harder to measure and associate with supply chain or procurement transactions, even when comprehensive Life-Cycle assessments (LCA) of multi-industry supply chains are executed.¹³

      The origin of Life Cycle Assessment can be found in the research that began in the 1960s in relation to the efficiency of industrial processes, in particular with respect to energy consumption. The approach originally developed was based on the ‘net energy analysis’ which considered not only direct energy consumption but the indirect consumption related to a specific process. These energy focused analyses were followed by the first emission based study commissioned by the U.S. National Science Foundation in the 1970s aimed at examining alternative methods for packaging.¹⁴

      In 1998, the International Standard Organization (ISO) designed and developed an international standard LCA analysis procedure called ISO 14040, which is described as a systematic set of procedures for compiling and examining the inputs and outputs of materials and energy and the associated environmental impacts directly attributable to the functioning of a product or service system throughout its life cycle. (Source: ISO 14040: Life cycle assessment—principles and framework, 1998). However, in order to conduct a comprehensive LCA on a product that includes all the inputs and outputs of materials and energy, and the associated environmental impacts, access to proprietary data, and hard to identify inventory of chemicals, gases, manufacturing equipment, transportation, and consumer use and post-consumer use data could prove to be extremely hard to quantify or measure.¹⁵ The limitations of the LCA could prove to be challenging as part of a supply chain downstream research study because obtaining data from the consumer may be extremely difficult. The difficulty of obtaining data could be tied to privacy issues—or how the product is used by the consumer—as well as the variety of disposal options that are hard to capture and incorporate into the LCA study. However, instead of conducting an exhaustive inconsistent LCA study, we could examine the existing publically available product data and merge this with product data obtained from the archaeological research data analysis obtained in this study. There may be a way to embedded or integrate product environmental and financial data into supply chain, sourcing, and procurement products and contracts (possibly via bar code, radio frequency identification data-RFID, or enhanced product coding identified by enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems). Environmental data contained in individual products and procurement transactions could be used to identify, measure, and report on the financial and environmental impacts of products (pre and post transaction).

      Data Extraction Approach

      As part of my initial research, I examined whether I could utilize the data contained in publicly available current product codes, product descriptions, and data contained in supplier catalogs (e.g. weight, packaging, product ingredients) and combine it with data of consumer product consumption and usage ( i.e., waste and potential energy or water usage), and chain of custody movement from origin to destination to potential disposal or repurposing to start the process of integrating this basic environmental impact data into existing financial or enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. If this data could be integrated, it could be used to provide the global marketplace with data that will allow for the development of goods and services that significantly reduce, eliminate, or repurpose solid municipal waste, energy and water usage, and wastewater generation along the entire supply chain. If this data were available via ERP systems or provided as part of professional procurement transactions, there could be opportunities for creating extended value-chain product, operational, or logistical innovations. Innovation could happen anywhere along the product or supply chain, including the design and development of products and packaging, which incorporate end-of-product life repurposing, such as design-for-the-environment concepts biomimicry¹⁶ or are used locally as feedstock for energy production. These concepts could have economic reductions and little or no environmental impact downstream for consumers and provide incentives for further innovations.


      I have conducted applied practitioner research on the financial and environmental impacts of institutional supply chain, sourcing, and purchasing transactions further down the decision-making process. During fiscal year 2010/11, in my last year as the Executive Director and Chief Procurement Officer of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, I created a procurement transaction database, which I used to record all my procurement transactions by purchase order line item (most of these transactions occurred at the Rutgers-Camden Campus). After one year, I recorded over 4,000 purchase order line items, and unlike any procurement transaction reports that the University had created in my 26 yearss at Rutgers, I expanded this report to include data fields for identifying the solid waste, recyclable waste, and potential water and energy usage associated with the items I procured for the University. I was able to obtain the data by researching supplier published product data as well as conducting field research (going to academic departments to identify, measure, and record data).

      This book and the research I conducted will show that we may be able to integrate financial and environmental data upstream and downstream at the product line-item

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